local test_env = require("spec.util.test_env") local lfs = require("lfs") local run = test_env.run local testing_paths = test_env.testing_paths describe("Basic tests #integration", function() before_each(function() test_env.setup_specs() end) it("--version", function() assert.is_true(run.luarocks_bool("--version")) end) it("unknown command", function() assert.is_false(run.luarocks_bool("unknown_command")) end) it("arguments fail", function() assert.is_false(run.luarocks_bool("--porcelain=invalid")) assert.is_false(run.luarocks_bool("--invalid-flag")) assert.is_false(run.luarocks_bool("--server")) assert.is_false(run.luarocks_bool("--server --porcelain")) assert.is_false(run.luarocks_bool("--invalid-flag=abc")) assert.is_false(run.luarocks_bool("invalid=5")) end) it("executing from not existing directory #unix", function() local main_path = lfs.currentdir() assert.is_true(lfs.mkdir("idontexist")) assert.is_true(lfs.chdir("idontexist")) local delete_path = lfs.currentdir() assert.is_true(os.remove(delete_path)) local output = run.luarocks("") assert.is.falsy(output:find("the Lua package manager")) assert.is_true(lfs.chdir(main_path)) output = run.luarocks("") assert.is.truthy(output:find("the Lua package manager")) end) it("--timeout", function() assert.is.truthy(run.luarocks("--timeout=10")) end) it("--timeout invalid", function() assert.is_false(run.luarocks_bool("--timeout=abc")) end) it("--only-server", function() assert.is.truthy(run.luarocks("--only-server=testing")) end) end) test_env.unload_luarocks() local util = require("luarocks.util") local core_util = require("luarocks.core.util") describe("luarocks.util #unit", function() local runner setup(function() runner = require("luacov.runner") runner.init(testing_paths.testrun_dir .. "/luacov.config") runner.tick = true end) teardown(function() runner.shutdown() end) describe("util.sortedpairs", function() local function collect(iter, state, var) local collected = {} while true do local returns = {iter(state, var)} if returns[1] == nil then return collected else table.insert(collected, returns) var = returns[1] end end end it("default sort", function() assert.are.same({}, collect(util.sortedpairs({}))) assert.are.same({ {1, "v1"}, {2, "v2"}, {3, "v3"}, {"bar", "v5"}, {"foo", "v4"} }, collect(util.sortedpairs({"v1", "v2", "v3", foo = "v4", bar = "v5"}))) end) it("sort by function", function() local function compare(a, b) return a > b end assert.are.same({}, collect(util.sortedpairs({}, compare))) assert.are.same({ {3, "v3"}, {2, "v2"}, {1, "v1"} }, collect(util.sortedpairs({"v1", "v2", "v3"}, compare))) end) it("sort by priority table", function() assert.are.same({}, collect(util.sortedpairs({}, {"k1", "k2"}))) assert.are.same({ {"k3", "v3"}, {"k2", "v2", {"sub order"}}, {"k1", "v1"}, {"k4", "v4"}, {"k5", "v5"}, }, collect(util.sortedpairs({ k1 = "v1", k2 = "v2", k3 = "v3", k4 = "v4", k5 = "v5" }, {"k3", {"k2", {"sub order"}}, "k1"}))) end) end) describe("core.util.show_table", function() it("returns a pretty-printed string containing the representation of the given table", function() local result local t1 = {1, 2, 3} result = core_util.show_table(t1) assert.truthy(result:find("[1] = 1", 1, true)) assert.truthy(result:find("[2] = 2", 1, true)) assert.truthy(result:find("[3] = 3", 1, true)) local t2 = {a = 1, b = 2, c = 3} result = core_util.show_table(t2) assert.truthy(result:find("[\"a\"] = 1", 1, true)) assert.truthy(result:find("[\"b\"] = 2", 1, true)) assert.truthy(result:find("[\"c\"] = 3", 1, true)) local t3 = {a = 1, b = "2", c = {3}} result = core_util.show_table(t3) assert.truthy(result:find("[\"a\"] = 1", 1, true)) assert.truthy(result:find("[\"b\"] = \"2\"", 1, true)) assert.truthy(result:find("[\"c\"] = {", 1, true)) assert.truthy(result:find("[1] = 3", 1, true)) local t4 = {a = 1, b = {c = 2, d = {e = "4"}}} result = core_util.show_table(t4) assert.truthy(result:find("[\"a\"] = 1", 1, true)) assert.truthy(result:find("[\"b\"] = {", 1, true)) assert.truthy(result:find("[\"c\"] = 2", 1, true)) assert.truthy(result:find("[\"d\"] = {", 1, true)) assert.truthy(result:find("[\"e\"] = \"4\"", 1, true)) end) end) describe("core.util.cleanup_path", function() it("does not change order of existing items of prepended path", function() local sys_path = '/usr/local/bin;/usr/bin' local lr_path = '/home/user/.luarocks/bin;/usr/bin' local path = lr_path .. ';' .. sys_path local result = core_util.cleanup_path(path, ';', '5.3', false) assert.are.equal('/home/user/.luarocks/bin;/usr/local/bin;/usr/bin', result) end) it("does not change order of existing items of appended path", function() local sys_path = '/usr/local/bin;/usr/bin' local lr_path = '/home/user/.luarocks/bin;/usr/bin' local path = sys_path .. ';' .. lr_path local result = core_util.cleanup_path(path, ';', '5.3', true) assert.are.equal('/usr/local/bin;/usr/bin;/home/user/.luarocks/bin', result) end) it("rewrites versions that do not match the provided version", function() local expected = 'a/b/lua/5.3/?.lua;a/b/c/lua/5.3/?.lua' local result = core_util.cleanup_path('a/b/lua/5.2/?.lua;a/b/c/lua/5.3/?.lua', ';', '5.3') assert.are.equal(expected, result) end) it("does not rewrite versions for which the provided version is a substring", function() local expected = 'a/b/lua/5.3/?.lua;a/b/c/lua/5.3.4/?.lua' local result = core_util.cleanup_path('a/b/lua/5.2/?.lua;a/b/c/lua/5.3.4/?.lua', ';', '5.3') assert.are.equal(expected, result) end) end) end)