From 65193da08860e45add39313084d63c8d45f79a37 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tdeval <>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 06:22:45 +0000
Subject: Back out to brk(2) version.

The mmap(2) code is cool and it has already uncovered some bugs in other code.
But some issues remain on some archs, and we can't afford that for production.

Don't worry, it will be back soon... I'll make sure of it...
 src/lib/libc/stdlib/malloc.c | 743 +++++++++++--------------------------------
 1 file changed, 189 insertions(+), 554 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/lib/libc/stdlib/malloc.c b/src/lib/libc/stdlib/malloc.c
index aedb4c8f0c..661265bb85 100644
--- a/src/lib/libc/stdlib/malloc.c
+++ b/src/lib/libc/stdlib/malloc.c
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 #if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint)
-static char rcsid[] = "$OpenBSD: malloc.c,v 1.70 2004/08/05 21:55:21 tdeval Exp $";
+static char rcsid[] = "$OpenBSD: malloc.c,v 1.71 2004/08/11 06:22:45 tdeval Exp $";
 #endif /* LIBC_SCCS and not lint */
@@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ static char rcsid[] = "$OpenBSD: malloc.c,v 1.70 2004/08/05 21:55:21 tdeval Exp
 #define SOME_JUNK	0xd0		/* as in "Duh" :-) */
 #include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <sys/mman.h>
 #include <sys/uio.h>
@@ -81,11 +79,11 @@ static char rcsid[] = "$OpenBSD: malloc.c,v 1.70 2004/08/05 21:55:21 tdeval Exp
 struct pginfo {
     struct pginfo	*next;	/* next on the free list */
     void		*page;	/* Pointer to the page */
-    u_short		 size;	/* size of this page's chunks */
-    u_short		 shift;	/* How far to shift for this size chunks */
-    u_short		 free;	/* How many free chunks */
-    u_short		 total;	/* How many chunk */
-    u_long		 bits[1]; /* Which chunks are free */
+    u_short		size;	/* size of this page's chunks */
+    u_short		shift;	/* How far to shift for this size chunks */
+    u_short		free;	/* How many free chunks */
+    u_short		total;	/* How many chunk */
+    u_long		bits[1]; /* Which chunks are free */
@@ -96,8 +94,8 @@ struct pgfree {
     struct pgfree	*next;	/* next run of free pages */
     struct pgfree	*prev;	/* prev run of free pages */
     void		*page;	/* pointer to free pages */
-    void		*pdir;	/* pointer to the base page's dir */
-    size_t		 size;	/* number of bytes free */
+    void		*end;	/* pointer to end of free pages */
+    u_long		size;	/* number of bytes free */
@@ -142,8 +140,8 @@ struct pgfree {
 /* A mask for the offset inside a page.  */
 #define malloc_pagemask	((malloc_pagesize)-1)
-#define pageround(foo) (((foo) + (malloc_pagemask)) & ~malloc_pagemask)
-#define ptr2index(foo) (((u_long)(foo) >> malloc_pageshift)+malloc_pageshift)
+#define pageround(foo) (((foo) + (malloc_pagemask))&(~(malloc_pagemask)))
+#define ptr2index(foo) (((u_long)(foo) >> malloc_pageshift)-malloc_origo)
 /* fd of /dev/zero */
 #ifdef USE_DEV_ZERO
@@ -163,22 +161,8 @@ static unsigned int malloc_started;
 /* Number of free pages we cache */
 static unsigned int malloc_cache = 16;
-/* Structure used for linking discrete directory pages. */
-struct pdinfo {
-    struct pginfo	**base;
-    struct pdinfo	 *prev;
-    struct pdinfo	 *next;
-    u_long		  dirnum;
-static struct	pdinfo  *last_dir;	/* Caches to the last and previous */
-static struct	pdinfo  *prev_dir;	/* referenced directory pages.     */
-static size_t		pdi_off;
-static u_long		pdi_mod;
-#define	PD_IDX(num)	((num) / (malloc_pagesize/sizeof(struct pginfo *)))
-#define	PD_OFF(num)	((num) & ((malloc_pagesize/sizeof(struct pginfo *))-1))
-#define	PI_IDX(index)	((index) / pdi_mod)
-#define	PI_OFF(index)	((index) % pdi_mod)
+/* The offset from pagenumber to index into the page directory */
+static u_long malloc_origo;
 /* The last index in the page directory we care about */
 static u_long last_index;
@@ -247,144 +231,72 @@ void utrace(struct ut *, int);
 /* Status of malloc. */
 static int malloc_active;
-/* Allocated memory. */
-static size_t malloc_used;
-/* My last break. */
+/* my last break. */
 static void *malloc_brk;
-/* One location cache for free-list holders. */
+/* one location cache for free-list holders */
 static struct pgfree *px;
-/* Compile-time options. */
+/* compile-time options */
 char *malloc_options;
-/* Name of the current public function. */
+/* Name of the current public function */
 static char *malloc_func;
-/* Macro for mmap. */
+/* Macro for mmap */
 #define MMAP(size) \
 	mmap((void *)0, (size), PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANON|MAP_PRIVATE, \
 	    MMAP_FD, (off_t)0)
- * Necessary function declarations.
+ * Necessary function declarations
+static int extend_pgdir(u_long index);
 static void *imalloc(size_t size);
 static void ifree(void *ptr);
 static void *irealloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
 static void *malloc_bytes(size_t size);
- * Function for page directory lookup.
- */
-static int
-pdir_lookup(u_long index, struct pdinfo **pdi)
-    struct pdinfo *spi;
-    u_long pidx = PI_IDX(index);
-    if (last_dir != NULL && PD_IDX(last_dir->dirnum) == pidx)
-	    *pdi = last_dir;
-    else if (prev_dir != NULL && PD_IDX(prev_dir->dirnum) == pidx)
-	    *pdi = prev_dir;
-    else if (last_dir != NULL && prev_dir != NULL) {
-	if ((PD_IDX(last_dir->dirnum) > pidx) ?
-	  (PD_IDX(last_dir->dirnum) - pidx):(pidx - PD_IDX(last_dir->dirnum))
-	  < (PD_IDX(prev_dir->dirnum) > pidx) ?
-	  (PD_IDX(prev_dir->dirnum) - pidx):(pidx - PD_IDX(prev_dir->dirnum)))
-	    *pdi = last_dir;
-	else
-	    *pdi = prev_dir;
-	if (PD_IDX((*pdi)->dirnum) > pidx) {
-	    for (spi=(*pdi)->prev;spi!=NULL && PD_IDX(spi->dirnum)>pidx;
-		 spi=spi->prev)
-		*pdi = spi;
-	    if (spi != NULL)
-		*pdi = spi;
-	} else
-	    for (spi=(*pdi)->next;spi!=NULL && PD_IDX(spi->dirnum)<=pidx;
-		 spi=spi->next)
-		*pdi = spi;
-    } else {
-	*pdi = (struct pdinfo *)((caddr_t)page_dir + pdi_off);
-	for (spi=*pdi;spi!=NULL && PD_IDX(spi->dirnum)<=pidx;spi=spi->next)
-	    *pdi = spi;
-    }
-    return ((PD_IDX((*pdi)->dirnum) == pidx)?0:(PD_IDX((*pdi)->dirnum) > pidx)?1:-1);
 malloc_dump(FILE *fd)
     struct pginfo **pd;
     struct pgfree *pf;
-    struct pdinfo *pi;
     int j;
     pd = page_dir;
-    pi = (struct pdinfo *)((caddr_t)pd + pdi_off);
     /* print out all the pages */
-    for(j=0;j<=last_index;) {
-	fprintf(fd, "%08lx %5d ", j << malloc_pageshift, j);
-	if (pd[PI_OFF(j)] == MALLOC_NOT_MINE) {
-	    for(j++;j<=last_index && pd[PI_OFF(j)] == MALLOC_NOT_MINE;) {
-		if (!PI_OFF(++j)) {
-		    if ((pi = pi->next) == NULL ||
-		        PD_IDX(pi->dirnum) != PI_IDX(j)) break;
-		    pd = pi->base;
-		    j += pdi_mod;
-		}
-	    }
+    for(j=0;j<=last_index;j++) {
+	fprintf(fd, "%08lx %5d ", (j+malloc_origo) << malloc_pageshift, j);
+	if (pd[j] == MALLOC_NOT_MINE) {
+	    for(j++;j<=last_index && pd[j] == MALLOC_NOT_MINE;j++)
+		;
 	    fprintf(fd, ".. %5d not mine\n",	j);
-	} else if (pd[PI_OFF(j)] == MALLOC_FREE) {
-	    for(j++;j<=last_index && pd[PI_OFF(j)] == MALLOC_FREE;) {
-		if (!PI_OFF(++j)) {
-		    if ((pi = pi->next) == NULL ||
-		        PD_IDX(pi->dirnum) != PI_IDX(j)) break;
-		    pd = pi->base;
-		    j += pdi_mod;
-		}
-	    }
+	} else if (pd[j] == MALLOC_FREE) {
+	    for(j++;j<=last_index && pd[j] == MALLOC_FREE;j++)
+		;
 	    fprintf(fd, ".. %5d free\n", j);
-	} else if (pd[PI_OFF(j)] == MALLOC_FIRST) {
-	    for(j++;j<=last_index && pd[PI_OFF(j)] == MALLOC_FOLLOW;) {
-		if (!PI_OFF(++j)) {
-		    if ((pi = pi->next) == NULL ||
-		        PD_IDX(pi->dirnum) != PI_IDX(j)) break;
-		    pd = pi->base;
-		    j += pdi_mod;
-		}
-	    }
+	} else if (pd[j] == MALLOC_FIRST) {
+	    for(j++;j<=last_index && pd[j] == MALLOC_FOLLOW;j++)
+		;
 	    fprintf(fd, ".. %5d in use\n", j);
-	} else if (pd[PI_OFF(j)] < MALLOC_MAGIC) {
-	    fprintf(fd, "(%p)\n", pd[PI_OFF(j)]);
+	} else if (pd[j] < MALLOC_MAGIC) {
+	    fprintf(fd, "(%p)\n", pd[j]);
 	} else {
 	    fprintf(fd, "%p %d (of %d) x %d @ %p --> %p\n",
-		pd[PI_OFF(j)], pd[PI_OFF(j)]->free, pd[PI_OFF(j)]->total,
-		pd[PI_OFF(j)]->size, pd[PI_OFF(j)]->page, pd[PI_OFF(j)]->next);
-	}
-	if (!PI_OFF(++j)) {
-	    if ((pi = pi->next) == NULL)
-		break;
-	    pd = pi->base;
-	    j += (1 + PD_IDX(pi->dirnum) - PI_IDX(j)) * pdi_mod;
+		pd[j], pd[j]->free, pd[j]->total,
+		pd[j]->size, pd[j]->page, pd[j]->next);
     for(; pf; pf=pf->next) {
 	fprintf(fd, "Free: @%p [%p...%p[ %ld ->%p <-%p\n",
-		pf, pf->page, pf->page + pf->size, pf->size,
-		pf->prev, pf->next);
+		pf, pf->page, pf->end, pf->size, pf->prev, pf->next);
 	if (pf == pf->next) {
 		fprintf(fd, "Free_list loops\n");
@@ -396,7 +308,10 @@ malloc_dump(FILE *fd)
     fprintf(fd, "Maxsize\t%d\n", malloc_maxsize);
     fprintf(fd, "Pagesize\t%lu\n", (u_long)malloc_pagesize);
     fprintf(fd, "Pageshift\t%d\n", malloc_pageshift);
-    fprintf(fd, "In use\t%lu\n", (u_long)malloc_used);
+    fprintf(fd, "FirstPage\t%ld\n", malloc_origo);
+    fprintf(fd, "LastPage\t%ld %lx\n", last_index+malloc_pageshift,
+	(last_index + malloc_pageshift) << malloc_pageshift);
+    fprintf(fd, "Break\t%ld\n", (u_long)sbrk(0) >> malloc_pageshift);
 #endif /* MALLOC_STATS */
@@ -424,8 +339,7 @@ wrterror(char *p)
 #endif /* MALLOC_STATS */
-    if (malloc_abort)
-	abort();
+    abort();
 static void
@@ -471,86 +385,89 @@ malloc_exit(void)
 static void *
 map_pages(size_t pages)
-    struct pdinfo *pi, *spi;
-    struct pginfo **pd;
-    u_long pidx,lidx;
-    void *result, *tail;
-    u_long index;
+    caddr_t result, tail;
+    result = (caddr_t)pageround((u_long)sbrk(0));
     pages <<= malloc_pageshift;
-    result = MMAP(pages + malloc_guard);
-    if (result == MAP_FAILED) {
-	errno = ENOMEM;
+    if (pages > SIZE_T_MAX - (size_t)result) {
-	wrtwarning("(ES): map_pages fails\n");
+	wrtwarning("(ES): overflow in map_pages fails\n");
+	errno = ENOMEM;
 	return (NULL);
     tail = result + pages + malloc_guard;
-    if (malloc_guard)
-	mprotect(result + pages, malloc_guard, PROT_NONE);
-    if (tail > malloc_brk)
-	malloc_brk = tail;
-    if ((index = ptr2index(tail) - 1) > last_index)
-	last_index = index;
-    /* Insert directory pages, if needed. */
-    pidx = PI_IDX(ptr2index(result));
-    lidx = PI_IDX(index);
-    pdir_lookup(ptr2index(result), &pi);
-    for (index=pidx,spi=pi;index<=lidx;index++) {
-	if (pi == NULL || PD_IDX(pi->dirnum) != index) {
-	    if ((pd = MMAP(malloc_pagesize)) == MAP_FAILED) {
-		errno = ENOMEM;
-		munmap(result, tail - result);
+    if (brk(tail) == (char *)-1) {
-		wrtwarning("(ES): map_pages fails\n");
-		return (NULL);
-	    }
-	    memset(pd, 0, malloc_pagesize);
-	    pi = (struct pdinfo *)((caddr_t)pd + pdi_off);
-	    pi->base = pd;
-	    pi->prev = spi;
-	    pi->next = spi->next;
-	    pi->dirnum = index * (malloc_pagesize/sizeof(struct pginfo *));
-	    if (spi->next != NULL)
-		spi->next->prev = pi;
-	    spi->next = pi;
-	}
-        if (index > pidx && index < lidx) {
-	    pi->dirnum += pdi_mod;
-	} else if (index == pidx) {
-	    if (pidx == lidx) {
-		pi->dirnum += (tail - result) >> malloc_pageshift;
-	    } else {
-		pi->dirnum += pdi_mod - PI_OFF(ptr2index(result));
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    pi->dirnum += PI_OFF(ptr2index(tail - 1)) + 1;
-	}
-	if (PD_OFF(pi->dirnum) > pdi_mod || PD_IDX(pi->dirnum) > index) {
-	    wrterror("(ES): pages directory overflow\n");
-	    errno = EFAULT;
-	    return (NULL);
-	}
+	wrtwarning("(ES): map_pages fails\n");
-	if (index == pidx && pi != last_dir) {
-	   prev_dir = last_dir;
-	   last_dir = pi;
-	}
-	spi = pi;
-	pi = spi->next;
+	return (NULL);
+    if (malloc_guard)
+	mprotect(result + pages, malloc_pagesize, PROT_NONE);
+    last_index = ptr2index(tail) - 1;
+    malloc_brk = tail;
+    if ((last_index+1) >= malloc_ninfo && !extend_pgdir(last_index))
+	return (NULL);
     return (result);
+ * Extend page directory
+ */
+static int
+extend_pgdir(u_long index)
+    struct  pginfo **new, **old;
+    size_t i, oldlen;
+    /* Make it this many pages */
+    i = index * sizeof *page_dir;
+    i /= malloc_pagesize;
+    i += 2;
+    /* remember the old mapping size */
+    oldlen = malloc_ninfo * sizeof *page_dir;
+    /*
+     * NOTE: we allocate new pages and copy the directory rather than tempt
+     * fate by trying to "grow" the region.. There is nothing to prevent
+     * us from accidently re-mapping space that's been allocated by our caller
+     * via dlopen() or other mmap().
+     *
+     * The copy problem is not too bad, as there is 4K of page index per
+     * 4MB of malloc arena.
+     *
+     * We can totally avoid the copy if we open a file descriptor to associate
+     * the anon mappings with.  Then, when we remap the pages at the new
+     * address, the old pages will be "magically" remapped..  But this means
+     * keeping open a "secret" file descriptor.....
+     */
+    /* Get new pages */
+    new = (struct pginfo**) MMAP(i * malloc_pagesize);
+    if (new == MAP_FAILED)
+	return (0);
+    /* Copy the old stuff */
+    memcpy(new, page_dir,
+	    malloc_ninfo * sizeof *page_dir);
+    /* register the new size */
+    malloc_ninfo = i * malloc_pagesize / sizeof *page_dir;
+    /* swap the pointers */
+    old = page_dir;
+    page_dir = new;
+    /* Now free the old stuff */
+    munmap(old, oldlen);
+    return (1);
  * Initialize the world
@@ -603,12 +520,12 @@ malloc_init(void)
 		case 'h': malloc_hint    = 0; break;
 		case 'H': malloc_hint    = 1; break;
 #endif /* __FreeBSD__ */
+		case 'r': malloc_realloc = 0; break;
+		case 'R': malloc_realloc = 1; break;
 		case 'j': malloc_junk    = 0; break;
 		case 'J': malloc_junk    = 1; break;
 		case 'n': malloc_silent  = 0; break;
 		case 'N': malloc_silent  = 1; break;
-		case 'r': malloc_realloc = 0; break;
-		case 'R': malloc_realloc = 1; break;
 #ifdef __FreeBSD__
 		case 'u': malloc_utrace  = 0; break;
 		case 'U': malloc_utrace  = 1; break;
@@ -644,21 +561,17 @@ malloc_init(void)
     /* Allocate one page for the page directory */
     page_dir = (struct pginfo **) MMAP(malloc_pagesize);
-    if (page_dir == MAP_FAILED) {
+    if (page_dir == MAP_FAILED)
 	wrterror("mmap(2) failed, check limits\n");
-	errno = ENOMEM;
-	return;
-    }
-    pdi_off = (malloc_pagesize - sizeof(struct pdinfo)) & ~(malloc_minsize - 1);
-    pdi_mod = pdi_off / sizeof(struct pginfo *);
-    last_dir = (struct pdinfo *)((caddr_t)page_dir + pdi_off);
-    last_dir->base = page_dir;
-    last_dir->prev = last_dir->next = NULL;
-    last_dir->dirnum = malloc_pageshift;
+    /*
+     * We need a maximum of malloc_pageshift buckets, steal these from the
+     * front of the page_directory;
+     */
+    malloc_origo = ((u_long)pageround((u_long)sbrk(0))) >> malloc_pageshift;
+    malloc_origo -= malloc_pageshift;
-    malloc_ninfo = pdi_mod;
+    malloc_ninfo = malloc_pagesize / sizeof *page_dir;
     /* Been here, done that */
@@ -670,6 +583,11 @@ malloc_init(void)
     malloc_cache <<= malloc_pageshift;
+    /*
+     * This is a nice hack from Kaleb Keithly (
+     * We can sbrk(2) further back when we keep this on a low address.
+     */
+    px = (struct pgfree *) imalloc (sizeof *px);
     errno = save_errno;
@@ -681,66 +599,30 @@ malloc_pages(size_t size)
     void *p, *delay_free = NULL;
     int i;
-    struct rlimit rl;
-    struct pginfo **pd;
-    struct pdinfo *pi;
-    u_long pidx;
-    void *tp;
     struct pgfree *pf;
     u_long index;
-    int m;
     size = pageround(size) + malloc_guard;
     p = NULL;
     /* Look for free pages before asking for more */
-    for (pf =; pf; pf = pf->next) {
+    for(pf =; pf; pf = pf->next) {
-	if (pf->size & malloc_pagemask) {
+	if (pf->size & malloc_pagemask)
 	    wrterror("(ES): junk length entry on free_list\n");
-	    errno = EFAULT;
-	    return (NULL);
-	}
-	if (!pf->size) {
+	if (!pf->size)
 	    wrterror("(ES): zero length entry on free_list\n");
-	    errno = EFAULT;
-	    return (NULL);
-	}
-	if (pf->page > (pf->page + pf->size)) {
+	if (pf->page == pf->end)
+	    wrterror("(ES): zero entry on free_list\n");
+	if (pf->page > pf->end)
 	    wrterror("(ES): sick entry on free_list\n");
-	    errno = EFAULT;
-	    return (NULL);
-	}
-	if ((pi = pf->pdir) == NULL) {
-	    wrterror("(ES): invalid page directory on free-list\n");
-	    errno = EFAULT;
-	    return (NULL);
-	}
-	if ((pidx = PI_IDX(ptr2index(pf->page))) != PD_IDX(pi->dirnum)) {
-	    wrterror("(ES): directory index mismatch on free-list\n");
-	    errno = EFAULT;
-	    return (NULL);
-	}
-	pd = pi->base;
-	if (pd[PI_OFF(ptr2index(pf->page))] != MALLOC_FREE) {
+	if ((void*)pf->page >= (void*)sbrk(0))
+	    wrterror("(ES): entry on free_list past brk\n");
+	if (page_dir[ptr2index(pf->page)] != MALLOC_FREE)
 	    wrterror("(ES): non-free first page on free-list\n");
-	    errno = EFAULT;
-	    return (NULL);
-	}
-	pidx = PI_IDX(ptr2index((pf->page)+(pf->size))-1);
-	for (pi=pf->pdir; pi!=NULL && PD_IDX(pi->dirnum)<pidx; pi=pi->next);
-	if (pi == NULL || PD_IDX(pi->dirnum) != pidx) {
-	    wrterror("(ES): last page not referenced in page directory\n");
-	    errno = EFAULT;
-	    return (NULL);
-	}
-	pd = pi->base;
-	if (pd[PI_OFF(ptr2index((pf->page)+(pf->size))-1)] != MALLOC_FREE) {
+	if (page_dir[ptr2index(pf->end)-1] != MALLOC_FREE)
 	    wrterror("(ES): non-free last page on free-list\n");
-	    errno = EFAULT;
-	    return (NULL);
-	}
 	if (pf->size < size)
@@ -748,7 +630,6 @@ malloc_pages(size_t size)
 	if (pf->size == size) {
 	    p = pf->page;
-	    pi = pf->pdir;
 	    if (pf->next != NULL)
 		    pf->next->prev = pf->prev;
 	    pf->prev->next = pf->next;
@@ -759,34 +640,17 @@ malloc_pages(size_t size)
 	p = pf->page;
 	pf->page = (char *)pf->page + size;
 	pf->size -= size;
-	pidx = PI_IDX(ptr2index(pf->page));
-	for (pi=pf->pdir; pi!=NULL && PD_IDX(pi->dirnum)<pidx; pi=pi->next);
-	if (pi == NULL || PD_IDX(pi->dirnum) != pidx) {
-	    wrterror("(ES): hole in directories\n");
-	    errno = EFAULT;
-	    return (NULL);
-	}
-	tp = pf->pdir;
-	pf->pdir = pi;
-	pi = tp;
     size -= malloc_guard;
-    if (p != NULL && pi != NULL) {
-	pidx = PD_IDX(pi->dirnum);
-	pd = pi->base;
-    }
-    if (p != NULL && pd[PI_OFF(ptr2index(p))] != MALLOC_FREE) {
+    if (p != NULL && page_dir[ptr2index(p)] != MALLOC_FREE)
 	wrterror("(ES): allocated non-free page on free-list\n");
-	errno = EFAULT;
-	return (NULL);
-    }
-    if (p != NULL && (malloc_guard || malloc_freeprot))
+    if ((malloc_guard || malloc_freeprot) && p != NULL)
 	mprotect(p, size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE);
     size >>= malloc_pageshift;
@@ -798,53 +662,9 @@ malloc_pages(size_t size)
     if (p != NULL) {
 	index = ptr2index(p);
-	pidx = PI_IDX(index);
-	pdir_lookup(index, &pi);
-	if (pi == NULL || PD_IDX(pi->dirnum) != pidx) {
-	    wrterror("(ES): mapped pages not found in directory\n");
-	    errno = EFAULT;
-	    return (NULL);
-	}
-	if (pi != last_dir) {
-	    prev_dir = last_dir;
-	    last_dir = pi;
-	}
-	pd = pi->base;
-	pd[PI_OFF(index)] = MALLOC_FIRST;
-	for (i=1;i<size;i++) {
-	    if (!PI_OFF(index+i)) {
-		pidx++;
-		pi = pi->next;
-		if (pi == NULL || PD_IDX(pi->dirnum) != pidx) {
-		    wrterror("(ES): hole in mapped pages directory\n");
-		    errno = EFAULT;
-		    return (NULL);
-		}
-		pd = pi->base;
-	    }
-	    pd[PI_OFF(index+i)] = MALLOC_FOLLOW;
-	}
-	if (malloc_guard) {
-	    if (!PI_OFF(index+i)) {
-		pidx++;
-		pi = pi->next;
-		if (pi == NULL || PD_IDX(pi->dirnum) != pidx) {
-		    wrterror("(ES): hole in mapped pages directory\n");
-		    errno = EFAULT;
-		    return (NULL);
-		}
-		pd = pi->base;
-	    }
-	    pd[PI_OFF(index+i)] = MALLOC_FIRST;
-	}
-	malloc_used += size << malloc_pageshift;
+	page_dir[index] = MALLOC_FIRST;
+	for (i=1;i<size;i++)
+	    page_dir[index+i] = MALLOC_FOLLOW;
 	if (malloc_junk)
 	    memset(p, SOME_JUNK, size << malloc_pageshift);
@@ -867,10 +687,7 @@ malloc_pages(size_t size)
 static __inline__ int
 malloc_make_chunks(int bits)
-    struct pginfo *bp;
-    struct pginfo **pd;
-    struct pdinfo *pi;
-    u_long pidx;
+    struct  pginfo *bp;
     void *pp;
     int i, k, l;
@@ -948,21 +765,7 @@ malloc_make_chunks(int bits)
     /* MALLOC_LOCK */
-    pidx = PI_IDX(ptr2index(pp));
-    pdir_lookup(ptr2index(pp), &pi);
-    if (pi == NULL || PD_IDX(pi->dirnum) != pidx) {
-	wrterror("(ES): mapped pages not found in directory\n");
-	errno = EFAULT;
-	return (0);
-    }
-    if (pi != last_dir) {
-	prev_dir = last_dir;
-	last_dir = pi;
-    }
-    pd = pi->base;
-    pd[PI_OFF(ptr2index(pp))] = bp;
+    page_dir[ptr2index(pp)] = bp;
     bp->next = page_dir[bits];
     page_dir[bits] = bp;
@@ -1016,7 +819,7 @@ malloc_bytes(size_t size)
 	u += u;
     if (malloc_guard) {
 	/* Walk to a random position. */
 	i = arc4random() % bp->free;
@@ -1029,14 +832,11 @@ malloc_bytes(size_t size)
 		k = 0;
-	    if (lp - bp->bits > (bp->total - 1) / MALLOC_BITS) {
+	if (lp - bp->bits > (bp->total - 1) / MALLOC_BITS)
 		wrterror("chunk overflow\n");
-		errno = EFAULT;
-		return (NULL);
-	    }
-	    if (*lp & u)
-		i--;
+	if (*lp & u)
+	    i--;
     *lp ^= u;
@@ -1096,11 +896,9 @@ static void *
 irealloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
     void *p;
-    u_long osize, index, i;
+    u_long osize, index;
     struct pginfo **mp;
-    struct pginfo **pd;
-    struct pdinfo *pi;
-    u_long pidx;
+    int i;
     if (suicide)
@@ -1122,22 +920,7 @@ irealloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
 	return (NULL);
-    pidx = PI_IDX(index);
-    pdir_lookup(index, &pi);
-    if (pi == NULL || PD_IDX(pi->dirnum) != pidx) {
-	wrterror("(ES): mapped pages not found in directory\n");
-	errno = EFAULT;
-	return (NULL);
-    }
-    if (pi != last_dir) {
-	prev_dir = last_dir;
-	last_dir = pi;
-    }
-    pd = pi->base;
-    mp = &pd[PI_OFF(index)];
+    mp = &page_dir[index];
     if (*mp == MALLOC_FIRST) {			/* Page allocation */
@@ -1148,25 +931,8 @@ irealloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
 	/* Find the size in bytes */
-	i = index;
-	if (!PI_OFF(++i)) {
-	    pi = pi->next;
-	    if (pi != NULL && PD_IDX(pi->dirnum) != PI_IDX(i))
-		pi = NULL;
-	    if (pi != NULL)
-		pd = pi->base;
-	}
-	for (osize = malloc_pagesize;
-	     pi != NULL && pd[PI_OFF(i)] == MALLOC_FOLLOW;) {
+	for (osize = malloc_pagesize; *(++mp) == MALLOC_FOLLOW;)
 	    osize += malloc_pagesize;
-	    if (!PI_OFF(++i)) {
-		pi = pi->next;
-		if (pi != NULL && PD_IDX(pi->dirnum) != PI_IDX(i))
-		    pi = NULL;
-		if (pi != NULL)
-		    pd = pi->base;
-	    }
-	}
         if (!malloc_realloc &&			/* Unless we have to, */
 	  size <= osize &&			/* .. or are too small, */
@@ -1222,7 +988,6 @@ irealloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
     return (p);
@@ -1234,9 +999,6 @@ static __inline__ void
 free_pages(void *ptr, u_long index, struct pginfo *info)
     u_long i, l;
-    struct pginfo **pd;
-    struct pdinfo *pi, *spi;
-    u_long pidx, lidx;
     struct pgfree *pf, *pt=NULL;
     void *tail;
@@ -1256,77 +1018,40 @@ free_pages(void *ptr, u_long index, struct pginfo *info)
     /* Count how many pages and mark them free at the same time */
-    pidx = PI_IDX(index);
-    pdir_lookup(index, &pi);
-    if (pi == NULL || PD_IDX(pi->dirnum) != pidx) {
-	wrterror("(ES): mapped pages not found in directory\n");
-	errno = EFAULT;
-	return;
-    }
-    spi = pi;		/* Save page index for start of region. */
-    pd = pi->base;
-    pd[PI_OFF(index)] = MALLOC_FREE;
-    i = 1;
-    if (!PI_OFF(index+i)) {
-	pi = pi->next;
-	if (pi == NULL || PD_IDX(pi->dirnum) != PI_IDX(index+i))
-	    pi = NULL;
-	else
-	    pd = pi->base;
-    }
-    while (pi != NULL && pd[PI_OFF(index+i)] == MALLOC_FOLLOW) {
-	pd[PI_OFF(index+i)] = MALLOC_FREE;
-	i++;
-	if (!PI_OFF(index+i)) {
-	    if ((pi=pi->next) == NULL || PD_IDX(pi->dirnum) != PI_IDX(index+i))
-		pi = NULL;
-	    else
-		pd = pi->base;
-	}
-    }
+    page_dir[index] = MALLOC_FREE;
+    for (i = 1; page_dir[index+i] == MALLOC_FOLLOW; i++)
+	page_dir[index + i] = MALLOC_FREE;
     l = i << malloc_pageshift;
     if (malloc_junk)
 	memset(ptr, SOME_JUNK, l);
-    malloc_used -= l;
-    if (malloc_guard) {
-	if (pi == NULL || PD_IDX(pi->dirnum) != PI_IDX(index+i)) {
-	    wrterror("(ES): hole in mapped pages directory\n");
-	    errno = EFAULT;
-	    return;
-	}
-	pd[PI_OFF(index+i)] = MALLOC_FREE;
-	l += malloc_guard;
-    }
-    tail = (char *)ptr + l;
 #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || (defined(__OpenBSD__) && defined(MADV_FREE))
     if (malloc_hint)
 	madvise(ptr, l, MADV_FREE);
+    if (malloc_guard) {
+	page_dir[index + i] = MALLOC_FREE;
+	l += malloc_guard;
+    }
+    tail = (char *)ptr+l;
     if (malloc_freeprot)
-	mprotect(ptr, l, PROT_NONE);
+	mprotect(ptr, tail - ptr, PROT_NONE);
-    /* Add to free-list. */
+    /* add to free-list */
     if (px == NULL)
 	px = imalloc(sizeof *px);	/* This cannot fail... */
     px->page = ptr;
-    px->pdir = spi;
+    px->end = tail;
     px->size = l;
     if ( == NULL) {
-	/* Nothing on free list, put this at head. */
-	px->next = NULL;
+	/* Nothing on free list, put this at head */
+	px->next =;
 	px->prev = &free_list; = px;
 	pf = px;
@@ -1336,9 +1061,9 @@ free_pages(void *ptr, u_long index, struct pginfo *info)
 	/* Find the right spot, leave pf pointing to the modified entry. */
-	for(pf =; (pf->page+pf->size) < ptr && pf->next != NULL;
+	for(pf =; pf->end < ptr && pf->next != NULL;
 	    pf = pf->next)
-	    ; /* Race ahead here. */
+	    ; /* Race ahead here */
 	if (pf->page > tail) {
 	    /* Insert before entry */
@@ -1348,24 +1073,25 @@ free_pages(void *ptr, u_long index, struct pginfo *info)
 	    px->prev->next = px;
 	    pf = px;
 	    px = NULL;
-	} else if ((pf->page + pf->size) == ptr ) {
-	    /* Append to the previous entry. */
+	} else if (pf->end == ptr ) {
+	    /* Append to the previous entry */
+	    pf->end = (char *)pf->end + l;
 	    pf->size += l;
-	    if (pf->next != NULL && (pf->page + pf->size) == pf->next->page ) {
+	    if (pf->next != NULL && pf->end == pf->next->page ) {
 		/* And collapse the next too. */
 		pt = pf->next;
+		pf->end = pt->end;
 		pf->size += pt->size;
 		pf->next = pt->next;
 		if (pf->next != NULL)
 		    pf->next->prev = pf;
 	} else if (pf->page == tail) {
-	    /* Prepend to entry. */
+	    /* Prepend to entry */
 	    pf->size += l;
 	    pf->page = ptr;
-	    pf->pdir = spi;
 	} else if (pf->next == NULL) {
-	    /* Append at tail of chain. */
+	    /* Append at tail of chain */
 	    px->next = NULL;
 	    px->prev = pf;
 	    pf->next = px;
@@ -1373,80 +1099,34 @@ free_pages(void *ptr, u_long index, struct pginfo *info)
 	    px = NULL;
 	} else {
 	    wrterror("freelist is destroyed\n");
-	    errno = EFAULT;
-	    return;
-    if (pf->pdir != last_dir) {
-	prev_dir = last_dir;
-	last_dir = pf->pdir;
-    }
     /* Return something to OS ? */
     if (pf->next == NULL &&			/* If we're the last one, */
       pf->size > malloc_cache &&		/* ..and the cache is full, */
-      (pf->page + pf->size) == malloc_brk) {	/* ..and none behind us, */
+      pf->end == malloc_brk &&			/* ..and none behind us, */
+      malloc_brk == sbrk(0)) {			/* ..and it's OK to do... */
 	 * Keep the cache intact.  Notice that the '>' above guarantees that
 	 * the pf will always have at least one page afterwards.
-	if (munmap((char *)pf->page + malloc_cache, pf->size - malloc_cache)!=0)
-	    goto not_return;
-	tail = pf->page + pf->size;
-	lidx = ptr2index(tail) - 1;
+	pf->end = (char *)pf->page + malloc_cache;
 	pf->size = malloc_cache;
-	malloc_brk = pf->page + malloc_cache;
-	index = ptr2index(malloc_brk);
-	pidx = PI_IDX(index);
-	if (prev_dir != NULL && PD_IDX(prev_dir->dirnum) >= pidx)
-		prev_dir = NULL;	/* Will be wiped out below ! */
+	brk(pf->end);
+	malloc_brk = pf->end;
-	for (pi=pf->pdir; pi!=NULL && PD_IDX(pi->dirnum)<pidx; pi=pi->next);
+	index = ptr2index(pf->end);
-	if (pi != NULL && PD_IDX(pi->dirnum) == pidx) {
-	    pd = pi->base;
-	    for(i=index;i <= last_index;) {
-		if (pd[PI_OFF(i)] != MALLOC_NOT_MINE) {
-		    pd[PI_OFF(i)] = MALLOC_NOT_MINE;
-		    if (!PD_OFF(pi->dirnum)) {
-			wrterror("(ES): pages directory underflow\n");
-			errno = EFAULT;
-			return;
-		    }
-		    pi->dirnum--;
-		}
-		i++;
-		if (!PI_OFF(i)) {
-		    /* If no page in that dir, free directory page. */
-		    if (!PD_OFF(pi->dirnum)) {
-			/* Remove from list. */
-			pi->prev->next = pi->next;
-			if (pi->next != NULL)
-			    pi->next->prev = pi->prev;
-			pi = pi->next;
-			munmap(pd, malloc_pagesize);
-		    } else
-			pi = pi->next;
-		    if (pi == NULL || PD_IDX(pi->dirnum) != PI_IDX(i))
-			break;
-		    pd = pi->base;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
+	for(i=index;i <= last_index;)
+	    page_dir[i++] = MALLOC_NOT_MINE;
 	last_index = index - 1;
 	/* XXX: We could realloc/shrink the pagedir here I guess. */
     if (pt != NULL)
@@ -1461,9 +1141,6 @@ free_bytes(void *ptr, int index, struct pginfo *info)
     int i;
     struct pginfo **mp;
-    struct pginfo **pd;
-    struct pdinfo *pi;
-    u_long pidx;
     void *vp;
     /* Find the chunk number on the page */
@@ -1495,8 +1172,7 @@ free_bytes(void *ptr, int index, struct pginfo *info)
 	/* Page became non-full */
 	/* Insert in address order */
-	while (*mp != NULL && (*mp)->next != NULL &&
-	       (*mp)->next->page < info->page)
+	while (*mp && (*mp)->next && (*mp)->next->page < info->page)
 	    mp = &(*mp)->next;
 	info->next = *mp;
 	*mp = info;
@@ -1510,32 +1186,14 @@ free_bytes(void *ptr, int index, struct pginfo *info)
     while (*mp != info) {
 	mp = &((*mp)->next);
-	if (!*mp) {
-	    wrterror("(ES): Not on queue\n");
-	    errno = EFAULT;
-	    return;
-	}
+	if (!*mp)
+		wrterror("(ES): Not on queue\n");
     *mp = info->next;
     /* Free the page & the info structure if need be */
-    pidx = PI_IDX(ptr2index(info->page));
-    pdir_lookup(ptr2index(info->page), &pi);
-    if (pi == NULL || PD_IDX(pi->dirnum) != pidx) {
-	wrterror("(ES): mapped pages not found in directory\n");
-	errno = EFAULT;
-	return;
-    }
-    if (pi != last_dir) {
-	prev_dir = last_dir;
-	last_dir = pi;
-    }
-    pd = pi->base;
-    pd[PI_OFF(ptr2index(info->page))] = MALLOC_FIRST;
+    page_dir[ptr2index(info->page)] = MALLOC_FIRST;
     /* If the page was mprotected, unprotect it before releasing it */
     if (info->size == 0) {
@@ -1553,9 +1211,6 @@ static void
 ifree(void *ptr)
     struct pginfo *info;
-    struct pginfo **pd;
-    struct pdinfo *pi;
-    u_long pidx;
     u_long index;
     /* This is legal */
@@ -1583,22 +1238,7 @@ ifree(void *ptr)
-    pidx = PI_IDX(index);
-    pdir_lookup(index, &pi);
-    if (pi == NULL || PD_IDX(pi->dirnum) != pidx) {
-	wrterror("(ES): mapped pages not found in directory\n");
-	errno = EFAULT;
-	return;
-    }
-    if (pi != last_dir) {
-	prev_dir = last_dir;
-	last_dir = pi;
-    }
-    pd = pi->base;
-    info = pd[PI_OFF(index)];
+    info = page_dir[index];
     if (info < MALLOC_MAGIC)
         free_pages(ptr, index, info);
@@ -1617,10 +1257,9 @@ malloc_recurse(void)
     static int noprint;
-    if (noprint == 0) {
-	noprint = 1;
+    if (noprint == 0)
 	wrtwarning("recursive call\n");
-    }
+    noprint = 1;
     errno = EDEADLK;
@@ -1644,10 +1283,8 @@ malloc(size_t size)
     UTRACE(0, size, r);
-    if (malloc_xmalloc && r == NULL) {
+    if (malloc_xmalloc && r == NULL)
 	wrterror("out of memory\n");
-	errno = ENOMEM;
-    }
     return (r);
@@ -1686,9 +1323,7 @@ realloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
     UTRACE(ptr, size, r);
-    if (malloc_xmalloc && r == NULL) {
+    if (malloc_xmalloc && r == NULL)
 	wrterror("out of memory\n");
-	errno = ENOMEM;
-    }
     return (r);
cgit v1.2.3-55-g6feb