From 5e09779c7f6b1710150d5a0f12d86ded7ede75c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Diego Nehab <>
Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2005 08:56:19 +0000
Subject: In pre release mode!

 NEW                   |  69 ++++++++++++-----
 config                |  20 ++---
 doc/http.html         |  13 +++-
 doc/index.html        |   7 ++
 doc/installation.html |   8 +-
 doc/tcp.html          |   1 +
 etc/README            |  93 +++++++++++++++-------
 etc/check-memory.lua  |   2 +-
 makefile.dist         | 211 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 samples/README        |  57 ++++++--------
 samples/forward.lua   | 207 -------------------------------------------------
 samples/lpr.lua       |   2 +-
 test/httptest.lua     |   4 +-
 13 files changed, 283 insertions(+), 411 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 samples/forward.lua

diff --git a/NEW b/NEW
index b84b5fb..7c94368 100644
--- a/NEW
+++ b/NEW
@@ -1,21 +1,54 @@
 What's New
-The big change for the 2.0 (beta3) release was the adoption of the Lua
-5.1 package proposal. There were several bug fixes too (a beta is a
-beta, is a beta).
+There is no big change for the 2.0 (final) release. It is
+basically a bug fix release. The main improvement is in the
+non-blocking support. 
-* New compat-5.1 distribution:
-  - Instalation uses new directory structure;
-  - Namespace hierarchy is in now back in use (ex. socket.url instead of url);
-  - All modules call require even for standard libraries;
-* LTN12 avoids coroutines (so you can go wild on the C side);
-* wasn't calling tm_markstart;
-* Kludge on wsocket.c:sock_send for Windows timeout issue moved to
-  buffer.c:sendraw so it's not a kludge anymore;
-* socket.protect only catches errors thrown by socket.try;
-* Fixed udp:sendto to call sock_sendto instead of sock_send;
-* close wasn't returning 1!
-* socket.gettime returns time since Unix Epoch 1/1/1970 (UTC)
-* socket.sleep is robust to interrupts;
-* http.PROXY wasn't working.
-* fixed some of the examples
+  * New: sample module dispatch.lua implements a coroutine
+    based dispatcher; 
+  * New: sample check-links.lua works both in blocking and
+    non-blocking mode using coroutines (using the new
+    dispatcher);
+  * New: sample forward.lua implements a coroutine based
+    forward server (using the new dispatcher);
+  * Improved: tcp:send(data, i, j) to return (i+sent-1).  This
+    is great for non-blocking I/O, but might break some code;
+  * Improved: HTTP, SMTP, and FTP functions to accept a new
+    field create that overrides the function used to create
+    socket objects;
+  * Improved: smtp.message now supports multipart/alternative
+    (for the HTML messages we all love so much); 
+  * Fixed: smtp.send was hanging on errors returned by LTN12
+    sources;
+  * Fixed: url.absolute() to work when base_url is in parsed
+    form;
+  * Fixed: http.request() not to redirect when the location
+    header is empty (naughty servers...);
+  * Fixed: tcp{client}:shutdown() to check for class instead
+    of group;
+  * Fixed: The manual to stop using socket.try() in place of
+    assert(), since it can't; 
+  * Improved: Got rid of package.loaded.base = _G kludge;
+  * Fixed: Parts of the manual referred to require("http")
+    instead of require("socket.http");
+  * Improved: Socket and MIME binaries are called 'core' each
+    inside their directory (ex. "socket/core.dll"). The 'l'
+    prefix was just a bad idea;
+  * Improved: Using bundles in Mac OS X, instead of dylibs; 
+  * Fixed: luasocket.h to export luaopen_socket_core;
+  * Fixed: udp:setpeername() so you can "disconnect" an UDP
+    socket;
+  * Fixed: A weird bug in HTTP support that caused some
+    requests to fail (Florian Berger);
+  * Fixed: Bug in that caused sockets with
+    descriptor 0 to be ignored (Renato Maia);
+  * Fixed: "Bug" that caused dns.toip() to crash under uLinux
+    (William Trenker);
+  * Fixed: "Bug" that caused gethostbyname to crash under VMS
+    (Renato Maia);
+  * Fixed: tcp:send("") to return 0 bytes sent (Alexander
+    Marinov);
+  * Improved: socket.DEBUG and socket.VERSION became
+    socket._DEBUGs and socket._VERSION for uniformity with other
+    libraries;
+  * Improved: now works on empty sets on Windows. 
diff --git a/config b/config
index 175a885..255477b 100644
--- a/config
+++ b/config
@@ -37,20 +37,20 @@ INSTALL_EXEC=cp
 # Compiler and linker settings
 # for Mac OS X
-#CFLAGS= $(LUAINC) -I$(COMPAT) $(DEF) -pedantic -Wall -O2 -fno-common
-#LDFLAGS=-bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup
-#LD=export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET="10.3"; gcc
+CFLAGS= $(LUAINC) -I$(COMPAT) $(DEF) -pedantic -Wall -O2 -fno-common
+LDFLAGS=-bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup
 # Compiler and linker settings
 # for Linux
-CFLAGS= $(LUAINC) -I$(COMPAT) $(DEF) -pedantic -Wall -O2 -fpic
-LDFLAGS=-O -shared
+#CFLAGS= $(LUAINC) -I$(COMPAT) $(DEF) -pedantic -Wall -O2 -fpic
+#LDFLAGS=-O -shared
 # End of makefile configuration
diff --git a/doc/http.html b/doc/http.html
index 096ab2b..9d80c23 100644
--- a/doc/http.html
+++ b/doc/http.html
@@ -209,11 +209,16 @@ Here are a few examples with the simple interface:
 <pre class=example>
 -- load the http module
-http = require("socket.http")
+local io = require("io")
+local http = require("socket.http")
+local ltn12 = require("ltn12")
--- connect to server "" and retrieves this manual
--- file from "/luasocket/http.html"
-b = http.request("")
+-- connect to server "" and retrieves this manual
+-- file from "~diego/professional/luasocket/http.html" and print it to stdout
+    url = "", 
+    sink = ltn12.sink.file(io.stdout)
 -- connect to server "" and tries to retrieve
 -- "/private/index.html". Fails because authentication is needed.
diff --git a/doc/index.html b/doc/index.html
index 3d5acb3..7ac0d4c 100644
--- a/doc/index.html
+++ b/doc/index.html
@@ -165,6 +165,13 @@ support.
+<li> New: sample module <tt>dispatch.lua</tt> implements a
+coroutine based dispatcher; 
+<li> New: sample <tt>check-links.lua</tt> works
+both in blocking and non-blocking mode using coroutines
+(using the new dispatcher);
+<li> New: sample <tt>forward.lua</tt> implements a coroutine
+based forward server (using the new dispatcher);
 <li> Improved: <tt>tcp:send(data, i, j)</tt> to return <tt>(i+sent-1)</tt>.  This is great for non-blocking I/O, but might break some code;
 <li> Improved: HTTP, SMTP, and FTP functions to accept a new field
 <tt>create</tt> that overrides the function used to create socket objects;
diff --git a/doc/installation.html b/doc/installation.html
index 1b82ed3..4086f41 100644
--- a/doc/installation.html
+++ b/doc/installation.html
@@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ distribution directory structure:</p>
 <pre class=example>
-&lt;SHARE&gt;/mime/init.lua (originally mime.lua)
-&lt;SHARE&gt;/socket/init.lua (originally socket.lua)
@@ -88,9 +88,7 @@ distribution directory structure:</p>
 <p> Naturally, on Unix systems, <tt>core.dll</tt>
-would be replaced by <tt></tt>. Notice that in the instalation,
-<tt>socket.lua</tt> becomes <tt>socket/init.lua</tt>, and the same happens
-with <tt>mime.lua</tt>, which becomes <tt>mime/init.lua</tt>.
+would be replaced by <tt></tt>. 
 <p> In order for the interpreter to find all LuaSocket components, three
diff --git a/doc/tcp.html b/doc/tcp.html
index 5c810de..2c687c0 100644
--- a/doc/tcp.html
+++ b/doc/tcp.html
@@ -446,6 +446,7 @@ The method returns 1 in case of success and <tt><b>nil</b></tt> otherwise.
 <!-- settimeout +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
 <p class=name id=settimeout>
+master:<b>settimeout(</b>value [, mode]<b>)</b><br>
 client:<b>settimeout(</b>value [, mode]<b>)</b><br>
 server:<b>settimeout(</b>value [, mode]<b>)</b>
diff --git a/etc/README b/etc/README
index 6be740b..5a919cd 100644
--- a/etc/README
+++ b/etc/README
@@ -1,48 +1,89 @@
-This directory contains code that is more useful than the examples. This code
-*is* supported.
+This directory contains code that is more useful than the
+samples. This code *is* supported.
     tftp.lua                -- Trivial FTP client
-This module implements file retrieval by the TFTP protocol. Its main use
-was to test the UDP code, but since someone found it usefull, I turned it
-into a module that is almost official (no uploads, yet).
+This module implements file retrieval by the TFTP protocol.
+Its main use was to test the UDP code, but since someone
+found it usefull, I turned it into a module that is almost
+official (no uploads, yet).
     dict.lua                -- Dict client
-The dict.lua  module started with  a cool  simple client  for the  DICT
-protocol, written by Luiz Henrique Figueiredo. This new version has been
-converted into a library, similar to the HTTP  and FTP libraries, that can
-be used from within  any luasocket application. Take  a look on the  source
-code and you will be able to figure out how to use it.
+The dict.lua  module started with  a cool  simple client
+for the  DICT protocol, written by Luiz Henrique Figueiredo.
+This new version has been converted into a library, similar
+to the HTTP  and FTP libraries, that can be used from within
+any luasocket application. Take  a look on the  source code
+and you will be able to figure out how to use it.
-    lp.lua                  -- LPD client
+    lp.lua                  -- LPD client library
-The lp.lua module implements the client part of the Line Printer Daemon
-protocol, used to print files on Unix machines. It is courtesy of David
-Burgess and I heard he would be the one supporting it, even after I messed
-with it.  See the source code and the lpr.lua in the examples directory.
+The lp.lua module implements the client part of the Line
+Printer Daemon protocol, used to print files on Unix
+machines. It is courtesy of David Burgess!  See the source
+code and the lpr.lua in the examples directory.
+    b64.lua
+    qp.lua
+    eol.lua
+These are tiny programs that perform Base64,
+Quoted-Printable and end-of-line marker conversions.
     get.lua                 -- file retriever
-This little  program is  a client  that uses  the FTP  and HTTP  code to
-implement a  command line  file graber. Just  run 
+This little  program is  a client  that uses  the FTP  and
+HTTP  code to implement a  command line  file graber. Just
 	lua get.lua <remote-file> [<local-file>]
-to download  a remote file (either  ftp:// or http://) to  the specified
-local file.  The program  also prints  the download  throughput, elapsed
-time, bytes already downloaded etc during download.
+to download  a remote file (either  ftp:// or http://) to
+the specified local file.  The program  also prints  the
+download  throughput, elapsed time, bytes already downloaded
+etc during download.
+    check-memory.lua        -- checks memory consumption
+This is just to see how much memory each module uses.
+    dispatch.lua            -- coroutine based dispatcher
+This is a first try at a coroutine based non-blocking
+dispatcher for LuaSocket. Take a look at 'check-links.lua'
+and at 'forward.lua' to see how to use it.
 	check-links.lua			-- HTML link checker program
-This little program scans a HTML file and checks for broken links. It is
-similar to by Jamie Zawinski, but uses all facilities of
-the LuaSocket library and the Lua language. It has not been thoroughly
-tested, but it should work. Just run
+This little program scans a HTML file and checks for broken
+links. It is similar to by Jamie Zawinski,
+but uses all facilities of the LuaSocket library and the Lua
+language. It has not been thoroughly tested, but it should
+work. Just run
+	lua check-links.lua [-n] {<url>} > output
+and open the result to see a list of broken links. You can
+also use the '-n' switch to run the same program in
+non-blocking mode to see how much faster things can get.
+    forward.lua             -- coroutine based forward server
+This is a forward server that can accept several connections
+and transfers simultaneously using non-blocking I/O and the
+coroutine-based dispatcher. You can run, for example
+    lua forward.lua 
+to redirect all local conections to port 8080 to the host 
+'' at port 3128.
-	lua check-links.lua {<url>} > output
+    unix.c and unix.h
-and open the result to see a list of broken links. 
+This is an implementation of Unix local domain sockets and
+demonstrates how to extend LuaSocket with a new type of
+transport. It has been tested on Linux and on Mac OS X.
 Good luck,
diff --git a/etc/check-memory.lua b/etc/check-memory.lua
index 7bcdf67..7bd984d 100644
--- a/etc/check-memory.lua
+++ b/etc/check-memory.lua
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ function load(s)
     print(s .. ":\t " .. (b-a) .. "k")
diff --git a/makefile.dist b/makefile.dist
index 8b79653..54a9751 100644
--- a/makefile.dist
+++ b/makefile.dist
@@ -4,125 +4,128 @@
 DIST = luasocket-2.0
-COMPAT = compat-5.1r4
-LUA = \
-	ftp.lua \
-	http.lua \
-	ltn12.lua \
-	mime.lua \
-	smtp.lua \
-	socket.lua \
-	tp.lua \
-	url.lua
-TESTS = \
-	testclnt.lua \
-	testsrvr.lua \
-	testsupport.lua
-	check-memory.lua \
-	b64.lua \
-	cddb.lua \
-	daytimeclnt.lua \
-	echoclnt.lua \
-	echosrvr.lua \
-	eol.lua \
-	listener.lua \
-	qp.lua \
-	lpr.lua \
-	talker.lua \
-	tinyirc.lua
+COMPAT = src/compat-5.1r4
+TEST = \
+	test/testclnt.lua \
+	test/testsrvr.lua \
+	test/testsupport.lua
+	samples/README \
+	samples/cddb.lua \
+	samples/daytimeclnt.lua \
+	samples/echoclnt.lua \
+	samples/echosrvr.lua \
+	samples/listener.lua \
+	samples/lpr.lua \
+	samples/talker.lua \
+	samples/tinyirc.lua
 ETC = \
-	check-links.lua \
-	check-links-nb.lua \
-	dict.lua \
-	get.lua \
-	unix.c \
-	unix.h \
-	lp.lua \
-	tftp.lua
-CORE = \
-	auxiliar.c \
-	auxiliar.h \
-	buffer.c \
-	buffer.h \
-	except.c \
-	except.h \
-	inet.c \
-	inet.h \
-	io.c \
-	io.h \
-	luasocket.c \
-	luasocket.h \
-	mime.c \
-	mime.h \
-	options.c \
-	options.h \
-	select.c \
-	select.h \
-	socket.h \
-	tcp.c \
-	tcp.h \
-	timeout.c \
-	timeout.h \
-	udp.c \
-	udp.h \
-	usocket.c \
-	usocket.h \
-	wsocket.c \
-	wsocket.h
+	etc/README \
+	etc/b64.lua \
+	etc/check-links.lua \
+	etc/check-memory.lua \
+	etc/dict.lua \
+	etc/dispatch.lua \
+	etc/eol.lua \
+	etc/forward.lua \
+	etc/get.lua \
+	etc/links \
+	etc/lp.lua \
+	etc/qp.lua \
+	etc/tftp.lua
+SRC = \
+	src/auxiliar.c \
+	src/auxiliar.h \
+	src/buffer.c \
+	src/buffer.h \
+	src/except.c \
+	src/except.h \
+	src/inet.c \
+	src/inet.h \
+	src/io.c \
+	src/io.h \
+	src/luasocket.c \
+	src/luasocket.h \
+	src/mime.c \
+	src/mime.h \
+	src/options.c \
+	src/options.h \
+	src/select.c \
+	src/select.h \
+	src/socket.h \
+	src/tcp.c \
+	src/tcp.h \
+	src/timeout.c \
+	src/timeout.h \
+	src/udp.c \
+	src/udp.h \
+	src/unix.c \
+	src/unix.h \
+	src/usocket.c \
+	src/usocket.h \
+	src/wsocket.c \
+	src/wsocket.h \
+	src/ftp.lua \
+	src/http.lua \
+	src/ltn12.lua \
+	src/mime.lua \
+	src/smtp.lua \
+	src/socket.lua \
+	src/tp.lua \
+	src/url.lua
 MAKE = \
 	makefile \
 	config \
 	luasocket.sln \
-	luasocket.vcproj \
+	socket.vcproj \
-	manual/dns.html \
-	manual/ftp.html \
-	manual/home.html \
-	manual/http.html \
-	manual/introduction.html \
-	manual/ltn12.html \
-	manual/luasocket.png \
-	manual/mime.html \
-	manual/installation.html \
-	manual/reference.css \
-	manual/reference.html \
-	manual/smtp.html \
-	manual/socket.html \
-	manual/tcp.html \
-	manual/udp.html \
-	manual/url.html
+DOC = \
+	doc/dns.html \
+	doc/ftp.html \
+	doc/home.html \
+	doc/http.html \
+	doc/installation.html \
+	doc/introduction.html \
+	doc/ltn12.html \
+	doc/luasocket.png \
+	doc/mime.html \
+	doc/reference.css \
+	doc/reference.html \
+	doc/smtp.html \
+	doc/socket.html \
+	doc/tcp.html \
+	doc/udp.html \
+	doc/url.html
-	mkdir -p $(DIST)/examples
-	mkdir -p $(DIST)/tests
-	mkdir -p $(DIST)/etc
-	mkdir -p $(DIST)/lua
-	mkdir -p $(DIST)/manual
-	cp -vfr $(COMPAT) $(DIST)
-	cp -vf $(CORE) $(DIST)
-	cp -vf README $(DIST)
+	mkdir -p $(DIST)
 	cp -vf NEW $(DIST)
 	cp -vf LICENSE $(DIST)
 	cp -vf $(MAKE) $(DIST)
-	cp -vf make.README $(DIST)/INSTALL
-	cp -vf $(LUA) $(DIST)/lua
-	cp -vf lua.README $(DIST)/lua/README
-	cp -vf $(EXAMPLES) $(DIST)/examples
-	cp -vf examples.README $(DIST)/examples/README
-	cp -vf $(TESTS) $(DIST)/tests
-	cp -vf tests.README $(DIST)/tests/README
+	mkdir -p $(DIST)/etc
 	cp -vf $(ETC) $(DIST)/etc
-	cp -vf etc.README $(DIST)/etc/README
-	cp -vf $(MANUAL) $(DIST)/manual
+	mkdir -p $(DIST)/src
+	cp -vf $(SRC) $(DIST)/src
+	cp -vfr $(COMPAT) $(DIST)/src
+	mkdir -p $(DIST)/doc
+	cp -vf $(DOC) $(DIST)/doc
+	mkdir -p $(DIST)/samples
+	cp -vf $(SAMPLES) $(DIST)/samples
+	mkdir -p $(DIST)/test
+	cp -vf $(TEST) $(DIST)/test
 	tar -zcvf $(DIST).tar.gz $(DIST)
 	zip -r $(DIST).zip $(DIST)
diff --git a/samples/README b/samples/README
index 0100a4a..e63a6f5 100644
--- a/samples/README
+++ b/samples/README
@@ -1,59 +1,50 @@
-This directory contains some sample programs using LuaSocket. This code
-is not supported.
+This directory contains some sample programs using
+LuaSocket. This code is not supported.
     listener.lua            -- socket to stdout
     talker.lua              -- stdin to socket
-listener.lua and talker.lua are about  the simplest applications you can
-write  using  LuaSocket.  Run   
+listener.lua and talker.lua are about  the simplest
+applications you can write  using  LuaSocket.  Run   
 	'lua listener.lua'  and  'lua talker.lua'
-on different terminals. Whatever you type on talk.lua will be
-printed by listen.lua.
-    b64.lua
-    qp.lua
-    eol.lua
-These are tiny programs that perform Base64, Quoted-Printable and
-end-of-line marker conversions.
+on different terminals. Whatever you type on talk.lua will
+be printed by listen.lua.
     lpr.lua                 -- lpr client
-This is a cool program written by David Burgess to print files using the
-Line Printer Daemon protocol, widely used in Unix machines.  It uses the
-lp.lua implementation, in the etc directory.  Just run 
-'lua lpr.lua <filename> queue=<printername>' and the file will print!
+This is a cool program written by David Burgess to print
+files using the Line Printer Daemon protocol, widely used in
+Unix machines.  It uses the lp.lua implementation, in the
+etc directory.  Just run 'lua lpr.lua <filename>
+queue=<printername>' and the file will print!
     cddb.lua                -- CDDB client
-This is the first try on a simple CDDB client. Not really useful, but one
-day it might become a module. 
+This is the first try on a simple CDDB client. Not really
+useful, but one day it might become a module. 
     daytimeclnt.lua         -- day time client
-Just run the program to retrieve the hour and date in readable form from
-any server running an UDP daytime daemon.
+Just run the program to retrieve the hour and date in
+readable form from any server running an UDP daytime daemon.
     echoclnt.lua            -- UDP echo client
     echosrvr.lua            -- UDP echo server
-These are a UDP echo client/server pair. They work with other client and
-servers as well.
+These are a UDP echo client/server pair. They work with
+other client and servers as well.
     tinyirc.lua             -- irc like broadcast server
-This is a simple server that  waits simultaneously on two server sockets
-for telnet connections.  Everything it receives from  the telnet clients
-is  broadcasted to  every other  connected client.  It tests  the select
-function and shows  how to create a simple server  whith LuaSocket. Just
-run tinyirc.lua and  then open as many telnet connections  as you want
-to ports 8080 and 8081.
-    check-memory.lua        -- checks memory consumption
-This is just to see how much memory each module uses. 
+This is a simple server that  waits simultaneously on two
+server sockets for telnet connections.  Everything it
+receives from  the telnet clients is  broadcasted to  every
+other  connected client.  It tests  the select function and
+shows  how to create a simple server  whith LuaSocket. Just
+run tinyirc.lua and  then open as many telnet connections
+as you want to ports 8080 and 8081.
 Good luck,
diff --git a/samples/forward.lua b/samples/forward.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 548a753..0000000
--- a/samples/forward.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
--- load our favourite library
-local socket = require"socket"
--- creates a new set data structure
-function newset()
-    local reverse = {}
-    local set = {}
-    return setmetatable(set, {__index = {
-        insert = function(set, value)
-            if not reverse[value] then
-                table.insert(set, value)
-                reverse[value] = table.getn(set)
-            end
-        end,
-        remove = function(set, value)
-            local index = reverse[value]
-            if index then
-                reverse[value] = nil
-                local top = table.remove(set)
-                if top ~= value then 
-                    reverse[top] = index
-                    set[index] = top
-                end 
-            end
-        end
-    }})
--- timeout before an inactive thread is kicked
-local TIMEOUT = 10
--- set of connections waiting to receive data
-local receiving = newset(1)
--- set of sockets waiting to send data
-local sending = newset() 
--- context for connections and servers
-local context = {}
-function wait(who, what)
-    if what == "input" then receiving:insert(who)
-    else sending:insert(who) end
-    context[who].last = socket.gettime()
-    coroutine.yield()
--- initializes the forward server
-function init()
-    if table.getn(arg) < 1 then
-        print("Usage")
-        print("    lua forward.lua <iport:ohost:oport> ...")
-        os.exit(1)
-    end
-    -- for each tunnel, start a new server socket
-    for i, v in ipairs(arg) do
-        -- capture forwarding parameters
-        local iport, ohost, oport = 
-            socket.skip(2, string.find(v, "([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]+)"))
-        assert(iport, "invalid arguments")
-        -- create our server socket
-        local server = assert(socket.bind("*", iport))
-        server:settimeout(0) -- we don't want to be killed by bad luck
-        -- make sure server is tested for readability
-        receiving:insert(server)
-        -- add server context
-        context[server] = { 
-            thread = coroutine.create(accept),
-            ohost = ohost,
-            oport = oport
-        }
-    end
--- starts a connection in a non-blocking way
-function connect(who, host, port)
-    who:settimeout(0)
-    local ret, err = who:connect(host, port)
-    if not ret and err == "timeout" then
-        wait(who, "output") 
-        ret, err = who:connect(host, port)
-        if not ret and err ~= "already connected" then 
-            kick(context[who].peer)
-            kick(who)
-            return
-        end
-    end
-    return forward(who)
--- gets rid of a client
-function kick(who)
-    if who then
-        sending:remove(who)
-        receiving:remove(who)
-        who:close()
-        context[who] = nil
-    end
--- loops accepting connections and creating new threads to deal with them
-function accept(server)
-    while true do
-        -- accept a new connection and start a new coroutine to deal with it
-        local client = server:accept()
-        if client then
-            -- create contexts for client and peer. 
-            local peer, err = socket.tcp() 
-            if peer then
-                context[client] = {
-                    last = socket.gettime(),
-                    -- client goes straight to forwarding loop
-                    thread = coroutine.create(forward),
-                    peer = peer,
-                }
-                context[peer] = {
-                    last = socket.gettime(),
-                    peer = client,
-                    -- peer first tries to connect to forwarding address
-                    thread = coroutine.create(connect),
-                    last = socket.gettime()
-                }
-                -- resume peer and client so they can do their thing
-                local ohost = context[server].ohost
-                local oport = context[server].oport
-                coroutine.resume(context[peer].thread, peer, ohost, oport)
-                coroutine.resume(context[client].thread, client)
-            else 
-                print(err)
-                client:close()
-            end
-        end
-        -- tell scheduler we are done for now
-        wait(server, "input") 
-    end
--- forwards all data arriving to the appropriate peer
-function forward(who)
-    who:settimeout(0)
-    while true do
-        -- wait until we have something to read
-        wait(who, "input")
-        -- try to read as much as possible
-        local data, rec_err, partial = who:receive("*a")
-        -- if we had an error other than timeout, abort
-        if rec_err and rec_err ~= "timeout" then return kick(who) end
-        -- if we got a timeout, we probably have partial results to send
-        data = data or partial
-        -- forward what we got right away
-        local peer = context[who].peer
-        while true do
-            -- tell scheduler we need to wait until we can send something
-            wait(who, "output") 
-            local ret, snd_err
-            local start = 0
-            ret, snd_err, start = peer:send(data, start+1)
-            if ret then break 
-            elseif snd_err ~= "timeout" then return kick(who) end
-        end
-        -- if we are done receiving, we are done
-        if not rec_err then 
-            kick(who) 
-            kick(peer)
-            break
-        end
-    end
--- loop waiting until something happens, restarting the thread to deal with
--- what happened, and routing it to wait until something else happens
-function go()
-    while true  do
-        -- check which sockets are interesting and act on them
-        readable, writable =, sending)
-        -- for all readable connections, resume its thread 
-        for _, who in ipairs(readable) do
-            if context[who] then
-                receiving:remove(who)
-                coroutine.resume(context[who].thread, who)
-            end
-        end
-        -- for all writable connections, do the same
-        for _, who in ipairs(writable) do
-            if context[who] then
-                sending:remove(who)
-                coroutine.resume(context[who].thread, who)
-            end
-        end
-        -- put all inactive threads in death row
-        local now = socket.gettime()
-        local deathrow
-        for who, data in pairs(context) do
-            if data.peer then
-                if  now - data.last > TIMEOUT then
-                    -- only create table if at least one is doomed
-                    deathrow = deathrow or {} 
-                    deathrow[who] = true
-                end
-            end
-        end
-        -- finally kick everyone in deathrow
-        if deathrow then
-            for who in pairs(deathrow) do kick(who) end
-        end
-    end
diff --git a/samples/lpr.lua b/samples/lpr.lua
index caab387..5ab4d69 100644
--- a/samples/lpr.lua
+++ b/samples/lpr.lua
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 local lp = require("socket.lp")
 local function usage()
-  print('\nUsage: lua lptest.lua [filename] [keyword=val...]\n')
+  print('\nUsage: lua lpr.lua [filename] [keyword=val...]\n')
   print('Valid keywords are :')
      '  host=remote host or IP address (default "localhost")\n' ..
diff --git a/test/httptest.lua b/test/httptest.lua
index 0951389..c05b4cc 100644
--- a/test/httptest.lua
+++ b/test/httptest.lua
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ http.TIMEOUT = 10
 local t = socket.gettime()
-host = host or "dell-diego" -- ""
-proxy = proxy or "http://dell-diego:3128"
+host = host or ""
+proxy = proxy or "http://localhost:3128"
 prefix = prefix or "/luasocket-test"
 cgiprefix = cgiprefix or "/luasocket-test-cgi"
 index_file = "index.html"
cgit v1.2.3-55-g6feb