setup error messages in the default case. ajeitar o connect com a dica do mike if ((err > 1 || !FD_ISSET(sock, &wfds)) && recv(sock, &dummy, 0, 0) < 0 && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) ... sort out the wrap around of gettime... use doubles all over tm_get e tm_getretry return the timeval structure pointer sock_send, sock_recv & sock_select use p_tm instead of timeout make select interrupt safe (will be with tm stuff) use GetSystemTimeAsFileTime in windows (WinCE will suffer document) optmize aux_getgroupudata make aux_newclass receive upvalues use one upvalue per string name of class/group make aux_checkgroup by upvalue (faster) fix local domain socket kludge of name size make sure all modules that can use it actually use socket.newtry adicionar exemplos de expans�o: pipe, local, named pipe Add service name translation. testar os options! - Fazer compilar com g++ - Thread-safe - proteger get*by*.* com um mutex GLOBAL! - proteger ou atomizar o conjunto (timedout, receive), (timedout, send) - inet_ntoa tamb�m � uma merda. - SSL