@echo off setlocal SET MYPATH=%~dp0 IF NOT [%1]==[] GOTO LETSGO ECHO Same as 'luarocks' command, except this ECHO command will pause after completion, allowing for ECHO examination of output. ECHO. ECHO For LuaRocks help use: ECHO LUAROCKS HELP ECHO. ECHO OPTIONS specific for LUAROCKSW: ECHO REMOVEALL is a command specific to this batch file ECHO the option takes a FULL ROCKSPEC filename and then ECHO it will strip path, version and extension info from ECHO it before executing the LUAROCKS REMOVE command ECHO Example: ECHO luarocksw remove "c:\somedir\modulename-1.0-1.rockspec" ECHO will execute: ECHO luarocks remove "c:\somedir\modulename-1.0-1.rockspec" ECHO and will only remove the specific version 1.0 from the ECHO system. ECHO luarocksw removeall "c:\somedir\modulename-1.0-1.rockspec" ECHO will execute: ECHO luarocks remove modulename ECHO and will remove all versions of this package ECHO. GOTO END :LETSGO REM if REMOVEALL command then info must be stripped from the parameter if [%1]==[removeall] goto REMOVEALL REM execute LuaRocks and wait for results echo executing: luarocks %* call "%MYPATH%luarocks" %* pause goto END :REMOVEALL for /f "delims=-" %%a in ("%~n2") do ( echo executing: luarocks remove %%a "%MYPATH%luarocks" remove "%%a" pause goto END ) :END