Student Application - Google Summer of Code 2018
(Many thanks to LabLua for the student application template on which this one is largely based!)
- What is your preferred email address?
- Do you have a web page / blog / GitHub account?
- What is your academic background?
- What other time commitments, such as school work, another job (GSoC is a full-time activity!), or planned vacations will you have during the period of GSoC?
- What programming languages are you fluent in? Which tools do you normally use for development?
- Are you familiar with the Lua programming language? Have you developed any projects using Lua?
- Have you ever used LuaRocks?
- Have you developed software in a team environment before? Any projects with actual users?
- What kinds of projects/software have you worked on previously? (anything larger than a class project: academic research, internships, freelance, hobby projects, etc.)
- Are you (or have you been) involved with any free software development project? If so, briefly describe the project and the scope of your involvement.
- Did you select a project from our list? If yes, which project did you select? Why did you choose this project? If you are proposing a project, give a description of your proposal, including the expected results.
- Please provide a schedule with dates and important milestones/deliverables, in two week increments).
- What will be showable one month into the project?
- What will be showable two months into the project?
- Have you participated as a student in GSoC before? If so, How many times, which year, which project?
- Have you applied but were not selected? When, and to which organization?
- Did you apply this year to any other organizations?