From d215df80389dbae81d8b3a3e210e6a1be96479ca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jmc <>
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2004 01:41:17 +0000
Subject: various fixes for openssl x509;

 src/usr.sbin/openssl/openssl.1 | 691 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 352 insertions(+), 339 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/usr.sbin/openssl/openssl.1 b/src/usr.sbin/openssl/openssl.1
index 0d76a4d158..cd76d416ab 100644
--- a/src/usr.sbin/openssl/openssl.1
+++ b/src/usr.sbin/openssl/openssl.1
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-.\" $OpenBSD: openssl.1,v 1.49 2004/09/28 21:16:12 jmc Exp $
+.\" $OpenBSD: openssl.1,v 1.50 2004/12/03 01:41:17 jmc Exp $
 .\" ====================================================================
 .\" Copyright (c) 1998-2002 The OpenSSL Project.  All rights reserved.
@@ -7337,53 +7337,54 @@ option was added in
 .Sh X509
 .Nm openssl x509
 .Bk -words
-.Op Fl inform Ar DER | NET | PEM
-.Op Fl outform Ar DER | NET | PEM
-.Op Fl keyform Ar DER | PEM
-.Op Fl CAform Ar DER | PEM
-.Op Fl CAkeyform Ar DER | PEM
-.Op Fl in Ar file
-.Op Fl out Ar file
-.Op Fl passin Ar arg
-.Op Fl serial
-.Op Fl hash
-.Op Fl subject
-.Op Fl issuer
-.Op Fl nameopt Ar option
+.Op Fl alias
+.Op Fl C
+.Op Fl CAcreateserial
+.Op Fl clrext
+.Op Fl clrreject
+.Op Fl clrtrust
+.Op Fl dates
 .Op Fl email
-.Op Fl startdate
 .Op Fl enddate
-.Op Fl purpose
-.Op Fl dates
-.Op Fl modulus
-.Op Fl pubkey
 .Op Fl fingerprint
-.Op Fl alias
+.Op Fl hash
+.Op Fl issuer
+.Op Fl md2 | md5 | sha1
+.Op Fl modulus
 .Op Fl noout
 .Op Fl ocspid
+.Op Fl pubkey
+.Op Fl purpose
+.Op Fl req
+.Op Fl serial
+.Op Fl startdate
+.Op Fl subject
+.Op Fl text
 .Op Fl trustout
-.Op Fl clrtrust
-.Op Fl clrreject
-.Op Fl addtrust Ar arg
-.Op Fl addreject Ar arg
-.Op Fl setalias Ar arg
-.Op Fl days Ar arg
-.Op Fl checkend Ar arg
-.Op Fl set_serial Ar n
-.Op Fl signkey Ar file
 .Op Fl x509toreq
-.Op Fl req
+.Op Fl addreject Ar arg
+.Op Fl addtrust Ar arg
 .Op Fl CA Ar file
+.Op Fl CAform Ar DER | PEM
 .Op Fl CAkey Ar file
-.Op Fl CAcreateserial
+.Op Fl CAkeyform Ar DER | PEM
 .Op Fl CAserial Ar file
-.Op Fl text
-.Op Fl C
-.Op Fl md2 | md5 | sha1
-.Op Fl clrext
-.Op Fl extfile Ar file
-.Op Fl extensions Ar section
+.Op Fl certopt Ar option
+.Op Fl checkend Ar arg
+.Op Fl days Ar arg
 .Op Fl engine Ar id
+.Op Fl extensions Ar section
+.Op Fl extfile Ar file
+.Op Fl in Ar file
+.Op Fl inform Ar DER | NET | PEM
+.Op Fl keyform Ar DER | PEM
+.Op Fl nameopt Ar option
+.Op Fl out Ar file
+.Op Fl outform Ar DER | NET | PEM
+.Op Fl passin Ar arg
+.Op Fl set_serial Ar n
+.Op Fl setalias Ar arg
+.Op Fl signkey Ar file
@@ -7398,6 +7399,18 @@ Since there are a large number of options, they are split up into
 various sections.
 .Bl -tag -width "XXXX"
+.It Fl engine Ar id
+Specifying an engine (by it's unique
+.Ar id
+string) will cause
+.Nm x509
+to attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified engine,
+thus initialising it if needed.
+The engine will then be set as the default for all available algorithms.
+.It Fl in Ar file
+This specifies the input
+.Ar file
+to read a certificate from, or standard input if this option is not specified.
 .It Fl inform Ar DER | NET | PEM
 This specifies the input format.
 Normally, the command will expect an X509 certificate,
@@ -7413,25 +7426,6 @@ The
 .Ar NET
 option is an obscure Netscape server format that is now
-.It Fl outform Ar DER | NET | PEM
-This specifies the output format; the options have the same meaning as the
-.Fl inform
-.It Fl in Ar file
-This specifies the input
-.Ar file
-to read a certificate from, or standard input if this option is not specified.
-.It Fl out Ar file
-This specifies the output
-.Ar file
-to write to, or standard output by default.
-.It Fl passin Ar arg
-The key password source.
-For more information about the format of
-.Ar arg ,
-see the
-section above.
 .It Fl md2 | md5 | sha1
 The digest to use.
 This affects any signing or display option that uses a message digest,
@@ -7443,14 +7437,21 @@ options.
 If not specified, MD5 is used.
 If the key being used to sign with is a DSA key,
 this option has no effect: SHA1 is always used with DSA keys.
-.It Fl engine Ar id
-Specifying an engine (by it's unique
-.Ar id
-string) will cause
-.Nm x509
-to attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified engine,
-thus initialising it if needed.
-The engine will then be set as the default for all available algorithms.
+.It Fl out Ar file
+This specifies the output
+.Ar file
+to write to, or standard output by default.
+.It Fl outform Ar DER | NET | PEM
+This specifies the output format; the options have the same meaning as the
+.Fl inform
+.It Fl passin Ar arg
+The key password source.
+For more information about the format of
+.Ar arg ,
+see the
+section above.
 .Sy Note :
@@ -7462,11 +7463,8 @@ options are also display options but are described in the
 .Bl -tag -width "XXXX"
-.It Fl text
-Prints out the certificate in text form.
-Full details are output including the public key, signature algorithms,
-issuer and subject names, serial number, any extensions present and any
-trust settings.
+.It Fl C
+This outputs the certificate in the form of a C source file.
 .It Fl certopt Ar option
 Customise the output format used with
 .Fl text .
@@ -7479,17 +7477,18 @@ switch may also be used more than once to set multiple options.
 See the
 section for more information.
-.It Fl noout
-This option prevents output of the encoded version of the request.
-.It Fl ocspid
-Print OCSP hash values for the subject name and public key.
-.It Fl modulus
-This option prints out the value of the modulus of the public key
-contained in the certificate.
-.It Fl pubkey
-Output the public key.
-.It Fl serial
-Outputs the certificate serial number.
+.It Fl dates
+Prints out the start and expiry dates of a certificate.
+.It Fl email
+Outputs the email address(es), if any.
+.It Fl enddate
+Prints out the expiry date of the certificate; that is, the
+.Em notAfter
+.It Fl fingerprint
+Prints out the digest of the DER-encoded version of the whole certificate
 .It Fl hash
 Outputs the
 .Qq hash
@@ -7498,10 +7497,11 @@ This is used in
 .Nm OpenSSL
 to form an index to allow certificates in a directory to be looked up
 by subject name.
-.It Fl subject
-Outputs the subject name.
 .It Fl issuer
 Outputs the issuer name.
+.It Fl modulus
+This option prints out the value of the modulus of the public key
+contained in the certificate.
 .It Fl nameopt Ar option
 Option which determines how the subject or issuer names are displayed.
@@ -7513,24 +7513,25 @@ switch may be used more than once to set multiple options.
 See the
 section for more information.
-.It Fl email
-Outputs the email address(es) if any.
+.It Fl noout
+This option prevents output of the encoded version of the request.
+.It Fl ocspid
+Print OCSP hash values for the subject name and public key.
+.It Fl pubkey
+Output the public key.
+.It Fl serial
+Outputs the certificate serial number.
 .It Fl startdate
 Prints out the start date of the certificate; that is, the
 .Em notBefore
-.It Fl enddate
-Prints out the expiry date of the certificate; that is, the
-.Em notAfter
-.It Fl dates
-Prints out the start and expiry dates of a certificate.
-.It Fl fingerprint
-Prints out the digest of the DER-encoded version of the whole certificate
-.It Fl C
-This outputs the certificate in the form of a C source file.
+.It Fl subject
+Outputs the subject name.
+.It Fl text
+Prints out the certificate in text form.
+Full details are output including the public key, signature algorithms,
+issuer and subject names, serial number, any extensions present,
+and any trust settings.
 Please note these options are currently experimental and may well change.
@@ -7562,29 +7563,11 @@ Future versions of
 .Nm OpenSSL
 will recognize trust settings on any certificate: not just root CAs.
 .Bl -tag -width "XXXX"
-.It Fl trustout
-This causes
-.Nm x509
-to output a
-.Em trusted certificate .
-An ordinary or trusted certificate can be input, but by default an ordinary
-certificate is output and any trust settings are discarded.
-With the
-.Fl trustout
-option a trusted certificate is output.
-A trusted certificate is automatically output if any trust settings
-are modified.
-.It Fl setalias Ar arg
-Sets the alias of the certificate.
-This will allow the certificate to be referred to using a nickname,
-for example
-.Qq Steve's Certificate .
-.It Fl alias
-Outputs the certificate alias, if any.
-.It Fl clrtrust
-Clears all the permitted or trusted uses of the certificate.
-.It Fl clrreject
-Clears all the prohibited or rejected uses of the certificate.
+.It Fl addreject Ar arg
+Adds a prohibited use.
+It accepts the same values as the
+.Fl addtrust
 .It Fl addtrust Ar arg
 Adds a trusted certificate use.
 Any object name can be used here, but currently only
@@ -7599,17 +7582,35 @@ are used.
 .Nm OpenSSL
 applications may define additional uses.
-.It Fl addreject Ar arg
-Adds a prohibited use.
-It accepts the same values as the
-.Fl addtrust
+.It Fl alias
+Outputs the certificate alias, if any.
+.It Fl clrreject
+Clears all the prohibited or rejected uses of the certificate.
+.It Fl clrtrust
+Clears all the permitted or trusted uses of the certificate.
 .It Fl purpose
 This option performs tests on the certificate extensions and outputs
 the results.
 For a more complete description, see the
+.It Fl setalias Ar arg
+Sets the alias of the certificate.
+This will allow the certificate to be referred to using a nickname,
+for example
+.Qq Steve's Certificate .
+.It Fl trustout
+This causes
+.Nm x509
+to output a
+.Em trusted certificate .
+An ordinary or trusted certificate can be input, but by default an ordinary
+certificate is output and any trust settings are discarded.
+With the
+.Fl trustout
+option a trusted certificate is output.
+A trusted certificate is automatically output if any trust settings
+are modified.
@@ -7618,26 +7619,69 @@ utility can be used to sign certificates and requests: it
 can thus behave like a
 .Qq mini CA .
 .Bl -tag -width "XXXX"
-.It Fl signkey Ar file
-This option causes the input file to be self-signed using the supplied
-private key.
+.It Fl CA Ar file
+Specifies the CA certificate to be used for signing.
+When this option is present,
+.Nm x509
+behaves like a
+.Qq mini CA .
+The input file is signed by the CA using this option;
+that is, its issuer name is set to the subject name of the CA and it is
+digitally signed using the CA's private key.
-If the input file is a certificate, it sets the issuer name to the
-subject name
-.Pq i.e. makes it self-signed ,
-changes the public key to the supplied value
-and changes the start and end dates.
-The start date is set to the current time and the end date is set to
-a value determined by the
-.Fl days
+This option is normally combined with the
+.Fl req
-Any certificate extensions are retained unless the
-.Fl clrext
-option is supplied.
+Without the
+.Fl req
+option, the input is a certificate which must be self-signed.
+.It Fl CAcreateserial
+With this option the CA serial number file is created if it does not exist:
+it will contain the serial number
+.Sq 02
+and the certificate being signed will have
+.Sq 1
+as its serial number.
+Normally, if the
+.Fl CA
+option is specified and the serial number file does not exist, it is an error.
+.It Fl CAform Ar DER | PEM
+The format of the CA certificate file.
+The default is
+.Ar PEM .
+.It Fl CAkey Ar file
+Sets the CA private key to sign a certificate with.
+If this option is not specified, it is assumed that the CA private key
+is present in the CA certificate file.
+.It Fl CAkeyform Ar DER | PEM
+The format of the CA private key.
+The default is
+.Ar PEM .
+.It Fl CAserial Ar file
+Sets the CA serial number file to use.
-If the input is a certificate request, a self-signed certificate
-is created using the supplied private key using the subject name in
-the request.
+When the
+.Fl CA
+option is used to sign a certificate,
+it uses a serial number specified in a file.
+This file consists of one line containing an even number of hex digits
+with the serial number to use.
+After each use the serial number is incremented and written out
+to the file again.
+The default filename consists of the CA certificate file base name with
+.Pa .srl
+For example, if the CA certificate file is called
+.Pa mycacert.pem ,
+it expects to find a serial number file called
+.Pa .
+.It Fl checkend Ar arg
+Check whether the certificate expires in the next
+.Ar arg
+If so, exit with return value 1;
+otherwise exit with return value 0.
 .It Fl clrext
 Delete any extensions from a certificate.
 This option is used when a certificate is being created from another
@@ -7647,26 +7691,26 @@ or the
 .Fl CA
 Normally, all extensions are retained.
+.It Fl days Ar arg
+Specifies the number of days to make a certificate valid for.
+The default is 30 days.
+.It Fl extensions Ar section
+The section to add certificate extensions from.
+If this option is not specified, the extensions should either be
+contained in the unnamed
+.Pq default
+section or the default section should contain a variable called
+.Qq extensions
+which contains the section to use.
+.It Fl extfile Ar file
+File containing certificate extensions to use.
+If not specified, no extensions are added to the certificate.
 .It Fl keyform Ar DER | PEM
 Specifies the format
 .Pq DER or PEM
 of the private key file used in the
 .Fl signkey
-.It Fl days Ar arg
-Specifies the number of days to make a certificate valid for.
-The default is 30 days.
-.It Fl checkend Ar arg
-Check whether the certificate expires in the next
-.Ar arg
-If so, exit with return value 1;
-otherwise exit with return value 0.
-.It Fl x509toreq
-Converts a certificate into a certificate request.
-.Fl signkey
-option is used to pass the required private key.
 .It Fl req
 By default, a certificate is expected on input.
 With this option a certificate request is expected instead.
@@ -7688,66 +7732,31 @@ options) is not used.
 The serial number can be decimal or hex (if preceded by
 .Sq 0x ) .
 Negative serial numbers can also be specified but their use is not recommended.
-.It Fl CA Ar file
-Specifies the CA certificate to be used for signing.
-When this option is present,
-.Nm x509
-behaves like a
-.Qq mini CA .
-The input file is signed by the CA using this option;
-that is, its issuer name is set to the subject name of the CA and it is
-digitally signed using the CA's private key.
+.It Fl signkey Ar file
+This option causes the input file to be self-signed using the supplied
+private key.
-This option is normally combined with the
-.Fl req
+If the input file is a certificate, it sets the issuer name to the
+subject name
+.Pq i.e. makes it self-signed ,
+changes the public key to the supplied value,
+and changes the start and end dates.
+The start date is set to the current time and the end date is set to
+a value determined by the
+.Fl days
-Without the
-.Fl req
-option, the input is a certificate which must be self-signed.
-.It Fl CAkey Ar file
-Sets the CA private key to sign a certificate with.
-If this option is not specified, it is assumed that the CA private key
-is present in the CA certificate file.
-.It Fl CAserial Ar file
-Sets the CA serial number file to use.
-When the
-.Fl CA
-option is used to sign a certificate it uses a serial
-number specified in a file.
-This file consist of one line containing an even number of hex digits
-with the serial number to use.
-After each use the serial number is incremented and written out
-to the file again.
+Any certificate extensions are retained unless the
+.Fl clrext
+option is supplied.
-The default filename consists of the CA certificate file base name with
-.Pa .srl
-For example, if the CA certificate file is called
-.Pa mycacert.pem ,
-it expects to find a serial number file called
-.Pa .
-.It Fl CAcreateserial
-With this option the CA serial number file is created if it does not exist:
-it will contain the serial number
-.Sq 02
-and the certificate being signed will have
-.Sq 1
-as its serial number.
-Normally, if the
-.Fl CA
-option is specified and the serial number file does not exist, it is an error.
-.It Fl extfile Ar file
-File containing certificate extensions to use.
-If not specified, no extensions are added to the certificate.
-.It Fl extensions Ar section
-The section to add certificate extensions from.
-If this option is not specified, the extensions should either be
-contained in the unnamed
-.Pq default
-section or the default section should contain a variable called
-.Qq extensions
-which contains the section to use.
+If the input is a certificate request, a self-signed certificate
+is created using the supplied private key using the subject name in
+the request.
+.It Fl x509toreq
+Converts a certificate into a certificate request.
+.Fl signkey
+option is used to pass the required private key.
@@ -7763,32 +7772,44 @@ format is used which is compatible with previous versions of
 Each option is described in detail below; all options can be preceded by a
 .Sq -
 to turn the option off.
-Only the first four will normally be used.
+.Ar compat ,
+.Ar RFC2253 ,
+.Ar oneline ,
+.Ar multiline
+will normally be used.
 .Bl -tag -width "XXXX"
+.It Ar align
+Align field values for a more readable output.
+Only usable with
+.Ar sep_multiline .
 .It Ar compat
 Use the old format.
 This is equivalent to specifying no name options at all.
-.It Ar RFC2253
-Displays names compatible with RFC 2253; equivalent to
-.Ar esc_2253 , esc_ctrl ,
-.Ar esc_msb , utf8 , dump_nostr , dump_unknown ,
-.Ar dump_der , sep_comma_plus , dn_rev and sname .
-.It Ar oneline
-A oneline format which is more readable than RFC2253.
-It is equivalent to specifying the
-.Ar esc_2253 , esc_ctrl , esc_msb , utf8 ,
-.Ar dump_nostr , dump_der , use_quote , sep_comma_plus_spc ,
-.Ar spc_eq
-.Ar sname
-.It Ar multiline
-A multiline format.
-It is equivalent to
-.Ar esc_ctrl , esc_msb , sep_multiline ,
-.Ar spc_eq , lname
-.Ar align .
+.It Ar dn_rev
+Reverse the fields of the DN.
+This is required by RFC 2253.
+As a side effect, this also reverses the order of multiple AVAs but this is
+.It Ar dump_all
+Dump all fields.
+This option, when used with
+.Ar dump_der ,
+allows the DER encoding of the structure to be unambiguously determined.
+.It Ar dump_der
+When this option is set, any fields that need to be hexdumped will
+be dumped using the DER encoding of the field.
+Otherwise just the content octets will be displayed.
+Both options use the RFC 2253 #XXXX... format.
+.It Ar dump_nostr
+Dump non-character string types
+.Pq for example OCTET STRING ;
+if this option is not set, non-character string types will be displayed
+as though each content octet represents a single character.
+.It Ar dump_unknown
+Dump any field whose OID is not recognised by
+.Nm OpenSSL .
 .It Ar esc_2253
 Escape the
 .Qq special
@@ -7810,29 +7831,13 @@ digits representing the character value).
 .It Ar esc_msb
 Escape characters with the MSB set; that is, with ASCII values larger than
-.It Ar use_quote
-Escapes some characters by surrounding the whole string with
-.Sq \&"
-Without the option, all escaping is done with the
-.Sq \e
-.It Ar utf8
-Convert all strings to UTF8 format first.
-This is required by RFC 2253.
-If you are lucky enough to have a UTF8 compatible terminal,
-the use of this option (and
-.Em not
-.Ar esc_msb )
-may result in the correct display of multibyte
-.Pq international
-If this option is not present, multibyte characters larger than 0xff
-will be represented using the format \eUXXXX for 16 bits and \eWXXXXXXXX
-for 32 bits.
-Also, if this option is off, any UTF8Strings will be converted to their
-character form first.
+.It Ar multiline
+A multiline format.
+It is equivalent to
+.Ar esc_ctrl , esc_msb , sep_multiline ,
+.Ar spc_eq , lname ,
+.Ar align .
 .It Ar no_type
 This option does not attempt to interpret multibyte characters in any
@@ -7840,47 +7845,6 @@ That is, their content octets are merely dumped as though one octet
 represents each character.
 This is useful for diagnostic purposes but will result in rather odd
 looking output.
-.It Ar show_type
-Show the type of the ASN1 character string.
-The type precedes the field contents.
-For example
-.Qq BMPSTRING: Hello World .
-.It Ar dump_der
-When this option is set, any fields that need to be hexdumped will
-be dumped using the DER encoding of the field.
-Otherwise just the content octets will be displayed.
-Both options use the RFC 2253 #XXXX... format.
-.It Ar dump_nostr
-Dump non-character string types
-.Pq for example OCTET STRING ;
-if this option is not set, non-character string types will be displayed
-as though each content octet represents a single character.
-.It Ar dump_all
-Dump all fields.
-This option, when used with
-.Ar dump_der ,
-allows the DER encoding of the structure to be unambiguously determined.
-.It Ar dump_unknown
-Dump any field whose OID is not recognised by
-.Nm OpenSSL .
-.It Ar sep_comma_plus , sep_comma_plus_space , sep_semi_plus_space , sep_multiline
-These options determine the field separators.
-The first character is between RDNs and the second between multiple AVAs
-(multiple AVAs are very rare and their use is discouraged).
-The options ending in
-.Qq space
-additionally place a space after the separator to make it more readable.
-.Ar sep_multiline
-uses a linefeed character for the RDN separator and a spaced
-.Sq +
-for the AVA separator.
-It also indents the fields by four characters.
-.It Ar dn_rev
-Reverse the fields of the DN.
-This is required by RFC 2253.
-As a side effect, this also reverses the order of multiple AVAs but this is
 .It Ar nofname , sname , lname , oid
 These options alter how the field name is displayed.
 .Ar nofname
@@ -7895,14 +7859,68 @@ for example).
 uses the long form.
 .Ar oid
 represents the OID in numerical form and is useful for diagnostic purpose.
-.It Ar align
-Align field values for a more readable output.
-Only usable with
-.Ar sep_multiline .
+.It Ar oneline
+A oneline format which is more readable than
+.Ar RFC2253 .
+It is equivalent to specifying the
+.Ar esc_2253 , esc_ctrl , esc_msb , utf8 ,
+.Ar dump_nostr , dump_der , use_quote , sep_comma_plus_spc ,
+.Ar spc_eq ,
+.Ar sname
+.It Ar RFC2253
+Displays names compatible with RFC 2253; equivalent to
+.Ar esc_2253 , esc_ctrl ,
+.Ar esc_msb , utf8 , dump_nostr , dump_unknown ,
+.Ar dump_der , sep_comma_plus , dn_rev ,
+.Ar sname .
+.It Ar sep_comma_plus , sep_comma_plus_space , sep_semi_plus_space , sep_multiline
+These options determine the field separators.
+The first character is between RDNs and the second between multiple AVAs
+(multiple AVAs are very rare and their use is discouraged).
+The options ending in
+.Qq space
+additionally place a space after the separator to make it more readable.
+.Ar sep_multiline
+uses a linefeed character for the RDN separator and a spaced
+.Sq +
+for the AVA separator.
+It also indents the fields by four characters.
+.It Ar show_type
+Show the type of the ASN1 character string.
+The type precedes the field contents.
+For example
+.Qq BMPSTRING: Hello World .
 .It Ar spc_eq
 Places spaces round the
 .Sq =
 character which follows the field name.
+.It Ar use_quote
+Escapes some characters by surrounding the whole string with
+.Sq \&"
+Without the option, all escaping is done with the
+.Sq \e
+.It Ar utf8
+Convert all strings to UTF8 format first.
+This is required by RFC 2253.
+If you are lucky enough to have a UTF8 compatible terminal,
+the use of this option (and
+.Em not
+.Ar esc_msb )
+may result in the correct display of multibyte
+.Pq international
+If this option is not present, multibyte characters larger than 0xff
+will be represented using the format \eUXXXX for 16 bits and \eWXXXXXXXX
+for 32 bits.
+Also, if this option is off, any UTF8Strings will be converted to their
+character form first.
 As well as customising the name output format, it is also possible to
@@ -7913,62 +7931,57 @@ options when the
 option is present.
 The default behaviour is to print all fields.
 .Bl -tag -width "XXXX"
+.It Ar ca_default
+The value used by the
+.Nm ca
+utility; equivalent to
+.Ar no_issuer , no_pubkey , no_header ,
+.Ar no_version , no_sigdump ,
+.Ar no_signame .
 .It Ar compatible
 Use the old format.
 This is equivalent to specifying no output options at all.
+.It Ar ext_default
+Retain default extension behaviour: attempt to print out unsupported
+certificate extensions.
+.It Ar ext_dump
+Hex dump unsupported extensions.
+.It Ar ext_error
+Print an error message for unsupported certificate extensions.
+.It Ar ext_parse
+ASN1 parse unsupported extensions.
+.It Ar no_aux
+Don't print out certificate trust information.
+.It Ar no_extensions
+Don't print out any X509V3 extensions.
 .It Ar no_header
 Don't print header information: that is, the lines saying
 .Qq Certificate
 .Qq Data .
-.It Ar no_version
-Don't print out the version number.
+.It Ar no_issuer
+Don't print out the issuer name.
+.It Ar no_pubkey
+Don't print out the public key.
 .It Ar no_serial
 Don't print out the serial number.
+.It Ar no_sigdump
+Don't give a hexadecimal dump of the certificate signature.
 .It Ar no_signame
 Don't print out the signature algorithm used.
+.It Ar no_subject
+Don't print out the subject name.
 .It Ar no_validity
 Don't print the validity; that is, the
 .Em notBefore
 .Em notAfter
-.It Ar no_subject
-Don't print out the subject name.
-.It Ar no_issuer
-Don't print out the issuer name.
-.It Ar no_pubkey
-Don't print out the public key.
-.It Ar no_sigdump
-Don't give a hexadecimal dump of the certificate signature.
-.It Ar no_aux
-Don't print out certificate trust information.
-.It Ar no_extensions
-Don't print out any X509V3 extensions.
-.It Ar ext_default
-Retain default extension behaviour: attempt to print out unsupported
-certificate extensions.
-.It Ar ext_error
-Print an error message for unsupported certificate extensions.
-.It Ar ext_parse
-ASN1 parse unsupported extensions.
-.It Ar ext_dump
-Hex dump unsupported extensions.
-.It Ar ca_default
-The value used by the
-.Nm ca
-utility, equivalent to
-.Ar no_issuer , no_pubkey , no_header ,
-.Ar no_version , no_sigdump
-.Ar no_signame .
+.It Ar no_version
+Don't print out the version number.
-.Sy Note :
-In these examples the
-.Sq \e
-means the example should be all on one line.
 Display the contents of a certificate:
 .Dl $ openssl x509 -in cert.pem -noout -text
@@ -7989,7 +8002,7 @@ Display the certificate subject name in oneline form on a terminal
 supporting UTF8:
 .Bd -literal -offset indent
 $ openssl x509 -in cert.pem -noout -subject \e
-	-nameopt oneline,-escmsb
+	-nameopt oneline,esc_msb
 Display the certificate MD5 fingerprint:
cgit v1.2.3-55-g6feb