local test_env = require("spec.util.test_env") local testing_paths = test_env.testing_paths local persist = require("luarocks.persist") describe("luarocks.persist #unit", function() local runner setup(function() runner = require("luacov.runner") runner.init(testing_paths.testrun_dir .. "/luacov.config") runner.tick = true end) teardown(function() runner.shutdown() end) describe("persist.save_from_table_to_string", function() it("simple table", function() assert.are.same([[ bar = 1234 foo = "string" ]], persist.save_from_table_to_string({foo = "string", bar = 1234})) end) it("nested tables", function() assert.are.same([[ bar = { baz = "string" } foo = { 1, 2, 3, 4 } ]], persist.save_from_table_to_string({foo = {1, 2, 3, 4}, bar = {baz = "string"}})) end) it("table with a keyword key (#947)", function() assert.are.same([[ bar = { ["function"] = "foo" } ]], persist.save_from_table_to_string({bar = {["function"] = "foo"}})) end) it("strings with quotes", function() assert.are.same([[ bar = "a \\backslash?" foo = "a \"quote\"?" ]], persist.save_from_table_to_string({foo = 'a "quote"?', bar = 'a \\backslash?'})) end) it("multiline strings", function() assert.are.same([===[ bar = [==[ ]] ]=]]==] foo = [[ First line Second line]] ]===], persist.save_from_table_to_string({foo = "First line\nSecond line", bar = "]]\n]=]"})) end) it("multiline strings ending with brackets", function() assert.are.same([===[ bar = [==[ ]] ]=]==] foo = [=[ First line Second line [1]]=] ]===], persist.save_from_table_to_string({foo = "First line\nSecond line [1]", bar = "]]\n]="})) end) end) end)