# luarocks upload Upload a rockspec to the public rocks repository. ## Usage `luarocks upload [--skip-pack] [--api-key=] [--force] []` Packs a source rock file (`.src.rock`) using a rockspec and Uploads a rockspec and a source rock file (`.src.rock`) to the public rocks repository. If the `.src.rock` file is not given, the command generates the `.src.rock` file from the rockspec by itself. To access the server, an API key is required. It is passed using `--api-key` option and can be issued at the [LuaRocks site](https://luarocks.org/) on the "Setting" page after logging in. If `--skip-pack` is passed, the source rock is not packed and only the rockspec is uploaded. If `--force` is passed, existing files will be overwritten if the same version of the package already exists. ## Example ``` luarocks upload my-rock-0.1.0-1.rockspec --api-key= ```