rem=rem --[[ @setlocal& set luafile="%~f0" & if exist "%~f0.bat" set luafile="%~f0.bat" @win32\lua5.1\bin\lua5.1.exe %luafile% %*& exit /b ]] local vars = {} vars.PREFIX = nil vars.VERSION = "3.0" vars.SYSCONFDIR = nil vars.SYSCONFFORCE = nil vars.CONFBACKUPDIR = nil vars.SYSCONFFILENAME = nil vars.CONFIG_FILE = nil vars.TREE_ROOT = nil vars.TREE_BIN = nil vars.TREE_LMODULE = nil vars.TREE_CMODULE = nil vars.LUA_INTERPRETER = nil vars.LUA_PREFIX = nil vars.LUA_BINDIR = nil vars.LUA_INCDIR = nil vars.LUA_LIBDIR = nil vars.LUA_LIBNAME = nil vars.LUA_VERSION = "5.1" vars.LUA_SHORTV = nil -- "51" vars.LUA_RUNTIME = nil vars.UNAME_M = nil vars.COMPILER_ENV_CMD = nil vars.MINGW_BIN_PATH = nil vars.MINGW_CC = nil vars.MINGW_MAKE = nil vars.MINGW_RC = nil vars.MINGW_LD = nil vars.MINGW_AR = nil vars.MINGW_RANLIB = nil local FORCE = false local FORCE_CONFIG = false local INSTALL_LUA = false local USE_MINGW = false local USE_MSVC_MANUAL = false local REGISTRY = true local NOADMIN = false local PROMPT = true local SELFCONTAINED = false local lua_version_set = false --- -- Some helpers -- local pe = assert(loadfile(".\\src\\luarocks\\fs\\win32\\pe-parser.lua"))() local function die(message) if message then print(message) end print() print("Failed installing LuaRocks. Run with /? for help.") os.exit(1) end local function exec(cmd) --print(cmd) local status = os.execute("type NUL && "..cmd) return (status == 0 or status == true) -- compat 5.1/5.2 end local function exists(filename) local cmd = [[.\win32\tools\test -e "]]..filename..[["]] return exec(cmd) end local function mkdir (dir) return exec([[.\win32\tools\mkdir -p "]]..dir..[[" >NUL]]) end -- does the current user have admin privileges ( = elevated) local function permission() return exec("net session >NUL 2>&1") -- fails if not admin end -- rename filename (full path) to backupname (name only), appending number if required -- returns the new name (name only) local function backup(filename, backupname) local path = filename:match("(.+)%\\.-$").."\\" local nname = backupname local i = 0 while exists(path..nname) do i = i + 1 nname = backupname..tostring(i) end exec([[REN "]]..filename..[[" "]]..nname..[[" > NUL]]) return nname end -- interpolate string with values from 'vars' table local function S (tmpl) return (tmpl:gsub('%$([%a_][%w_]*)', vars)) end local function print_help() print(S[[ Installs LuaRocks. /P [dir] Where to install LuaRocks. Default is %PROGRAMFILES%\LuaRocks Configuring the destinations: /TREE [dir] Root of the local system tree of installed rocks. Default is {BIN}\..\ if {BIN} ends with '\bin' otherwise it is {BIN}\systree. /SCRIPTS [dir] Where to install commandline scripts installed by rocks. Default is {TREE}\bin. /LUAMOD [dir] Where to install Lua modules installed by rocks. Default is {TREE}\share\lua\{LV}. /CMOD [dir] Where to install c modules installed by rocks. Default is {TREE}\lib\lua\{LV}. /CONFIG [dir] Location where the config file should be installed. Default is to follow /P option /SELFCONTAINED Creates a self contained installation in a single directory given by /P. Sets the /TREE and /CONFIG options to the same location as /P. And does not load registry info with option /NOREG. The only option NOT self contained is the user rock tree, so don't use that if you create a self contained installation. Configuring the Lua interpreter: /LV [version] Lua version to use; either 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, or 5.4. Default is auto-detected. /LUA [dir] Location where Lua is installed - e.g. c:\lua\5.1\ If not provided, the installer will search the system path and some default locations for a valid Lua installation. This is the base directory, the installer will look for subdirectories bin, lib, include. Alternatively these can be specified explicitly using the /INC, /LIB, and /BIN options. /INC [dir] Location of Lua includes - e.g. c:\lua\5.1\include If provided overrides sub directory found using /LUA. /LIB [dir] Location of Lua libraries (.dll/.lib) - e.g. c:\lua\5.1\lib If provided overrides sub directory found using /LUA. /BIN [dir] Location of Lua executables - e.g. c:\lua\5.1\bin If provided overrides sub directory found using /LUA. /L Install LuaRocks' own copy of Lua even if detected, this will always be a 5.1 installation. (/LUA, /INC, /LIB, /BIN cannot be used with /L) Compiler configuration: By default the installer will try to determine the Microsoft toolchain to use. And will automatically use a setup command to initialize that toolchain when LuaRocks is run. If it cannot find it, it will default to the /MSVC switch. /MSVC Use MS toolchain, without a setup command (tools must be in your path) /MW Use mingw as build system (tools must be in your path) Other options: /FORCECONFIG Use a single config location. Do not use the LUAROCKS_CONFIG variable or the user's home directory. Useful to avoid conflicts when LuaRocks is embedded within an application. /F Remove installation directory if it already exists. /NOREG Do not load registry info to register '.rockspec' extension with LuaRocks commands (right-click). /NOADMIN The installer requires admin privileges. If not available it will elevate a new process. Use this switch to prevent elevation, but make sure the destination paths are all accessible for the current user. /Q Do not prompt for confirmation of settings ]]) end -- *********************************************************** -- Option parser -- *********************************************************** local function parse_options(args) for _, option in ipairs(args) do local name = if name == "/?" then print_help() os.exit(0) elseif name == "/P" then vars.PREFIX = option.value elseif name == "/CONFIG" then vars.SYSCONFDIR = option.value vars.SYSCONFFORCE = true elseif name == "/TREE" then vars.TREE_ROOT = option.value elseif name == "/SCRIPTS" then vars.TREE_BIN = option.value elseif name == "/LUAMOD" then vars.TREE_LMODULE = option.value elseif name == "/CMOD" then vars.TREE_CMODULE = option.value elseif name == "/LV" then vars.LUA_VERSION = option.value lua_version_set = true elseif name == "/L" then INSTALL_LUA = true elseif name == "/MW" then USE_MINGW = true elseif name == "/MSVC" then USE_MSVC_MANUAL = true elseif name == "/LUA" then vars.LUA_PREFIX = option.value elseif name == "/LIB" then vars.LUA_LIBDIR = option.value elseif name == "/INC" then vars.LUA_INCDIR = option.value elseif name == "/BIN" then vars.LUA_BINDIR = option.value elseif name == "/FORCECONFIG" then FORCE_CONFIG = true elseif name == "/F" then FORCE = true elseif name == "/SELFCONTAINED" then SELFCONTAINED = true elseif name == "/NOREG" then REGISTRY = false elseif name == "/NOADMIN" then NOADMIN = true elseif name == "/Q" then PROMPT = false else die("Unrecognized option: " .. name) end end end -- check for combination/required flags local function check_flags() if SELFCONTAINED then if not vars.PREFIX then die("Option /P is required when using /SELFCONTAINED") end if vars.SYSCONFDIR or vars.TREE_ROOT or vars.TREE_BIN or vars.TREE_LMODULE or vars.TREE_CMODULE then die("Cannot combine /TREE, /SCRIPTS, /LUAMOD, /CMOD, or /CONFIG with /SELFCONTAINED") end end if INSTALL_LUA then if vars.LUA_INCDIR or vars.LUA_BINDIR or vars.LUA_LIBDIR or vars.LUA_PREFIX then die("Cannot combine option /L with any of /LUA /BIN /LIB /INC") end if vars.LUA_VERSION ~= "5.1" then die("Bundled Lua version is 5.1, cannot install "..vars.LUA_VERSION) end end if not vars.LUA_VERSION:match("^5%.[1234]$") then die("Bad argument: /LV must either be 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, or 5.4") end if USE_MSVC_MANUAL and USE_MINGW then die("Cannot combine option /MSVC and /MW") end end -- *********************************************************** -- Detect Lua -- *********************************************************** local function detect_lua_version(interpreter_path) local handler = io.popen(('type NUL && "%s" -e "io.stdout:write(_VERSION)" 2>NUL'):format(interpreter_path), "r") if not handler then return nil, "interpreter does not work" end local full_version = handler:read("*a") handler:close() local version = full_version:match(" (5%.[1234])$") if not version then return nil, "unknown interpreter version '" .. full_version .. "'" end return version end local function look_for_interpreter(directory) local names if lua_version_set then names = {S"lua$LUA_VERSION.exe", S"lua$LUA_SHORTV.exe"} else names = {"lua5.4.exe", "lua54.exe", "lua5.3.exe", "lua53.exe", "lua5.2.exe", "lua52.exe", "lua5.1.exe", "lua51.exe"} end table.insert(names, "lua.exe") table.insert(names, "luajit.exe") local directories if vars.LUA_BINDIR then -- If LUA_BINDIR is specified, look only in that directory. directories = {vars.LUA_BINDIR} else -- Try candidate directory and its `bin` subdirectory. directories = {directory, directory .. "\\bin"} end for _, dir in ipairs(directories) do for _, name in ipairs(names) do local full_name = dir .. "\\" .. name if exists(full_name) then print(" Found " .. name .. ", testing it...") local version, err = detect_lua_version(full_name) if not version then print(" Error: " .. err) else if version ~= vars.LUA_VERSION then if lua_version_set then die("Version of interpreter clashes with the value of /LV. Please check your configuration.") else vars.LUA_VERSION = version vars.LUA_SHORTV = version:gsub("%.", "") end end vars.LUA_INTERPRETER = name vars.LUA_BINDIR = dir return true end end end end if vars.LUA_BINDIR then die(("Working Lua executable (one of %s) not found in %s"):format(table.concat(names, ", "), vars.LUA_BINDIR)) end return false end local function look_for_link_libraries(directory) -- MinGW does not generate .lib, nor needs it to link, but MSVC does, -- so .lib must be listed first to ensure they are found first if present, -- to prevent MSVC trying to link to a .dll, which won't work. local names = {S"lua$LUA_VERSION.lib", S"lua$LUA_SHORTV.lib", S"lua$LUA_VERSION.dll", S"lua$LUA_SHORTV.dll", "liblua.dll.a"} local directories if vars.LUA_LIBDIR then directories = {vars.LUA_LIBDIR} else directories = {directory, directory .. "\\lib", directory .. "\\bin"} end for _, dir in ipairs(directories) do for _, name in ipairs(names) do local full_name = dir .. "\\" .. name print(" checking for " .. full_name) if exists(full_name) then vars.LUA_LIBDIR = dir vars.LUA_LIBNAME = name print(" Found " .. name) return true end end end if vars.LUA_LIBDIR then die(("Link library (one of %s) not found in %s"):format(table.concat(names, ", "), vars.LUA_LIBDIR)) end return false end local function look_for_headers(directory) local directories if vars.LUA_INCDIR then directories = {vars.LUA_INCDIR} else directories = { directory .. S"\\include\\lua\\$LUA_VERSION", directory .. S"\\include\\lua$LUA_SHORTV", directory .. S"\\include\\lua$LUA_VERSION", directory .. "\\include", directory } end for _, dir in ipairs(directories) do local full_name = dir .. "\\lua.h" print(" checking for " .. full_name) if exists(full_name) then vars.LUA_INCDIR = dir print(" Found lua.h") return true end end if vars.LUA_INCDIR then die(S"lua.h not found in $LUA_INCDIR") end return false end local function get_runtime() local f vars.LUA_RUNTIME, f = pe.msvcrt(vars.LUA_BINDIR.."\\"..vars.LUA_INTERPRETER) if type(vars.LUA_RUNTIME) ~= "string" then -- analysis failed, issue a warning vars.LUA_RUNTIME = "MSVCR80" print("*** WARNING ***: could not analyse the runtime used, defaulting to "..vars.LUA_RUNTIME) else print(" "..f.." uses "..vars.LUA_RUNTIME..".DLL as runtime") end return true end local function get_architecture() -- detect processor arch interpreter was compiled for local proc = (pe.parse(vars.LUA_BINDIR.."\\"..vars.LUA_INTERPRETER) or {}).Machine if not proc then die("Could not detect processor architecture used in "..vars.LUA_INTERPRETER) end proc = pe.const.Machine[proc] -- collect name from constant value if proc == "IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386" then proc = "x86" else proc = "x86_64" end return proc end -- get a string value from windows registry. local function get_registry(key, value) local keys = {key} local key64, replaced = key:gsub("(%u+\\Software\\)", "%1Wow6432Node\\", 1) if replaced == 1 then keys = {key64, key} end for _, k in ipairs(keys) do local h = io.popen('reg query "'..k..'" /v '..value..' 2>NUL') local output = h:read("*a") h:close() local v = output:match("REG_SZ%s+([^\n]+)") if v then return v end end return nil end local function get_visual_studio_directory() assert(type(vars.LUA_RUNTIME)=="string", "requires vars.LUA_RUNTIME to be set before calling this function.") local major, minor = vars.LUA_RUNTIME:match('VCR%u*(%d+)(%d)$') -- MSVCR or VCRUNTIME if not major then print(S[[ Cannot auto-detect Visual Studio version from $LUA_RUNTIME]]) return nil end local keys = { "HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\%d.%d\\Setup\\VC", "HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\VCExpress\\%d.%d\\Setup\\VS" } for _, key in ipairs(keys) do local versionedkey = key:format(major, minor) local vcdir = get_registry(versionedkey, "ProductDir") print(" checking: "..versionedkey) if vcdir then print(" Found: "..vcdir) return vcdir end end return nil end local function get_windows_sdk_directory() assert(type(vars.LUA_RUNTIME) == "string", "requires vars.LUA_RUNTIME to be set before calling this function.") -- Only v7.1 and v6.1 shipped with compilers -- Other versions requires a separate installation of Visual Studio. -- see local wsdks = { ["MSVCR100"] = "v7.1", -- shipped with Visual Studio 2010 compilers. ["MSVCR100D"] = "v7.1", -- shipped with Visual Studio 2010 compilers. ["MSVCR90"] = "v6.1", -- shipped with Visual Studio 2008 compilers. ["MSVCR90D"] = "v6.1", -- shipped with Visual Studio 2008 compilers. } local wsdkver = wsdks[vars.LUA_RUNTIME] if not wsdkver then print(S[[ Cannot auto-detect Windows SDK version from $LUA_RUNTIME]]) return nil end local key = "HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\"..wsdkver print(" checking: "..key) local dir = get_registry(key, "InstallationFolder") if dir then print(" Found: "..dir) return dir end print(" No SDK found") return nil end -- returns the batch command to setup msvc compiler path. -- or an empty string (eg. "") if not found local function get_msvc_env_setup_cmd() print(S[[Looking for Microsoft toolchain matching runtime $LUA_RUNTIME and architecture $UNAME_M]]) assert(type(vars.UNAME_M) == "string", "requires vars.UNAME_M to be set before calling this function.") local x64 = vars.UNAME_M=="x86_64" -- 1. try visual studio command line tools local vcdir = get_visual_studio_directory() if vcdir then local vcvars_bats = { x86 = { "bin\\vcvars32.bat", -- prefers native compiler "bin\\amd64_x86\\vcvarsamd64_x86.bat"-- then cross compiler }, x86_64 = { "bin\\amd64\\vcvars64.bat", -- prefers native compiler "bin\\x86_amd64\\vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" -- then cross compiler } } assert(vcvars_bats[vars.UNAME_M], "vars.UNAME_M: only x86 and x86_64 are supported") for _, bat in ipairs(vcvars_bats[vars.UNAME_M]) do local full_path = vcdir .. bat if exists(full_path) then return ('call "%s"'):format(full_path) end end -- try vcvarsall.bat in case MS changes the undocumented bat files above. -- but this way we don't konw if specified compiler is installed... local vcvarsall = vcdir .. 'vcvarsall.bat' if exists(vcvarsall) then local vcvarsall_args = { x86 = "", x86_64 = " amd64" } return ('call "%s"%s'):format(vcvarsall, vcvarsall_args[vars.UNAME_M]) end end -- 2. try for Windows SDKs command line tools. local wsdkdir = get_windows_sdk_directory() if wsdkdir then local setenv = wsdkdir.."Bin\\SetEnv.cmd" if exists(setenv) then return ('call "%s" /%s'):format(setenv, x64 and "x64" or "x86") end end -- finally, we can't detect more, just don't setup the msvc compiler in luarocks.bat. return "" end local function get_possible_lua_directories() if vars.LUA_PREFIX then return {vars.LUA_PREFIX} end -- No prefix given, so use PATH. local path = os.getenv("PATH") or "" local directories = {} for dir in path:gmatch("[^;]+") do -- Remove trailing backslashes, but not from a drive letter like `C:\`. dir = dir:gsub("([^:])\\+$", "%1") -- Remove trailing `bin` subdirectory, the searcher will check there anyway. if dir:upper():match("[:\\]BIN$") then dir = dir:sub(1, -5) end table.insert(directories, dir) end -- Finally add some other default paths. table.insert(directories, [[c:\lua5.1.2]]) table.insert(directories, [[c:\lua]]) table.insert(directories, [[c:\kepler\1.1]]) return directories end local function look_for_lua_install () print("Looking for Lua interpreter") if vars.LUA_BINDIR and vars.LUA_LIBDIR and vars.LUA_INCDIR then if look_for_interpreter(vars.LUA_BINDIR) and look_for_link_libraries(vars.LUA_LIBDIR) and look_for_headers(vars.LUA_INCDIR) then if get_runtime() then print("Runtime check completed.") return true end end return false end for _, directory in ipairs(get_possible_lua_directories()) do print(" checking " .. directory) if exists(directory) then if look_for_interpreter(directory) then print("Interpreter found, now looking for link libraries...") if look_for_link_libraries(directory) then print("Link library found, now looking for headers...") if look_for_headers(directory) then print("Headers found, checking runtime to use...") if get_runtime() then print("Runtime check completed.") return true end end end end end end return false end -- backup config[x.x].lua[.bak] and site_config[_x_x].lua local function backup_config_files() local temppath while not temppath do temppath = os.getenv("temp").."\\LR-config-backup-"..tostring(math.random(10000)) if exists(temppath) then temppath = nil end end vars.CONFBACKUPDIR = temppath mkdir(vars.CONFBACKUPDIR) exec(S[[COPY "$PREFIX\config*.*" "$CONFBACKUPDIR" >NUL]]) exec(S[[COPY "$PREFIX\lua\luarocks\core\site_config*.*" "$CONFBACKUPDIR" >NUL]]) end -- restore previously backed up config files local function restore_config_files() if not vars.CONFBACKUPDIR then return end -- there is no backup to restore exec(S[[COPY "$CONFBACKUPDIR\config*.*" "$PREFIX" >NUL]]) exec(S[[COPY "$CONFBACKUPDIR\site_config*.*" "$PREFIX\lua\luarocks\core" >NUL]]) -- cleanup exec(S[[RD /S /Q "$CONFBACKUPDIR"]]) vars.CONFBACKUPDIR = nil end -- Find GCC based toolchain local find_gcc_suite = function() -- read output os-command local read_output = function(cmd) local f = io.popen("type NUL && " .. cmd .. ' 2>NUL') if not f then return nil, "failed to open command: " .. tostring(cmd) end local lines = {} while true do local l = f:read() if not l then f:close() return lines end table.insert(lines, l) end end -- returns: full filename, path, filename local find_file = function(mask, path) local cmd if path then cmd = 'where.exe /R "' .. path .. '" ' .. mask else cmd = 'where.exe ' .. mask end local files, err = read_output(cmd) if not files or not files[1] then return nil, "couldn't find '".. mask .. "', " .. (err or "not found") end local path, file = string.match(files[1], "^(.+)%\\([^%\\]+)$") return files[1], path, file end local first_one = "*gcc.exe" -- first file we're assuming to point to the compiler suite local full, path, filename = find_file(first_one, nil) if not full then return nil, path end vars.MINGW_BIN_PATH = path local result = { gcc = full } for i, name in ipairs({"make", "ar", "windres", "ranlib"}) do result[name] = find_file(name..".exe", path) if not result[name] then result[name] = find_file("*""*.exe", path) end end vars.MINGW_MAKE = (result.make and '[['..result.make..']]') or "nil -- not found by installer" vars.MINGW_CC = (result.gcc and '[['..result.gcc..']]') or "nil -- not found by installer" vars.MINGW_RC = (result.windres and '[['..result.windres..']]') or "nil -- not found by installer" vars.MINGW_LD = (result.gcc and '[['..result.gcc..']]') or "nil -- not found by installer" vars.MINGW_AR = ( and '[['']]') or "nil -- not found by installer" vars.MINGW_RANLIB = (result.ranlib and '[['..result.ranlib..']]') or "nil -- not found by installer" return true end -- *********************************************************** -- Installer script start -- *********************************************************** -- Poor man's command-line parsing local config = {} local with_arg = { -- options followed by an argument, others are flags ["/P"] = true, ["/CONFIG"] = true, ["/TREE"] = true, ["/SCRIPTS"] = true, ["/LUAMOD"] = true, ["/CMOD"] = true, ["/LV"] = true, ["/LUA"] = true, ["/INC"] = true, ["/BIN"] = true, ["/LIB"] = true, } -- reconstruct argument values with spaces and double quotes -- this will be damaged by the batch construction at the start of this file local oarg = arg -- retain old table if #arg > 0 then local farg = table.concat(arg, " ") .. " " arg = {} farg = farg:gsub('%"', "") local i = 0 while #farg>0 do i = i + 1 if (farg:sub(1,1) ~= "/") and ((arg[i-1] or ""):sub(1,1) ~= "/") then i = i - 1 -- continued previous arg if i == 0 then i = 1 end end if arg[i] then arg[i] = arg[i] .. " " else arg[i] = "" end local v,r = farg:match("^(.-)%s(.*)$") arg[i], farg = arg[i]..v, r while farg:sub(1,1) == " " do farg = farg:sub(2,-1) end -- remove prefix spaces end end for k,v in pairs(oarg) do if k < 1 then arg[k] = v end end -- copy 0 and negative indexes -- build config option table with name and value elements local i = 1 while i <= #arg do local opt = arg[i] if with_arg[opt:upper()] then local value = arg[i + 1] if not value then die("Missing value for option "..opt) end config[#config + 1] = { name = opt, value = value } i = i + 1 else config[#config + 1] = { name = opt } end i = i + 1 end print(S"LuaRocks $VERSION.x installer.\n") parse_options(config) print([[ ======================== == Checking system... == ======================== ]]) check_flags() if not permission() then if not NOADMIN then -- must elevate the process with admin privileges if not exec("PowerShell /? >NUL 2>&1") then -- powershell is not available, so error out die("No administrative privileges detected and cannot auto-elevate. Please run with admin privileges or use the /NOADMIN switch") end print("Need admin privileges, now elevating a new process to continue installing...") local runner = os.getenv("TEMP").."\\".."LuaRocks_Installer.bat" local f =, "w") f:write("@echo off\n") f:write("CHDIR /D "..arg[0]:match("(.+)%\\.-$").."\n") -- return to current dir, elevation changes current path f:write('"'..arg[-1]..'" "'..table.concat(arg, '" "', 0)..'"\n') f:write("ECHO Press any key to close this window...\n") f:write("PAUSE > NUL\n") f:write('DEL "'..runner..'"') -- temp batch file deletes itself f:close() -- run the created temp batch file in elevated mode exec("PowerShell -Command (New-Object -com 'Shell.Application').ShellExecute('"..runner.."', '', '', 'runas')\n") print("Now exiting unprivileged installer") os.exit() -- exit here, the newly created elevated process will do the installing else print("Attempting to install without admin privileges...") end else print("Admin privileges available for installing") end vars.PREFIX = vars.PREFIX or os.getenv("PROGRAMFILES")..[[\LuaRocks]] vars.BINDIR = vars.PREFIX vars.LIBDIR = vars.PREFIX vars.LUADIR = S"$PREFIX\\lua" vars.INCDIR = S"$PREFIX\\include" vars.LUA_SHORTV = vars.LUA_VERSION:gsub("%.", "") if INSTALL_LUA then vars.LUA_INTERPRETER = "lua5.1" vars.LUA_BINDIR = vars.BINDIR vars.LUA_LIBDIR = vars.LIBDIR vars.LUA_INCDIR = vars.INCDIR vars.LUA_LIBNAME = "lua5.1.lib" vars.LUA_RUNTIME = "MSVCR80" vars.UNAME_M = "x86" else if not look_for_lua_install() then die("Could not find Lua. See /? for options for specifying the location of Lua, or installing a bundled copy of Lua 5.1.") end vars.UNAME_M = get_architecture() -- can only do when installation was found end -- check location of system tree if not vars.TREE_ROOT then -- no system tree location given, so we need to construct a default value if vars.LUA_BINDIR:lower():match([[([\/]+bin[\/]*)$]]) then -- lua binary is located in a 'bin' subdirectory, so assume -- default Lua layout and match rocktree on top vars.TREE_ROOT = vars.LUA_BINDIR:lower():gsub([[[\/]+bin[\/]*$]], [[\]]) else -- no 'bin', so use a named tree next to the Lua executable vars.TREE_ROOT = vars.LUA_BINDIR .. [[\systree]] end end vars.SYSCONFDIR = vars.SYSCONFDIR or vars.PREFIX vars.SYSCONFFILENAME = S"config-$LUA_VERSION.lua" vars.CONFIG_FILE = vars.SYSCONFDIR.."\\"..vars.SYSCONFFILENAME if SELFCONTAINED then vars.SYSCONFDIR = vars.PREFIX vars.SYSCONFFORCE = true vars.TREE_ROOT = vars.PREFIX..[[\systree]] REGISTRY = false end if USE_MINGW then vars.COMPILER_ENV_CMD = "" local found, err = find_gcc_suite() if not found then die("Failed to find MinGW/gcc based toolchain, make sure it is in your path: " .. tostring(err)) end else vars.COMPILER_ENV_CMD = (USE_MSVC_MANUAL and "") or get_msvc_env_setup_cmd() end print(S[[ ========================== == System check results == ========================== Will configure LuaRocks with the following paths: LuaRocks : $PREFIX Config file : $CONFIG_FILE Rocktree : $TREE_ROOT Lua interpreter : $LUA_BINDIR\$LUA_INTERPRETER binaries : $LUA_BINDIR libraries : $LUA_LIBDIR includes : $LUA_INCDIR architecture: $UNAME_M binary link : $LUA_LIBNAME with runtime $LUA_RUNTIME.dll ]]) if USE_MINGW then print(S[[Compiler : MinGW/gcc (make sure it is in your path before using LuaRocks)]]) print(S[[ in: $MINGW_BIN_PATH]]) else if vars.COMPILER_ENV_CMD == "" then print("Compiler : Microsoft (make sure it is in your path before using LuaRocks)") else print(S[[Compiler : Microsoft, using; $COMPILER_ENV_CMD]]) end end if PROMPT then print("\nPress to start installing, or press + to abort. Use install /? for installation options.") end print([[ ============================ == Installing LuaRocks... == ============================ ]]) -- *********************************************************** -- Install LuaRocks files -- *********************************************************** if exists(vars.PREFIX) then if not FORCE then die(S"$PREFIX exists. Use /F to force removal and reinstallation.") else backup_config_files() print(S"Removing $PREFIX...") exec(S[[RD /S /Q "$PREFIX"]]) print() end end print(S"Installing LuaRocks in $PREFIX...") if not exists(vars.BINDIR) then if not mkdir(vars.BINDIR) then die() end end if INSTALL_LUA then -- Copy the included Lua interpreter binaries if not exists(vars.LUA_BINDIR) then mkdir(vars.LUA_BINDIR) end if not exists(vars.LUA_INCDIR) then mkdir(vars.LUA_INCDIR) end exec(S[[COPY win32\lua5.1\bin\*.* "$LUA_BINDIR" >NUL]]) exec(S[[COPY win32\lua5.1\include\*.* "$LUA_INCDIR" >NUL]]) print(S"Installed the LuaRocks bundled Lua interpreter in $LUA_BINDIR") end -- Copy the LuaRocks binaries if not exists(S[[$BINDIR\tools]]) then if not mkdir(S[[$BINDIR\tools]]) then die() end end if not exec(S[[COPY win32\tools\*.* "$BINDIR\tools" >NUL]]) then die() end -- Copy LR bin helper files if not exec(S[[COPY win32\*.* "$BINDIR" >NUL]]) then die() end -- Copy the LuaRocks lua source files if not exists(S[[$LUADIR\luarocks]]) then if not mkdir(S[[$LUADIR\luarocks]]) then die() end end if not exec(S[[XCOPY /S src\luarocks\*.* "$LUADIR\luarocks" >NUL]]) then die() end -- Create start scripts if not exec(S[[COPY src\bin\*.* "$BINDIR" >NUL]]) then die() end for _, c in ipairs{"luarocks", "luarocks-admin"} do -- rename unix-lua scripts to .lua files if not exec( (S[[RENAME "$BINDIR\%s" %s.lua]]):format(c, c) ) then die() end -- create a bootstrap batch file for the lua file, to start them exec(S[[DEL /F /Q "$BINDIR\]]..c..[[.bat" 2>NUL]]) local f ="\\"..c..".bat", "w") f:write(S[[ @ECHO OFF SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ENABLEEXTENSIONS $COMPILER_ENV_CMD SET "LUA_PATH=$LUADIR\?.lua;$LUADIR\?\init.lua;%LUA_PATH%" IF NOT "%LUA_PATH_5_2%"=="" ( SET "LUA_PATH_5_2=$LUADIR\?.lua;$LUADIR\?\init.lua;%LUA_PATH_5_2%" ) IF NOT "%LUA_PATH_5_3%"=="" ( SET "LUA_PATH_5_3=$LUADIR\?.lua;$LUADIR\?\init.lua;%LUA_PATH_5_3%" ) SET "PATH=$BINDIR;%PATH%" "$LUA_BINDIR\$LUA_INTERPRETER" "$BINDIR\]]..c..[[.lua" %* SET EXITCODE=%ERRORLEVEL% IF NOT "%EXITCODE%"=="2" GOTO EXITLR REM Permission denied error, try and auto elevate... REM already an admin? (checking to prevent loops) NET SESSION >NUL 2>&1 IF "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" GOTO EXITLR REM Do we have PowerShell available? PowerShell /? >NUL 2>&1 IF NOT "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" GOTO EXITLR :GETTEMPNAME SET TMPFILE=%TEMP%\LuaRocks-Elevator-%RANDOM%.bat IF EXIST "%TMPFILE%" GOTO :GETTEMPNAME ECHO @ECHO OFF > "%TMPFILE%" ECHO CHDIR /D %CD% >> "%TMPFILE%" ECHO ECHO %0 %* >> "%TMPFILE%" ECHO ECHO. >> "%TMPFILE%" ECHO CALL %0 %* >> "%TMPFILE%" ECHO ECHO. >> "%TMPFILE%" ECHO ECHO Press any key to close this window... >> "%TMPFILE%" ECHO PAUSE ^> NUL >> "%TMPFILE%" ECHO DEL "%TMPFILE%" >> "%TMPFILE%" ECHO Now retrying as a privileged user... PowerShell -Command (New-Object -com 'Shell.Application').ShellExecute('%TMPFILE%', '', '', 'runas') :EXITLR exit /b %EXITCODE% ]]) f:close() print(S"Created LuaRocks command: $BINDIR\\"..c..".bat") end -- *********************************************************** -- Configure LuaRocks -- *********************************************************** restore_config_files() print() print("Configuring LuaRocks...") -- Create a site-config file local site_config = S("site_config_$LUA_VERSION"):gsub("%.","_") if exists(S([[$LUADIR\luarocks\core\]]..site_config..[[.lua]])) then local nname = backup(S([[$LUADIR\luarocks\core\]]..site_config..[[.lua]]), site_config..".lua.bak") print("***************") print("*** WARNING *** LuaRocks site_config file already exists: '"..site_config..".lua'. The old file has been renamed to '"..nname.."'") print("***************") end local f ="\\luarocks\\core\\"..site_config..".lua", "w") f:write(S[=[ local site_config = {} site_config.LUA_INCDIR=[[$LUA_INCDIR]] site_config.LUA_LIBDIR=[[$LUA_LIBDIR]] site_config.LUA_BINDIR=[[$LUA_BINDIR]] site_config.LUA_INTERPRETER=[[$LUA_INTERPRETER]] ]=]) if USE_MINGW then f:write("site_config.LUAROCKS_UNAME_S=[[MINGW]]\n") else f:write("site_config.LUAROCKS_UNAME_S=[[WindowsNT]]\n") end f:write(S[=[ site_config.LUAROCKS_UNAME_M=[[$UNAME_M]] site_config.LUAROCKS_ROCKS_TREE=[[$TREE_ROOT]] site_config.LUAROCKS_PREFIX=[[$PREFIX]] site_config.LUAROCKS_DOWNLOADER=[[wget]] site_config.LUAROCKS_MD5CHECKER=[[md5sum]] ]=]) if FORCE_CONFIG then f:write("site_config.LUAROCKS_FORCE_CONFIG=true\n") end if vars.SYSCONFFORCE then -- only write this value when explcitly given, otherwise rely on defaults f:write(S("site_config.LUAROCKS_SYSCONFDIR=[[$SYSCONFDIR]]\n")) end f:write("return site_config\n") f:close() print(S([[Created LuaRocks site-config file: $LUADIR\luarocks\core\]]..site_config..[[.lua]])) -- create config file if not exists(vars.SYSCONFDIR) then mkdir(vars.SYSCONFDIR) end if exists(vars.CONFIG_FILE) then local nname = backup(vars.CONFIG_FILE, vars.SYSCONFFILENAME..".bak") print("***************") print(S"*** WARNING *** LuaRocks config file already exists: '$CONFIG_FILE'. The old file has been renamed to '"..nname.."'") print("***************") end local f =, "w") f:write([=[ rocks_trees = { ]=]) if FORCE_CONFIG then f:write(" home..[[/luarocks]],\n") end f:write(S" { name = [[user]],\n") f:write(S" root = home..[[/luarocks]],\n") f:write(S" },\n") f:write(S" { name = [[system]],\n") f:write(S" root = [[$TREE_ROOT]],\n") if vars.TREE_BIN then f:write(S" bin_dir = [[$TREE_BIN]],\n") end if vars.TREE_CMODULE then f:write(S" lib_dir = [[$TREE_CMODULE]],\n") end if vars.TREE_LMODULE then f:write(S" lua_dir = [[$TREE_LMODULE]],\n") end f:write(S" },\n") f:write("}\n") f:write("variables = {\n") if USE_MINGW and vars.LUA_RUNTIME == "MSVCRT" then f:write(" MSVCRT = 'm', -- make MinGW use MSVCRT.DLL as runtime\n") else f:write(" MSVCRT = '"..vars.LUA_RUNTIME.."',\n") end f:write(S" LUALIB = '$LUA_LIBNAME',\n") if USE_MINGW then f:write(S[[ CC = $MINGW_CC, MAKE = $MINGW_MAKE, RC = $MINGW_RC, LD = $MINGW_LD, AR = $MINGW_AR, RANLIB = $MINGW_RANLIB, ]]) end f:write("}\n") f:write("verbose = false -- set to 'true' to enable verbose output\n") f:close() print(S"Created LuaRocks config file: $CONFIG_FILE") print() print("Creating rocktrees...") if not exists(vars.TREE_ROOT) then mkdir(vars.TREE_ROOT) print(S[[Created system rocktree : "$TREE_ROOT"]]) else print(S[[System rocktree exists : "$TREE_ROOT"]]) end vars.APPDATA = os.getenv("APPDATA") vars.LOCAL_TREE = vars.APPDATA..[[\LuaRocks]] if not exists(vars.LOCAL_TREE) then mkdir(vars.LOCAL_TREE) print(S[[Created local user rocktree: "$LOCAL_TREE"]]) else print(S[[Local user rocktree exists : "$LOCAL_TREE"]]) end -- Load registry information if REGISTRY then -- expand template with correct path information print() print([[Loading registry information for ".rockspec" files]]) exec( S[[win32\lua5.1\bin\lua5.1.exe "$PREFIX\LuaRocks.reg.lua" "$PREFIX\LuaRocks.reg.template"]] ) exec( S[[regedit /S "$PREFIX\\LuaRocks.reg"]] ) end -- *********************************************************** -- Cleanup -- *********************************************************** -- remove regsitry related files, no longer needed exec( S[[del "$PREFIX\LuaRocks.reg.*" >NUL]] ) -- *********************************************************** -- Exit handlers -- *********************************************************** vars.TREE_BIN = vars.TREE_BIN or vars.TREE_ROOT..[[\bin]] vars.TREE_LMODULE = vars.TREE_LMODULE or vars.TREE_ROOT..[[\share\lua\]]..vars.LUA_VERSION vars.TREE_CMODULE = vars.TREE_CMODULE or vars.TREE_ROOT..[[\lib\lua\]]..vars.LUA_VERSION print(S[[ ============================ == LuaRocks is installed! == ============================ You may want to add the following elements to your paths; Lua interpreter; PATH : $LUA_BINDIR PATHEXT : .LUA LuaRocks; PATH : $PREFIX LUA_PATH : $PREFIX\lua\?.lua;$PREFIX\lua\?\init.lua Local user rocktree (Note: %APPDATA% is user dependent); PATH : %APPDATA%\LuaRocks\bin LUA_PATH : %APPDATA%\LuaRocks\share\lua\$LUA_VERSION\?.lua;%APPDATA%\LuaRocks\share\lua\$LUA_VERSION\?\init.lua LUA_CPATH: %APPDATA%\LuaRocks\lib\lua\$LUA_VERSION\?.dll System rocktree PATH : $TREE_BIN LUA_PATH : $TREE_LMODULE\?.lua;$TREE_LMODULE\?\init.lua LUA_CPATH: $TREE_CMODULE\?.dll Note that the %APPDATA% element in the paths above is user specific and it MUST be replaced by its actual value. For the current user that value is: $APPDATA. ]]) os.exit(0)