-- Call this file using its full path and the template file as a parameter; -- -- C:\> lua.exe "create_reg_file.lua" "c:\luarocks\2.0\LuaRocks.reg.template" -- -- it will strip the ".template" extension and write to that file the -- template contents, where "<LUAROCKSPATH>" will be replaced by the path -- to LuaRocks (including the trailing backslash) -- Check argument local f = (arg or {})[1] if not f then print("must provide template file on command line") os.exit(1) end -- cleanup filepath, remove all double backslashes while f:match("\\\\") do f = f:gsub("\\\\", "\\") end -- extract path and name from argument local p = "" local ni = f for i = #f, 1, -1 do if f:sub(i,i) == "\\" then ni = f:sub(i+1) p = f:sub(1, i) break end end -- create output name local no = ni:gsub("%.template","") -- create path substitute; escape backslash by doubles local ps = p:gsub("\\", "\\\\") -- read template local fh = io.open(f) local content = fh:read("*a") fh:close() -- fill template content = content:gsub("%<LUAROCKSPATH%>", ps) -- write destination file fh = io.open(p..no, "w+") fh:write(content) fh:close()