From becd55246777151f47f161f226165d6bbae02434 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jsing <>
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2016 13:39:48 +0000
Subject: Less vax.

ok deraadt@
 src/lib/libcrypto/arch/vax/  |  21 --
 src/lib/libcrypto/arch/vax/bn_asm_vax.S  | 436 -------------------------------
 src/lib/libcrypto/arch/vax/opensslconf.h | 157 -----------
 src/lib/libcrypto/whrlpool/wp_block.c    |   4 +-
 4 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 617 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/lib/libcrypto/arch/vax/
 delete mode 100644 src/lib/libcrypto/arch/vax/bn_asm_vax.S
 delete mode 100644 src/lib/libcrypto/arch/vax/opensslconf.h

(limited to 'src')

diff --git a/src/lib/libcrypto/arch/vax/ b/src/lib/libcrypto/arch/vax/
deleted file mode 100644
index f7764cf44a..0000000000
--- a/src/lib/libcrypto/arch/vax/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# $OpenBSD:,v 1.2 2014/11/17 20:31:22 miod Exp $
-# vax-specific libcrypto build rules
-# aes
-SRCS+= aes_core.c aes_cbc.c 
-# bf
-SRCS+= bf_enc.c
-# bn
-SRCS+= bn_asm_vax.S
-# camellia
-SRCS+= camellia.c cmll_cbc.c cmll_misc.c
-# des
-SRCS+= des_enc.c fcrypt_b.c
-# rc4
-SRCS+= rc4_enc.c rc4_skey.c
-## rc5
-#SRCS+= rc5_enc.c 
-# whrlpool
-SRCS+= wp_block.c
diff --git a/src/lib/libcrypto/arch/vax/bn_asm_vax.S b/src/lib/libcrypto/arch/vax/bn_asm_vax.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 2969ae9dac..0000000000
--- a/src/lib/libcrypto/arch/vax/bn_asm_vax.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,436 +0,0 @@
-#	$OpenBSD: bn_asm_vax.S,v 1.1 2014/04/11 22:51:53 miod Exp $
-#	$NetBSD: bn_asm_vax.S,v 1.1 2003/11/03 10:22:28 ragge Exp $
-#include <machine/asm.h>
-# w.j.m. 15-jan-1999
-# it's magic ...
-# ULONG bn_mul_add_words(ULONG r[],ULONG a[],int n,ULONG w) {
-#	ULONG c = 0;
-#	int i;
-#	for(i = 0; i < n; i++) <c,r[i]> := r[i] + c + a[i] * w ;
-#	return c;
-# }
-	movl	4(%ap),%r2		# *r
-	movl	8(%ap),%r3		# *a
-	movl	12(%ap),%r4		# n
-	movl	16(%ap),%r5		# w
-	clrl	%r6			# return value ("carry")
-0:	emul	%r5,(%r3),(%r2),%r0	# w * a[0] + r[0] -> r0
-	# fixup for "negative" r[]
-	tstl	(%r2)
-	bgeq	1f
-	incl	%r1			# add 1 to highword
-1:	# add saved carry to result
-	addl2	%r6,%r0
-	adwc	$0,%r1
-	# combined fixup for "negative" w, a[]
-	tstl	%r5		# if w is negative...
-	bgeq	1f
-	addl2	(%r3),%r1	# ...add a[0] again to highword
-1:	tstl	(%r3)		# if a[0] is negative...
-	bgeq	1f
-	addl2	%r5,%r1		# ...add w again to highword
-	movl	%r0,(%r2)+	# save low word in dest & advance *r
-	addl2	$4,%r3		# advance *a
-	movl	%r1,%r6		# high word in r6 for return value
-	sobgtr	%r4,0b		# loop?
-	movl	%r6,%r0
-	ret
-#	.title	vax_bn_mul_words  unsigned multiply & add, 32*32+32=>64
-#; w.j.m. 15-jan-1999
-#; it's magic ...
-#; ULONG bn_mul_words(ULONG r[],ULONG a[],int n,ULONG w) {
-#;	ULONG c = 0;
-#;	int i;
-#;	for(i = 0; i < num; i++) <c,r[i]> := a[i] * w + c ;
-#;	return(c);
-#; }
-	movl	4(%ap),%r2		# *r
-	movl	8(%ap),%r3		# *a
-	movl	12(%ap),%r4		# n
-	movl	16(%ap),%r5		# w
-	clrl	%r6			# carry
-0:	emul	%r5,(%r3),%r6,%r0	# w * a[0] + carry -> r0
-	# fixup for "negative" carry
-	tstl	%r6
-	bgeq	1f
-	incl	%r1
-1:	# combined fixup for "negative" w, a[]
-	tstl	%r5
-	bgeq	1f
-	addl2	(%r3),%r1
-1:	tstl	(%r3)
-	bgeq	1f
-	addl2	%r5,%r1
-1:	movl	%r0,(%r2)+
-	addl2	$4,%r3
-	movl	%r1,%r6
-	sobgtr	%r4,0b
-	movl	%r6,%r0
-	ret
-#	.title	vax_bn_sqr_words  unsigned square, 32*32=>64
-#; w.j.m. 15-jan-1999
-#; it's magic ...
-#; void bn_sqr_words(ULONG r[],ULONG a[],int n) {
-#;	int i;
-#;	for(i = 0; i < n; i++) <r[2*i+1],r[2*i]> := a[i] * a[i] ;
-#; }
-	movl	4(%ap),%r2		# r
-	movl	8(%ap),%r3		# a
-	movl	12(%ap),%r4		# n
-0:	movl	(%r3)+,%r5		# r5 = a[] & advance
-	emul	%r5,%r5,$0,%r0		# a[0] * a[0] + 0 -> r0
-	# fixup for "negative" a[]
-	tstl	%r5
-	bgeq	1f
-	addl2	%r5,%r1
-	addl2	%r5,%r1
-1:	movq	%r0,(%r2)+		# store 64-bit result
-	sobgtr	%r4,0b			# loop
-	ret
-#	.title	vax_bn_div_words  unsigned divide
-#; Richard Levitte 20-Nov-2000
-#; ULONG bn_div_words(ULONG h, ULONG l, ULONG d)
-#; {
-#;	return ((ULONG)((((ULLONG)h)<<32)|l) / (ULLONG)d);
-#; }
-#; Using EDIV would be very easy, if it didn't do signed calculations.
-#; Any time any of the input numbers are signed, there are problems,
-#; usually with integer overflow, at which point it returns useless
-#; data (the quotient gets the value of l, and the remainder becomes 0).
-#; If it was just for the dividend, it would be very easy, just divide
-#; it by 2 (unsigned), do the division, multiply the resulting quotient
-#; and remainder by 2, add the bit that was dropped when dividing by 2
-#; to the remainder, and do some adjustment so the remainder doesn't
-#; end up larger than the divisor.  For some cases when the divisor is
-#; negative (from EDIV's point of view, i.e. when the highest bit is set),
-#; dividing the dividend by 2 isn't enough, and since some operations
-#; might generate integer overflows even when the dividend is divided by
-#; 4 (when the high part of the shifted down dividend ends up being exactly
-#; half of the divisor, the result is the quotient 0x80000000, which is
-#; negative...) it needs to be divided by 8.  Furthermore, the divisor needs
-#; to be divided by 2 (unsigned) as well, to avoid more problems with the sign.
-#; In this case, a little extra fiddling with the remainder is required.
-#; So, the simplest way to handle this is always to divide the dividend
-#; by 8, and to divide the divisor by 2 if it's highest bit is set.
-#; After EDIV has been used, the quotient gets multiplied by 8 if the
-#; original divisor was positive, otherwise 4.  The remainder, oddly
-#; enough, is *always* multiplied by 8.
-#; NOTE: in the case mentioned above, where the high part of the shifted
-#; down dividend ends up being exactly half the shifted down divisor, we
-#; end up with a 33 bit quotient.  That's no problem however, it usually
-#; means we have ended up with a too large remainder as well, and the
-#; problem is fixed by the last part of the algorithm (next paragraph).
-#; The routine ends with comparing the resulting remainder with the
-#; original divisor and if the remainder is larger, subtract the
-#; original divisor from it, and increase the quotient by 1.  This is
-#; done until the remainder is smaller than the divisor.
-#; The complete algorithm looks like this:
-#; d'    = d
-#; l'    = l & 7
-#; [h,l] = [h,l] >> 3
-#; [q,r] = floor([h,l] / d)	# This is the EDIV operation
-#; if (q < 0) q = -q		# I doubt this is necessary any more
-#; r'    = r >> 29
-#; if (d' >= 0)
-#;   q'  = q >> 29
-#;   q   = q << 3
-#; else
-#;   q'  = q >> 30
-#;   q   = q << 2
-#; r     = (r << 3) + l'
-#; if (d' < 0)
-#;   {
-#;     [r',r] = [r',r] - q
-#;     while ([r',r] < 0)
-#;       {
-#;         [r',r] = [r',r] + d
-#;         [q',q] = [q',q] - 1
-#;       }
-#;   }
-#; while ([r',r] >= d')
-#;   {
-#;     [r',r] = [r',r] - d'
-#;     [q',q] = [q',q] + 1
-#;   }
-#; return q
-#;r2 = l, q
-#;r3 = h, r
-#;r4 = d
-#;r5 = l'
-#;r6 = r'
-#;r7 = d'
-#;r8 = q'
-	movl	4(%ap),%r3		# h
-	movl	8(%ap),%r2		# l
-	movl	12(%ap),%r4		# d
-	bicl3	$-8,%r2,%r5		# l' = l & 7
-	bicl3	$7,%r2,%r2
-	bicl3	$-8,%r3,%r6
-	bicl3	$7,%r3,%r3
-	addl2	%r6,%r2
-	rotl	$-3,%r2,%r2		# l = l >> 3
-	rotl	$-3,%r3,%r3		# h = h >> 3
-	movl	%r4,%r7			# d' = d
-	clrl	%r6			# r' = 0
-	clrl	%r8			# q' = 0
-	tstl	%r4
-	beql	0f			# Uh-oh, the divisor is 0...
-	bgtr	1f
-	rotl	$-1,%r4,%r4	# If d is negative, shift it right.
-	bicl2	$0x80000000,%r4	# Since d is then a large number, the
-				# lowest bit is insignificant
-				# (contradict that, and I'll fix the problem!)
-	ediv	%r4,%r2,%r2,%r3		# Do the actual division
-	tstl	%r2
-	bgeq	1f
-	mnegl	%r2,%r2		# if q < 0, negate it
-	tstl	%r7
-	blss	1f
-	rotl	$3,%r2,%r2	#   q = q << 3
-	bicl3	$-8,%r2,%r8	#   q' gets the high bits from q
-	bicl3	$7,%r2,%r2
-	brb	2f
-1:				# else
-	rotl	$2,%r2,%r2	#   q = q << 2
-	bicl3	$-4,%r2,%r8	#   q' gets the high bits from q
-	bicl3	$3,%r2,%r2
-	rotl	$3,%r3,%r3	# r = r << 3
-	bicl3	$-8,%r3,%r6	# r' gets the high bits from r
-	bicl3	$7,%r3,%r3
-	addl2	%r5,%r3		# r = r + l'
-	tstl	%r7
-	bgeq	5f
-	bitl	$1,%r7
-	beql	5f		# if d' < 0 && d' & 1
-	subl2	%r2,%r3		#   [r',r] = [r',r] - [q',q]
-	sbwc	%r8,%r6
-	bgeq	5f		#   while r < 0
-	decl	%r2		#     [q',q] = [q',q] - 1
-	sbwc	$0,%r8
-	addl2	%r7,%r3		#     [r',r] = [r',r] + d'
-	adwc	$0,%r6
-	brb	3b
-# The return points are placed in the middle to keep a short distance from
-# all the branch points
-#	movl	%r3,%r1
-	movl	%r2,%r0
-	ret
-	movl	$-1,%r0
-	ret
-	tstl	%r6
-	bneq	6f
-	cmpl	%r3,%r7
-	blssu	1b		# while [r',r] >= d'
-	subl2	%r7,%r3		#   [r',r] = [r',r] - d'
-	sbwc	$0,%r6
-	incl	%r2		#   [q',q] = [q',q] + 1
-	adwc	$0,%r8
-	brb	5b
-#	.title	vax_bn_add_words  unsigned add of two arrays
-#; Richard Levitte 20-Nov-2000
-#; ULONG bn_add_words(ULONG r[], ULONG a[], ULONG b[], int n) {
-#;	ULONG c = 0;
-#;	int i;
-#;	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) <c,r[i]> = a[i] + b[i] + c;
-#;	return(c);
-#; }
-	movl	4(%ap),%r2	# r
-	movl	8(%ap),%r3	# a
-	movl	12(%ap),%r4	# b
-	movl	16(%ap),%r5	# n
-	clrl	%r0
-	tstl	%r5
-	bleq	1f
-0:	movl	(%r3)+,%r1	# carry untouched
-	adwc	(%r4)+,%r1	# carry used and touched
-	movl	%r1,(%r2)+	# carry untouched
-	sobgtr	%r5,0b		# carry untouched
-	adwc	$0,%r0
-1:	ret
-#; Richard Levitte 20-Nov-2000
-#; ULONG bn_sub_words(ULONG r[], ULONG a[], ULONG b[], int n) {
-#;	ULONG c = 0;
-#;	int i;
-#;	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) <c,r[i]> = a[i] - b[i] - c;
-#;	return(c);
-#; }
-	movl	4(%ap),%r2	# r
-	movl	8(%ap),%r3	# a
-	movl	12(%ap),%r4	# b
-	movl	16(%ap),%r5	# n
-	clrl	%r0
-	tstl	%r5
-	bleq	1f
-0:	movl	(%r3)+,%r6	# carry untouched
-	sbwc	(%r4)+,%r6	# carry used and touched
-	movl	%r6,(%r2)+	# carry untouched
-	sobgtr	%r5,0b		# carry untouched
-1:	adwc	$0,%r0
-	ret
-#	Ragge 20-Sep-2003
-#	Multiply a vector of 4/8 longword by another.
-#	Uses two loops and 16/64 emuls.
-	movl	$4,%r9		# 4*4
-	brb	6f
-	movl	$8,%r9		# 8*8
-6:	movl	8(%ap),%r3	# a[]
-	movl	12(%ap),%r7	# b[]
-	brb	5f
-	movl	$4,%r9		# 4*4
-	brb 0f
-	movl	$8,%r9		# 8*8
-	movl	8(%ap),%r3	# a[]
-	movl	%r3,%r7		# a[]
-5:	movl	4(%ap),%r5	# r[]
-	movl	%r9,%r8
-	clrq	(%r5)		# clear destinatino, for add.
-	clrq	8(%r5)
-	clrq	16(%r5)		# these only needed for comba8
-	clrq	24(%r5)
-2:	clrl	%r4		# carry
-	movl	%r9,%r6		# inner loop count
-	movl	(%r7)+,%r2	# value to multiply with
-1:	emul	%r2,(%r3),%r4,%r0
-	tstl	%r4
-	bgeq	3f
-	incl	%r1
-3:	tstl	%r2
-	bgeq	3f
-	addl2	(%r3),%r1
-3:	tstl	(%r3)
-	bgeq	3f
-	addl2	%r2,%r1
-3:	addl2	%r0,(%r5)+	# add to destination
-	adwc	$0,%r1		# remember carry
-	movl	%r1,%r4		# add carry in next emul
-	addl2	$4,%r3
-	sobgtr	%r6,1b
-	movl	%r4,(%r5)	# save highest add result
-	ashl	$2,%r9,%r4
-	subl2	%r4,%r3
-	subl2	$4,%r4
-	subl2	%r4,%r5
-	sobgtr	%r8,2b
-	ret
diff --git a/src/lib/libcrypto/arch/vax/opensslconf.h b/src/lib/libcrypto/arch/vax/opensslconf.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e3795ce73a..0000000000
--- a/src/lib/libcrypto/arch/vax/opensslconf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-#include <openssl/opensslfeatures.h>
-/* crypto/ */
-/* Generate 80386 code? */
-#undef I386_ONLY
-#if defined(HEADER_CRYPTLIB_H) && !defined(OPENSSLDIR)
-#define OPENSSLDIR "/etc/ssl"
-#define OPENSSL_UNISTD <unistd.h>
-#if defined(HEADER_IDEA_H) && !defined(IDEA_INT)
-#define IDEA_INT unsigned int
-#if defined(HEADER_MD2_H) && !defined(MD2_INT)
-#define MD2_INT unsigned int
-#if defined(HEADER_RC2_H) && !defined(RC2_INT)
-/* I need to put in a mod for the alpha - eay */
-#define RC2_INT unsigned int
-#if defined(HEADER_RC4_H)
-#if !defined(RC4_INT)
-/* using int types make the structure larger but make the code faster
- * on most boxes I have tested - up to %20 faster. */
- * I don't know what does "most" mean, but declaring "int" is a must on:
- * - Intel P6 because partial register stalls are very expensive;
- * - elder Alpha because it lacks byte load/store instructions;
- */
-#define RC4_INT unsigned int
-#if !defined(RC4_CHUNK)
- * This enables code handling data aligned at natural CPU word
- * boundary. See crypto/rc4/rc4_enc.c for further details.
- */
-#undef RC4_CHUNK
-#if (defined(HEADER_NEW_DES_H) || defined(HEADER_DES_H)) && !defined(DES_LONG)
-/* If this is set to 'unsigned int' on a DEC Alpha, this gives about a
- * %20 speed up (longs are 8 bytes, int's are 4). */
-#ifndef DES_LONG
-#define DES_LONG unsigned int
-#if defined(HEADER_BN_H) && !defined(CONFIG_HEADER_BN_H)
-#define BN_LLONG
-/* Should we define BN_DIV2W here? */
-/* Only one for the following should be defined */
-/* The prime number generation stuff may not work when
- * EIGHT_BIT but I don't care since I've only used this mode
- * for debuging the bignum libraries */
-#undef EIGHT_BIT
-#if defined(HEADER_RC4_LOCL_H) && !defined(CONFIG_HEADER_RC4_LOCL_H)
-/* if this is defined data[i] is used instead of *data, this is a %20
- * speedup on x86 */
-#define RC4_INDEX
-#if defined(HEADER_BF_LOCL_H) && !defined(CONFIG_HEADER_BF_LOCL_H)
-#undef BF_PTR
-#endif /* HEADER_BF_LOCL_H */
-#if defined(HEADER_DES_LOCL_H) && !defined(CONFIG_HEADER_DES_LOCL_H)
-/* the following is tweaked from a config script, that is why it is a
- * protected undef/define */
-#ifndef DES_PTR
-#undef DES_PTR
-/* This helps C compiler generate the correct code for multiple functional
- * units.  It reduces register dependancies at the expense of 2 more
- * registers */
-#ifndef DES_RISC1
-#undef DES_RISC1
-#ifndef DES_RISC2
-#undef DES_RISC2
-#if defined(DES_RISC1) && defined(DES_RISC2)
-/* Unroll the inner loop, this sometimes helps, sometimes hinders.
- * Very mucy CPU dependant */
-#ifndef DES_UNROLL
-#define DES_UNROLL
-/* These default values were supplied by
- * Peter Gutman <>
- * They are only used if nothing else has been defined */
-#if !defined(DES_PTR) && !defined(DES_RISC1) && !defined(DES_RISC2) && !defined(DES_UNROLL)
-/* Special defines which change the way the code is built depending on the
-   CPU and OS.  For SGI machines you can use _MIPS_SZLONG (32 or 64) to find
-   even newer MIPS CPU's, but at the moment one size fits all for
-   optimization options.  Older Sparc's work better with only UNROLL, but
-   there's no way to tell at compile time what it is you're running on */
-#if defined( sun )		/* Newer Sparc's */
-#  define DES_PTR
-#  define DES_RISC1
-#  define DES_UNROLL
-#elif defined( __ultrix )	/* Older MIPS */
-#  define DES_PTR
-#  define DES_RISC2
-#  define DES_UNROLL
-#elif defined( __osf1__ )	/* Alpha */
-#  define DES_PTR
-#  define DES_RISC2
-#elif defined ( _AIX )		/* RS6000 */
-  /* Unknown */
-#elif defined( __hpux )		/* HP-PA */
-  /* Unknown */
-#elif defined( __aux )		/* 68K */
-  /* Unknown */
-#elif defined( __dgux )		/* 88K (but P6 in latest boxes) */
-#  define DES_UNROLL
-#elif defined( __sgi )		/* Newer MIPS */
-#  define DES_PTR
-#  define DES_RISC2
-#  define DES_UNROLL
-#elif defined(i386) || defined(__i386__)	/* x86 boxes, should be gcc */
-#  define DES_PTR
-#  define DES_RISC1
-#  define DES_UNROLL
-#endif /* Systems-specific speed defines */
-#endif /* HEADER_DES_LOCL_H */
diff --git a/src/lib/libcrypto/whrlpool/wp_block.c b/src/lib/libcrypto/whrlpool/wp_block.c
index 9a681c2888..57f5b5df7a 100644
--- a/src/lib/libcrypto/whrlpool/wp_block.c
+++ b/src/lib/libcrypto/whrlpool/wp_block.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $OpenBSD: wp_block.c,v 1.10 2016/03/15 20:50:22 krw Exp $ */
+/* $OpenBSD: wp_block.c,v 1.11 2016/09/04 13:39:48 jsing Exp $ */
  * The Whirlpool hashing function.
@@ -66,8 +66,6 @@ typedef unsigned long long	u64;
 #  endif
 #elif defined(__arm__)
-#elif defined(__vax__)
 #undef ROTATE
cgit v1.2.3-55-g6feb