What's New

The big change for the 2.0 (beta3) release was the adoption of the Lua
5.1 package proposal. There were several bug fixes too (a beta is a
beta, is a beta).

* New compat-5.1 distribution:
  - Instalation uses new directory structure;
  - Namespace hierarchy is in now back in use (ex. socket.url instead of url);
  - All modules call require even for standard libraries;
* LTN12 avoids coroutines (so you can go wild on the C side);
* socket.select wasn't calling tm_markstart;
* Kludge on wsocket.c:sock_send for Windows timeout issue moved to
  buffer.c:sendraw so it's not a kludge anymore;
* socket.protect only catches errors thrown by socket.try;
* Fixed udp:sendto to call sock_sendto instead of sock_send;
* close wasn't returning 1!
* socket.gettime returns time since Unix Epoch 1/1/1970 (UTC)
* socket.sleep is robust to interrupts;
* http.PROXY wasn't working.
* fixed some of the examples