From f98977b2dac48fc66822402b095336e683715126 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Caleb Maclennan
-IPv4 name resolution functions
-return all information obtained from
-the resolver in a table of the form:
-Note that the alias list can be empty.
-The more general name resolution function
-dns.getaddrinfo, which
-supports both IPv6 and IPv4,
-returns all information obtained from
-the resolver in a table of the form:
-Here, family contains the string "inet" for IPv4
-addresses, and "inet6" for IPv6 addresses.
-Converts from host name to address.
-Address can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address or host name.
-The function returns a table with all information returned by
-the resolver. In case of error, the function returns nil
-followed by an error message.
-Returns the standard host name for the machine as a string.
-Converts from IPv4 address to host name.
-Address can be an IP address or host name.
-The function returns a string with the canonic host name of the given
-address, followed by a table with all information returned by
-the resolver. In case of error, the function returns nil
-followed by an error message.
-Converts from host name to IPv4 address.
-Address can be an IP address or host name.
-Returns a string with the first IP address found for address,
-followed by a table with all information returned by the resolver.
-In case of error, the function returns nil followed by an error
-FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a protocol used to transfer files
-between hosts. The ftp namespace offers thorough support
-to FTP, under a simple interface. The implementation conforms to
-RFC 959.
-High level functions are provided supporting the most common operations.
-These high level functions are implemented on top of a lower level
-interface. Using the low-level interface, users can easily create their
-own functions to access any operation supported by the FTP
-protocol. For that, check the implementation.
-To really benefit from this module, a good understanding of
-LTN012, Filters sources and sinks is necessary.
-To obtain the ftp namespace, run:
-URLs MUST conform to
-RFC 1738,
-that is, an URL is a string in the form:
-The following constants in the namespace can be set to control the default behavior of
-the FTP module:
-The get function has two forms. The simple form has fixed
-functionality: it downloads the contents of a URL and returns it as a
-string. The generic form allows a lot more control, as explained
-If the argument of the get function is a table, the function
-expects at least the fields host, sink, and one of
-argument or path (argument takes
-precedence). Host is the server to connect to. Sink is
-the simple
-sink that will receive the downloaded data. Argument or
-path give the target path to the resource in the server. The
-optional arguments are the following:
-If successful, the simple version returns the URL contents as a
-string, and the generic function returns 1. In case of error, both
-functions return nil and an error message describing the
-ftp.put(url, content)
-The put function has two forms. The simple form has fixed
-functionality: it uploads a string of content into a URL. The generic form
-allows a lot more control, as explained below.
-If the argument of the put function is a table, the function
-expects at least the fields host, source, and one of
-argument or path (argument takes
-precedence). Host is the server to connect to. Source is
-the simple
-source that will provide the contents to be uploaded.
-Argument or
-path give the target path to the resource in the server. The
-optional arguments are the following:
-Both functions return 1 if successful, or nil and an error
-message describing the reason for failure.
-HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) is the protocol used to exchange
-information between web-browsers and servers. The http
-namespace offers full support for the client side of the HTTP
-protocol (i.e.,
-the facilities that would be used by a web-browser implementation). The
-implementation conforms to the HTTP/1.1 standard,
-RFC 2616.
-The module exports functions that provide HTTP functionality in different
-levels of abstraction. From the simple
-string oriented requests, through generic
-LTN12 based, down to even lower-level if you bother to look through the source code.
-To obtain the http namespace, run:
-URLs must conform to
-RFC 1738,
-that is, an URL is a string in the form:
-MIME headers are represented as a Lua table in the form:
-Field names are case insensitive (as specified by the standard) and all
-functions work with lowercase field names (but see
-Field values are left unmodified.
-Note: MIME headers are independent of order. Therefore, there is no problem
-in representing them in a Lua table.
-The following constants can be set to control the default behavior of
-the HTTP module:
-Note: These constants are global. Changing them will also
-change the behavior other code that might be using LuaSocket.
-http.request(url [, body])
-The request function has two forms. The simple form downloads
-a URL using the GET or POST method and is based
-on strings. The generic form performs any HTTP method and is
-LTN12 based.
-If the first argument of the request function is a string, it
-should be an url. In that case, if a body
-is provided as a string, the function will perform a POST method
-in the url. Otherwise, it performs a GET in the
-If the first argument is instead a table, the most important fields are
-the url and the simple
-sink that will receive the downloaded content.
-Any part of the url can be overridden by including
-the appropriate field in the request table.
-If authentication information is provided, the function
-uses the Basic Authentication Scheme (see note)
-to retrieve the document. If sink is nil, the
-function discards the downloaded data. The optional parameters are the
-In case of failure, the function returns nil followed by an
-error message. If successful, the simple form returns the response
-body as a string, followed by the response status code, the response
-headers and the response status line. The generic function returns the same
-information, except the first return value is just the number 1 (the body
-goes to the sink).
-Even when the server fails to provide the contents of the requested URL (URL not found, for example),
-it usually returns a message body (a web page informing the
-URL was not found or some other useless page). To make sure the
-operation was successful, check the returned status code. For
-a list of the possible values and their meanings, refer to RFC 2616.
-Here are a few examples with the simple interface:
-And here is an example using the generic interface:
-Note: When sending a POST request, simple interface adds a
-"Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
-header to the request. This is the type used by
-HTML forms. If you need another type, use the generic
-Note: Some URLs are protected by their
-servers from anonymous download. For those URLs, the server must receive
-some sort of authentication along with the request or it will deny
-download and return status "401 Authentication Required".
-The HTTP/1.1 standard defines two authentication methods: the Basic
-Authentication Scheme and the Digest Authentication Scheme, both
-explained in detail in
-RFC 2068.
- The Basic Authentication Scheme sends
-<user> and
-<password> unencrypted to the server and is therefore
-considered unsafe. Unfortunately, by the time of this implementation,
-the wide majority of servers and browsers support the Basic Scheme only.
-Therefore, this is the method used by the toolkit whenever
-authentication is required.
-LuaSocket is a Lua extension library
-that is composed by two parts: a C core that provides support for the TCP
-and UDP transport layers, and a set of Lua modules that add support for
-functionality commonly needed by applications that deal with the Internet.
-The core support has been implemented so that it is both efficient and
-simple to use. It is available to any Lua application once it has been
-properly initialized by the interpreter in use. The code has been tested
-and runs well on several Windows and UNIX platforms.
-Among the support modules, the most commonly used implement the
-(sending e-mails),
-(WWW access) and
-(uploading and downloading files) client
-protocols. These provide a very natural and generic interface to the
-functionality defined by each protocol.
-In addition, you will find that the
-MIME (common encodings),
-(anything you could possible want to do with one) and
-(filters, sinks, sources and pumps) modules can be very handy.
-The library is available under the same
-terms and conditions as the Lua language, the MIT license. The idea is
-that if you can use Lua in a project, you should also be able to use
-Copyright © 1999-2013 Diego Nehab. All rights reserved.
-LuaSocket version 3.0-rc1 is now available for download!
-It is compatible with Lua 5.1 and 5.2, and has
-been tested on Windows XP, Linux, and Mac OS X. Chances
-are it works well on most UNIX distributions and Windows flavors.
-The current version of the library can be found at
-the LuaSocket
-project page on GitHub. Besides the full C and Lua source code
-for the library, the distribution contains several examples,
-this user's manual and basic test procedures.
- Take a look at the installation section of the
-manual to find out how to properly install the library.
-This marks the first release of LuaSocket that
-wholeheartedly embraces the open-source development
-philosophy. After a long hiatus, Matthew Wild finally
-convinced me it was time for a release including IPv6 and
-Lua 5.2 support. It was more work than we anticipated.
-Special thanks to Sam Roberts, Florian Zeitz, and Paul
-Aurich, Liam Devine, Alexey Melnichuk, and everybody else
-that has helped bring this library back to life.
-Main changes for LuaSocket 3.0-rc1 are IPv6 support
-and Lua 5.2 compatibility.
-All previous versions of the LuaSocket library can be downloaded
-here. Although these versions are no longer supported, they are
-still available for those that have compatibility issues.
- Here we describe the standard distribution. If the
-standard doesn't meet your needs, we refer you to the Lua
-discussion list, where any question about the package scheme
-will likely already have been answered. On Unix systems, the standard distribution uses two base
-directories, one for system dependent files, and another for system
-independent files. Let's call these directories <CDIR>
-and <LDIR>, respectively.
-For example, in my laptp, Lua 5.1 is configured to
-use '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1' for
-<CDIR> and '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1' for
-<LDIR>. On Windows, <CDIR>
-usually points to the directory where the Lua executable is
-found, and <LDIR> points to a
-lua/ directory inside <CDIR>. (These
-settings can be overridden by environment variables
-LUA_PATH and LUA_CPATH. See the Lua
-documentation for details.) Here is the standard LuaSocket
-distribution directory structure: Naturally, on Unix systems, core.dll
-would be replaced by
- With the above setup, and an interpreter with shared library support,
-it should be easy to use LuaSocket. Just fire the interpreter and use the
-require function to gain access to whatever module you need: Each module loads their dependencies automatically, so you only need to
-load the modules you directly depend upon:
-LuaSocket is a Lua extension library
-that is composed by two parts: a C core that provides support for the TCP
-and UDP transport layers, and a set of Lua modules that add support for
-the SMTP (sending e-mails), HTTP (WWW access) and FTP (uploading and
-downloading files) protocols and other functionality commonly needed by
-applications that deal with the Internet. This introduction is about the C
-Communication in LuaSocket is performed via I/O objects. These can
-represent different network domains. Currently, support is provided for TCP
-and UDP, but nothing prevents other developers from implementing SSL, Local
-Domain, Pipes, File Descriptors etc. I/O objects provide a standard
-interface to I/O across different domains and operating systems.
-The API design had two goals in mind. First, users
-experienced with the C API to sockets should feel comfortable using LuaSocket.
-Second, the simplicity and the feel of the Lua language should be
-preserved. To achieve these goals, the LuaSocket API keeps the function names and semantics the C API whenever possible, but their usage in Lua has been greatly simplified.
-One of the simplifications is the receive pattern capability.
-Applications can read data from stream domains (such as TCP)
-line by line, block by block, or until the connection is closed.
-All I/O reads are buffered and the performance differences between
-different receive patterns are negligible.
-Another advantage is the flexible timeout control
-mechanism. As in C, all I/O operations are blocking by default. For
-example, the send,
-receive and
-accept methods
-of the TCP domain will block the caller application until
-the operation is completed (if ever!). However, with a call to the
-method, an application can specify upper limits on
-the time it can be blocked by LuaSocket (the "total" timeout), on
-the time LuaSocket can internally be blocked by any OS call (the
-"block" timeout) or a combination of the two. Each LuaSocket
-call might perform several OS calls, so that the two timeout values are
-not equivalent.
-Finally, the host name resolution is transparent, meaning that most
-functions and methods accept both IP addresses and host names. In case a
-host name is given, the library queries the system's resolver and
-tries the main IP address returned. Note that direct use of IP addresses
-is more efficient, of course. The
-and tohostname
-functions from the DNS module are provided to convert between host names and IP addresses.
-Together, these changes make network programming in LuaSocket much simpler
-than it is in C, as the following sections will show.
-TCP (Transfer Control Protocol) is reliable stream protocol. In other
-words, applications communicating through TCP can send and receive data as
-an error free stream of bytes. Data is split in one end and
-reassembled transparently on the other end. There are no boundaries in
-the data transfers. The library allows users to read data from the
-sockets in several different granularities: patterns are available for
-lines, arbitrary sized blocks or "read up to connection closed", all with
-good performance.
-The library distinguishes three types of TCP sockets: master,
-client and server sockets.
-Master sockets are newly created TCP sockets returned by the function
-socket.tcp. A master socket is
-transformed into a server socket
-after it is associated with a local address by a call to the
-bind method followed by a call to the
-listen. Conversely, a master socket
-can be changed into a client socket with the method
-which associates it with a remote address.
-On server sockets, applications can use the
-accept method
-to wait for a client connection. Once a connection is established, a
-client socket object is returned representing this connection. The
-other methods available for server socket objects are
-settimeout, and
-Client sockets are used to exchange data between two applications over
-the Internet. Applications can call the methods
-send and
-to send and receive data. The other methods
-available for client socket objects are
-shutdown, and
-A simple echo server, using LuaSocket. The program binds to an ephemeral
-port (one that is chosen by the operating system) on the local host and
-awaits client connections on that port. When a connection is established,
-the program reads a line from the remote end and sends it back, closing
-the connection immediately. You can test it using the telnet
-UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a non-reliable datagram protocol. In
-other words, applications communicating through UDP send and receive
-data as independent blocks, which are not guaranteed to reach the other
-end. Even when they do reach the other end, they are not guaranteed to be
-error free. Data transfers are atomic, one datagram at a time. Reading
-only part of a datagram discards the rest, so that the following read
-operation will act on the next datagram. The advantages are in
-simplicity (no connection setup) and performance (no error checking or
-error correction).
-Note that although no guarantees are made, these days
-networks are so good that, under normal circumstances, few errors
-happen in practice.
-An UDP socket object is created by the
-socket.udp function. UDP
-sockets do not need to be connected before use. The method
-can be used immediately after creation to
-send a datagram to IP address and port. Host names are not allowed
-because performing name resolution for each packet would be forbiddingly
-slow. Methods
-receive and
-can be used to retrieve datagrams, the latter returning the IP and port of
-the sender as extra return values (thus being slightly less
-When communication is performed repeatedly with a single peer, an
-application should call the
-setpeername method to specify a
-permanent partner. Methods
-sendto and
-can no longer be used, but the method
-send can be used to send data
-directly to the peer, and the method
-will only return datagrams originating
-from that peer. There is about 30% performance gain due to this practice.
-To associate an UDP socket with a local address, an application calls the
-method before sending any datagrams. Otherwise, the socket is
-automatically bound to an ephemeral address before the first data
-transmission and once bound the local address cannot be changed.
-The other methods available for UDP sockets are
-setoption and
-A simple daytime client, using LuaSocket. The program connects to a remote
-server and tries to retrieve the daytime, printing the answer it got or an
-error message.
- Although not covered in the introduction, LuaSocket offers
-much more than TCP and UDP functionality. As the library
-evolved, support for HTTP, FTP,
-and SMTP were built on top of these. These modules
-and many others are covered by the reference manual.
- The ltn12 namespace implements the ideas described in
-LTN012, Filters sources and sinks. This manual simply describes the
-functions. Please refer to the LTN for a deeper explanation of the
-functionality provided by this module.
-To obtain the ltn12 namespace, run:
-ltn12.filter.chain(filter1, filter2
-[, ... filterN])
-Returns a filter that passes all data it receives through each of a
-series of given filters.
-Filter1 to filterN are simple
-The function returns the chained filter.
-The nesting of filters can be arbitrary. For instance, the useless filter
-below doesn't do anything but return the data that was passed to it,
-ltn12.filter.cycle(low [, ctx, extra])
-Returns a high-level filter that cycles though a low-level filter by
-passing it each chunk and updating a context between calls.
-Low is the low-level filter to be cycled,
-ctx is the initial context and extra is any extra
-argument the low-level filter might take.
-The function returns the high-level filter.
-ltn12.pump.all(source, sink)
-Pumps all data from a source to a sink.
-If successful, the function returns a value that evaluates to
-true. In case
-of error, the function returns a false value, followed by an error message.
-ltn12.pump.step(source, sink)
-Pumps one chunk of data from a source to a sink.
-If successful, the function returns a value that evaluates to
-true. In case
-of error, the function returns a false value, followed by an error message.
-ltn12.sink.chain(filter, sink)
-Creates and returns a new sink that passes data through a filter before sending it to a given sink.
-Creates and returns a sink that aborts transmission with the error
-ltn12.sink.file(handle, message)
-Creates a sink that sends data to a file.
-Handle is a file handle. If handle is nil,
-message should give the reason for failure.
-The function returns a sink that sends all data to the given handle
-and closes the file when done, or a sink that aborts the transmission with
-the error message
-In the following example, notice how the prototype is designed to
-fit nicely with the function.
-Returns a sink that ignores all data it receives.
-Creates and returns a simple sink given a fancy sink.
-Creates a sink that stores all chunks in a table. The chunks can later be
-efficiently concatenated into a single string.
-Table is used to hold the chunks. If
-nil, the function creates its own table.
-The function returns the sink and the table used to store the chunks.
- [, source2, ...,
-Creates a new source that produces the concatenation of the data produced
-by a number of sources.
-Source1 to sourceN are the original
-The function returns the new source.
-ltn12.source.chain(source, filter)
-Creates a new source that passes data through a filter
-before returning it.
-The function returns the new source.
-Creates and returns an empty source.
-Creates and returns a source that aborts transmission with the error
-ltn12.source.file(handle, message)
-Creates a source that produces the contents of a file.
-Handle is a file handle. If handle is nil,
-message should give the reason for failure.
-The function returns a source that reads chunks of data from
-given handle and returns it to the user,
-closing the file when done, or a source that aborts the transmission with
-the error message
-In the following example, notice how the prototype is designed to
-fit nicely with the function.
-Creates and returns a simple source given a fancy source.
-Creates and returns a source that produces the contents of a
-string, chunk by chunk.
-Creates and returns a source that produces the numerically-indexed values of a table successively beginning at 1. The source returns nil (end-of-stream) whenever a nil value is produced by the current index, which proceeds forward regardless.
-The mime namespace offers filters that apply and remove common
-content transfer encodings, such as Base64 and Quoted-Printable.
-It also provides functions to break text into lines and change
-the end-of-line convention.
-MIME is described mainly in
-RFC 2045,
-2048, and
-All functionality provided by the MIME module
-follows the ideas presented in
-LTN012, Filters sources and sinks.
-To obtain the mime namespace, run:
-Returns a filter that decodes data from a given transfer content
-Returns a filter that encodes data according to a given transfer content
-In the Quoted-Printable case, the user can specify whether the data is
-textual or binary, by passing the mode strings "text" or
-"binary". Mode defaults to "text".
-Although both transfer content encodings specify a limit for the line
-length, the encoding filters do not break text into lines (for
-added flexibility).
-Below is a filter that converts binary data to the Base64 transfer content
-encoding and breaks it into lines of the correct size.
-Note: Text data has to be converted to canonic form
-before being encoded.
-Converts most common end-of-line markers to a specific given marker.
-Marker is the new marker. It defaults to CRLF, the canonic
-end-of-line marker defined by the MIME standard.
-The function returns a filter that performs the conversion.
-Note: There is no perfect solution to this problem. Different end-of-line
-markers are an evil that will probably plague developers forever.
-This function, however, will work perfectly for text created with any of
-the most common end-of-line markers, i.e. the Mac OS (CR), the Unix (LF),
-or the DOS (CRLF) conventions. Even if the data has mixed end-of-line
-markers, the function will still work well, although it doesn't
-guarantee that the number of empty lines will be correct.
-Creates and returns a filter that performs stuffing of SMTP messages.
-Note: The smtp.send function
-uses this filter automatically. You don't need to chain it with your
-source, or apply it to your message body.
-mime.wrap("text" [, length])
-Returns a filter that breaks data into lines.
-The "text" line-wrap filter simply breaks text into lines by
-inserting CRLF end-of-line markers at appropriate positions.
-Length defaults 76.
-The "base64" line-wrap filter works just like the default
-"text" line-wrap filter with default length.
-The function can also wrap "quoted-printable" lines, taking care
-not to break lines in the middle of an escaped character. In that case, the
-line length is fixed at 76.
-For example, to create an encoding filter for the Quoted-Printable transfer content encoding of text data, do the following:
-Note: To break into lines with a different end-of-line convention, apply
-a normalization filter after the line break filter.
-A, B = mime.b64(C [, D])
-Low-level filter to perform Base64 encoding.
-A is the encoded version of the largest prefix of
-that can be encoded unambiguously. B has the remaining bytes of
-C..D, before encoding.
-If D is nil, A is padded with
-the encoding of the remaining bytes of C.
-Note: The simplest use of this function is to encode a string into it's
-Base64 transfer content encoding. Notice the extra parenthesis around the
-call to mime.b64, to discard the second return value.
-A, n = [, B])
-Low-level filter to perform SMTP stuffing and enable transmission of
-messages containing the sequence "CRLF.CRLF".
-A is the stuffed version of B. 'n' gives the
-number of characters from the sequence CRLF seen in the end of B.
-'m' should tell the same, but for the previous chunk.
- Note: The message body is defined to begin with
-an implicit CRLF. Therefore, to stuff a message correctly, the
-first m should have the value 2.
-Note: The smtp.send function
-uses this filter automatically. You don't need to
-apply it again.
-A, B = mime.eol(C [, D, marker])
-Low-level filter to perform end-of-line marker translation.
-For each chunk, the function needs to know if the last character of the
-previous chunk could be part of an end-of-line marker or not. This is the
-context the function receives besides the chunk. An updated version of
-the context is returned after each new chunk.
-A is the translated version of D. C is the
-ASCII value of the last character of the previous chunk, if it was a
-candidate for line break, or 0 otherwise.
-B is the same as C, but for the current
-chunk. Marker gives the new end-of-line marker and defaults to CRLF.
-A, B = mime.qp(C [, D, marker])
-Low-level filter to perform Quoted-Printable encoding.
-A is the encoded version of the largest prefix of
-that can be encoded unambiguously. B has the remaining bytes of
-C..D, before encoding.
-If D is nil, A is padded with
-the encoding of the remaining bytes of C.
-Throughout encoding, occurrences of CRLF are replaced by the
-marker, which itself defaults to CRLF.
-Note: The simplest use of this function is to encode a string into it's
-Quoted-Printable transfer content encoding.
-Notice the extra parenthesis around the call to mime.qp, to discard the second return value.
-A, m = mime.qpwrp(n [, B, length])
-Low-level filter to break Quoted-Printable text into lines.
-A is a copy of B, broken into lines of at most
-length bytes (defaults to 76).
-'n' should tell how many bytes are left for the first
-line of B and 'm' returns the number of bytes
-left in the last line of A.
-Note: Besides breaking text into lines, this function makes sure the line
-breaks don't fall in the middle of an escaped character combination. Also,
-this function only breaks lines that are bigger than length bytes.
-A, B = mime.unb64(C [, D])
-Low-level filter to perform Base64 decoding.
-A is the decoded version of the largest prefix of
-that can be decoded unambiguously. B has the remaining bytes of
-C..D, before decoding.
-If D is nil, A is the empty string
-and B returns whatever couldn't be decoded.
-Note: The simplest use of this function is to decode a string from it's
-Base64 transfer content encoding.
-Notice the extra parenthesis around the call to mime.unqp, to discard the second return value.
-A, B = mime.unqp(C [, D])
-Low-level filter to remove the Quoted-Printable transfer content encoding
-from data.
-A is the decoded version of the largest prefix of
-that can be decoded unambiguously. B has the remaining bytes of
-C..D, before decoding.
-If D is nil, A is augmented with
-the encoding of the remaining bytes of C.
-Note: The simplest use of this function is to decode a string from it's
-Quoted-Printable transfer content encoding.
-Notice the extra parenthesis around the call to mime.unqp, to discard the second return value.
-A, m = mime.wrp(n [, B, length])
-Low-level filter to break text into lines with CRLF marker.
-Text is assumed to be in the normalize form.
-A is a copy of B, broken into lines of at most
-length bytes (defaults to 76).
-'n' should tell how many bytes are left for the first
-line of B and 'm' returns the number of bytes
-left in the last line of A.
-Note: This function only breaks lines that are bigger than
-length bytes. The resulting line length does not include the CRLF
- The smtp namespace provides functionality to send e-mail
-messages. The high-level API consists of two functions: one to
-define an e-mail message, and another to actually send the message.
-Although almost all users will find that these functions provide more than
-enough functionality, the underlying implementation allows for even more
-control (if you bother to read the code).
- The implementation conforms to the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol,
-RFC 2821.
-Another RFC of interest is RFC 2822,
-which governs the Internet Message Format.
-Multipart messages (those that contain attachments) are part
-of the MIME standard, but described mainly
-in RFC 2046. In the description below, good understanding of LTN012, Filters
-sources and sinks and the MIME module is
-assumed. In fact, the SMTP module was the main reason for their
-To obtain the smtp namespace, run:
-MIME headers are represented as a Lua table in the form:
-Field names are case insensitive (as specified by the standard) and all
-functions work with lowercase field names (but see
-Field values are left unmodified.
-Note: MIME headers are independent of order. Therefore, there is no problem
-in representing them in a Lua table.
-The following constants can be set to control the default behavior of
-the SMTP module:
-Returns a simple
-LTN12 source that sends an SMTP message body, possibly multipart (arbitrarily deep).
-The only parameter of the function is a table describing the message.
-Mesgt has the following form (notice the recursive structure):
-For a simple message, all that is needed is a set of headers
-and the body. The message body can be given as a string
-or as a simple
-source. For multipart messages, the body is a table that
-recursively defines each part as an independent message, plus an optional
-preamble and epilogue.
-The function returns a simple
-source that produces the
-message contents as defined by mesgt, chunk by chunk.
-Hopefully, the following
-example will make things clear. When in doubt, refer to the appropriate RFC
-as listed in the introduction.
-Sends a message to a recipient list. Since sending messages is not as
-simple as downloading an URL from a FTP or HTTP server, this function
-doesn't have a simple interface. However, see the
-message source factory for
-a very powerful way to define the message contents.
-The sender is given by the e-mail address in the from field.
-Rcpt is a Lua table with one entry for each recipient e-mail
-address, or a string
-in case there is just one recipient.
-The contents of the message are given by a simple
-source. Several arguments are optional:
-If successful, the function returns 1. Otherwise, the function returns
-nil followed by an error message.
-Note: SMTP servers can be very picky with the format of e-mail
-addresses. To be safe, use only addresses of the form
-"<>" in the from and
-rcpt arguments to the send function. In headers, e-mail
-addresses can take whatever form you like.
-Big note: There is a good deal of misconception with the use of the
-destination address field headers, i.e., the 'To', 'Cc',
-and, more importantly, the 'Bcc' headers. Do not add a
-'Bcc' header to your messages because it will probably do the
-exact opposite of what you expect.
-Only recipients specified in the rcpt list will receive a copy of the
-message. Each recipient of an SMTP mail message receives a copy of the
-message body along with the headers, and nothing more. The headers
-are part of the message and should be produced by the
-source function. The rcpt list is not
-part of the message and will not be sent to anyone.
-RFC 2822
-has two important and short sections, "3.6.3. Destination address
-fields" and "5. Security considerations", explaining the proper
-use of these headers. Here is a summary of what it says:
-The LuaSocket send function does not care or interpret the
-headers you send, but it gives you full control over what is sent and
-to whom it is sent:
-I hope this clarifies the issue. Otherwise, please refer to
-RFC 2821
-RFC 2822.
-The socket namespace contains the core functionality of LuaSocket.
-To obtain the socket namespace, run:
-socket.headers.canonic The socket.headers.canonic table
-is used by the HTTP and SMTP modules to translate from
-lowercase field names back into their canonic
-capitalization. When a lowercase field name exists as a key
-in this table, the associated value is substituted in
-whenever the field name is sent out.
-You can obtain the headers namespace if case run-time
-modifications are required by running:
-socket.bind(address, port [, backlog])
-This function is a shortcut that creates and returns a TCP server object
-bound to a local address and port, ready to
-accept client connections. Optionally,
-user can also specify the backlog argument to the
-listen method (defaults to 32).
-Note: The server object returned will have the option "reuseaddr"
-set to true.
-socket.connect[46](address, port [, locaddr] [, locport] [, family])
-This function is a shortcut that creates and returns a TCP client object
-connected to a remote address at a given port. Optionally,
-the user can also specify the local address and port to bind
-(locaddr and locport), or restrict the socket family
-to "inet" or "inet6".
-Without specifying family to connect, whether a tcp or tcp6
-connection is created depends on your system configuration. Two variations
-of connect are defined as simple helper functions that restrict the
-family, socket.connect4 and socket.connect6.
-This constant is set to true if the library was compiled
-with debug support.
-Default datagram size used by calls to
-receive and
-(Unless changed in compile time, the value is 8192.)
-Returns the UNIX time in seconds. You should subtract the values returned by this function
-to get meaningful values.
-Creates and returns a clean
-function that allows for cleanup before the exception
-is raised.
-Finalizer is a function that will be called before
-try throws the exception.
-The function returns your customized try function.
-Note: This idea saved a lot of work with the
-implementation of protocols in LuaSocket:
-Converts a function that throws exceptions into a safe function. This
-function only catches exceptions thrown by the try
-and newtry functions. It does not catch normal
-Lua errors.
-Func is a function that calls
-try (or assert, or error)
-to throw exceptions.
-Returns an equivalent function that instead of throwing exceptions in case of
-a failed try call, returns nil
-followed by an error message.
-, sendt [, timeout])
-Waits for a number of sockets to change status.
-Recvt is an array with the sockets to test for characters
-available for reading. Sockets in the sendt array are watched to
-see if it is OK to immediately write on them. Timeout is the
-maximum amount of time (in seconds) to wait for a change in status. A
-nil, negative or omitted timeout value allows the
-function to block indefinitely. Recvt and sendt can also
-be empty tables or nil. Non-socket values (or values with
-non-numeric indices) in the arrays will be silently ignored.
- The function returns a list with the sockets ready for
-reading, a list with the sockets ready for writing and an error message.
-The error message is "timeout" if a timeout
-condition was met, "select failed" if the call
-to select failed, and
-nil otherwise. The returned tables are
-doubly keyed both by integers and also by the sockets
-themselves, to simplify the test if a specific socket has
-changed status.
-Note: select can monitor a limited number
-of sockets, as defined by the constant
-socket._SETSIZE. This
-number may be as high as 1024 or as low as 64 by default,
-depending on the system. It is usually possible to change this
-at compile time. Invoking select with a larger
-number of sockets will raise an error.
-Important note: a known bug in WinSock causes select to fail
-on non-blocking TCP sockets. The function may return a socket as
-writable even though the socket is not ready for sending.
-Another important note: calling select with a server socket in the receive parameter before a call to accept does not guarantee
-accept will return immediately.
-Use the settimeout
-method or accept might block forever.
-Yet another note: If you close a socket and pass
-it to select, it will be ignored.
-Using select with non-socket objects: Any object that implements getfd and dirty can be used with select, allowing objects from other libraries to be used within a driven loop.
-The maximum number of sockets that the select function can handle.
-socket.sink(mode, socket)
-Creates an
-sink from a stream socket object.
-Mode defines the behavior of the sink. The following
-options are available:
-Socket is the stream socket object used to send the data.
-The function returns a sink with the appropriate behavior.
-socket.skip(d [, ret1, ret2 ... retN])
-Drops a number of arguments and returns the remaining.
-D is the number of arguments to drop. Ret1 to
-retN are the arguments.
-The function returns retd+1 to retN.
-Note: This function is useful to avoid creation of dummy variables:
-Freezes the program execution during a given amount of time.
-Time is the number of seconds to sleep for. If
-time is negative, the function returns immediately.
-socket.source(mode, socket [, length])
-Creates an
-source from a stream socket object.
-Mode defines the behavior of the source. The following
-options are available:
-Socket is the stream socket object used to receive the data.
-The function returns a source with the appropriate behavior.
-The OS value for an invalid socket. This can be used with
-tcp:getfd and tcp:setfd methods.
-socket.try(ret1 [, ret2 ... retN])
-Throws an exception in case ret1 is falsy, using
-ret2 as the error message. The exception is supposed to be caught
-by a protected function only.
-Ret1 to retN can be arbitrary
-arguments, but are usually the return values of a function call
-nested with try.
-The function returns ret1 to retN if
-ret1 is not nil or false.
-Otherwise, it calls error passing ret2 wrapped
-in a table with metatable used by protect to
-distinguish exceptions from runtime errors.
-This constant has a string describing the current LuaSocket version.
-Waits for a remote connection on the server
-object and returns a client object representing that connection.
-If a connection is successfully initiated, a client object is returned.
-If a timeout condition is met, the method returns nil
-followed by the error string 'timeout'. Other errors are
-reported by nil followed by a message describing the error.
-Note: calling
-with a server object in
-the recvt parameter before a call to accept does
-not guarantee accept will return immediately. Use the settimeout method or accept
-might block until another client shows up.
-master:bind(address, port)
-Binds a master object to address and port on the
-local host.
-Address can be an IP address or a host name.
-Port must be an integer number in the range [0..64K).
-If address
-is '*', the system binds to all local interfaces
-using the INADDR_ANY constant or
-IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT, according to the family.
-If port is 0, the system automatically
-chooses an ephemeral port.
-In case of success, the method returns 1. In case of error, the
-method returns nil followed by an error message.
-Note: The function socket.bind
-is available and is a shortcut for the creation of server sockets.
-Closes a TCP object. The internal socket used by the object is closed
-and the local address to which the object was
-bound is made available to other applications. No further operations
-(except for further calls to the close method) are allowed on
-a closed socket.
-Note: It is important to close all used sockets once they are not
-needed, since, in many systems, each socket uses a file descriptor,
-which are limited system resources. Garbage-collected objects are
-automatically closed before destruction, though.
-master:connect(address, port)
-Attempts to connect a master object to a remote host, transforming it into a
-client object.
-Client objects support methods
-and close.
-Address can be an IP address or a host name.
-Port must be an integer number in the range [1..64K).
-In case of error, the method returns nil followed by a string
-describing the error. In case of success, the method returns 1.
-Note: The function socket.connect
-is available and is a shortcut for the creation of client sockets.
-Note: Starting with LuaSocket 2.0,
-the settimeout
-method affects the behavior of connect, causing it to return
-with an error in case of a timeout. If that happens, you can still call with the socket in the
-sendt table. The socket will be writable when the connection is
-Note: Starting with LuaSocket 3.0, the host name resolution
-depends on whether the socket was created by
-socket.tcp4 or
-socket.tcp6. Addresses from
-the appropriate family (or both) are tried in the order
-returned by the resolver until the
-first success or until the last failure. If the timeout was
-set to zero, only the first address is tried.
-Check the read buffer status.
-Returns true if there is any data in the read buffer, false otherwise.
-Note: This is an internal method, use at your own risk.
-Returns the underling socket descriptor or handle associated to the object.
-The descriptor or handle. In case the object has been closed, the return value
-will be -1. For an invalid socket it will be
-Note: This is an internal method. Unlikely to be
-portable. Use at your own risk.
-Gets options for the TCP object.
-See setoption for description of the
-option names and values.
-Option is a string with the option name.
-The method returns the option value in case of success, or
-nil followed by an error message otherwise.
-Returns information about the remote side of a connected client object.
-Returns a string with the IP address of the peer, the
-port number that peer is using for the connection,
-and a string with the family ("inet" or "inet6").
-In case of error, the method returns nil.
-Note: It makes no sense to call this method on server objects.
-Returns the local address information associated to the object.
-The method returns a string with local IP address, a number with
-the local port,
-and a string with the family ("inet" or "inet6").
-In case of error, the method returns nil.
-Returns accounting information on the socket, useful for throttling
-of bandwidth.
-The method returns the number of bytes received, the number of bytes sent,
-and the age of the socket object in seconds.
-Returns the current block timeout followed by the curent
-total timeout.
-Specifies the socket is willing to receive connections, transforming the
-object into a server object. Server objects support the
-and close methods.
-The parameter backlog specifies the number of client
-connections that can
-be queued waiting for service. If the queue is full and another client
-attempts connection, the connection is refused.
-In case of success, the method returns 1. In case of error, the
-method returns nil followed by an error message.
-client:receive([pattern [, prefix]])
-Reads data from a client object, according to the specified read
-pattern. Patterns follow the Lua file I/O format, and the difference in performance between all patterns is negligible.
-Pattern can be any of the following:
-Prefix is an optional string to be concatenated to the beginning
-of any received data before return.
-If successful, the method returns the received pattern. In case of error,
-the method returns nil followed by an error
-message, followed by a (possibly empty) string containing
-the partial that was received. The error message can be
-the string 'closed' in case the connection was
-closed before the transmission was completed or the string
-'timeout' in case there was a timeout during the operation.
-Important note: This function was changed severely. It used
-to support multiple patterns (but I have never seen this feature used) and
-now it doesn't anymore. Partial results used to be returned in the same
-way as successful results. This last feature violated the idea that all
-functions should return nil on error. Thus it was changed
-client:send(data [, i [, j]])
-Sends data through client object.
-Data is the string to be sent. The optional arguments
-i and j work exactly like the standard
-string.sub Lua function to allow the selection of a
-substring to be sent.
-If successful, the method returns the index of the last byte
-within [i, j] that has been sent. Notice that, if
-i is 1 or absent, this is effectively the total
-number of bytes sent. In case of error, the method returns
-nil, followed by an error message, followed
-by the index of the last byte within [i, j] that
-has been sent. You might want to try again from the byte
-following that. The error message can be 'closed'
-in case the connection was closed before the transmission
-was completed or the string 'timeout' in case
-there was a timeout during the operation.
-Note: Output is not buffered. For small strings,
-it is always better to concatenate them in Lua
-(with the '..' operator) and send the result in one call
-instead of calling the method several times.
-client:setoption(option [, value])
-Sets options for the TCP object. Options are only needed by low-level or
-time-critical applications. You should only modify an option if you
-are sure you need it.
-Option is a string with the option name, and value
-depends on the option being set:
-The method returns 1 in case of success, or nil
-followed by an error message otherwise.
-Note: The descriptions above come from the man pages.
-master:setstats(received, sent, age)
-Resets accounting information on the socket, useful for throttling
-of bandwidth.
-Received is a number with the new number of bytes received.
-Sent is a number with the new number of bytes sent.
-Age is the new age in seconds.
-The method returns 1 in case of success and nil otherwise.
-master:settimeout(value [, mode])
-Changes the timeout values for the object. By default,
-all I/O operations are blocking. That is, any call to the methods
-receive, and
-will block indefinitely, until the operation completes. The
-settimeout method defines a limit on the amount of time the
-I/O methods can block. When a timeout is set and the specified amount of
-time has elapsed, the affected methods give up and fail with an error code.
-The amount of time to wait is specified as the
-value parameter, in seconds. There are two timeout modes and
-both can be used together for fine tuning:
-The nil timeout value allows operations to block
-indefinitely. Negative timeout values have the same effect.
-Note: although timeout values have millisecond precision in LuaSocket,
-large blocks can cause I/O functions not to respect timeout values due
-to the time the library takes to transfer blocks to and from the OS
-and to and from the Lua interpreter. Also, function that accept host names
-and perform automatic name resolution might be blocked by the resolver for
-longer than the specified timeout value.
-Note: The old timeout method is deprecated. The name has been
-changed for sake of uniformity, since all other method names already
-contained verbs making their imperative nature obvious.
-Shuts down part of a full-duplex connection.
-Mode tells which way of the connection should be shut down and can
-take the value:
-resolved4 = {
- name = canonic-name,
- alias = alias-list,
- ip = ip-address-list
-resolved6 = {
- [1] = {
- family = family-name-1,
- addr = address-1
- },
- ...
- [n] = {
- family = family-name-n,
- addr = address-n
- }
--- loads the FTP module and any libraries it requires
-local ftp = require("socket.ftp")
- host = string,
- sink = LTN12 sink,
- argument or path = string,
- [user = string,]
- [password = string]
- [command = string,]
- [port = number,]
- [type = string,]
- [step = LTN12 pump step,]
- [create = function]
--- load the ftp support
-local ftp = require("socket.ftp")
--- Log as user "anonymous" on server "",
--- and get file "lua.tar.gz" from directory "pub/lua" as binary.
-f, e = ftp.get(";type=i")
--- load needed modules
-local ftp = require("socket.ftp")
-local ltn12 = require("ltn12")
-local url = require("socket.url")
--- a function that returns a directory listing
-function nlst(u)
- local t = {}
- local p = url.parse(u)
- p.command = "nlst"
- p.sink = ltn12.sink.table(t)
- local r, e = ftp.get(p)
- return r and table.concat(t), e
- host = string,
- source = LTN12 sink,
- argument or path = string,
- [user = string,]
- [password = string]
- [command = string,]
- [port = number,]
- [type = string,]
- [step = LTN12 pump step,]
- [create = function]
--- load the ftp support
-local ftp = require("socket.ftp")
--- Log as user "fulano" on server "",
--- using password "silva", and store a file "README" with contents
--- "wrong password, of course"
-f, e = ftp.put("",
- "wrong password, of course")
--- load the ftp support
-local ftp = require("socket.ftp")
-local ltn12 = require("ltn12")
--- Log as user "fulano" on server "",
--- using password "silva", and append to the remote file "LOG", sending the
--- contents of the local file "LOCAL-LOG"
-f, e = ftp.put{
- host = "",
- user = "fulano",
- password = "silva",
- command = "appe",
- argument = "LOG",
- source = ltn12.source.file("LOCAL-LOG", "r"))
diff --git a/doc/http.html b/doc/http.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 52b8a30..0000000
--- a/doc/http.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
--- loads the HTTP module and any libraries it requires
-local http = require("socket.http")
-headers = {
- field-1-name = field-1-value,
- field-2-name = field-2-value,
- field-3-name = field-3-value,
- ...
- field-n-name = field-n-value
- url = string,
- [sink = LTN12 sink,]
- [method = string,]
- [headers = header-table,]
- [source = LTN12 source],
- [step = LTN12 pump step,]
- [proxy = string,]
- [redirect = boolean,]
- [create = function,]
- [maxredirects = number]
--- load the http module
-local io = require("io")
-local http = require("socket.http")
-local ltn12 = require("ltn12")
--- connect to server "" and retrieves this manual
--- file from "~diego/professional/luasocket/http.html" and print it to stdout
- url = "",
- sink = ltn12.sink.file(io.stdout)
--- connect to server "" and tries to retrieve
--- "/private/index.html". Fails because authentication is needed.
-b, c, h = http.request("")
--- b returns some useless page telling about the denied access,
--- h returns authentication information
--- and c returns with value 401 (Authentication Required)
--- tries to connect to server "" to retrieve "/"
--- and fails because the host does not exist.
-r, e = http.request("")
--- r is nil, and e returns with value "host not found"
--- load the http module
-http = require("socket.http")
--- Requests information about a document, without downloading it.
--- Useful, for example, if you want to display a download gauge and need
--- to know the size of the document in advance
-r, c, h = http.request {
- method = "HEAD",
- url = ""
--- r is 1, c is 200, and h would return the following headers:
--- h = {
--- date = "Tue, 18 Sep 2001 20:42:21 GMT",
--- server = "Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) (Red Hat/Linux)",
--- ["last-modified"] = "Wed, 05 Sep 2001 06:11:20 GMT",
--- ["content-length"] = 15652,
--- ["connection"] = "close",
--- ["content-Type"] = "text/html"
--- }
--- load required modules
-http = require("socket.http")
-mime = require("mime")
--- Connect to server "" and tries to retrieve
--- "/private/index.html", using the provided name and password to
--- authenticate the request
-b, c, h = http.request("")
--- Alternatively, one could fill the appropriate header and authenticate
--- the request directly.
-r, c = http.request {
- url = "",
- headers = { authorization = "Basic " .. (mime.b64("fulano:silva")) }
diff --git a/doc/index.html b/doc/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e92b4d4..0000000
--- a/doc/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-What is LuaSocket?
-Author: Diego Nehab
-Special thanks
-What's New
-Old Versions
-Directory structure
-Using LuaSocket
-Lua 5.2.2 Copyright (C) 1994-2013, PUC-Rio
-> socket = require("socket")
-> print(socket._VERSION)
---> LuaSocket 3.0-rc1
-Lua 5.2.2 Copyright (C) 1994-2013, PUC-Rio
-> http = require("socket.http")
-> print(http.request(""))
---> homepage gets dumped to terminal
diff --git a/doc/introduction.html b/doc/introduction.html
deleted file mode 100644
index fd22f48..0000000
--- a/doc/introduction.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
--- load namespace
-local socket = require("socket")
--- create a TCP socket and bind it to the local host, at any port
-local server = assert(socket.bind("*", 0))
--- find out which port the OS chose for us
-local ip, port = server:getsockname()
--- print a message informing what's up
-print("Please telnet to localhost on port " .. port)
-print("After connecting, you have 10s to enter a line to be echoed")
--- loop forever waiting for clients
-while 1 do
- -- wait for a connection from any client
- local client = server:accept()
- -- make sure we don't block waiting for this client's line
- client:settimeout(10)
- -- receive the line
- local line, err = client:receive()
- -- if there was no error, send it back to the client
- if not err then client:send(line .. "\n") end
- -- done with client, close the object
- client:close()
--- change here to the host an port you want to contact
-local host, port = "localhost", 13
--- load namespace
-local socket = require("socket")
--- convert host name to ip address
-local ip = assert(socket.dns.toip(host))
--- create a new UDP object
-local udp = assert(socket.udp())
--- contact daytime host
-assert(udp:sendto("anything", ip, port))
--- retrieve the answer and print results
-Support modules
--- loads the LTN21 module
-local ltn12 = require("ltn12")
--- load required modules
-local ltn12 = require("ltn12")
-local mime = require("mime")
--- create a silly identity filter
-id = ltn12.filter.chain(
- mime.encode("quoted-printable"),
- mime.encode("base64"),
- mime.decode("base64"),
- mime.decode("quoted-printable")
--- load the ltn12 module
-local ltn12 = require("ltn12")
--- the base64 mime filter factory
-encodet['base64'] = function()
- return ltn12.filter.cycle(b64, "")
--- load the ltn12 module
-local ltn12 = require("ltn12")
--- copy a file
- ltn12.source.file("original.png", "rb")),
- ltn12.sink.file("copy.png", "wb"))
--- load needed modules
-local http = require("socket.http")
-local ltn12 = require("ltn12")
--- a simplified http.get function
-function http.get(u)
- local t = {}
- local respt = request{
- url = u,
- sink = ltn12.sink.table(t)
- }
- return table.concat(t), respt.headers, respt.code
--- load the ltn12 module
-local ltn12 = require("ltn12")
--- copy a file
- ltn12.source.file("original.png", "rb")),
- ltn12.sink.file("copy.png", "wb"))
--- loads the MIME module and everything it requires
-local mime = require("mime")
-High-level filters
-mime.encode("quoted-printable" [, mode])
-base64 = ltn12.filter.chain(
- mime.encode("base64"),
- mime.wrap("base64")
-base64 = ltn12.filter.chain(
- mime.normalize(),
- mime.encode("base64"),
- mime.wrap("base64")
-qp = ltn12.filter.chain(
- mime.normalize(),
- mime.encode("quoted-printable"),
- mime.wrap("quoted-printable")
-Low-level filters
---> ZGllZ286cGFzc3dvcmQ=
-print((string.gsub(, ".\r\nStuffing the message.\r\n.\r\n."), "\r\n", "\\n")))
---> ..\nStuffing the message.\n..\n..
--- translates the end-of-line marker to UNIX
-unix = mime.eol(0, dos, "\n")
---> ma=E7=E3=
---> diego:password
---> ma��
-DNS (in socket)
-TCP (in socket)
-UDP (in socket)
diff --git a/doc/smtp.html b/doc/smtp.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 787d0b1..0000000
--- a/doc/smtp.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
--- loads the SMTP module and everything it requires
-local smtp = require("socket.smtp")
-headers = {
- field-1-name = field-1-value,
- field-2-name = field-2-value,
- field-3-name = field-3-value,
- ...
- field-n-name = field-n-value
-mesgt = {
- headers = header-table,
- body = LTN12 source or string or
-multipart-mesgt = {
- [preamble = string,]
- [1] = mesgt,
- [2] = mesgt,
- ...
- [n] = mesgt,
- [epilogue = string,]
--- load the smtp support and its friends
-local smtp = require("socket.smtp")
-local mime = require("mime")
-local ltn12 = require("ltn12")
--- creates a source to send a message with two parts. The first part is
--- plain text, the second part is a PNG image, encoded as base64.
-source = smtp.message{
- headers = {
- -- Remember that headers are *ignored* by smtp.send.
- from = "Sicrano de Oliveira <>",
- to = "Fulano da Silva <>",
- subject = "Here is a message with attachments"
- },
- body = {
- preamble = "If your client doesn't understand attachments, \r\n" ..
- "it will still display the preamble and the epilogue.\r\n" ..
- "Preamble will probably appear even in a MIME enabled client.",
- -- first part: no headers means plain text, us-ascii.
- -- The mime.eol low-level filter normalizes end-of-line markers.
- [1] = {
- body = mime.eol(0, [[
- Lines in a message body should always end with CRLF.
- The smtp module will *NOT* perform translation. However, the
- send function *DOES* perform SMTP stuffing, whereas the message
- function does *NOT*.
- ]])
- },
- -- second part: headers describe content to be a png image,
- -- sent under the base64 transfer content encoding.
- -- notice that nothing happens until the message is actually sent.
- -- small chunks are loaded into memory right before transmission and
- -- translation happens on the fly.
- [2] = {
- headers = {
- ["content-type"] = 'image/png; name="image.png"',
- ["content-disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="image.png"',
- ["content-description"] = 'a beautiful image',
- ["content-transfer-encoding"] = "BASE64"
- },
- body = ltn12.source.chain(
- ltn12.source.file("image.png", "rb")),
- ltn12.filter.chain(
- mime.encode("base64"),
- mime.wrap()
- )
- )
- },
- epilogue = "This might also show up, but after the attachments"
- }
--- finally send it
-r, e = smtp.send{
- from = "<>",
- rcpt = "<>",
- source = source,
- from = string,
- rcpt = string or string-table,
- source = LTN12 source,
- [user = string,]
- [password = string,]
- [server = string,]
- [port = number,]
- [domain = string,]
- [step = LTN12 pump step,]
- [create = function]
--- load the smtp support
-local smtp = require("socket.smtp")
--- Connects to server "localhost" and sends a message to users
--- "", "",
--- and "".
--- Note that "fulano" is the primary recipient, "beltrano" receives a
--- carbon copy and neither of them knows that "sicrano" received a blind
--- carbon copy of the message.
-from = "<>"
-rcpt = {
- "<>",
- "<>",
- "<>"
-mesgt = {
- headers = {
- to = "Fulano da Silva <>",
- cc = '"Beltrano F. Nunes" <>',
- subject = "My first message"
- },
- body = "I hope this works. If it does, I can send you another 1000 copies."
-r, e = smtp.send{
- from = from,
- rcpt = rcpt,
- source = smtp.message(mesgt)
diff --git a/doc/socket.html b/doc/socket.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c148114..0000000
--- a/doc/socket.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
-The socket namespace
--- loads the socket module
-local socket = require("socket")
--- loads the headers module
-local headers = require("headers")
-t = socket.gettime()
--- do stuff
-print(socket.gettime() - t .. " seconds elapsed")
-foo = socket.protect(function()
- -- connect somewhere
- local c = socket.try(socket.connect("somewhere", 42))
- -- create a try function that closes 'c' on error
- local try = socket.newtry(function() c:close() end)
- -- do everything reassured c will be closed
- try(c:send("hello there?\r\n"))
- local answer = try(c:receive())
- ...
- try(c:send("good bye\r\n"))
- c:close()
--- get the status code and separator from SMTP server reply
-local code, sep = socket.skip(2, string.find(line, "^(%d%d%d)(.?)"))
--- connects or throws an exception with the appropriate error message
-c = socket.try(socket.connect("localhost", 80))
-server:setoption(option [, value])
-client:setstats(received, sent, age)
-server:setstats(received, sent, age)
-client:settimeout(value [, mode])
-server:settimeout(value [, mode])
-This function returns 1. -
- - - -
-Sets the underling socket descriptor or handle associated to the object. The current one -is simply replaced, not closed, and no other change to the object state is made. -To set it as invalid use _SOCKETINVALID. -
- --No return value. -
- --Note: This is an internal method. Unlikely to be -portable. Use at your own risk. -
- - - --socket.tcp() -
- --Creates and returns an TCP master object. A master object can -be transformed into a server object with the method -listen (after a call to bind) or into a client object with -the method connect. The only other -method supported by a master object is the -close method.
- --In case of success, a new master object is returned. In case of error, -nil is returned, followed by an error message. -
- --Note: The choice between IPv4 and IPv6 happens during a call to -bind or connect, depending on the address -family obtained from the resolver. -
- --Note: Before the choice between IPv4 and IPv6 happens, -the internal socket object is invalid and therefore setoption will fail. -
- - - --socket.tcp4() -
- --Creates and returns an IPv4 TCP master object. A master object can -be transformed into a server object with the method -listen (after a call to bind) or into a client object with -the method connect. The only other -method supported by a master object is the -close method.
- --In case of success, a new master object is returned. In case of error, -nil is returned, followed by an error message. -
- - - --socket.tcp6() -
- --Creates and returns an IPv6 TCP master object. A master object can -be transformed into a server object with the method -listen (after a call to bind) or into a client object with -the method connect. The only other -method supported by a master object is the -close method.
- --In case of success, a new master object is returned. In case of error, -nil is returned, followed by an error message. -
- --Note: The TCP object returned will have the option -"ipv6-v6only" set to true. -
- - - - - - - - - diff --git a/doc/udp.html b/doc/udp.html deleted file mode 100644 index db711cb..0000000 --- a/doc/udp.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,596 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - -
-Closes a UDP object. The internal socket -used by the object is closed and the local address to which the -object was bound is made available to other applications. No -further operations (except for further calls to the close -method) are allowed on a closed socket. -
- --Note: It is important to close all used sockets -once they are not needed, since, in many systems, each socket uses -a file descriptor, which are limited system resources. -Garbage-collected objects are automatically closed before -destruction, though. -
- - - -
-Gets an option value from the UDP object. -See setoption for -description of the option names and values. -
- -Option is a string with the option name. -
-The method returns the option value in case of -success, or -nil followed by an error message otherwise. -
- - - --connected:getpeername() -
- --Retrieves information about the peer -associated with a connected UDP object. -
- - --Returns a string with the IP address of the peer, the -port number that peer is using for the connection, -and a string with the family ("inet" or "inet6"). -In case of error, the method returns nil. -
- --Note: It makes no sense to call this method on unconnected objects. -
- - - -
-Returns the local address information associated to the object. -
- - --The method returns a string with local IP address, a number with -the local port, -and a string with the family ("inet" or "inet6"). -In case of error, the method returns nil. -
- --Note: UDP sockets are not bound to any address -until the setsockname or the -sendto method is called for the -first time (in which case it is bound to an ephemeral port and the -wild-card address). -
- - - -
-Returns the current timeout value. -
- - - - -
-Receives a datagram from the UDP object. If -the UDP object is connected, only datagrams coming from the peer -are accepted. Otherwise, the returned datagram can come from any -host. -
- --The optional size parameter -specifies the maximum size of the datagram to be retrieved. If -there are more than size bytes available in the datagram, -the excess bytes are discarded. If there are less then -size bytes available in the current datagram, the -available bytes are returned. -If size is omitted, the -compile-time constant -socket._DATAGRAMSIZE is used -(it defaults to 8192 bytes). Larger sizes will cause a -temporary buffer to be allocated for the operation. -
- --In case of success, the method returns the -received datagram. In case of timeout, the method returns -nil followed by the string 'timeout'. -
- - - --unconnected:receivefrom([size]) -
- --Works exactly as the receive -method, except it returns the IP -address and port as extra return values (and is therefore slightly less -efficient). -
- - - --connected:send(datagram) -
- --Sends a datagram to the UDP peer of a connected object. -
- --Datagram is a string with the datagram contents. -The maximum datagram size for UDP is 64K minus IP layer overhead. -However datagrams larger than the link layer packet size will be -fragmented, which may deteriorate performance and/or reliability. -
- --If successful, the method returns 1. In case of -error, the method returns nil followed by an error message. -
- --Note: In UDP, the send method never blocks -and the only way it can fail is if the underlying transport layer -refuses to send a message to the specified address (i.e. no -interface accepts the address). -
- - - --unconnected:sendto(datagram, ip, port) -
- --Sends a datagram to the specified IP address and port number. -
- --Datagram is a string with the -datagram contents. -The maximum datagram size for UDP is 64K minus IP layer overhead. -However datagrams larger than the link layer packet size will be -fragmented, which may deteriorate performance and/or reliability. -Ip is the IP address of the recipient. -Host names are not allowed for performance reasons. - -Port is the port number at the recipient. -
- --If successful, the method returns 1. In case of -error, the method returns nil followed by an error message. -
- --Note: In UDP, the send method never blocks -and the only way it can fail is if the underlying transport layer -refuses to send a message to the specified address (i.e. no -interface accepts the address). -
- - - -
-connected:setoption(option [, value])
-unconnected:setoption(option [, value])
-Sets options for the UDP object. Options are -only needed by low-level or time-critical applications. You should -only modify an option if you are sure you need it.
-Option is a string with the option -name, and value depends on the option being set: -
- --The method returns 1 in case of success, or -nil followed by an error message otherwise. -
- --Note: The descriptions above come from the man pages. -
- - - - -
-unconnected:setpeername(address, port)
-Changes the peer of a UDP object. This -method turns an unconnected UDP object into a connected UDP -object or vice versa. -
- --For connected objects, outgoing datagrams -will be sent to the specified peer, and datagrams received from -other peers will be discarded by the OS. Connected UDP objects must -use the send and -receive methods instead of -sendto and -receivefrom. -
- --Address can be an IP address or a -host name. Port is the port number. If address is -'*' and the object is connected, the peer association is -removed and the object becomes an unconnected object again. In that -case, the port argument is ignored. -
- --In case of error the method returns -nil followed by an error message. In case of success, the -method returns 1. -
- --Note: Since the address of the peer does not have -to be passed to and from the OS, the use of connected UDP objects -is recommended when the same peer is used for several transmissions -and can result in up to 30% performance gains. -
- --Note: Starting with LuaSocket 3.0, the host name resolution -depends on whether the socket was created by socket.udp or socket.udp6. Addresses from -the appropriate family are tried in succession until the -first success or until the last failure. -
- - - --unconnected:setsockname(address, port) -
- --Binds the UDP object to a local address. -
- --Address can be an IP address or a -host name. If address is '*' the system binds to -all local interfaces using the constant INADDR_ANY. If -port is 0, the system chooses an ephemeral port. -
- --If successful, the method returns 1. In case of -error, the method returns nil followed by an error -message. -
- --Note: This method can only be called before any -datagram is sent through the UDP object, and only once. Otherwise, -the system automatically binds the object to all local interfaces -and chooses an ephemeral port as soon as the first datagram is -sent. After the local address is set, either automatically by the -system or explicitly by setsockname, it cannot be -changed. -
- - - -
-Changes the timeout values for the object. By default, the -receive and -receivefrom -operations are blocking. That is, any call to the methods will block -indefinitely, until data arrives. The settimeout function defines -a limit on the amount of time the functions can block. When a timeout is -set and the specified amount of time has elapsed, the affected methods -give up and fail with an error code. -
- --The amount of time to wait is specified as -the value parameter, in seconds. The nil timeout -value allows operations to block indefinitely. Negative -timeout values have the same effect. -
- --Note: In UDP, the send -and sendto methods never block (the -datagram is just passed to the OS and the call returns -immediately). Therefore, the settimeout method has no -effect on them. -
- --Note: The old timeout method is -deprecated. The name has been changed for sake of uniformity, since -all other method names already contained verbs making their -imperative nature obvious. -
- - - --socket.udp() -
- --Creates and returns an unconnected UDP object. -Unconnected objects support the -sendto, -receive, -receivefrom, -getoption, -getsockname, -setoption, -settimeout, -setpeername, -setsockname, and -close. -The setpeername -is used to connect the object. -
- --In case of success, a new unconnected UDP object -returned. In case of error, nil is returned, followed by -an error message. -
- --Note: The choice between IPv4 and IPv6 happens during a call to -sendto, setpeername, or sockname, depending on the address -family obtained from the resolver. -
- --Note: Before the choice between IPv4 and IPv6 happens, -the internal socket object is invalid and therefore setoption will fail. -
- - - --socket.udp4() -
- --Creates and returns an unconnected IPv4 UDP object. -Unconnected objects support the -sendto, -receive, -receivefrom, -getoption, -getsockname, -setoption, -settimeout, -setpeername, -setsockname, and -close. -The setpeername -is used to connect the object. -
- --In case of success, a new unconnected UDP object -returned. In case of error, nil is returned, followed by -an error message. -
- - - --socket.udp6() -
- --Creates and returns an unconnected IPv6 UDP object. -Unconnected objects support the -sendto, -receive, -receivefrom, -getoption, -getsockname, -setoption, -settimeout, -setpeername, -setsockname, and -close. -The setpeername -is used to connect the object. -
- --In case of success, a new unconnected UDP object -returned. In case of error, nil is returned, followed by -an error message. -
- --Note: The TCP object returned will have the option -"ipv6-v6only" set to true. -
- - - - - - - - - diff --git a/doc/url.html b/doc/url.html deleted file mode 100644 index 6ff673d..0000000 --- a/doc/url.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,328 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - --The url namespace provides functions to parse, protect, -and build URLs, as well as functions to compose absolute URLs -from base and relative URLs, according to -RFC 2396. -
- --To obtain the url namespace, run: -
- ---- loads the URL module -local url = require("socket.url") -- -
-An URL is defined by the following grammar: -
- -- -<url> ::= [<scheme>:][//<authority>][/<path>][;<params>][?<query>][#<fragment>]- - - -
-<authority> ::= [<userinfo>@]<host>[:<port>]
-<userinfo> ::= <user>[:<password>]
-<path> ::= {<segment>/}<segment>
- -
-url.absolute(base, relative) -
- --Builds an absolute URL from a base URL and a relative URL. -
- --Base is a string with the base URL or -a parsed URL table. Relative is a -string with the relative URL. -
- --The function returns a string with the absolute URL. -
- --Note: The rules that -govern the composition are fairly complex, and are described in detail in -RFC 2396. -The example bellow should give an idea of what the rules are. -
- --http://a/b/c/d;p?q - -+ - -g:h = g:h -g = http://a/b/c/g -./g = http://a/b/c/g -g/ = http://a/b/c/g/ -/g = http://a/g -//g = http://g -?y = http://a/b/c/?y -g?y = http://a/b/c/g?y -#s = http://a/b/c/d;p?q#s -g#s = http://a/b/c/g#s -g?y#s = http://a/b/c/g?y#s -;x = http://a/b/c/;x -g;x = http://a/b/c/g;x -g;x?y#s = http://a/b/c/g;x?y#s -. = http://a/b/c/ -./ = http://a/b/c/ -.. = http://a/b/ -../ = http://a/b/ -../g = http://a/b/g -../.. = http://a/ -../../ = http://a/ -../../g = http://a/g -- - - - -
- --Rebuilds an URL from its parts. -
- --Parsed_url is a table with same components returned by -parse. -Lower level components, if specified, -take precedence over high level components of the URL grammar. -
- --The function returns a string with the built URL. -
- - - --url.build_path(segments, unsafe) -
- --Builds a <path> component from a list of -<segment> parts. -Before composition, any reserved characters found in a segment are escaped into -their protected form, so that the resulting path is a valid URL path -component. -
- --Segments is a list of strings with the <segment> -parts. If unsafe is anything but nil, reserved -characters are left untouched. -
- --The function returns a string with the -built <path> component. -
- - - --url.escape(content) -
- --Applies the URL escaping content coding to a string -Each byte is encoded as a percent character followed -by the two byte hexadecimal representation of its integer -value. -
- --Content is the string to be encoded. -
- --The function returns the encoded string. -
- ---- load url module -url = require("socket.url") - -code = url.escape("/#?;") --- code = "%2f%23%3f%3b" -- - - -
-url.parse(url, default) -
- --Parses an URL given as a string into a Lua table with its components. -
- --Url is the URL to be parsed. If the default table is -present, it is used to store the parsed fields. Only fields present in the -URL are overwritten. Therefore, this table can be used to pass default -values for each field. -
- --The function returns a table with all the URL components: -
- --parsed_url = {- -
- url = string,
- scheme = string,
- authority = string,
- path = string,
- params = string,
- query = string,
- fragment = string,
- userinfo = string,
- host = string,
- port = string,
- user = string,
- password = string
-} -
--- load url module -url = require("socket.url") - -parsed_url = url.parse("") --- parsed_url = { --- scheme = "http", --- authority = "", --- path = "/cgilua/index.lua" --- query = "a=2", --- fragment = "there", --- host = "", --- } - -parsed_url = url.parse(";type=i") --- parsed_url = { --- scheme = "ftp", --- authority = "", --- path = "/pub/virus.exe", --- params = "type=i", --- userinfo = "root:passwd", --- host = "", --- user = "root", --- password = "passwd", --- } -- - - -
-url.parse_path(path) -
- --Breaks a <path> URL component into all its -<segment> parts. -
- --Path is a string with the path to be parsed. -
- --Since some characters are reserved in URLs, they must be escaped -whenever present in a <path> component. Therefore, before -returning a list with all the parsed segments, the function removes -escaping from all of them. -
- - - --url.unescape(content) -
- --Removes the URL escaping content coding from a string. -
- --Content is the string to be decoded. -
- --The function returns the decoded string. -
- - - - - - - diff --git a/docs/dns.html b/docs/dns.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..56ce3ba --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/dns.html @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ + + + + + + ++IPv4 name resolution functions +dns.toip +and +dns.tohostname +return all information obtained from +the resolver in a table of the form: +
+ ++resolved4 = {+ +
+ name = canonic-name,
+ alias = alias-list,
+ ip = ip-address-list
+} +
+Note that the alias list can be empty. +
+ ++The more general name resolution function +dns.getaddrinfo, which +supports both IPv6 and IPv4, +returns all information obtained from +the resolver in a table of the form: +
+ ++resolved6 = {+ +
+ [1] = {
+ family = family-name-1,
+ addr = address-1
+ },
+ ...
+ [n] = {
+ family = family-name-n,
+ addr = address-n
+ }
+} +
+Here, family contains the string "inet" for IPv4 +addresses, and "inet6" for IPv6 addresses. +
+ + + ++socket.dns.getaddrinfo(address) +
+ ++Converts from host name to address. +
+ ++Address can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address or host name. +
+ ++The function returns a table with all information returned by +the resolver. In case of error, the function returns nil +followed by an error message. +
+ + + ++socket.dns.gethostname() +
+ ++Returns the standard host name for the machine as a string. +
+ + + ++socket.dns.tohostname(address) +
+ ++Converts from IPv4 address to host name. +
+ ++Address can be an IP address or host name. +
+ ++The function returns a string with the canonic host name of the given +address, followed by a table with all information returned by +the resolver. In case of error, the function returns nil +followed by an error message. +
+ + + ++socket.dns.toip(address) +
+ ++Converts from host name to IPv4 address. +
+ ++Address can be an IP address or host name. +
+ ++Returns a string with the first IP address found for address, +followed by a table with all information returned by the resolver. +In case of error, the function returns nil followed by an error +message. +
+ + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/ftp.html b/docs/ftp.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7f7da2e --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ftp.html @@ -0,0 +1,288 @@ + + + + + + ++FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a protocol used to transfer files +between hosts. The ftp namespace offers thorough support +to FTP, under a simple interface. The implementation conforms to +RFC 959. +
+ ++High level functions are provided supporting the most common operations. +These high level functions are implemented on top of a lower level +interface. Using the low-level interface, users can easily create their +own functions to access any operation supported by the FTP +protocol. For that, check the implementation. +
+ ++To really benefit from this module, a good understanding of + +LTN012, Filters sources and sinks is necessary. +
+ ++To obtain the ftp namespace, run: +
+ ++-- loads the FTP module and any libraries it requires +local ftp = require("socket.ftp") ++ +
+URLs MUST conform to +RFC 1738, +that is, an URL is a string in the form: +
+ ++ +[ftp://][<user>[:<password>]@]<host>[:<port>][/<path>][type=a|i] ++ +
+The following constants in the namespace can be set to control the default behavior of +the FTP module: +
+ +
+ host = string,
+ sink = LTN12 sink,
+ argument or path = string,
+ [user = string,]
+ [password = string]
+ [command = string,]
+ [port = number,]
+ [type = string,]
+ [step = LTN12 pump step,]
+ [create = function]
+The get function has two forms. The simple form has fixed +functionality: it downloads the contents of a URL and returns it as a +string. The generic form allows a lot more control, as explained +below. +
+ ++If the argument of the get function is a table, the function +expects at least the fields host, sink, and one of +argument or path (argument takes +precedence). Host is the server to connect to. Sink is +the simple +LTN12 +sink that will receive the downloaded data. Argument or +path give the target path to the resource in the server. The +optional arguments are the following: +
++If successful, the simple version returns the URL contents as a +string, and the generic function returns 1. In case of error, both +functions return nil and an error message describing the +error. +
+ ++-- load the ftp support +local ftp = require("socket.ftp") + +-- Log as user "anonymous" on server "", +-- and get file "lua.tar.gz" from directory "pub/lua" as binary. +f, e = ftp.get(";type=i") ++ +
+-- load needed modules +local ftp = require("socket.ftp") +local ltn12 = require("ltn12") +local url = require("socket.url") + +-- a function that returns a directory listing +function nlst(u) + local t = {} + local p = url.parse(u) + p.command = "nlst" + p.sink = ltn12.sink.table(t) + local r, e = ftp.get(p) + return r and table.concat(t), e +end ++ + + +
+ftp.put(url, content)
+ host = string,
+ source = LTN12 sink,
+ argument or path = string,
+ [user = string,]
+ [password = string]
+ [command = string,]
+ [port = number,]
+ [type = string,]
+ [step = LTN12 pump step,]
+ [create = function]
+The put function has two forms. The simple form has fixed +functionality: it uploads a string of content into a URL. The generic form +allows a lot more control, as explained below. +
+ ++If the argument of the put function is a table, the function +expects at least the fields host, source, and one of +argument or path (argument takes +precedence). Host is the server to connect to. Source is +the simple +LTN12 +source that will provide the contents to be uploaded. +Argument or +path give the target path to the resource in the server. The +optional arguments are the following: +
++Both functions return 1 if successful, or nil and an error +message describing the reason for failure. +
+ ++-- load the ftp support +local ftp = require("socket.ftp") + +-- Log as user "fulano" on server "", +-- using password "silva", and store a file "README" with contents +-- "wrong password, of course" +f, e = ftp.put("", + "wrong password, of course") ++ +
+-- load the ftp support +local ftp = require("socket.ftp") +local ltn12 = require("ltn12") + +-- Log as user "fulano" on server "", +-- using password "silva", and append to the remote file "LOG", sending the +-- contents of the local file "LOCAL-LOG" +f, e = ftp.put{ + host = "", + user = "fulano", + password = "silva", + command = "appe", + argument = "LOG", + source = ltn12.source.file("LOCAL-LOG", "r")) +} ++ + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/http.html b/docs/http.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..52b8a30 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/http.html @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ + + + + + + +
+HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) is the protocol used to exchange +information between web-browsers and servers. The http +namespace offers full support for the client side of the HTTP +protocol (i.e., +the facilities that would be used by a web-browser implementation). The +implementation conforms to the HTTP/1.1 standard, +RFC 2616. +
+ ++The module exports functions that provide HTTP functionality in different +levels of abstraction. From the simple +string oriented requests, through generic +LTN12 based, down to even lower-level if you bother to look through the source code. +
+ ++To obtain the http namespace, run: +
+ ++-- loads the HTTP module and any libraries it requires +local http = require("socket.http") ++ +
+URLs must conform to +RFC 1738, +that is, an URL is a string in the form: +
+ +++ ++[http://][<user>[:<password>]@]<host>[:<port>][/<path>] ++
+MIME headers are represented as a Lua table in the form: +
+ +++ ++
++ +headers = {
+ field-1-name = field-1-value,
+ field-2-name = field-2-value,
+ field-3-name = field-3-value,
+ ...
+ field-n-name = field-n-value
+} +
+Field names are case insensitive (as specified by the standard) and all +functions work with lowercase field names (but see +socket.headers.canonic). +Field values are left unmodified. +
+ ++Note: MIME headers are independent of order. Therefore, there is no problem +in representing them in a Lua table. +
+ ++The following constants can be set to control the default behavior of +the HTTP module: +
+ ++Note: These constants are global. Changing them will also +change the behavior other code that might be using LuaSocket. +
+ + + +
+http.request(url [, body])
+ url = string,
+ [sink = LTN12 sink,]
+ [method = string,]
+ [headers = header-table,]
+ [source = LTN12 source],
+ [step = LTN12 pump step,]
+ [proxy = string,]
+ [redirect = boolean,]
+ [create = function,]
+ [maxredirects = number]
+The request function has two forms. The simple form downloads +a URL using the GET or POST method and is based +on strings. The generic form performs any HTTP method and is +LTN12 based. +
+ ++If the first argument of the request function is a string, it +should be an url. In that case, if a body +is provided as a string, the function will perform a POST method +in the url. Otherwise, it performs a GET in the +url +
+ ++If the first argument is instead a table, the most important fields are +the url and the simple +LTN12 +sink that will receive the downloaded content. +Any part of the url can be overridden by including +the appropriate field in the request table. +If authentication information is provided, the function +uses the Basic Authentication Scheme (see note) +to retrieve the document. If sink is nil, the +function discards the downloaded data. The optional parameters are the +following: +
++In case of failure, the function returns nil followed by an +error message. If successful, the simple form returns the response +body as a string, followed by the response status code, the response +headers and the response status line. The generic function returns the same +information, except the first return value is just the number 1 (the body +goes to the sink). +
+ ++Even when the server fails to provide the contents of the requested URL (URL not found, for example), +it usually returns a message body (a web page informing the +URL was not found or some other useless page). To make sure the +operation was successful, check the returned status code. For +a list of the possible values and their meanings, refer to RFC 2616. +
+ ++Here are a few examples with the simple interface: +
+ ++-- load the http module +local io = require("io") +local http = require("socket.http") +local ltn12 = require("ltn12") + +-- connect to server "" and retrieves this manual +-- file from "~diego/professional/luasocket/http.html" and print it to stdout +http.request{ + url = "", + sink = ltn12.sink.file(io.stdout) +} + +-- connect to server "" and tries to retrieve +-- "/private/index.html". Fails because authentication is needed. +b, c, h = http.request("") +-- b returns some useless page telling about the denied access, +-- h returns authentication information +-- and c returns with value 401 (Authentication Required) + +-- tries to connect to server "" to retrieve "/" +-- and fails because the host does not exist. +r, e = http.request("") +-- r is nil, and e returns with value "host not found" ++ +
+And here is an example using the generic interface: +
+ ++-- load the http module +http = require("socket.http") + +-- Requests information about a document, without downloading it. +-- Useful, for example, if you want to display a download gauge and need +-- to know the size of the document in advance +r, c, h = http.request { + method = "HEAD", + url = "" +} +-- r is 1, c is 200, and h would return the following headers: +-- h = { +-- date = "Tue, 18 Sep 2001 20:42:21 GMT", +-- server = "Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) (Red Hat/Linux)", +-- ["last-modified"] = "Wed, 05 Sep 2001 06:11:20 GMT", +-- ["content-length"] = 15652, +-- ["connection"] = "close", +-- ["content-Type"] = "text/html" +-- } ++ +
+Note: When sending a POST request, simple interface adds a +"Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" +header to the request. This is the type used by +HTML forms. If you need another type, use the generic +interface. +
+ ++Note: Some URLs are protected by their +servers from anonymous download. For those URLs, the server must receive +some sort of authentication along with the request or it will deny +download and return status "401 Authentication Required". +
+ ++The HTTP/1.1 standard defines two authentication methods: the Basic +Authentication Scheme and the Digest Authentication Scheme, both +explained in detail in +RFC 2068. +
+ +The Basic Authentication Scheme sends +<user> and +<password> unencrypted to the server and is therefore +considered unsafe. Unfortunately, by the time of this implementation, +the wide majority of servers and browsers support the Basic Scheme only. +Therefore, this is the method used by the toolkit whenever +authentication is required. +
+ ++-- load required modules +http = require("socket.http") +mime = require("mime") + +-- Connect to server "" and tries to retrieve +-- "/private/index.html", using the provided name and password to +-- authenticate the request +b, c, h = http.request("") + +-- Alternatively, one could fill the appropriate header and authenticate +-- the request directly. +r, c = http.request { + url = "", + headers = { authorization = "Basic " .. (mime.b64("fulano:silva")) } +} ++ + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e92b4d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ + + + + + + +
+LuaSocket is a Lua extension library +that is composed by two parts: a C core that provides support for the TCP +and UDP transport layers, and a set of Lua modules that add support for +functionality commonly needed by applications that deal with the Internet. +
+ ++The core support has been implemented so that it is both efficient and +simple to use. It is available to any Lua application once it has been +properly initialized by the interpreter in use. The code has been tested +and runs well on several Windows and UNIX platforms.
+ ++Among the support modules, the most commonly used implement the +SMTP +(sending e-mails), +HTTP +(WWW access) and +FTP +(uploading and downloading files) client +protocols. These provide a very natural and generic interface to the +functionality defined by each protocol. +In addition, you will find that the +MIME (common encodings), +URL +(anything you could possible want to do with one) and +LTN12 +(filters, sinks, sources and pumps) modules can be very handy. +
+ ++The library is available under the same + +terms and conditions as the Lua language, the MIT license. The idea is +that if you can use Lua in a project, you should also be able to use +LuaSocket. +
+ +
+Copyright © 1999-2013 Diego Nehab. All rights reserved.
+Author: Diego Nehab
+LuaSocket version 3.0-rc1 is now available for download! +It is compatible with Lua 5.1 and 5.2, and has +been tested on Windows XP, Linux, and Mac OS X. Chances +are it works well on most UNIX distributions and Windows flavors. +
+ ++The current version of the library can be found at +the LuaSocket +project page on GitHub. Besides the full C and Lua source code +for the library, the distribution contains several examples, +this user's manual and basic test procedures. +
+ +Take a look at the installation section of the +manual to find out how to properly install the library. +
+ + + ++This marks the first release of LuaSocket that +wholeheartedly embraces the open-source development +philosophy. After a long hiatus, Matthew Wild finally +convinced me it was time for a release including IPv6 and +Lua 5.2 support. It was more work than we anticipated. +Special thanks to Sam Roberts, Florian Zeitz, and Paul +Aurich, Liam Devine, Alexey Melnichuk, and everybody else +that has helped bring this library back to life. +
+ + + ++Main changes for LuaSocket 3.0-rc1 are IPv6 support +and Lua 5.2 compatibility. +
+ ++All previous versions of the LuaSocket library can be downloaded +here. Although these versions are no longer supported, they are +still available for those that have compatibility issues. +
+ + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/installation.html b/docs/installation.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..28a9fbb --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/installation.html @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ + + + + + + +Here we describe the standard distribution. If the +standard doesn't meet your needs, we refer you to the Lua +discussion list, where any question about the package scheme +will likely already have been answered.
+ +On Unix systems, the standard distribution uses two base +directories, one for system dependent files, and another for system +independent files. Let's call these directories <CDIR> +and <LDIR>, respectively. +For example, in my laptp, Lua 5.1 is configured to +use '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1' for +<CDIR> and '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1' for +<LDIR>. On Windows, <CDIR> +usually points to the directory where the Lua executable is +found, and <LDIR> points to a +lua/ directory inside <CDIR>. (These +settings can be overridden by environment variables +LUA_PATH and LUA_CPATH. See the Lua +documentation for details.) Here is the standard LuaSocket +distribution directory structure:
+ ++<LDIR>/ltn12.lua +<LDIR>/socket.lua +<CDIR>/socket/core.dll +<LDIR>/socket/http.lua +<LDIR>/socket/tp.lua +<LDIR>/socket/ftp.lua +<LDIR>/socket/smtp.lua +<LDIR>/socket/url.lua +<LDIR>/mime.lua +<CDIR>/mime/core.dll ++ +
Naturally, on Unix systems, core.dll +would be replaced by +
+ +With the above setup, and an interpreter with shared library support, +it should be easy to use LuaSocket. Just fire the interpreter and use the +require function to gain access to whatever module you need:
+ ++Lua 5.2.2 Copyright (C) 1994-2013, PUC-Rio +> socket = require("socket") +> print(socket._VERSION) +--> LuaSocket 3.0-rc1 ++ +
Each module loads their dependencies automatically, so you only need to +load the modules you directly depend upon:
+ ++Lua 5.2.2 Copyright (C) 1994-2013, PUC-Rio +> http = require("socket.http") +> print(http.request("")) +--> homepage gets dumped to terminal ++ + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/introduction.html b/docs/introduction.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd22f48 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/introduction.html @@ -0,0 +1,333 @@ + + + + + + +
+LuaSocket is a Lua extension library +that is composed by two parts: a C core that provides support for the TCP +and UDP transport layers, and a set of Lua modules that add support for +the SMTP (sending e-mails), HTTP (WWW access) and FTP (uploading and +downloading files) protocols and other functionality commonly needed by +applications that deal with the Internet. This introduction is about the C +core. +
+ ++Communication in LuaSocket is performed via I/O objects. These can +represent different network domains. Currently, support is provided for TCP +and UDP, but nothing prevents other developers from implementing SSL, Local +Domain, Pipes, File Descriptors etc. I/O objects provide a standard +interface to I/O across different domains and operating systems. +
+ ++The API design had two goals in mind. First, users +experienced with the C API to sockets should feel comfortable using LuaSocket. +Second, the simplicity and the feel of the Lua language should be +preserved. To achieve these goals, the LuaSocket API keeps the function names and semantics the C API whenever possible, but their usage in Lua has been greatly simplified. +
+ + ++One of the simplifications is the receive pattern capability. +Applications can read data from stream domains (such as TCP) +line by line, block by block, or until the connection is closed. +All I/O reads are buffered and the performance differences between +different receive patterns are negligible. +
+ ++Another advantage is the flexible timeout control +mechanism. As in C, all I/O operations are blocking by default. For +example, the send, +receive and +accept methods +of the TCP domain will block the caller application until +the operation is completed (if ever!). However, with a call to the +settimeout +method, an application can specify upper limits on +the time it can be blocked by LuaSocket (the "total" timeout), on +the time LuaSocket can internally be blocked by any OS call (the +"block" timeout) or a combination of the two. Each LuaSocket +call might perform several OS calls, so that the two timeout values are +not equivalent. +
+ ++Finally, the host name resolution is transparent, meaning that most +functions and methods accept both IP addresses and host names. In case a +host name is given, the library queries the system's resolver and +tries the main IP address returned. Note that direct use of IP addresses +is more efficient, of course. The +toip +and tohostname +functions from the DNS module are provided to convert between host names and IP addresses. +
+ ++Together, these changes make network programming in LuaSocket much simpler +than it is in C, as the following sections will show. +
+ + + ++TCP (Transfer Control Protocol) is reliable stream protocol. In other +words, applications communicating through TCP can send and receive data as +an error free stream of bytes. Data is split in one end and +reassembled transparently on the other end. There are no boundaries in +the data transfers. The library allows users to read data from the +sockets in several different granularities: patterns are available for +lines, arbitrary sized blocks or "read up to connection closed", all with +good performance. +
+ ++The library distinguishes three types of TCP sockets: master, +client and server sockets. +
+ ++Master sockets are newly created TCP sockets returned by the function +socket.tcp. A master socket is +transformed into a server socket +after it is associated with a local address by a call to the +bind method followed by a call to the +listen. Conversely, a master socket +can be changed into a client socket with the method +connect, +which associates it with a remote address. +
+ ++On server sockets, applications can use the +accept method +to wait for a client connection. Once a connection is established, a +client socket object is returned representing this connection. The +other methods available for server socket objects are +getsockname, +setoption, +settimeout, and +close. +
+ ++Client sockets are used to exchange data between two applications over +the Internet. Applications can call the methods +send and +receive +to send and receive data. The other methods +available for client socket objects are +getsockname, +getpeername, +setoption, +settimeout, +shutdown, and +close. +
+ ++Example: +
+++ + + ++A simple echo server, using LuaSocket. The program binds to an ephemeral +port (one that is chosen by the operating system) on the local host and +awaits client connections on that port. When a connection is established, +the program reads a line from the remote end and sends it back, closing +the connection immediately. You can test it using the telnet +program. +
+ ++-- load namespace +local socket = require("socket") +-- create a TCP socket and bind it to the local host, at any port +local server = assert(socket.bind("*", 0)) +-- find out which port the OS chose for us +local ip, port = server:getsockname() +-- print a message informing what's up +print("Please telnet to localhost on port " .. port) +print("After connecting, you have 10s to enter a line to be echoed") +-- loop forever waiting for clients +while 1 do + -- wait for a connection from any client + local client = server:accept() + -- make sure we don't block waiting for this client's line + client:settimeout(10) + -- receive the line + local line, err = client:receive() + -- if there was no error, send it back to the client + if not err then client:send(line .. "\n") end + -- done with client, close the object + client:close() +end ++
+UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a non-reliable datagram protocol. In +other words, applications communicating through UDP send and receive +data as independent blocks, which are not guaranteed to reach the other +end. Even when they do reach the other end, they are not guaranteed to be +error free. Data transfers are atomic, one datagram at a time. Reading +only part of a datagram discards the rest, so that the following read +operation will act on the next datagram. The advantages are in +simplicity (no connection setup) and performance (no error checking or +error correction). +
+ ++Note that although no guarantees are made, these days +networks are so good that, under normal circumstances, few errors +happen in practice. +
+ ++An UDP socket object is created by the +socket.udp function. UDP +sockets do not need to be connected before use. The method +sendto +can be used immediately after creation to +send a datagram to IP address and port. Host names are not allowed +because performing name resolution for each packet would be forbiddingly +slow. Methods +receive and +receivefrom +can be used to retrieve datagrams, the latter returning the IP and port of +the sender as extra return values (thus being slightly less +efficient). +
+ ++When communication is performed repeatedly with a single peer, an +application should call the +setpeername method to specify a +permanent partner. Methods +sendto and +receivefrom +can no longer be used, but the method +send can be used to send data +directly to the peer, and the method +receive +will only return datagrams originating +from that peer. There is about 30% performance gain due to this practice. +
+ ++To associate an UDP socket with a local address, an application calls the +setsockname +method before sending any datagrams. Otherwise, the socket is +automatically bound to an ephemeral address before the first data +transmission and once bound the local address cannot be changed. +The other methods available for UDP sockets are +getpeername, +getsockname, +settimeout, +setoption and +close. +
+ ++Example: +
+++ + + ++A simple daytime client, using LuaSocket. The program connects to a remote +server and tries to retrieve the daytime, printing the answer it got or an +error message. +
+ ++-- change here to the host an port you want to contact +local host, port = "localhost", 13 +-- load namespace +local socket = require("socket") +-- convert host name to ip address +local ip = assert(socket.dns.toip(host)) +-- create a new UDP object +local udp = assert(socket.udp()) +-- contact daytime host +assert(udp:sendto("anything", ip, port)) +-- retrieve the answer and print results +io.write(assert(udp:receive())) ++
Although not covered in the introduction, LuaSocket offers +much more than TCP and UDP functionality. As the library +evolved, support for HTTP, FTP, +and SMTP were built on top of these. These modules +and many others are covered by the reference manual. +
+ + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/ltn12.html b/docs/ltn12.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe3e3a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ltn12.html @@ -0,0 +1,440 @@ + + + + + + +The ltn12 namespace implements the ideas described in + +LTN012, Filters sources and sinks. This manual simply describes the +functions. Please refer to the LTN for a deeper explanation of the +functionality provided by this module. +
+ ++To obtain the ltn12 namespace, run: +
+ ++-- loads the LTN21 module +local ltn12 = require("ltn12") ++ + + +
+ltn12.filter.chain(filter1, filter2 +[, ... filterN]) +
+ ++Returns a filter that passes all data it receives through each of a +series of given filters. +
+ ++Filter1 to filterN are simple +filters. +
+ ++The function returns the chained filter. +
+ ++The nesting of filters can be arbitrary. For instance, the useless filter +below doesn't do anything but return the data that was passed to it, +unaltered. +
+ ++-- load required modules +local ltn12 = require("ltn12") +local mime = require("mime") + +-- create a silly identity filter +id = ltn12.filter.chain( + mime.encode("quoted-printable"), + mime.encode("base64"), + mime.decode("base64"), + mime.decode("quoted-printable") +) ++ + + +
+ltn12.filter.cycle(low [, ctx, extra]) +
+ ++Returns a high-level filter that cycles though a low-level filter by +passing it each chunk and updating a context between calls. +
+ ++Low is the low-level filter to be cycled, +ctx is the initial context and extra is any extra +argument the low-level filter might take. +
+ ++The function returns the high-level filter. +
+ ++-- load the ltn12 module +local ltn12 = require("ltn12") + +-- the base64 mime filter factory +encodet['base64'] = function() + return ltn12.filter.cycle(b64, "") +end ++ + + +
+ltn12.pump.all(source, sink) +
+ ++Pumps all data from a source to a sink. +
+ ++If successful, the function returns a value that evaluates to +true. In case +of error, the function returns a false value, followed by an error message. +
+ + + ++ltn12.pump.step(source, sink) +
+ ++Pumps one chunk of data from a source to a sink. +
+ ++If successful, the function returns a value that evaluates to +true. In case +of error, the function returns a false value, followed by an error message. +
+ + + ++ltn12.sink.chain(filter, sink) +
+ ++Creates and returns a new sink that passes data through a filter before sending it to a given sink. +
+ + + ++ltn12.sink.error(message) +
+ ++Creates and returns a sink that aborts transmission with the error +message. +
+ + + ++ltn12.sink.file(handle, message) +
+ ++Creates a sink that sends data to a file. +
+ ++Handle is a file handle. If handle is nil, +message should give the reason for failure. +
+ ++The function returns a sink that sends all data to the given handle +and closes the file when done, or a sink that aborts the transmission with +the error message +
+ ++In the following example, notice how the prototype is designed to +fit nicely with the function. +
+ ++-- load the ltn12 module +local ltn12 = require("ltn12") + +-- copy a file +ltn12.pump.all( + ltn12.source.file("original.png", "rb")), + ltn12.sink.file("copy.png", "wb")) +) ++ + + +
+ltn12.sink.null() +
+ ++Returns a sink that ignores all data it receives. +
+ + + ++ltn12.sink.simplify(sink) +
+ ++Creates and returns a simple sink given a fancy sink. +
+ + + ++ltn12.sink.table([table]) +
+ ++Creates a sink that stores all chunks in a table. The chunks can later be +efficiently concatenated into a single string. +
+ ++Table is used to hold the chunks. If +nil, the function creates its own table. +
+ ++The function returns the sink and the table used to store the chunks. +
+ ++-- load needed modules +local http = require("socket.http") +local ltn12 = require("ltn12") + +-- a simplified http.get function +function http.get(u) + local t = {} + local respt = request{ + url = u, + sink = ltn12.sink.table(t) + } + return table.concat(t), respt.headers, respt.code +end ++ + + + [, source2, ..., +sourceN]) +
+ ++Creates a new source that produces the concatenation of the data produced +by a number of sources. +
+ ++Source1 to sourceN are the original +sources. +
+ ++The function returns the new source. +
+ + + ++ltn12.source.chain(source, filter) +
+ ++Creates a new source that passes data through a filter +before returning it. +
+ ++The function returns the new source. +
+ + + ++ltn12.source.empty() +
+ ++Creates and returns an empty source. +
+ + + ++ltn12.source.error(message) +
+ ++Creates and returns a source that aborts transmission with the error +message. +
+ + + ++ltn12.source.file(handle, message) +
+ ++Creates a source that produces the contents of a file. +
+ ++Handle is a file handle. If handle is nil, +message should give the reason for failure. +
+ ++The function returns a source that reads chunks of data from +given handle and returns it to the user, +closing the file when done, or a source that aborts the transmission with +the error message +
+ ++In the following example, notice how the prototype is designed to +fit nicely with the function. +
+ ++-- load the ltn12 module +local ltn12 = require("ltn12") + +-- copy a file +ltn12.pump.all( + ltn12.source.file("original.png", "rb")), + ltn12.sink.file("copy.png", "wb")) +) ++ + + +
+ltn12.source.simplify(source) +
+ ++Creates and returns a simple source given a fancy source. +
+ + + ++ltn12.source.string(string) +
+ ++Creates and returns a source that produces the contents of a +string, chunk by chunk. +
+ + + ++ltn12.source.table(table) +
+ ++Creates and returns a source that produces the numerically-indexed values of a table successively beginning at 1. The source returns nil (end-of-stream) whenever a nil value is produced by the current index, which proceeds forward regardless. +
+ + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/lua05.ppt b/docs/lua05.ppt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2b7ab4 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/lua05.ppt differ diff --git a/docs/luasocket.png b/docs/luasocket.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d24a954 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/luasocket.png differ diff --git a/docs/mime.html b/docs/mime.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff4d8e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/mime.html @@ -0,0 +1,477 @@ + + + + + + ++The mime namespace offers filters that apply and remove common +content transfer encodings, such as Base64 and Quoted-Printable. +It also provides functions to break text into lines and change +the end-of-line convention. +MIME is described mainly in +RFC 2045, +2046, +2047, +2048, and +2049. +
+ ++All functionality provided by the MIME module +follows the ideas presented in + +LTN012, Filters sources and sinks. +
+ ++To obtain the mime namespace, run: +
+ ++-- loads the MIME module and everything it requires +local mime = require("mime") ++ + + + +
+Returns a filter that decodes data from a given transfer content +encoding. +
+ + + +
+mime.encode("quoted-printable" [, mode])
+Returns a filter that encodes data according to a given transfer content +encoding. +
+ ++In the Quoted-Printable case, the user can specify whether the data is +textual or binary, by passing the mode strings "text" or +"binary". Mode defaults to "text". +
+ ++Although both transfer content encodings specify a limit for the line +length, the encoding filters do not break text into lines (for +added flexibility). +Below is a filter that converts binary data to the Base64 transfer content +encoding and breaks it into lines of the correct size. +
+ ++base64 = ltn12.filter.chain( + mime.encode("base64"), + mime.wrap("base64") +) ++ +
+Note: Text data has to be converted to canonic form +before being encoded. +
+ ++base64 = ltn12.filter.chain( + mime.normalize(), + mime.encode("base64"), + mime.wrap("base64") +) ++ + + +
+mime.normalize([marker]) +
+ ++Converts most common end-of-line markers to a specific given marker. +
+ ++Marker is the new marker. It defaults to CRLF, the canonic +end-of-line marker defined by the MIME standard. +
+ ++The function returns a filter that performs the conversion. +
+ ++Note: There is no perfect solution to this problem. Different end-of-line +markers are an evil that will probably plague developers forever. +This function, however, will work perfectly for text created with any of +the most common end-of-line markers, i.e. the Mac OS (CR), the Unix (LF), +or the DOS (CRLF) conventions. Even if the data has mixed end-of-line +markers, the function will still work well, although it doesn't +guarantee that the number of empty lines will be correct. +
+ + + +
+Creates and returns a filter that performs stuffing of SMTP messages. +
+ ++Note: The smtp.send function +uses this filter automatically. You don't need to chain it with your +source, or apply it to your message body. +
+ + + +
+mime.wrap("text" [, length])
+Returns a filter that breaks data into lines. +
+ ++The "text" line-wrap filter simply breaks text into lines by +inserting CRLF end-of-line markers at appropriate positions. +Length defaults 76. +The "base64" line-wrap filter works just like the default +"text" line-wrap filter with default length. +The function can also wrap "quoted-printable" lines, taking care +not to break lines in the middle of an escaped character. In that case, the +line length is fixed at 76. +
+ ++For example, to create an encoding filter for the Quoted-Printable transfer content encoding of text data, do the following: +
+ ++qp = ltn12.filter.chain( + mime.normalize(), + mime.encode("quoted-printable"), + mime.wrap("quoted-printable") +) ++ +
+Note: To break into lines with a different end-of-line convention, apply +a normalization filter after the line break filter. +
+ + + ++A, B = mime.b64(C [, D]) +
+ ++Low-level filter to perform Base64 encoding. +
+ ++A is the encoded version of the largest prefix of +C..D +that can be encoded unambiguously. B has the remaining bytes of +C..D, before encoding. +If D is nil, A is padded with +the encoding of the remaining bytes of C. +
+ ++Note: The simplest use of this function is to encode a string into it's +Base64 transfer content encoding. Notice the extra parenthesis around the +call to mime.b64, to discard the second return value. +
+ ++print((mime.b64("diego:password"))) +--> ZGllZ286cGFzc3dvcmQ= ++ + +
+A, n = [, B]) +
+ ++Low-level filter to perform SMTP stuffing and enable transmission of +messages containing the sequence "CRLF.CRLF". +
+ ++A is the stuffed version of B. 'n' gives the +number of characters from the sequence CRLF seen in the end of B. +'m' should tell the same, but for the previous chunk. +
+ +Note: The message body is defined to begin with +an implicit CRLF. Therefore, to stuff a message correctly, the +first m should have the value 2. +
+ ++print((string.gsub(, ".\r\nStuffing the message.\r\n.\r\n."), "\r\n", "\\n"))) +--> ..\nStuffing the message.\n..\n.. ++ +
+Note: The smtp.send function +uses this filter automatically. You don't need to +apply it again. +
+ + + ++A, B = mime.eol(C [, D, marker]) +
+ ++Low-level filter to perform end-of-line marker translation. +For each chunk, the function needs to know if the last character of the +previous chunk could be part of an end-of-line marker or not. This is the +context the function receives besides the chunk. An updated version of +the context is returned after each new chunk. +
+ ++A is the translated version of D. C is the +ASCII value of the last character of the previous chunk, if it was a +candidate for line break, or 0 otherwise. +B is the same as C, but for the current +chunk. Marker gives the new end-of-line marker and defaults to CRLF. +
+ ++-- translates the end-of-line marker to UNIX +unix = mime.eol(0, dos, "\n") ++ + + +
+A, B = mime.qp(C [, D, marker]) +
+ ++Low-level filter to perform Quoted-Printable encoding. +
+ ++A is the encoded version of the largest prefix of +C..D +that can be encoded unambiguously. B has the remaining bytes of +C..D, before encoding. +If D is nil, A is padded with +the encoding of the remaining bytes of C. +Throughout encoding, occurrences of CRLF are replaced by the +marker, which itself defaults to CRLF. +
+ ++Note: The simplest use of this function is to encode a string into it's +Quoted-Printable transfer content encoding. +Notice the extra parenthesis around the call to mime.qp, to discard the second return value. +
+ ++print((mime.qp("ma��"))) +--> ma=E7=E3= ++ + + +
+A, m = mime.qpwrp(n [, B, length]) +
+ ++Low-level filter to break Quoted-Printable text into lines. +
+ ++A is a copy of B, broken into lines of at most +length bytes (defaults to 76). +'n' should tell how many bytes are left for the first +line of B and 'm' returns the number of bytes +left in the last line of A. +
+ ++Note: Besides breaking text into lines, this function makes sure the line +breaks don't fall in the middle of an escaped character combination. Also, +this function only breaks lines that are bigger than length bytes. +
+ + + ++A, B = mime.unb64(C [, D]) +
+ ++Low-level filter to perform Base64 decoding. +
+ ++A is the decoded version of the largest prefix of +C..D +that can be decoded unambiguously. B has the remaining bytes of +C..D, before decoding. +If D is nil, A is the empty string +and B returns whatever couldn't be decoded. +
+ ++Note: The simplest use of this function is to decode a string from it's +Base64 transfer content encoding. +Notice the extra parenthesis around the call to mime.unqp, to discard the second return value. +
+ ++print((mime.unb64("ZGllZ286cGFzc3dvcmQ="))) +--> diego:password ++ + + +
+A, B = mime.unqp(C [, D]) +
+ ++Low-level filter to remove the Quoted-Printable transfer content encoding +from data. +
+ ++A is the decoded version of the largest prefix of +C..D +that can be decoded unambiguously. B has the remaining bytes of +C..D, before decoding. +If D is nil, A is augmented with +the encoding of the remaining bytes of C. +
+ ++Note: The simplest use of this function is to decode a string from it's +Quoted-Printable transfer content encoding. +Notice the extra parenthesis around the call to mime.unqp, to discard the second return value. +
+ ++print((mime.qp("ma=E7=E3="))) +--> ma�� ++ + + +
+A, m = mime.wrp(n [, B, length]) +
+ ++Low-level filter to break text into lines with CRLF marker. +Text is assumed to be in the normalize form. +
+ ++A is a copy of B, broken into lines of at most +length bytes (defaults to 76). +'n' should tell how many bytes are left for the first +line of B and 'm' returns the number of bytes +left in the last line of A. +
+ ++Note: This function only breaks lines that are bigger than +length bytes. The resulting line length does not include the CRLF +marker. +
+ + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/reference.css b/docs/reference.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04e38cf --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference.css @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +body { + margin-left: 1em; + margin-right: 1em; + font-family: "Verdana", sans-serif; + background: #ffffff; +} + +tt { + font-family: "Andale Mono", monospace; +} + +h1, h2, h3, h4 { margin-left: 0em; } + + +h3 { padding-top: 1em; } + +p { margin-left: 1em; } + { + font-family: "Andale Mono", monospace; + padding-top: 1em; + margin-left: 0em; +} + +a[href] { color: #00007f; } + +blockquote { margin-left: 3em; } + +pre.example { + background: #ccc; + padding: 1em; + margin-left: 1em; + font-family: "Andale Mono", monospace; + font-size: small; +} + +hr { + margin-left: 0em; + background: #00007f; + border: 0px; + height: 1px; +} + +ul { list-style-type: disc; } + +table.index { border: 1px #00007f; } +table.index td { text-align: left; vertical-align: top; } +table.index ul { padding-top: 0em; margin-top: 0em; } + +h1:first-letter, +h2:first-letter, +h2:first-letter, +h3:first-letter { color: #00007f; } + +div.header, div.footer { margin-left: 0em; } diff --git a/docs/reference.html b/docs/reference.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2bc5f78 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference.html @@ -0,0 +1,261 @@ + + + + + + ++DNS (in socket) ++ + + ++getaddrinfo, +gethostname, +tohostname, +toip. ++
+FTP ++ + + ++get, +put. ++
+HTTP ++ + + ++request. ++
+LTN12 ++ + + ++filter: +chain, +cycle. +++pump: +all, +step. +++sink: +chain, +error, +file, +null, +simplify, +table. +++source: +cat, +chain, +empty, +error, +file, +simplify, +string, +table. ++
+MIME ++ + + ++high-level: +decode, +encode, +normalize, +stuff, +wrap. +++low-level: +b64, +dot, +eol, +qp, +qpwrp, +unb64, +unqp, +wrp. ++
+SMTP ++ + + ++message, +send. ++
+Socket ++ + + ++bind, +connect, +connect4, +connect6, +_DATAGRAMSIZE, +_DEBUG, +dns, +gettime, +headers.canonic, +newtry, +protect, +select, +sink, +skip, +sleep, +_SETSIZE, +_SOCKETINVALID, +source, +tcp, +tcp4, +tcp6, +try, +udp, +udp4, +udp6, +_VERSION. ++
+TCP (in socket) ++ + + ++accept, +bind, +close, +connect, +dirty, +getfd, +getoption, +getpeername, +getsockname, +getstats, +gettimeout, +listen, +receive, +send, +setfd, +setoption, +setstats, +settimeout, +shutdown. ++
+UDP (in socket) ++ + + ++close, +getoption, +getpeername, +getsockname, +gettimeout, +receive, +receivefrom, +send, +sendto, +setpeername, +setsockname, +setoption, +settimeout. ++
+URL ++ + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/smtp.html b/docs/smtp.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..787d0b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/smtp.html @@ -0,0 +1,419 @@ + + + + + + ++absolute, +build, +build_path, +escape, +parse, +parse_path, +unescape. ++
The smtp namespace provides functionality to send e-mail +messages. The high-level API consists of two functions: one to +define an e-mail message, and another to actually send the message. +Although almost all users will find that these functions provide more than +enough functionality, the underlying implementation allows for even more +control (if you bother to read the code). +
+ +The implementation conforms to the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, +RFC 2821. +Another RFC of interest is RFC 2822, +which governs the Internet Message Format. +Multipart messages (those that contain attachments) are part +of the MIME standard, but described mainly +in RFC 2046.
+ +In the description below, good understanding of LTN012, Filters +sources and sinks and the MIME module is +assumed. In fact, the SMTP module was the main reason for their +creation.
+ ++To obtain the smtp namespace, run: +
+ ++-- loads the SMTP module and everything it requires +local smtp = require("socket.smtp") ++ +
+MIME headers are represented as a Lua table in the form: +
+ +++ ++
++ +headers = {
+ field-1-name = field-1-value,
+ field-2-name = field-2-value,
+ field-3-name = field-3-value,
+ ...
+ field-n-name = field-n-value
+} +
+Field names are case insensitive (as specified by the standard) and all +functions work with lowercase field names (but see +socket.headers.canonic). +Field values are left unmodified. +
+ ++Note: MIME headers are independent of order. Therefore, there is no problem +in representing them in a Lua table. +
+ ++The following constants can be set to control the default behavior of +the SMTP module: +
+ ++smtp.message(mesgt) +
+ ++Returns a simple +LTN12 source that sends an SMTP message body, possibly multipart (arbitrarily deep). +
+ ++The only parameter of the function is a table describing the message. +Mesgt has the following form (notice the recursive structure): +
+ +++ ++
++ +mesgt = {
+ headers = header-table,
+ body = LTN12 source or string or +multipart-mesgt
+multipart-mesgt = {
+ [preamble = string,]
+ [1] = mesgt,
+ [2] = mesgt,
+ ...
+ [n] = mesgt,
+ [epilogue = string,]
+For a simple message, all that is needed is a set of headers +and the body. The message body can be given as a string +or as a simple +LTN12 +source. For multipart messages, the body is a table that +recursively defines each part as an independent message, plus an optional +preamble and epilogue. +
+ ++The function returns a simple +LTN12 +source that produces the +message contents as defined by mesgt, chunk by chunk. +Hopefully, the following +example will make things clear. When in doubt, refer to the appropriate RFC +as listed in the introduction.
+ ++-- load the smtp support and its friends +local smtp = require("socket.smtp") +local mime = require("mime") +local ltn12 = require("ltn12") + +-- creates a source to send a message with two parts. The first part is +-- plain text, the second part is a PNG image, encoded as base64. +source = smtp.message{ + headers = { + -- Remember that headers are *ignored* by smtp.send. + from = "Sicrano de Oliveira <>", + to = "Fulano da Silva <>", + subject = "Here is a message with attachments" + }, + body = { + preamble = "If your client doesn't understand attachments, \r\n" .. + "it will still display the preamble and the epilogue.\r\n" .. + "Preamble will probably appear even in a MIME enabled client.", + -- first part: no headers means plain text, us-ascii. + -- The mime.eol low-level filter normalizes end-of-line markers. + [1] = { + body = mime.eol(0, [[ + Lines in a message body should always end with CRLF. + The smtp module will *NOT* perform translation. However, the + send function *DOES* perform SMTP stuffing, whereas the message + function does *NOT*. + ]]) + }, + -- second part: headers describe content to be a png image, + -- sent under the base64 transfer content encoding. + -- notice that nothing happens until the message is actually sent. + -- small chunks are loaded into memory right before transmission and + -- translation happens on the fly. + [2] = { + headers = { + ["content-type"] = 'image/png; name="image.png"', + ["content-disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="image.png"', + ["content-description"] = 'a beautiful image', + ["content-transfer-encoding"] = "BASE64" + }, + body = ltn12.source.chain( + ltn12.source.file("image.png", "rb")), + ltn12.filter.chain( + mime.encode("base64"), + mime.wrap() + ) + ) + }, + epilogue = "This might also show up, but after the attachments" + } +} + +-- finally send it +r, e = smtp.send{ + from = "<>", + rcpt = "<>", + source = source, +} ++ + + + +
+ from = string,
+ rcpt = string or string-table,
+ source = LTN12 source,
+ [user = string,]
+ [password = string,]
+ [server = string,]
+ [port = number,]
+ [domain = string,]
+ [step = LTN12 pump step,]
+ [create = function]
+Sends a message to a recipient list. Since sending messages is not as +simple as downloading an URL from a FTP or HTTP server, this function +doesn't have a simple interface. However, see the +message source factory for +a very powerful way to define the message contents. +
+ + ++The sender is given by the e-mail address in the from field. +Rcpt is a Lua table with one entry for each recipient e-mail +address, or a string +in case there is just one recipient. +The contents of the message are given by a simple +LTN12 +source. Several arguments are optional: +
++If successful, the function returns 1. Otherwise, the function returns +nil followed by an error message. +
+ ++Note: SMTP servers can be very picky with the format of e-mail +addresses. To be safe, use only addresses of the form +"<>" in the from and +rcpt arguments to the send function. In headers, e-mail +addresses can take whatever form you like.
+ ++Big note: There is a good deal of misconception with the use of the +destination address field headers, i.e., the 'To', 'Cc', +and, more importantly, the 'Bcc' headers. Do not add a +'Bcc' header to your messages because it will probably do the +exact opposite of what you expect. +
+ ++Only recipients specified in the rcpt list will receive a copy of the +message. Each recipient of an SMTP mail message receives a copy of the +message body along with the headers, and nothing more. The headers +are part of the message and should be produced by the +LTN12 +source function. The rcpt list is not +part of the message and will not be sent to anyone. +
+ ++RFC 2822 +has two important and short sections, "3.6.3. Destination address +fields" and "5. Security considerations", explaining the proper +use of these headers. Here is a summary of what it says: +
+ ++The LuaSocket send function does not care or interpret the +headers you send, but it gives you full control over what is sent and +to whom it is sent: +
++I hope this clarifies the issue. Otherwise, please refer to +RFC 2821 +and +RFC 2822. +
+ ++-- load the smtp support +local smtp = require("socket.smtp") + +-- Connects to server "localhost" and sends a message to users +-- "", "", +-- and "". +-- Note that "fulano" is the primary recipient, "beltrano" receives a +-- carbon copy and neither of them knows that "sicrano" received a blind +-- carbon copy of the message. +from = "<>" + +rcpt = { + "<>", + "<>", + "<>" +} + +mesgt = { + headers = { + to = "Fulano da Silva <>", + cc = '"Beltrano F. Nunes" <>', + subject = "My first message" + }, + body = "I hope this works. If it does, I can send you another 1000 copies." +} + +r, e = smtp.send{ + from = from, + rcpt = rcpt, + source = smtp.message(mesgt) +} ++ + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/socket.html b/docs/socket.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c148114 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/socket.html @@ -0,0 +1,481 @@ + + + + + + +
+The socket namespace contains the core functionality of LuaSocket. +
+ ++To obtain the socket namespace, run: +
+ ++-- loads the socket module +local socket = require("socket") ++ + + +
+ +The socket.headers.canonic table +is used by the HTTP and SMTP modules to translate from +lowercase field names back into their canonic +capitalization. When a lowercase field name exists as a key +in this table, the associated value is substituted in +whenever the field name is sent out. +
+ ++You can obtain the headers namespace if case run-time +modifications are required by running: +
+ ++-- loads the headers module +local headers = require("headers") ++ + + + +
+socket.bind(address, port [, backlog]) +
+ ++This function is a shortcut that creates and returns a TCP server object +bound to a local address and port, ready to +accept client connections. Optionally, +user can also specify the backlog argument to the +listen method (defaults to 32). +
+ ++Note: The server object returned will have the option "reuseaddr" +set to true. +
+ + + ++socket.connect[46](address, port [, locaddr] [, locport] [, family]) +
+ ++This function is a shortcut that creates and returns a TCP client object +connected to a remote address at a given port. Optionally, +the user can also specify the local address and port to bind +(locaddr and locport), or restrict the socket family +to "inet" or "inet6". +Without specifying family to connect, whether a tcp or tcp6 +connection is created depends on your system configuration. Two variations +of connect are defined as simple helper functions that restrict the +family, socket.connect4 and socket.connect6. +
+ + + ++socket._DEBUG +
+ ++This constant is set to true if the library was compiled +with debug support. +
+ + + ++socket._DATAGRAMSIZE +
+ ++Default datagram size used by calls to +receive and +receivefrom. +(Unless changed in compile time, the value is 8192.) +
+ + + ++socket.gettime() +
+ ++Returns the UNIX time in seconds. You should subtract the values returned by this function +to get meaningful values. +
+ ++t = socket.gettime() +-- do stuff +print(socket.gettime() - t .. " seconds elapsed") ++ + + +
+socket.newtry(finalizer) +
+ ++Creates and returns a clean +try +function that allows for cleanup before the exception +is raised. +
+ ++Finalizer is a function that will be called before +try throws the exception. +
+ ++The function returns your customized try function. +
+ ++Note: This idea saved a lot of work with the +implementation of protocols in LuaSocket: +
+ ++foo = socket.protect(function() + -- connect somewhere + local c = socket.try(socket.connect("somewhere", 42)) + -- create a try function that closes 'c' on error + local try = socket.newtry(function() c:close() end) + -- do everything reassured c will be closed + try(c:send("hello there?\r\n")) + local answer = try(c:receive()) + ... + try(c:send("good bye\r\n")) + c:close() +end) ++ + + + +
+socket.protect(func) +
+ ++Converts a function that throws exceptions into a safe function. This +function only catches exceptions thrown by the try +and newtry functions. It does not catch normal +Lua errors. +
+ ++Func is a function that calls +try (or assert, or error) +to throw exceptions. +
+ ++Returns an equivalent function that instead of throwing exceptions in case of +a failed try call, returns nil +followed by an error message. +
+ + +, sendt [, timeout]) +
+ ++Waits for a number of sockets to change status. +
+ ++Recvt is an array with the sockets to test for characters +available for reading. Sockets in the sendt array are watched to +see if it is OK to immediately write on them. Timeout is the +maximum amount of time (in seconds) to wait for a change in status. A +nil, negative or omitted timeout value allows the +function to block indefinitely. Recvt and sendt can also +be empty tables or nil. Non-socket values (or values with +non-numeric indices) in the arrays will be silently ignored. +
+ +The function returns a list with the sockets ready for +reading, a list with the sockets ready for writing and an error message. +The error message is "timeout" if a timeout +condition was met, "select failed" if the call +to select failed, and +nil otherwise. The returned tables are +doubly keyed both by integers and also by the sockets +themselves, to simplify the test if a specific socket has +changed status. +
+ ++Note: select can monitor a limited number +of sockets, as defined by the constant +socket._SETSIZE. This +number may be as high as 1024 or as low as 64 by default, +depending on the system. It is usually possible to change this +at compile time. Invoking select with a larger +number of sockets will raise an error. +
+ ++Important note: a known bug in WinSock causes select to fail +on non-blocking TCP sockets. The function may return a socket as +writable even though the socket is not ready for sending. +
+ ++Another important note: calling select with a server socket in the receive parameter before a call to accept does not guarantee +accept will return immediately. +Use the settimeout +method or accept might block forever. +
+ ++Yet another note: If you close a socket and pass +it to select, it will be ignored. +
+ ++Using select with non-socket objects: Any object that implements getfd and dirty can be used with select, allowing objects from other libraries to be used within a driven loop. +
+ + + ++socket._SETSIZE +
+ ++The maximum number of sockets that the select function can handle. +
+ + + + ++socket.sink(mode, socket) +
+ ++Creates an +LTN12 +sink from a stream socket object. +
+ ++Mode defines the behavior of the sink. The following +options are available: +
++Socket is the stream socket object used to send the data. +
+ ++The function returns a sink with the appropriate behavior. +
+ + + ++socket.skip(d [, ret1, ret2 ... retN]) +
+ ++Drops a number of arguments and returns the remaining. +
+ ++D is the number of arguments to drop. Ret1 to +retN are the arguments. +
+ ++The function returns retd+1 to retN. +
+ ++Note: This function is useful to avoid creation of dummy variables: +
+ ++-- get the status code and separator from SMTP server reply +local code, sep = socket.skip(2, string.find(line, "^(%d%d%d)(.?)")) ++ + + +
+socket.sleep(time) +
+ ++Freezes the program execution during a given amount of time. +
+ ++Time is the number of seconds to sleep for. If +time is negative, the function returns immediately. +
+ + + ++socket.source(mode, socket [, length]) +
+ ++Creates an +LTN12 +source from a stream socket object. +
+ ++Mode defines the behavior of the source. The following +options are available: +
++Socket is the stream socket object used to receive the data. +
+ ++The function returns a source with the appropriate behavior. +
+ + + ++socket._SOCKETINVALID +
+ ++The OS value for an invalid socket. This can be used with +tcp:getfd and tcp:setfd methods. +
+ + + ++socket.try(ret1 [, ret2 ... retN]) +
+ ++Throws an exception in case ret1 is falsy, using +ret2 as the error message. The exception is supposed to be caught +by a protected function only. +
+ ++Ret1 to retN can be arbitrary +arguments, but are usually the return values of a function call +nested with try. +
+ ++The function returns ret1 to retN if +ret1 is not nil or false. +Otherwise, it calls error passing ret2 wrapped +in a table with metatable used by protect to +distinguish exceptions from runtime errors. +
+ ++-- connects or throws an exception with the appropriate error message +c = socket.try(socket.connect("localhost", 80)) ++ + + +
+socket._VERSION +
+ ++This constant has a string describing the current LuaSocket version. +
+ + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/tcp.html b/docs/tcp.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9cc173e --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/tcp.html @@ -0,0 +1,732 @@ + + + + + + ++server:accept() +
+ ++Waits for a remote connection on the server +object and returns a client object representing that connection. +
+ ++If a connection is successfully initiated, a client object is returned. +If a timeout condition is met, the method returns nil +followed by the error string 'timeout'. Other errors are +reported by nil followed by a message describing the error. +
+ ++Note: calling +with a server object in +the recvt parameter before a call to accept does +not guarantee accept will return immediately. Use the settimeout method or accept +might block until another client shows up. +
+ + + ++master:bind(address, port) +
+ ++Binds a master object to address and port on the +local host. +
+ ++Address can be an IP address or a host name. +Port must be an integer number in the range [0..64K). +If address +is '*', the system binds to all local interfaces +using the INADDR_ANY constant or +IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT, according to the family. +If port is 0, the system automatically +chooses an ephemeral port. +
+ ++In case of success, the method returns 1. In case of error, the +method returns nil followed by an error message. +
+ ++Note: The function socket.bind +is available and is a shortcut for the creation of server sockets. +
+ + + +
+Closes a TCP object. The internal socket used by the object is closed +and the local address to which the object was +bound is made available to other applications. No further operations +(except for further calls to the close method) are allowed on +a closed socket. +
+ ++Note: It is important to close all used sockets once they are not +needed, since, in many systems, each socket uses a file descriptor, +which are limited system resources. Garbage-collected objects are +automatically closed before destruction, though. +
+ + + ++master:connect(address, port) +
+ ++Attempts to connect a master object to a remote host, transforming it into a +client object. +Client objects support methods +send, +receive, +getsockname, +getpeername, +settimeout, +and close. +
+ ++Address can be an IP address or a host name. +Port must be an integer number in the range [1..64K). +
+ ++In case of error, the method returns nil followed by a string +describing the error. In case of success, the method returns 1. +
+ ++Note: The function socket.connect +is available and is a shortcut for the creation of client sockets. +
+ ++Note: Starting with LuaSocket 2.0, +the settimeout +method affects the behavior of connect, causing it to return +with an error in case of a timeout. If that happens, you can still call with the socket in the +sendt table. The socket will be writable when the connection is +established. +
+ ++Note: Starting with LuaSocket 3.0, the host name resolution +depends on whether the socket was created by +socket.tcp, +socket.tcp4 or +socket.tcp6. Addresses from +the appropriate family (or both) are tried in the order +returned by the resolver until the +first success or until the last failure. If the timeout was +set to zero, only the first address is tried. +
+ + + +
+Check the read buffer status. +
+ ++Returns true if there is any data in the read buffer, false otherwise. +
+ ++Note: This is an internal method, use at your own risk. +
+ + + + +
+Returns the underling socket descriptor or handle associated to the object. +
+ ++The descriptor or handle. In case the object has been closed, the return value +will be -1. For an invalid socket it will be +_SOCKETINVALID. +
+ ++Note: This is an internal method. Unlikely to be +portable. Use at your own risk. +
+ + + + +
+Gets options for the TCP object. +See setoption for description of the +option names and values. +
+ ++Option is a string with the option name.
++The method returns the option value in case of success, or +nil followed by an error message otherwise. +
+ + + + ++client:getpeername() +
+ ++Returns information about the remote side of a connected client object. +
+ ++Returns a string with the IP address of the peer, the +port number that peer is using for the connection, +and a string with the family ("inet" or "inet6"). +In case of error, the method returns nil. +
+ ++Note: It makes no sense to call this method on server objects. +
+ + + +
+Returns the local address information associated to the object. +
+ ++The method returns a string with local IP address, a number with +the local port, +and a string with the family ("inet" or "inet6"). +In case of error, the method returns nil. +
+ + + +
+Returns accounting information on the socket, useful for throttling +of bandwidth. +
+ ++The method returns the number of bytes received, the number of bytes sent, +and the age of the socket object in seconds. +
+ + + +
+Returns the current block timeout followed by the curent +total timeout. +
+ + + + ++master:listen(backlog) +
+ ++Specifies the socket is willing to receive connections, transforming the +object into a server object. Server objects support the +accept, +getsockname, +setoption, +settimeout, +and close methods. +
+ ++The parameter backlog specifies the number of client +connections that can +be queued waiting for service. If the queue is full and another client +attempts connection, the connection is refused. +
+ ++In case of success, the method returns 1. In case of error, the +method returns nil followed by an error message. +
+ + + ++client:receive([pattern [, prefix]]) +
+ ++Reads data from a client object, according to the specified read +pattern. Patterns follow the Lua file I/O format, and the difference in performance between all patterns is negligible. +
+ ++Pattern can be any of the following: +
+ ++Prefix is an optional string to be concatenated to the beginning +of any received data before return. +
+ ++If successful, the method returns the received pattern. In case of error, +the method returns nil followed by an error +message, followed by a (possibly empty) string containing +the partial that was received. The error message can be +the string 'closed' in case the connection was +closed before the transmission was completed or the string +'timeout' in case there was a timeout during the operation. +
+ ++Important note: This function was changed severely. It used +to support multiple patterns (but I have never seen this feature used) and +now it doesn't anymore. Partial results used to be returned in the same +way as successful results. This last feature violated the idea that all +functions should return nil on error. Thus it was changed +too. +
+ + + ++client:send(data [, i [, j]]) +
+ ++Sends data through client object. +
+ ++Data is the string to be sent. The optional arguments +i and j work exactly like the standard +string.sub Lua function to allow the selection of a +substring to be sent. +
+ ++If successful, the method returns the index of the last byte +within [i, j] that has been sent. Notice that, if +i is 1 or absent, this is effectively the total +number of bytes sent. In case of error, the method returns +nil, followed by an error message, followed +by the index of the last byte within [i, j] that +has been sent. You might want to try again from the byte +following that. The error message can be 'closed' +in case the connection was closed before the transmission +was completed or the string 'timeout' in case +there was a timeout during the operation. +
+ ++Note: Output is not buffered. For small strings, +it is always better to concatenate them in Lua +(with the '..' operator) and send the result in one call +instead of calling the method several times. +
+ + + +
+client:setoption(option [, value])
+server:setoption(option [, value])
+Sets options for the TCP object. Options are only needed by low-level or +time-critical applications. You should only modify an option if you +are sure you need it. +
+ ++Option is a string with the option name, and value +depends on the option being set:
+ ++The method returns 1 in case of success, or nil +followed by an error message otherwise. +
+ ++Note: The descriptions above come from the man pages. +
+ + + +
+master:setstats(received, sent, age)
+client:setstats(received, sent, age)
+server:setstats(received, sent, age)
+Resets accounting information on the socket, useful for throttling +of bandwidth. +
+ ++Received is a number with the new number of bytes received. +Sent is a number with the new number of bytes sent. +Age is the new age in seconds. +
+ ++The method returns 1 in case of success and nil otherwise. +
+ + + +
+master:settimeout(value [, mode])
+client:settimeout(value [, mode])
+server:settimeout(value [, mode])
+Changes the timeout values for the object. By default, +all I/O operations are blocking. That is, any call to the methods +send, +receive, and +accept +will block indefinitely, until the operation completes. The +settimeout method defines a limit on the amount of time the +I/O methods can block. When a timeout is set and the specified amount of +time has elapsed, the affected methods give up and fail with an error code. +
+ ++The amount of time to wait is specified as the +value parameter, in seconds. There are two timeout modes and +both can be used together for fine tuning: +
+ ++The nil timeout value allows operations to block +indefinitely. Negative timeout values have the same effect. +
+ ++Note: although timeout values have millisecond precision in LuaSocket, +large blocks can cause I/O functions not to respect timeout values due +to the time the library takes to transfer blocks to and from the OS +and to and from the Lua interpreter. Also, function that accept host names +and perform automatic name resolution might be blocked by the resolver for +longer than the specified timeout value. +
+ ++Note: The old timeout method is deprecated. The name has been +changed for sake of uniformity, since all other method names already +contained verbs making their imperative nature obvious. +
+ + + +
+Shuts down part of a full-duplex connection. +
+ ++Mode tells which way of the connection should be shut down and can +take the value: +
+This function returns 1. +
+ + + +
+Sets the underling socket descriptor or handle associated to the object. The current one +is simply replaced, not closed, and no other change to the object state is made. +To set it as invalid use _SOCKETINVALID. +
+ ++No return value. +
+ ++Note: This is an internal method. Unlikely to be +portable. Use at your own risk. +
+ + + ++socket.tcp() +
+ ++Creates and returns an TCP master object. A master object can +be transformed into a server object with the method +listen (after a call to bind) or into a client object with +the method connect. The only other +method supported by a master object is the +close method.
+ ++In case of success, a new master object is returned. In case of error, +nil is returned, followed by an error message. +
+ ++Note: The choice between IPv4 and IPv6 happens during a call to +bind or connect, depending on the address +family obtained from the resolver. +
+ ++Note: Before the choice between IPv4 and IPv6 happens, +the internal socket object is invalid and therefore setoption will fail. +
+ + + ++socket.tcp4() +
+ ++Creates and returns an IPv4 TCP master object. A master object can +be transformed into a server object with the method +listen (after a call to bind) or into a client object with +the method connect. The only other +method supported by a master object is the +close method.
+ ++In case of success, a new master object is returned. In case of error, +nil is returned, followed by an error message. +
+ + + ++socket.tcp6() +
+ ++Creates and returns an IPv6 TCP master object. A master object can +be transformed into a server object with the method +listen (after a call to bind) or into a client object with +the method connect. The only other +method supported by a master object is the +close method.
+ ++In case of success, a new master object is returned. In case of error, +nil is returned, followed by an error message. +
+ ++Note: The TCP object returned will have the option +"ipv6-v6only" set to true. +
+ + + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/udp.html b/docs/udp.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db711cb --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/udp.html @@ -0,0 +1,596 @@ + + + + + + +
+Closes a UDP object. The internal socket +used by the object is closed and the local address to which the +object was bound is made available to other applications. No +further operations (except for further calls to the close +method) are allowed on a closed socket. +
+ ++Note: It is important to close all used sockets +once they are not needed, since, in many systems, each socket uses +a file descriptor, which are limited system resources. +Garbage-collected objects are automatically closed before +destruction, though. +
+ + + +
+Gets an option value from the UDP object. +See setoption for +description of the option names and values. +
+ +Option is a string with the option name. +
+The method returns the option value in case of +success, or +nil followed by an error message otherwise. +
+ + + ++connected:getpeername() +
+ ++Retrieves information about the peer +associated with a connected UDP object. +
+ + ++Returns a string with the IP address of the peer, the +port number that peer is using for the connection, +and a string with the family ("inet" or "inet6"). +In case of error, the method returns nil. +
+ ++Note: It makes no sense to call this method on unconnected objects. +
+ + + +
+Returns the local address information associated to the object. +
+ + ++The method returns a string with local IP address, a number with +the local port, +and a string with the family ("inet" or "inet6"). +In case of error, the method returns nil. +
+ ++Note: UDP sockets are not bound to any address +until the setsockname or the +sendto method is called for the +first time (in which case it is bound to an ephemeral port and the +wild-card address). +
+ + + +
+Returns the current timeout value. +
+ + + + +
+Receives a datagram from the UDP object. If +the UDP object is connected, only datagrams coming from the peer +are accepted. Otherwise, the returned datagram can come from any +host. +
+ ++The optional size parameter +specifies the maximum size of the datagram to be retrieved. If +there are more than size bytes available in the datagram, +the excess bytes are discarded. If there are less then +size bytes available in the current datagram, the +available bytes are returned. +If size is omitted, the +compile-time constant +socket._DATAGRAMSIZE is used +(it defaults to 8192 bytes). Larger sizes will cause a +temporary buffer to be allocated for the operation. +
+ ++In case of success, the method returns the +received datagram. In case of timeout, the method returns +nil followed by the string 'timeout'. +
+ + + ++unconnected:receivefrom([size]) +
+ ++Works exactly as the receive +method, except it returns the IP +address and port as extra return values (and is therefore slightly less +efficient). +
+ + + ++connected:send(datagram) +
+ ++Sends a datagram to the UDP peer of a connected object. +
+ ++Datagram is a string with the datagram contents. +The maximum datagram size for UDP is 64K minus IP layer overhead. +However datagrams larger than the link layer packet size will be +fragmented, which may deteriorate performance and/or reliability. +
+ ++If successful, the method returns 1. In case of +error, the method returns nil followed by an error message. +
+ ++Note: In UDP, the send method never blocks +and the only way it can fail is if the underlying transport layer +refuses to send a message to the specified address (i.e. no +interface accepts the address). +
+ + + ++unconnected:sendto(datagram, ip, port) +
+ ++Sends a datagram to the specified IP address and port number. +
+ ++Datagram is a string with the +datagram contents. +The maximum datagram size for UDP is 64K minus IP layer overhead. +However datagrams larger than the link layer packet size will be +fragmented, which may deteriorate performance and/or reliability. +Ip is the IP address of the recipient. +Host names are not allowed for performance reasons. + +Port is the port number at the recipient. +
+ ++If successful, the method returns 1. In case of +error, the method returns nil followed by an error message. +
+ ++Note: In UDP, the send method never blocks +and the only way it can fail is if the underlying transport layer +refuses to send a message to the specified address (i.e. no +interface accepts the address). +
+ + + +
+connected:setoption(option [, value])
+unconnected:setoption(option [, value])
+Sets options for the UDP object. Options are +only needed by low-level or time-critical applications. You should +only modify an option if you are sure you need it.
+Option is a string with the option +name, and value depends on the option being set: +
+ ++The method returns 1 in case of success, or +nil followed by an error message otherwise. +
+ ++Note: The descriptions above come from the man pages. +
+ + + + +
+unconnected:setpeername(address, port)
+Changes the peer of a UDP object. This +method turns an unconnected UDP object into a connected UDP +object or vice versa. +
+ ++For connected objects, outgoing datagrams +will be sent to the specified peer, and datagrams received from +other peers will be discarded by the OS. Connected UDP objects must +use the send and +receive methods instead of +sendto and +receivefrom. +
+ ++Address can be an IP address or a +host name. Port is the port number. If address is +'*' and the object is connected, the peer association is +removed and the object becomes an unconnected object again. In that +case, the port argument is ignored. +
+ ++In case of error the method returns +nil followed by an error message. In case of success, the +method returns 1. +
+ ++Note: Since the address of the peer does not have +to be passed to and from the OS, the use of connected UDP objects +is recommended when the same peer is used for several transmissions +and can result in up to 30% performance gains. +
+ ++Note: Starting with LuaSocket 3.0, the host name resolution +depends on whether the socket was created by socket.udp or socket.udp6. Addresses from +the appropriate family are tried in succession until the +first success or until the last failure. +
+ + + ++unconnected:setsockname(address, port) +
+ ++Binds the UDP object to a local address. +
+ ++Address can be an IP address or a +host name. If address is '*' the system binds to +all local interfaces using the constant INADDR_ANY. If +port is 0, the system chooses an ephemeral port. +
+ ++If successful, the method returns 1. In case of +error, the method returns nil followed by an error +message. +
+ ++Note: This method can only be called before any +datagram is sent through the UDP object, and only once. Otherwise, +the system automatically binds the object to all local interfaces +and chooses an ephemeral port as soon as the first datagram is +sent. After the local address is set, either automatically by the +system or explicitly by setsockname, it cannot be +changed. +
+ + + +
+Changes the timeout values for the object. By default, the +receive and +receivefrom +operations are blocking. That is, any call to the methods will block +indefinitely, until data arrives. The settimeout function defines +a limit on the amount of time the functions can block. When a timeout is +set and the specified amount of time has elapsed, the affected methods +give up and fail with an error code. +
+ ++The amount of time to wait is specified as +the value parameter, in seconds. The nil timeout +value allows operations to block indefinitely. Negative +timeout values have the same effect. +
+ ++Note: In UDP, the send +and sendto methods never block (the +datagram is just passed to the OS and the call returns +immediately). Therefore, the settimeout method has no +effect on them. +
+ ++Note: The old timeout method is +deprecated. The name has been changed for sake of uniformity, since +all other method names already contained verbs making their +imperative nature obvious. +
+ + + ++socket.udp() +
+ ++Creates and returns an unconnected UDP object. +Unconnected objects support the +sendto, +receive, +receivefrom, +getoption, +getsockname, +setoption, +settimeout, +setpeername, +setsockname, and +close. +The setpeername +is used to connect the object. +
+ ++In case of success, a new unconnected UDP object +returned. In case of error, nil is returned, followed by +an error message. +
+ ++Note: The choice between IPv4 and IPv6 happens during a call to +sendto, setpeername, or sockname, depending on the address +family obtained from the resolver. +
+ ++Note: Before the choice between IPv4 and IPv6 happens, +the internal socket object is invalid and therefore setoption will fail. +
+ + + ++socket.udp4() +
+ ++Creates and returns an unconnected IPv4 UDP object. +Unconnected objects support the +sendto, +receive, +receivefrom, +getoption, +getsockname, +setoption, +settimeout, +setpeername, +setsockname, and +close. +The setpeername +is used to connect the object. +
+ ++In case of success, a new unconnected UDP object +returned. In case of error, nil is returned, followed by +an error message. +
+ + + ++socket.udp6() +
+ ++Creates and returns an unconnected IPv6 UDP object. +Unconnected objects support the +sendto, +receive, +receivefrom, +getoption, +getsockname, +setoption, +settimeout, +setpeername, +setsockname, and +close. +The setpeername +is used to connect the object. +
+ ++In case of success, a new unconnected UDP object +returned. In case of error, nil is returned, followed by +an error message. +
+ ++Note: The TCP object returned will have the option +"ipv6-v6only" set to true. +
+ + + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/url.html b/docs/url.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ff673d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/url.html @@ -0,0 +1,328 @@ + + + + + + ++The url namespace provides functions to parse, protect, +and build URLs, as well as functions to compose absolute URLs +from base and relative URLs, according to +RFC 2396. +
+ ++To obtain the url namespace, run: +
+ ++-- loads the URL module +local url = require("socket.url") ++ +
+An URL is defined by the following grammar: +
+ ++ +<url> ::= [<scheme>:][//<authority>][/<path>][;<params>][?<query>][#<fragment>]+ + + +
+<authority> ::= [<userinfo>@]<host>[:<port>]
+<userinfo> ::= <user>[:<password>]
+<path> ::= {<segment>/}<segment>
+ +
+url.absolute(base, relative) +
+ ++Builds an absolute URL from a base URL and a relative URL. +
+ ++Base is a string with the base URL or +a parsed URL table. Relative is a +string with the relative URL. +
+ ++The function returns a string with the absolute URL. +
+ ++Note: The rules that +govern the composition are fairly complex, and are described in detail in +RFC 2396. +The example bellow should give an idea of what the rules are. +
+ ++http://a/b/c/d;p?q + ++ + +g:h = g:h +g = http://a/b/c/g +./g = http://a/b/c/g +g/ = http://a/b/c/g/ +/g = http://a/g +//g = http://g +?y = http://a/b/c/?y +g?y = http://a/b/c/g?y +#s = http://a/b/c/d;p?q#s +g#s = http://a/b/c/g#s +g?y#s = http://a/b/c/g?y#s +;x = http://a/b/c/;x +g;x = http://a/b/c/g;x +g;x?y#s = http://a/b/c/g;x?y#s +. = http://a/b/c/ +./ = http://a/b/c/ +.. = http://a/b/ +../ = http://a/b/ +../g = http://a/b/g +../.. = http://a/ +../../ = http://a/ +../../g = http://a/g ++ + + + +
+ ++Rebuilds an URL from its parts. +
+ ++Parsed_url is a table with same components returned by +parse. +Lower level components, if specified, +take precedence over high level components of the URL grammar. +
+ ++The function returns a string with the built URL. +
+ + + ++url.build_path(segments, unsafe) +
+ ++Builds a <path> component from a list of +<segment> parts. +Before composition, any reserved characters found in a segment are escaped into +their protected form, so that the resulting path is a valid URL path +component. +
+ ++Segments is a list of strings with the <segment> +parts. If unsafe is anything but nil, reserved +characters are left untouched. +
+ ++The function returns a string with the +built <path> component. +
+ + + ++url.escape(content) +
+ ++Applies the URL escaping content coding to a string +Each byte is encoded as a percent character followed +by the two byte hexadecimal representation of its integer +value. +
+ ++Content is the string to be encoded. +
+ ++The function returns the encoded string. +
+ ++-- load url module +url = require("socket.url") + +code = url.escape("/#?;") +-- code = "%2f%23%3f%3b" ++ + + +
+url.parse(url, default) +
+ ++Parses an URL given as a string into a Lua table with its components. +
+ ++Url is the URL to be parsed. If the default table is +present, it is used to store the parsed fields. Only fields present in the +URL are overwritten. Therefore, this table can be used to pass default +values for each field. +
+ ++The function returns a table with all the URL components: +
+ ++parsed_url = {+ +
+ url = string,
+ scheme = string,
+ authority = string,
+ path = string,
+ params = string,
+ query = string,
+ fragment = string,
+ userinfo = string,
+ host = string,
+ port = string,
+ user = string,
+ password = string
+} +
+-- load url module +url = require("socket.url") + +parsed_url = url.parse("") +-- parsed_url = { +-- scheme = "http", +-- authority = "", +-- path = "/cgilua/index.lua" +-- query = "a=2", +-- fragment = "there", +-- host = "", +-- } + +parsed_url = url.parse(";type=i") +-- parsed_url = { +-- scheme = "ftp", +-- authority = "", +-- path = "/pub/virus.exe", +-- params = "type=i", +-- userinfo = "root:passwd", +-- host = "", +-- user = "root", +-- password = "passwd", +-- } ++ + + +
+url.parse_path(path) +
+ ++Breaks a <path> URL component into all its +<segment> parts. +
+ ++Path is a string with the path to be parsed. +
+ ++Since some characters are reserved in URLs, they must be escaped +whenever present in a <path> component. Therefore, before +returning a list with all the parsed segments, the function removes +escaping from all of them. +
+ + + ++url.unescape(content) +
+ ++Removes the URL escaping content coding from a string. +
+ ++Content is the string to be decoded. +
+ ++The function returns the decoded string. +
+ + + + + + + diff --git a/luasocket-scm-3.rockspec b/luasocket-scm-3.rockspec index 4e1669c..0e1b0f9 100644 --- a/luasocket-scm-3.rockspec +++ b/luasocket-scm-3.rockspec @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ build = { mingw32 = make_plat("mingw32") }, copy_directories = { - "doc" + "docs" , "samples" , "etc" , "test" } diff --git a/makefile.dist b/makefile.dist index 45a8866..83c303e 100644 --- a/makefile.dist +++ b/makefile.dist @@ -92,23 +92,23 @@ MAKE = \ socket.vcxproj \ mime.vcxproj -DOC = \ - doc/dns.html \ - doc/ftp.html \ - doc/index.html \ - doc/http.html \ - doc/installation.html \ - doc/introduction.html \ - doc/ltn12.html \ - doc/luasocket.png \ - doc/mime.html \ - doc/reference.css \ - doc/reference.html \ - doc/smtp.html \ - doc/socket.html \ - doc/tcp.html \ - doc/udp.html \ - doc/url.html +DOCS = \ + docs/dns.html \ + docs/ftp.html \ + docs/index.html \ + docs/http.html \ + docs/installation.html \ + docs/introduction.html \ + docs/ltn12.html \ + docs/luasocket.png \ + docs/mime.html \ + docs/reference.css \ + docs/reference.html \ + docs/smtp.html \ + docs/socket.html \ + docs/tcp.html \ + docs/udp.html \ + docs/url.html dist: mkdir -p $(DIST) @@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ dist: mkdir -p $(DIST)/src cp -vf $(SRC) $(DIST)/src - mkdir -p $(DIST)/doc - cp -vf $(DOC) $(DIST)/doc + mkdir -p $(DIST)/docs + cp -vf $(DOCS) $(DIST)/docs mkdir -p $(DIST)/samples cp -vf $(SAMPLES) $(DIST)/samples -- cgit v1.2.3-55-g6feb From 2eac8950396247b412c4089c23a46015c8cc12bb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Caleb MaclennanThe current version of the library can be found at -the LuaSocket +the LuaSocket project page on GitHub. Besides the full C and Lua source code for the library, the distribution contains several examples, this user's manual and basic test procedures. -- cgit v1.2.3-55-g6feb