local test_env = {} local lfs = require("lfs") local help_message = [[ LuaRocks test-suite INFORMATION New test-suite for LuaRocks project, using unit testing framework Busted. REQUIREMENTS Be sure sshd is running on your system, or use '--exclude-tags=ssh', to not execute tests which require sshd. USAGE busted [-Xhelper ] ARGUMENTS env= Set type of environment to use ("minimal" or "full", default: "minimal"). noreset Don't reset environment after each test clean Remove existing testing environment. travis Add if running on TravisCI. appveyor Add if running on Appveyor. os= Set OS ("linux", "osx", or "windows"). lua_dir= Path of Lua installation (default "/usr/local") lua_interpreter= Name of the interpreter (default "lua") ]] local function help() print(help_message) os.exit(1) end local function title(str) print() print(("-"):rep(#str)) print(str) print(("-"):rep(#str)) end function test_env.exists(path) return lfs.attributes(path, "mode") ~= nil end function test_env.file_if_exists(path) return lfs.attributes(path, "mode") and path end --- Quote argument for shell processing. Fixes paths on Windows. -- Adds double quotes and escapes. Based on function in fs/win32.lua. -- @param arg string: Unquoted argument. -- @return string: Quoted argument. local function Q(arg) if test_env.TEST_TARGET_OS == "windows" then local drive_letter = "[%.a-zA-Z]?:?[\\/]" -- Quote DIR for Windows if arg:match("^"..drive_letter) then arg = arg:gsub("/", "\\") end if arg == "\\" then return '\\' -- CHDIR needs special handling for root dir end return '"' .. arg .. '"' else return "'" .. arg:gsub("'", "'\\''") .. "'" end end function test_env.quiet(command) if not test_env.VERBOSE then if test_env.TEST_TARGET_OS == "windows" then return command .. " 1> NUL 2> NUL" else return command .. " 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null" end else return command end end function test_env.copy(source, destination) local r_source, err = io.open(source, "r") local r_destination, err = io.open(destination, "w") while true do local block = r_source:read(8192) if not block then break end r_destination:write(block) end r_source:close() r_destination:close() end function test_env.get_tmp_path() local path = os.tmpname() if test_env.TEST_TARGET_OS == "windows" and not path:find(":") then path = os.getenv("TEMP") .. path end os.remove(path) return path end --- Helper function that runs the given function inside -- a temporary directory, isolating it -- @param f function: the function to be run function test_env.run_in_tmp(f, finally) local olddir = lfs.currentdir() local tmpdir = test_env.get_tmp_path() lfs.mkdir(tmpdir) lfs.chdir(tmpdir) if finally then finally(function() lfs.chdir(olddir) lfs.rmdir(tmpdir) end) end f(tmpdir) end --- Helper function for execute_bool and execute_output -- @param command string: command to execute -- @param print_command boolean: print command if 'true' -- @param env_variables table: table of environment variables to export {FOO="bar", BAR="foo"} -- @return final_command string: concatenated command to execution function test_env.execute_helper(command, print_command, env_variables) local final_command = "" if print_command then print("[EXECUTING]: " .. command) end local unset_variables = { "LUA_PATH", "LUA_CPATH", "LUA_PATH_5_2", "LUA_CPATH_5_2", "LUA_PATH_5_3", "LUA_CPATH_5_3", "LUAROCKS_SYSCONFDIR", } if env_variables then if test_env.TEST_TARGET_OS == "windows" then for _, k in ipairs(unset_variables) do final_command = final_command .. "set " .. k .. "=&" end for k,v in pairs(env_variables) do final_command = final_command .. "set " .. k .. "=" .. v .. "&" end final_command = final_command:sub(1, -2) .. "&" else for _, k in ipairs(unset_variables) do final_command = final_command .. "unset " .. k .. "; " end final_command = final_command .. "export " for k,v in pairs(env_variables) do final_command = final_command .. k .. "='" .. v .. "' " end -- remove last space and add ';' to separate exporting variables from command final_command = final_command:sub(1, -2) .. "; " end end final_command = final_command .. command .. " 2>&1" return final_command end function test_env.execute(cmd) local ok = os.execute(cmd) return (ok == true or ok == 0) -- normalize Lua 5.1 output to boolean end --- Execute command and returns true/false -- @return true/false boolean: status of the command execution local function execute_bool(command, print_command, env_variables) command = test_env.execute_helper(command, print_command, env_variables) local redirect_filename local redirect = "" if print_command ~= nil then redirect_filename = test_env.testing_paths.luarocks_tmp.."/output.txt" redirect = " > "..redirect_filename os.remove(redirect_filename) end local ok = test_env.execute(command .. redirect) if redirect ~= "" then if not ok or test_env.VERBOSE then local fd = io.open(redirect_filename, "r") if fd then print(fd:read("*a")) fd:close() end end os.remove(redirect_filename) end return ok end --- Execute command and returns output of command -- @return output string: output the command execution local function execute_output(command, print_command, env_variables) command = test_env.execute_helper(command, print_command, env_variables) local file = assert(io.popen(command)) local output = file:read('*all') file:close() return (output:gsub("\r\n", "\n"):gsub("\n$", "")) -- remove final newline end --- Set test_env.LUA_V or test_env.LUAJIT_V based -- on version of Lua used to run this script. function test_env.set_lua_version() if _G.jit then test_env.LUAJIT_V = _G.jit.version:match("(2%.%d)%.%d") test_env.lua_version = "5.1" else test_env.LUA_V = _VERSION:match("5%.%d") test_env.lua_version = test_env.LUA_V end end --- Set all arguments from input into global variables function test_env.set_args() -- if at least Lua/LuaJIT version argument was found on input start to parse other arguments to env. variables test_env.TYPE_TEST_ENV = "minimal" test_env.RESET_ENV = true for _, argument in ipairs(arg) do if argument:find("^env=") then test_env.TYPE_TEST_ENV = argument:match("^env=(.*)$") elseif argument == "noreset" then test_env.RESET_ENV = false elseif argument == "clean" then test_env.TEST_ENV_CLEAN = true elseif argument == "verbose" then test_env.VERBOSE = true elseif argument == "travis" then test_env.TRAVIS = true elseif argument == "appveyor" then test_env.APPVEYOR = true elseif argument:find("^os=") then test_env.TEST_TARGET_OS = argument:match("^os=(.*)$") elseif argument == "mingw" then test_env.MINGW = true elseif argument == "vs" then test_env.MINGW = false elseif argument:find("^lua_dir=") then test_env.LUA_DIR = argument:match("^lua_dir=(.*)$") elseif argument:find("^lua_interpreter=") then test_env.LUA_INTERPRETER = argument:match("^lua_interpreter=(.*)$") else help() end end if not test_env.TEST_TARGET_OS then title("OS CHECK") if package.config:sub(1,1) == "\\" then test_env.TEST_TARGET_OS = "windows" if test_env.APPVEYOR then test_env.OPENSSL_INCDIR = "C:\\OpenSSL-v111-Win32\\include" test_env.OPENSSL_LIBDIR = "C:\\OpenSSL-v111-Win32\\lib" if test_env.MINGW then test_env.OPENSSL_LIBDIR = "C:\\OpenSSL-v111-Win32\\bin" end end else local system = execute_output("uname -s") if system == "Linux" then test_env.TEST_TARGET_OS = "linux" if test_env.TRAVIS then test_env.OPENSSL_INCDIR = "/usr/include" test_env.OPENSSL_LIBDIR = "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" end elseif system == "Darwin" then test_env.TEST_TARGET_OS = "osx" if test_env.TRAVIS then test_env.OPENSSL_INCDIR = "/usr/local/opt/openssl/include" test_env.OPENSSL_LIBDIR = "/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib" end end end print(test_env.TEST_TARGET_OS) end if test_env.TEST_TARGET_OS == "windows" then test_env.lib_extension = "dll" else test_env.lib_extension = "so" end test_env.openssl_dirs = "" if test_env.OPENSSL_INCDIR then test_env.openssl_dirs = "OPENSSL_INCDIR=" .. test_env.OPENSSL_INCDIR .. " OPENSSL_LIBDIR=" .. test_env.OPENSSL_LIBDIR end return true end function test_env.copy_dir(source_path, target_path) local testing_paths = test_env.testing_paths if test_env.TEST_TARGET_OS == "windows" then execute_bool(testing_paths.win_tools .. "/cp -R ".. source_path .. "/. " .. target_path) else execute_bool("cp -a ".. source_path .. "/. " .. target_path) end end --- Remove directory recursively -- @param path string: directory path to delete function test_env.remove_dir(path) if test_env.exists(path) then for file in lfs.dir(path) do if file ~= "." and file ~= ".." then local full_path = path..'/'..file if lfs.attributes(full_path, "mode") == "directory" then test_env.remove_dir(full_path) else os.remove(full_path) end end end end lfs.rmdir(path) end --- Remove subdirectories of a directory that match a pattern -- @param path string: path to directory -- @param pattern string: pattern matching basenames of subdirectories to be removed function test_env.remove_subdirs(path, pattern) if test_env.exists(path) then for file in lfs.dir(path) do if file ~= "." and file ~= ".." then local full_path = path..'/'..file if lfs.attributes(full_path, "mode") == "directory" and file:find(pattern) then test_env.remove_dir(full_path) end end end end end --- Remove files matching a pattern -- @param path string: directory where to delete files -- @param pattern string: pattern matching basenames of files to be deleted -- @return result_check boolean: true if one or more files deleted function test_env.remove_files(path, pattern) local result_check = false if test_env.exists(path) then for file in lfs.dir(path) do if file ~= "." and file ~= ".." then if file:find(pattern) then if os.remove(path .. "/" .. file) then result_check = true end end end end end return result_check end --- Function for downloading rocks and rockspecs -- @param urls table: array of full names of rocks/rockspecs to download -- @param save_path string: path to directory, where to download rocks/rockspecs -- @return make_manifest boolean: true if new rocks downloaded local function download_rocks(urls, save_path) local luarocks_repo = "https://luarocks.org/" local to_download = {} local fixtures = {} for _, url in ipairs(urls) do if url:match("^spec/fixtures") then table.insert(fixtures, (url:gsub("^spec/fixtures", test_env.testing_paths.fixtures_dir))) else -- check if already downloaded if not test_env.exists(save_path .. "/" .. url) then table.insert(to_download, luarocks_repo .. url) end end end if #fixtures > 0 then os.execute("cp " .. table.concat(fixtures, " ") .. " " .. save_path) end if #to_download > 0 then local cmd if test_env.TEST_TARGET_OS == "windows" then cmd = test_env.testing_paths.win_tools .. "/wget --no-check-certificate -cP " .. save_path else cmd = "wget -cP " .. save_path end assert(execute_bool(cmd.." "..table.concat(to_download, " "))) end return (#fixtures > 0) or (#to_download > 0) end --- Create a file containing a string. -- @param pathname string: path to file. -- @param str string: content of the file. function test_env.write_file(pathname, str, finally) local file = assert(io.open(pathname, "w")) file:write(str) file:close() if finally then finally(function() os.remove(pathname) end) end end --- Create md5sum of directory structure recursively, based on filename and size -- @param path string: path to directory for generate md5sum -- @return md5sum string: md5sum of directory local function hash_environment(path) if test_env.TEST_TARGET_OS == "linux" then return execute_output("cd " .. path .. " && find . -printf \"%s %p\n\"") elseif test_env.TEST_TARGET_OS == "osx" then return execute_output("find " .. path .. " -type f -exec stat -f \"%z %N\" {} \\; | md5") elseif test_env.TEST_TARGET_OS == "windows" then return execute_output("\"" .. Q(test_env.testing_paths.win_tools .. "/find") .. " " .. Q(path) .. " -printf \"%s %p\"\" > temp_sum.txt && certUtil -hashfile temp_sum.txt && del temp_sum.txt") end end --- Create environment variables needed for tests -- @param testing_paths table: table with paths to testing directory -- @return env_variables table: table with created environment variables local function create_env(testing_paths) local luaversion_short = _VERSION:gsub("Lua ", "") if test_env.LUAJIT_V then luaversion_short="5.1" end local env_variables = {} env_variables.GNUPGHOME = testing_paths.gpg_dir env_variables.LUA_VERSION = luaversion_short env_variables.LUAROCKS_CONFIG = testing_paths.testrun_dir .. "/testing_config.lua" if test_env.TEST_TARGET_OS == "windows" then env_variables.LUA_PATH = testing_paths.testing_lrprefix .. "\\lua\\?.lua;" else env_variables.LUA_PATH = testing_paths.testing_lrprefix .. "/share/lua/" .. luaversion_short .. "/?.lua;" end env_variables.LUA_PATH = env_variables.LUA_PATH .. testing_paths.testing_tree .. "/share/lua/" .. luaversion_short .. "/?.lua;" env_variables.LUA_PATH = env_variables.LUA_PATH .. testing_paths.testing_tree .. "/share/lua/".. luaversion_short .. "/?/init.lua;" env_variables.LUA_PATH = env_variables.LUA_PATH .. testing_paths.testing_sys_tree .. "/share/lua/" .. luaversion_short .. "/?.lua;" env_variables.LUA_PATH = env_variables.LUA_PATH .. testing_paths.testing_sys_tree .. "/share/lua/".. luaversion_short .. "/?/init.lua;" env_variables.LUA_PATH = env_variables.LUA_PATH .. testing_paths.src_dir .. "/?.lua;" env_variables.LUA_CPATH = testing_paths.testing_tree .. "/lib/lua/" .. luaversion_short .. "/?." .. test_env.lib_extension .. ";" .. testing_paths.testing_sys_tree .. "/lib/lua/" .. luaversion_short .. "/?." .. test_env.lib_extension .. ";" env_variables.PATH = os.getenv("PATH") .. ";" .. testing_paths.testing_tree .. "/bin;" .. testing_paths.testing_sys_tree .. "/bin;" return env_variables end --- Create md5sums of origin system and system-copy testing directory -- @param testing_paths table: table with paths to testing directory -- @return md5sums table: table of md5sums of system and system-copy testing directory local function create_md5sums(testing_paths) local md5sums = {} md5sums.testing_tree_copy_md5 = hash_environment(testing_paths.testing_tree_copy) md5sums.testing_sys_tree_copy_md5 = hash_environment(testing_paths.testing_sys_tree_copy) return md5sums end local function make_run_function(cmd_name, exec_function, with_coverage, do_print) local cmd_prefix = Q(test_env.testing_paths.lua) .. " " if with_coverage then cmd_prefix = cmd_prefix .. "-e \"require('luacov.runner')('" .. test_env.testing_paths.testrun_dir .. "/luacov.config')\" " end if cmd_name then cmd_prefix = cmd_prefix .. test_env.testing_paths.src_dir .. "/bin/" .. cmd_name .. " " end return function(cmd, new_vars) local temp_vars = {} for k, v in pairs(test_env.env_variables) do temp_vars[k] = v end if new_vars then for k, v in pairs(new_vars) do temp_vars[k] = v end end return exec_function(cmd_prefix .. cmd, do_print, temp_vars) end end local function make_run_functions() return { lua = make_run_function(nil, execute_output, true, true), lua_bool = make_run_function(nil, execute_bool, true, true), luarocks = make_run_function("luarocks", execute_output, true, true), luarocks_bool = make_run_function("luarocks", execute_bool, true, true), luarocks_noprint = make_run_function("luarocks", execute_bool, true, false), luarocks_nocov = make_run_function("luarocks", execute_bool, false, true), luarocks_noprint_nocov = make_run_function("luarocks", execute_bool, false, false), luarocks_admin = make_run_function("luarocks-admin", execute_output, true, true), luarocks_admin_bool = make_run_function("luarocks-admin", execute_bool, true, true), luarocks_admin_nocov = make_run_function("luarocks-admin", execute_bool, false, false) } end local function move_file(src, dst) if test_env.TEST_TARGET_OS == "windows" then execute_bool(test_env.testing_paths.win_tools .. "/mv " .. src .. " " .. dst) else execute_bool("mv " .. src .. " " .. dst) end end --- Rebuild environment. -- Remove old installed rocks and install new ones, -- updating manifests and tree copies. local function build_environment(rocks, env_variables) title("BUILDING ENVIRONMENT") local testing_paths = test_env.testing_paths test_env.remove_dir(testing_paths.testing_tree) test_env.remove_dir(testing_paths.testing_sys_tree) test_env.remove_dir(testing_paths.testing_tree_copy) test_env.remove_dir(testing_paths.testing_sys_tree_copy) lfs.mkdir(testing_paths.testing_tree) lfs.mkdir(testing_paths.testing_sys_tree) test_env.run.luarocks_admin_nocov("make_manifest " .. Q(testing_paths.testing_server)) test_env.run.luarocks_admin_nocov("make_manifest " .. Q(testing_paths.testing_cache)) for _, rock in ipairs(rocks) do if not test_env.run.luarocks_nocov("install --only-server=" .. testing_paths.testing_cache .. " --tree=" .. testing_paths.testing_sys_tree .. " " .. Q(rock), env_variables) then test_env.run.luarocks_nocov("build --tree=" .. Q(testing_paths.testing_sys_tree) .. " " .. Q(rock), env_variables) test_env.run.luarocks_nocov("pack --tree=" .. Q(testing_paths.testing_sys_tree) .. " " .. Q(rock), env_variables) move_file(rock .. "-*.rock", testing_paths.testing_cache) end end test_env.copy_dir(testing_paths.testing_tree, testing_paths.testing_tree_copy) test_env.copy_dir(testing_paths.testing_sys_tree, testing_paths.testing_sys_tree_copy) end --- Reset testing environment local function reset_environment(testing_paths, md5sums) local testing_tree_md5 = hash_environment(testing_paths.testing_tree) local testing_sys_tree_md5 = hash_environment(testing_paths.testing_sys_tree) if testing_tree_md5 ~= md5sums.testing_tree_copy_md5 then test_env.remove_dir(testing_paths.testing_tree) test_env.copy_dir(testing_paths.testing_tree_copy, testing_paths.testing_tree) end if testing_sys_tree_md5 ~= md5sums.testing_sys_tree_copy_md5 then test_env.remove_dir(testing_paths.testing_sys_tree) test_env.copy_dir(testing_paths.testing_sys_tree_copy, testing_paths.testing_sys_tree) end end local function create_paths(luaversion_full) local testing_paths = {} if test_env.TEST_TARGET_OS == "windows" then testing_paths.luadir = (test_env.LUA_DIR or os.getenv("ProgramFiles(x86)").."/LuaRocks") testing_paths.luarocks_tmp = os.getenv("TEMP") testing_paths.lua_interpreter = test_env.LUA_INTERPRETER or "lua.exe" else testing_paths.luadir = (test_env.LUA_DIR or "/usr/local") testing_paths.luarocks_tmp = "/tmp/luarocks_testing" testing_paths.lua_interpreter = test_env.LUA_INTERPRETER or "lua" end local bindirs = { testing_paths.luadir .. "/bin", testing_paths.luadir, } for _, bindir in ipairs(bindirs) do local lua = bindir .. "/" .. testing_paths.lua_interpreter if test_env.exists(lua) then testing_paths.lua_bindir = bindir testing_paths.lua = lua break end end assert(testing_paths.lua, "Lua interpreter not found! Run `busted -Xhelper help` for options") local base_dir = lfs.currentdir() if test_env.TEST_TARGET_OS == "windows" then base_dir = base_dir:gsub("\\","/") end testing_paths.fixtures_dir = base_dir .. "/spec/fixtures" testing_paths.gpg_dir = testing_paths.fixtures_dir .. "/gpg" testing_paths.fixtures_repo_dir = base_dir .. "/spec/fixtures/a_repo" testing_paths.util_dir = base_dir .. "/spec/util" testing_paths.testrun_dir = base_dir .. "/testrun" testing_paths.src_dir = base_dir .. "/src" testing_paths.testing_lrprefix = testing_paths.testrun_dir .. "/testing_lrprefix-" .. luaversion_full testing_paths.testing_tree = testing_paths.testrun_dir .. "/testing-" .. luaversion_full testing_paths.testing_tree_copy = testing_paths.testrun_dir .. "/testing_copy-" .. luaversion_full testing_paths.testing_sys_tree = testing_paths.testrun_dir .. "/testing_sys-" .. luaversion_full testing_paths.testing_sys_tree_copy = testing_paths.testrun_dir .. "/testing_sys_copy-" .. luaversion_full testing_paths.testing_cache = testing_paths.testrun_dir .. "/testing_cache-" .. luaversion_full testing_paths.testing_server = testing_paths.testrun_dir .. "/testing_server-" .. luaversion_full testing_paths.testing_rocks = testing_paths.testing_tree .. "/lib/luarocks/rocks-" .. test_env.lua_version testing_paths.testing_sys_rocks = testing_paths.testing_sys_tree .. "/lib/luarocks/rocks-" .. test_env.lua_version if test_env.TEST_TARGET_OS == "windows" then testing_paths.win_tools = base_dir .. "/win32/tools" end return testing_paths end --- Helper function to unload luarocks modules from global table package.loaded -- Needed to load our local (testing) version of LuaRocks function test_env.unload_luarocks() for modname, _ in pairs(package.loaded) do if modname:match("^luarocks%.") then package.loaded[modname] = nil end end local src_pattern = test_env.testing_paths.src_dir .. "/?.lua" if not package.path:find(src_pattern, 1, true) then package.path = src_pattern .. ";" .. package.path end end --- Function for initial setup of environment, variables, md5sums for spec files function test_env.setup_specs(extra_rocks) -- if global variable about successful creation of testing environment doesn't exist, build environment if not test_env.setup_done then if test_env.TRAVIS then if not test_env.exists(os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.ssh/id_rsa.pub") then execute_bool("ssh-keygen -t rsa -P \"\" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa") execute_bool("cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys") execute_bool("chmod og-wx ~/.ssh/authorized_keys") execute_bool("ssh-keyscan localhost >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts") end end test_env.main() -- preload before meddling with package.path require("spec.util.git_repo") package.path = test_env.env_variables.LUA_PATH package.cpath = test_env.env_variables.LUA_CPATH test_env.platform = execute_output(test_env.testing_paths.lua .. " -e \"cfg = require('luarocks.core.cfg'); cfg.init(); print(cfg.arch)\"", false, test_env.env_variables) test_env.wrapper_extension = test_env.TEST_TARGET_OS == "windows" and ".bat" or "" test_env.md5sums = create_md5sums(test_env.testing_paths) test_env.setup_done = true title("RUNNING TESTS") end if extra_rocks then local make_manifest = download_rocks(extra_rocks, test_env.testing_paths.testing_server) if make_manifest then test_env.run.luarocks_admin_nocov("make_manifest " .. test_env.testing_paths.testing_server) end end if test_env.RESET_ENV then reset_environment(test_env.testing_paths, test_env.md5sums, test_env.env_variables) end lfs.chdir(test_env.testing_paths.testrun_dir) end --- Test if required rock is installed and if not, install it. -- Return `true` if the rock is already installed or has been installed successfully, -- `false` if installation failed. function test_env.need_rock(rock) print("Check if " .. rock .. " is installed") if test_env.run.luarocks_noprint_nocov(test_env.quiet("show " .. rock)) then return true else local ok = test_env.run.luarocks_noprint_nocov(test_env.quiet("install " .. rock)) if not ok then print("WARNING: failed installing " .. rock) end return ok end end --- For each key-value pair in replacements table -- replace %{key} in given string with value. local function substitute(str, replacements) return (str:gsub("%%%b{}", function(marker) return replacements[marker:sub(3, -2)] end)) end --- Create configs for luacov and several versions of Luarocks -- configs needed for some tests. local function create_configs() -- testing_config.lua -- testing_config_show_downloads.lua -- testing_config_no_downloader.lua local config_content = substitute([[ rocks_trees = { "%{testing_tree}", { name = "system", root = "%{testing_sys_tree}" }, } rocks_servers = { "%{testing_server}" } local_cache = "%{testing_cache}" upload_server = "testing" upload_user = "%{user}" upload_servers = { testing = { rsync = "localhost/tmp/luarocks_testing", }, } ]], { user = os.getenv("USER"), testing_sys_tree = test_env.testing_paths.testing_sys_tree, testing_tree = test_env.testing_paths.testing_tree, testing_server = test_env.testing_paths.testing_server, testing_cache = test_env.testing_paths.testing_cache }) test_env.write_file(test_env.testing_paths.testrun_dir .. "/testing_config.lua", config_content .. " \nweb_browser = \"true\"") test_env.write_file(test_env.testing_paths.testrun_dir .. "/testing_config_show_downloads.lua", config_content .. "show_downloads = true \n rocks_servers={\"http://luarocks.org/repositories/rocks\"}") test_env.write_file(test_env.testing_paths.testrun_dir .. "/testing_config_no_downloader.lua", config_content .. "variables = { WGET = 'invalid', CURL = 'invalid' }") -- testing_config_sftp.lua config_content = substitute([[ rocks_trees = { "%{testing_tree}", "%{testing_sys_tree}", } local_cache = "%{testing_cache}" upload_server = "testing" upload_user = "%{user}" upload_servers = { testing = { sftp = "localhost/tmp/luarocks_testing", }, } ]], { user = os.getenv("USER"), testing_sys_tree = test_env.testing_paths.testing_sys_tree, testing_tree = test_env.testing_paths.testing_tree, testing_cache = test_env.testing_paths.testing_cache }) test_env.write_file(test_env.testing_paths.testrun_dir .. "/testing_config_sftp.lua", config_content) -- luacov.config config_content = substitute([[ return { statsfile = "%{testrun_dir}/luacov.stats.out", reportfile = "%{testrun_dir}/luacov.report.out", modules = { ["luarocks"] = "src/bin/luarocks", ["luarocks-admin"] = "src/bin/luarocks-admin", ["luarocks.*"] = "src", ["luarocks.*.*"] = "src", ["luarocks.*.*.*"] = "src" } } ]], { testrun_dir = test_env.testing_paths.testrun_dir }) test_env.write_file(test_env.testing_paths.testrun_dir .. "/luacov.config", config_content) config_content = [[ -- Config file of mock LuaRocks.org site for tests upload = { server = "http://localhost:8080", tool_version = "1.0.0", api_version = "1", } ]] test_env.write_file(test_env.testing_paths.testrun_dir .. "/luarocks_site.lua", config_content) end --- Remove testing directories. local function clean() print("Cleaning testing directory...") test_env.remove_dir(test_env.testing_paths.luarocks_tmp) test_env.remove_subdirs(test_env.testing_paths.testrun_dir, "testing[_%-]") test_env.remove_files(test_env.testing_paths.testrun_dir, "testing_") test_env.remove_files(test_env.testing_paths.testrun_dir, "luacov") test_env.remove_files(test_env.testing_paths.testrun_dir, "upload_config") test_env.remove_files(test_env.testing_paths.testrun_dir, "luarocks_site") print("Cleaning done!") end --- Setup current checkout of luarocks to work with testing prefix. local function setup_luarocks() local testing_paths = test_env.testing_paths title("Setting up LuaRocks") local lines = { "return {", ("SYSCONFDIR = %q,"):format(testing_paths.testing_lrprefix .. "/etc/luarocks"), ("LUA_DIR = %q,"):format(testing_paths.luadir), ("LUA_BINDIR = %q,"):format(testing_paths.lua_bindir), ("LUA_INTERPRETER = %q,"):format(testing_paths.lua_interpreter), } if test_env.TEST_TARGET_OS == "windows" then if test_env.MINGW then table.insert(lines, [[SYSTEM = "mingw",]]) else table.insert(lines, [[SYSTEM = "windows",]]) end table.insert(lines, ("WIN_TOOLS = %q,"):format(testing_paths.win_tools)) end table.insert(lines, "}") test_env.write_file("src/luarocks/core/hardcoded.lua", table.concat(lines, "\n") .. "\n") print("LuaRocks set up correctly!") end function test_env.mock_server_init() local testing_paths = test_env.testing_paths assert(test_env.need_rock("restserver-xavante")) local final_command local sleep_command if test_env.TEST_TARGET_OS == "windows" then final_command = test_env.execute_helper("start /b \"\" " .. Q(testing_paths.lua) .. " " .. Q(testing_paths.util_dir .. "/mock-server.lua") .. " " .. Q(testing_paths.fixtures_dir), true, test_env.env_variables) sleep_command = "timeout 1 > NUL" else final_command = test_env.execute_helper(testing_paths.lua .. " " .. testing_paths.util_dir .. "/mock-server.lua " .. testing_paths.fixtures_dir .. " &", true, test_env.env_variables) sleep_command = "sleep 1" end os.execute(final_command) os.execute(sleep_command) end function test_env.mock_server_done() if test_env.TEST_TARGET_OS == "windows" then os.execute(Q(test_env.testing_paths.win_tools .. "/wget") .. " --quiet --timeout=5 --tries=1 localhost:8080/shutdown") else os.execute("curl localhost:8080/shutdown") end end local function find_binary_rock(src_rock, dir) local patt = src_rock:gsub("([.-])", "%%%1"):gsub("src", ".*[^s][^r][^c]") for name in lfs.dir(dir) do if name:match(patt) then return true end end return false end local function prepare_mock_server_binary_rocks() local testing_paths = test_env.testing_paths local rocks = { -- rocks needed for mock-server "luasocket-3.0rc1-2.src.rock", "coxpcall-1.16.0-1.src.rock", "copas-2.0.1-1.src.rock", "luafilesystem-1.7.0-2.src.rock", "xavante-2.4.0-1.src.rock", "wsapi-1.6.1-1.src.rock", "rings-1.3.0-1.src.rock", "wsapi-xavante-1.6.1-1.src.rock", "dkjson-2.5-2.src.rock", "restserver-0.1-1.src.rock", "restserver-xavante-0.2-1.src.rock", } local make_manifest = download_rocks(rocks, testing_paths.testing_server) for _, rock in ipairs(rocks) do local rockname = rock:gsub("%-[^-]+%-%d+%.[%a.]+$", "") if not find_binary_rock(rock, testing_paths.testing_server) then test_env.run.luarocks_nocov("build " .. Q(testing_paths.testing_server .. "/" .. rock) .. " --tree=" .. testing_paths.testing_cache) test_env.run.luarocks_nocov("pack " .. rockname .. " --tree=" .. testing_paths.testing_cache) move_file(rockname .. "-*.rock", testing_paths.testing_server) make_manifest = true end end if make_manifest then test_env.run.luarocks_admin_nocov("make_manifest " .. Q(testing_paths.testing_server)) end end --- -- Main function to create config files and testing environment function test_env.main() local testing_paths = test_env.testing_paths if test_env.TEST_ENV_CLEAN then clean() end lfs.mkdir(testing_paths.testrun_dir) test_env.write_file(testing_paths.testrun_dir .. "/.luarocks-no-project", "") lfs.mkdir(testing_paths.testing_cache) lfs.mkdir(testing_paths.luarocks_tmp) create_configs() setup_luarocks() -- Preparation of rocks for building environment local rocks = {} -- names of rocks, required for building environment local urls = {} -- names of rock and rockspec files to be downloaded if test_env.TYPE_TEST_ENV == "full" then table.insert(urls, "/luafilesystem-1.6.3-1.src.rock") table.insert(urls, "/luasocket-3.0rc1-1.src.rock") table.insert(urls, "/luasocket-3.0rc1-1.rockspec") table.insert(urls, "/md5-1.2-1.src.rock") --table.insert(urls, "/lzlib-") table.insert(urls, "/lua-zlib-1.2-0.src.rock") table.insert(urls, "/lua-bz2-0.1.0-1.src.rock") rocks = {"luafilesystem", "luasocket", "md5", "lua-zlib", "lua-bz2"} if test_env.TEST_TARGET_OS ~= "windows" then table.insert(urls, "/luaposix-33.2.1-1.src.rock") table.insert(rocks, "luaposix") end end -- luacov is needed for both minimal or full environment table.insert(urls, "/luacov-0.13.0-1.rockspec") table.insert(urls, "/luacov-0.13.0-1.src.rock") table.insert(urls, "/cluacov-0.1.1-1.rockspec") table.insert(urls, "/cluacov-0.1.1-1.src.rock") table.insert(rocks, "luacov") table.insert(rocks, "cluacov") -- Download rocks needed for LuaRocks testing environment lfs.mkdir(testing_paths.testing_server) download_rocks(urls, testing_paths.testing_server) local env_vars = { LUAROCKS_CONFIG = test_env.testing_paths.testrun_dir .. "/testing_config.lua" } build_environment(rocks, env_vars) prepare_mock_server_binary_rocks() end test_env.set_lua_version() test_env.set_args() test_env.testing_paths = create_paths(test_env.LUA_V or test_env.LUAJIT_V) test_env.env_variables = create_env(test_env.testing_paths) test_env.run = make_run_functions() return test_env