Module system

Platform independent system calls for Lua.


windows Flag to identify Windows.


getenv (name) Gets the value of an environment variable.
getenvs () Returns a table with all environment variables.
setenv (name[, value]) Sets an environment variable.


random ([length=1]) Generate random bytes.


CODEPAGE_UTF8 UTF8 codepage.
_readkey () Reads a key from the console non-blocking.
autotermrestore () Backs up terminal settings and restores them on application exit.
getconsolecp () Gets the current console code page (Windows).
getconsoleflags (file) Gets console flags (Windows).
getconsoleoutputcp () Gets the current console output code page (Windows).
getnonblock (fd) Gets non-blocking mode status for a file (Posix).
isatty (file) Checks if a file-handle is a TTY.
listconsoleflags (fh) Debug function for console flags (Windows).
listtermflags (fh) Debug function for terminal flags (Posix).
readansi (timeout[, fsleep=system.sleep]) Reads a single key, if it is the start of ansi escape sequence then it reads the full sequence.
readkey (timeout[, fsleep=system.sleep]) Reads a single byte from the console, with a timeout.
setconsolecp (cp) Sets the current console code page (Windows).
setconsoleflags (file, bitflags) Sets the console flags (Windows).
setconsoleoutputcp (cp) Sets the current console output code page (Windows).
setnonblock (fd, make_non_block) Enables or disables non-blocking mode for a file (Posix).
tcgetattr (fd) Get termios state (Posix).
tcsetattr (fd, actions, termios) Set termios state (Posix).
termbackup () Returns a backup of terminal settings for stdin/out/err.
termrestore (backup) Restores terminal settings from a backup
termsize () Get the size of the terminal in rows and columns.
termwrap (f) Wraps a function to automatically restore terminal settings upon returning.
utf8cwidth (utf8_char) Get the width of a utf8 character for terminal display.
utf8swidth (utf8_string) Get the width of a utf8 string for terminal display.


gettime () Get system time.
monotime () Get monotonic time.
sleep (seconds[, precision=16]) Sleep without a busy loop.


Flag to identify Windows.
  • windows true if on Windows, false otherwise.


getenv (name)
Gets the value of an environment variable.

NOTE: Windows has multiple copies of environment variables. For this reason, the setenv function will not work with Lua's os.getenv on Windows. If you want to use setenv then consider patching os.getenv with this implementation of getenv.


  • name string name of the environment variable


    string or nil value of the environment variable, or nil if the variable is not set
getenvs ()
Returns a table with all environment variables.


    table table with all environment variables and their values
setenv (name[, value])
Sets an environment variable.

NOTE: Windows has multiple copies of environment variables. For this reason, the setenv function will not work with Lua's os.getenv on Windows. If you want to use it then consider patching os.getenv with the implementation of system.getenv.


  • name string name of the environment variable
  • value string value of the environment variable, if nil the variable will be deleted (on Windows, setting an empty string, will also delete the variable) (optional)


    boolean success


random ([length=1])
Generate random bytes. This uses BCryptGenRandom() on Windows, getrandom() on Linux, arc4random_buf on BSD, and /dev/urandom on other platforms. It will return the requested number of bytes, or an error, never a partial result.


  • length int number of bytes to get (default 1)


    string string of random bytes


  1. nil
  2. string error message


Unix: see

Windows: see

UTF8 codepage. To be used with system.setconsoleoutputcp and system.setconsolecp.
  • CODEPAGE_UTF8 The Windows CodePage for UTF8.
_readkey ()
Reads a key from the console non-blocking. This function should not be called directly, but through the system.readkey or system.readansi functions. It will return the next byte from the input stream, or nil if no key was pressed.

On Posix, io.stdin must be set to non-blocking mode using setnonblock and canonical mode must be turned off using tcsetattr, before calling this function. Otherwise it will block. No conversions are done on Posix, so the byte read is returned as-is.

On Windows this reads a wide character and converts it to UTF-8. Multi-byte sequences will be buffered internally and returned one byte at a time.


    integer the byte read from the input stream


    nil if no key was pressed


  1. nil on error
  2. string error message
  3. int errnum (on posix)
autotermrestore ()
Backs up terminal settings and restores them on application exit. Calls termbackup to back up terminal settings and sets up a GC method to automatically restore them on application exit (also works on Lua 5.1).


    boolean true


  1. nil if the backup was already created
  2. string error message
getconsolecp ()
Gets the current console code page (Windows).


    int the current code page (always 65001 on Posix systems)
getconsoleflags (file)
Gets console flags (Windows). The CIF_ and COF_ constants are available on the module table. Where CIF are the input flags (for use with io.stdin) and COF are the output flags (for use with io.stdout/io.stderr).

Note: See setconsolemode documentation for more information on the flags.



    bitflags the current console flags.


  1. nil
  2. string error message


    local system = require('system')
    local flags = system.getconsoleflags(io.stdout)
    print("Current stdout flags:", tostring(flags))
    if flags:has_all_of(system.COF_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING + system.COF_PROCESSED_OUTPUT) then
        print("Both flags are set")
        print("At least one flag is not set")
getconsoleoutputcp ()
Gets the current console output code page (Windows).


    int the current code page (always 65001 on Posix systems)
getnonblock (fd)
Gets non-blocking mode status for a file (Posix).



    bool true if set to non-blocking, false if not. Always returns false on Windows.


  1. nil
  2. string error message
  3. int errnum
isatty (file)
Checks if a file-handle is a TTY.



    boolean true if the file is a tty


    local system = require('system')
    if system.isatty(io.stdin) then
        -- enable ANSI coloring etc on Windows, does nothing in Posix.
        local flags = system.getconsoleflags(io.stdout)
        system.setconsoleflags(io.stdout, flags + sys.COF_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING)
listconsoleflags (fh)
Debug function for console flags (Windows). Pretty prints the current flags set for the handle.



    -- Print the flags for stdin/out/err
listtermflags (fh)
Debug function for terminal flags (Posix). Pretty prints the current flags set for the handle.



    -- Print the flags for stdin/out/err
readansi (timeout[, fsleep=system.sleep])
Reads a single key, if it is the start of ansi escape sequence then it reads the full sequence. The key can be a multi-byte string in case of multibyte UTF-8 character. This function uses system.readkey, and hence fsleep to wait until either a key is available or the timeout is reached. It returns immediately if a key is available or if timeout is less than or equal to 0. In case of an ANSI sequence, it will return the full sequence as a string.


  • timeout number the timeout in seconds.
  • fsleep function the function to call for sleeping. (default system.sleep)


  1. string the character that was received (can be multi-byte), or a complete ANSI sequence
  2. string the type of input: "char" for a single key, "ansi" for an ANSI sequence


  1. nil in case of an error
  2. string error message; "timeout" if the timeout was reached.
  3. string partial result in case of an error while reading a sequence, the sequence so far.
readkey (timeout[, fsleep=system.sleep])
Reads a single byte from the console, with a timeout. This function uses fsleep to wait until either a byte is available or the timeout is reached. The sleep period is exponentially backing off, starting at 0.0125 seconds, with a maximum of 0.2 seconds. It returns immediately if a byte is available or if timeout is less than or equal to 0.

Using system.readansi is preferred over this function. Since this function can leave stray/invalid byte-sequences in the input buffer, while system.readansi reads full ANSI and UTF8 sequences.


  • timeout number the timeout in seconds.
  • fsleep function the function to call for sleeping. (default system.sleep)


    byte the byte value that was read.


  1. nil if no key was read
  2. string error message; "timeout" if the timeout was reached.
setconsolecp (cp)
Sets the current console code page (Windows).



    bool true on success (always true on Posix systems)
setconsoleflags (file, bitflags)
Sets the console flags (Windows). The CIF_ and COF_ constants are available on the module table. Where CIF are the input flags (for use with io.stdin) and COF are the output flags (for use with io.stdout/io.stderr).

To see flag status and constant names check listconsoleflags.

Note: not all combinations of flags are allowed, as some are mutually exclusive or mutually required. See setconsolemode documentation



    boolean true on success


  1. nil
  2. string error message


    local system = require('system')
    system.listconsoleflags(io.stdout) -- List all the available flags and their current status
    local flags = system.getconsoleflags(io.stdout)
            flags + system.COF_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING)
    system.listconsoleflags(io.stdout) -- List again to check the differences
setconsoleoutputcp (cp)
Sets the current console output code page (Windows).



    bool true on success (always true on Posix systems)
setnonblock (fd, make_non_block)
Enables or disables non-blocking mode for a file (Posix).


  • fd file file handle to operate on, one of io.stdin, io.stdout, io.stderr
  • make_non_block boolean a truthy value will enable non-blocking mode, a falsy value will disable it.


    bool true, if successful


  1. nil
  2. string error message
  3. int errnum

See also:


    local sys = require('system')
    -- set io.stdin to non-blocking mode
    local old_setting = sys.getnonblock(io.stdin)
    sys.setnonblock(io.stdin, true)
    -- do stuff
    -- restore old setting
    sys.setnonblock(io.stdin, old_setting)
tcgetattr (fd)

Get termios state (Posix). The terminal attributes is a table with the following fields:

  • iflag input flags
  • oflag output flags
  • lflag local flags
  • cflag control flags
  • ispeed input speed
  • ospeed output speed
  • cc control characters



    error message if failed


    termios terminal attributes, if successful. On Windows the bitflags are all 0, and the cc table is empty.


  1. nil
  2. string error message
  3. int errnum


    local system = require('system')
    local status = assert(tcgetattr(io.stdin))
    if status.iflag:has_all_of(system.I_IGNBRK) then
        print("Ignoring break condition")
tcsetattr (fd, actions, termios)
Set termios state (Posix). This function will set the flags as given.

The I_, O_, and L_ constants are available on the module table. They are the respective flags for the iflags, oflags, and lflags bitmasks.

To see flag status and constant names check listtermflags. For their meaning check the manpage.

Note: only iflag, oflag, and lflag are supported at the moment. The other fields are ignored.


  • fd file file handle to operate on, one of io.stdin, io.stdout, io.stderr
  • actions integer one of TCSANOW, TCSADRAIN, TCSAFLUSH
  • termios a table with bitflag fields:
    • iflag bitflags if given will set the input flags (optional)
    • oflag bitflags if given will set the output flags (optional)
    • lflag bitflags if given will set the local flags (optional)


    bool true, if successful. Always returns true on Windows.


  1. nil
  2. string error message
  3. int errnum


    local system = require('system')
    local status = assert(tcgetattr(io.stdin))
    if not status.lflag:has_all_of(system.L_ECHO) then
        -- if echo is off, turn echoing newlines on
        tcsetattr(io.stdin, system.TCSANOW, { lflag = status.lflag + system.L_ECHONL }))
termbackup ()
Returns a backup of terminal settings for stdin/out/err. Handles terminal/console flags, Windows codepage, and non-block flags on the streams. Backs up terminal/console flags only if a stream is a tty.


    table with backup of terminal settings
termrestore (backup)
Restores terminal settings from a backup



    boolean true
termsize ()
Get the size of the terminal in rows and columns.


  1. int the number of rows
  2. int the number of columns


  1. nil
  2. string error message
termwrap (f)
Wraps a function to automatically restore terminal settings upon returning. Calls termbackup before calling the function and termrestore after.


  • f function function to wrap


    function wrapped function
utf8cwidth (utf8_char)
Get the width of a utf8 character for terminal display.


  • utf8_char string or int the utf8 character, or unicode codepoint, to check, only the width of the first character will be returned


    int the display width in columns of the first character in the string (0 for an empty string)


  1. nil
  2. string error message
utf8swidth (utf8_string)
Get the width of a utf8 string for terminal display.


  • utf8_string string the utf8 string to check


    int the display width of the string in columns (0 for an empty string)


  1. nil
  2. string error message


gettime ()
Get system time. The time is returned as the seconds since the epoch (1 January 1970 00:00:00).


    number seconds (fractional)
monotime ()
Get monotonic time. The time is returned as the seconds since system start.


    number seconds (fractional)
sleep (seconds[, precision=16])
Sleep without a busy loop. This function will sleep, without doing a busy-loop and wasting CPU cycles.


  • seconds number seconds to sleep (fractional).
  • precision integer minimum stepsize in milliseconds (Windows only, ignored elsewhere) (default 16)


    true on success, or nil+err on failure
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2025-03-12 15:17:50