Major C code rewrite. Code is modular and extensible. Hopefully, next
versions will include code for local domain sockets, file descriptors,
pipes (on unix) and named pipes (on windows) as a bonus.

All functions provided by the library are in the namespace "socket".
Functions such as send/receive/timeout/close etc do not exist anymore as
stand alone functions. They are now only available as methods of the
appropriate objects.

TCP has been changed to become more uniform.  First create an object, then 
connect or bind if needed. Then use IO functions. The "socket.connect" and
"socket.bind" functions are provided for simplicity, but they just call
"socket.tcp" followed by the ":connect" or ":bind" methods.

All functions return a non-nil value as first return value if successful.
All functions return whatever could be retrieved followed by error message 
in case of error. The best way to check for errors is to check for the
presence of an error message.  WARNING: The send function was affected.

Better error messages and parameter checking.

UDP connected udp sockets can break association with peer by calling
setpeername with address "*". 

socket.sleep and socket.time are now part of the library and are 

Socket options interface has been improved and TCP now also supports socket