From 0fc0122df8050db8cbb75f75927ab3ace0fc60bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Thijs Schreijer Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2022 15:58:50 +0100 Subject: cleanup; move logo file into docs, more appropriate --- docs/ | 210 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 210 insertions(+) create mode 100644 docs/ (limited to 'docs') diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b5809a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ @@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: Lua logo +%%Creator: +%%CreationDate: Wed Nov 29 19:04:04 EDT 2000 +%%BoundingBox: -45 0 1035 1080 +%%Pages: 1 +%%EndComments +%%EndProlog + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +% +% Copyright (C) 1998-2000. All rights reserved. +% Graphic design by Alexandre Nakonechny ( +% PostScript programming by the Lua team ( +% +% Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without license +% or royalty fees, to use, copy, and distribute this logo for any purpose, +% including commercial applications, subject to the following conditions: +% +% * The origin of this logo must not be misrepresented; you must not +% claim that you drew the original logo. We recommend that you give credit +% to the graphics designer in all printed matter that includes the logo. +% +% * The only modification you can make is to adapt the orbiting text to +% your product name. +% +% * The logo can be used in any scale as long as the relative proportions +% of its elements are maintained. +% +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +/LABEL (tekcoS) def + +%-- DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE ------------------------------------ + +/PLANETCOLOR {0 0 0.5 setrgbcolor} bind def +/HOLECOLOR {1.0 setgray} bind def +/ORBITCOLOR {0.5 setgray} bind def +/LOGOFONT {/Helvetica 0.90} def +/LABELFONT {/Helvetica 0.36} def + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +/MOONCOLOR {PLANETCOLOR} bind def +/LOGOCOLOR {HOLECOLOR} bind def +/LABELCOLOR {ORBITCOLOR} bind def + +/LABELANGLE 325 def +/LOGO (Lua) def + +/DASHANGLE 10 def +/HALFDASHANGLE DASHANGLE 2 div def + +% moon radius. planet radius is 1. +/r 1 2 sqrt 2 div sub def + +/D {0 360 arc fill} bind def +/F {exch findfont exch scalefont setfont} bind def + +% place it nicely on the paper +/RESOLUTION 1024 def +RESOLUTION 2 div dup translate +RESOLUTION 2 div 2 sqrt div dup scale + +%-------------------------------------------------------------------- planet -- +PLANETCOLOR +0 0 1 D + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------- hole -- +HOLECOLOR +1 2 r mul sub dup r D + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------- moon -- +MOONCOLOR +1 1 r D + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------- logo -- +LOGOCOLOR +LOGOFONT +F +LOGO stringwidth pop 2 div neg +-0.5 moveto +LOGO show + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +% based on code from Blue Book Program 10, on pages 167--169 +% available at + +% str ptsize centerangle radius outsidecircletext -- +/outsidecircletext { + circtextdict begin + /radius exch def + /centerangle exch def + /ptsize exch def + /str exch def + + gsave + str radius ptsize findhalfangle + centerangle + add rotate + str + { /charcode exch def + ( ) dup 0 charcode put outsideplacechar + } forall + + grestore + end +} def + +% string radius ptsize findhalfangle halfangle +/findhalfangle { + 4 div add + exch + stringwidth pop 2 div + exch + 2 mul 3.1415926535 mul div 360 mul +} def + +/circtextdict 16 dict def +circtextdict begin + + /outsideplacechar { + /char exch def + /halfangle char radius ptsize findhalfangle def + gsave + halfangle neg rotate + 1.4 0 translate + 90 rotate + char stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto + char show + grestore + halfangle 2 mul neg rotate + } def + +end + +%--------------------------------------------------------------------- label -- +LABELFONT +F + +/LABELSIZE LABELFONT exch pop def +/LABELRADIUS LABELSIZE 3 div 1 r add sub neg 1.02 mul def + + +/HALFANGLE + LABEL LABELRADIUS LABELSIZE findhalfangle + HALFDASHANGLE div ceiling HALFDASHANGLE mul +def + +/LABELANGLE + 60 LABELANGLE HALFANGLE sub + lt + { + HALFANGLE + HALFANGLE DASHANGLE div floor DASHANGLE mul + eq + {LABELANGLE DASHANGLE div ceiling DASHANGLE mul} + {LABELANGLE HALFDASHANGLE sub DASHANGLE div round DASHANGLE mul HALFDASHANGLE add} + ifelse + } + {HALFANGLE 60 add} + ifelse +def + +LABELCOLOR +LABEL +LABELSIZE +LABELANGLE +LABELRADIUS +outsidecircletext + +%--------------------------------------------------------------------- orbit -- +ORBITCOLOR +0.03 setlinewidth +[1 r add 3.1415926535 180 div HALFDASHANGLE mul mul] 0 setdash +newpath +0 0 +1 r add +3 copy +30 +LABELANGLE HALFANGLE add +arcn +stroke +60 +LABELANGLE HALFANGLE sub +2 copy +lt {arc stroke} {4 {pop} repeat} ifelse + +%------------------------------------------------------------------ copyright -- +/COPYRIGHT +(Graphic design by A. Nakonechny. Copyright (c) 1998, All rights reserved.) +def + +LABELCOLOR +LOGOFONT +32 div +F +2 sqrt 0.99 mul +dup +neg +moveto +COPYRIGHT +90 rotate +%show + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------- done -- +showpage + +%%Trailer +%%EOF -- cgit v1.2.3-55-g6feb