
This library is versioned based on Semantic Versioning (SemVer).

Version scoping

The scope of what is covered by the version number excludes:

  • error messages; the text of the messages can change, unless specifically documented.

Releasing new versions

  • create a release branch
  • update the changelog below
  • update version and copyright-years in ./ and ./src/core.c (in module constants)
  • create a new rockspec and update the version inside the new rockspec:
    cp luasystem-scm-0.rockspec ./rockspecs/luasystem-X.Y.Z-1.rockspec
  • clean and render the docs: run ldoc .
  • commit the changes as Release vX.Y.Z
  • push the commit, and create a release PR
  • after merging tag the release commit with vX.Y.Z
  • upload to LuaRocks:
    luarocks upload ./rockspecs/luasystem-X.Y.Z-1.rockspec --api-key=ABCDEFGH
  • test the newly created rock:
    luarocks install luasystem

Version history

Version 0.4.1, released 25-Jun-2024

  • Fix: when compiling with msys2 the conio.h header is required

Version 0.4.0, released 20-Jun-2024

  • Feat: getconsoleflags and setconsoleflags for getting/setting the current console configuration flags on Windows
  • Feat: getconsolecp and setconsolecp for getting/setting the console codepage on Windows
  • Feat: getconsoleoutputcp and setconsoleoutputcp for getting/setting the console output codepage on Windows
  • Feat: tcgetattr and tcsetattr for getting/setting the current console configuration flags on Posix
  • Feat: getnonblock and setnonblock for getting/setting the non-blocking flag on Posix
  • Feat: bitflags: a support feature for the above flag type controls to facilitate bit manipulation without resorting to binary operations (to also support PuC Lua 5.1)
  • Feat: readkey reads a keyboard input from stdin in a non-blocking way (utf8, also on Windows)
  • Feat: readansi reads a keyboard input from stdin in a non-blocking way, parses ansi and utf8 sequences
  • Feat: termsize gets the current terminal size in rows and columns
  • Feat: utf8cwidth and utf8swidth for getting the display width (in columns) of respectively a single utf8 character, or a utf8 string
  • Feat: helpers; termbackup, termrestore, autotermrestore, and termwrap for managing the many terminal settings on all platforms.

Version 0.3.0, released 15-Dec-2023

  • Feat: on Windows sleep now has a precision parameter
  • Feat: setenv added to set environment variables.
  • Feat: getenvs added to list environment variables.
  • Feat: getenv added to get environment variable previously set (Windows).
  • Feat: random added to return high-quality random bytes
  • Feat: isatty added to check if a file-handle is a tty

Version 0.2.1, released 02-Oct-2016

Version 0.2.0, released 08-May-2016

Version 0.1.1, released 10-Apr-2016

Version 0.1.0, released 11-Feb-2016

  • initial release
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2024-06-25 09:02:59