@ECHO OFF ECHO. IF "%1"=="" GOTO GOEXIT :PACKIT mkdir %1 mkdir %1\test mkdir %1\src xcopy /S/E .\test\*.* %1\test xcopy /S/E .\src\*.* %1\src xcopy /S/E .\win32\*.* %1 copy *.* %1 del %1\configure del %1\makedist del %1\Makefile del %1\win32pack.bat cd %1 GOTO:EOF :GOEXIT ECHO. ECHO This command creates a directory with an installable LuaRocks structure. This is ECHO a workaround for the packaging script being a unix shell script. ECHO. ECHO To install LuaRocks on Windows from a Git repo use the following commands: ECHO. ECHO %0 ^ ECHO install /? ECHO. ECHO Then follow instructions displayed to install LuaRocks ECHO.