.\" $OpenBSD: ENGINE_new.3,v 1.4 2019/06/10 09:49:48 schwarze Exp $ .\" content checked up to: .\" OpenSSL ENGINE_add 1f13ad31 Dec 25 17:50:39 2017 +0800 .\" .\" Copyright (c) 2018 Ingo Schwarze .\" .\" Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any .\" purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above .\" copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. .\" .\" THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES .\" WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF .\" MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR .\" ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES .\" WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN .\" ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF .\" OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. .\" .Dd $Mdocdate: June 10 2019 $ .Dt ENGINE_NEW 3 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm ENGINE_new , .Nm ENGINE_up_ref , .Nm ENGINE_free , .Nm ENGINE_set_destroy_function , .Nm ENGINE_get_destroy_function .Nd create and destroy ENGINE objects .Sh SYNOPSIS .In openssl/engine.h .Ft ENGINE * .Fn ENGINE_new void .Ft int .Fo ENGINE_up_ref .Fa "ENGINE *e" .Fc .Ft int .Fo ENGINE_free .Fa "ENGINE *e" .Fc .Ft typedef int .Fo (*ENGINE_GEN_INT_FUNC_PTR) .Fa "ENGINE *e" .Fc .Ft int .Fo ENGINE_set_destroy_function .Fa "ENGINE *e" .Fa "ENGINE_GEN_INT_FUNC_PTR destroy_f" .Fc .Ft ENGINE_GEN_INT_FUNC_PTR .Fo ENGINE_get_destroy_function .Fa "const ENGINE *e" .Fc .Sh DESCRIPTION .Vt ENGINE objects can be used to provide alternative implementations of cryptographic algorithms, to support additional algorithms, to support cryptographic hardware, and to switch among alternative implementations of algorithms at run time. LibreSSL generally avoids engines and prefers providing cryptographic functionality in the crypto library itself. .Pp .Fn ENGINE_new allocates and initializes an empty .Vt ENGINE object and sets its structural reference count to 1 and its functional reference count to 0. For more information about the functional reference count, see the .Xr ENGINE_init 3 manual page. .Pp Many functions increment the structural reference count by 1 when successful. Some of them, including .Xr ENGINE_get_first 3 , .Xr ENGINE_get_last 3 , .Xr ENGINE_get_next 3 , .Xr ENGINE_get_prev 3 , and .Xr ENGINE_by_id 3 , do so because they return a structural reference to the user. Other functions, including .Xr ENGINE_add 3 , .Xr ENGINE_init 3 , .Xr ENGINE_get_cipher_engine 3 , .Xr ENGINE_get_digest_engine 3 , and the .Xr ENGINE_get_default_RSA 3 and .Xr ENGINE_set_default 3 families of functions do so when they store a structural refence internally. .Pp .Fn ENGINE_up_ref explicitly increment the structural reference count by 1. .Pp .Fn ENGINE_free decrements the structural reference count by 1, and if it reaches 0, the optional .Fa destroy_f previously installed with .Fn ENGINE_set_destroy_function is called, if one is installed, and both the memory used internally by .Fa e and .Fa e itself are freed. If .Fa e is a .Dv NULL pointer, no action occurs. .Pp Many functions internally call the equivalent of .Fn ENGINE_free . Some of them, including .Xr ENGINE_get_next 3 and .Xr ENGINE_get_prev 3 , thus invalidate the structural reference passed in by the user. Other functions, including .Xr ENGINE_finish 3 , .Xr ENGINE_remove 3 , and the .Xr ENGINE_set_default 3 family of functions do so when an internally stored structural reference is no longer needed. .Pp .Fn ENGINE_set_destroy_function installs a callback function that will be called by .Fn ENGINE_free , but only when .Fa e actually gets destroyed, not when only its reference count gets decremented. The value returned from the .Fa destroy_f will be ignored. .Sh RETURN VALUES .Fn ENGINE_new returns a structural reference to the new .Vt ENGINE object or .Dv NULL if an error occurs. .Pp .Fn ENGINE_up_ref returns 0 if .Fa e is .Dv NULL and 1 otherwise. .Pp .Fn ENGINE_free and .Fn ENGINE_set_destroy_function always return 1. .Pp .Fn ENGINE_get_destroy_function returns a function pointer to the callback, or .Dv NULL if none is installed. .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr crypto 3 , .Xr ENGINE_add 3 , .Xr ENGINE_ctrl 3 , .Xr ENGINE_get_default_RSA 3 , .Xr ENGINE_init 3 , .Xr ENGINE_register_all_RSA 3 , .Xr ENGINE_register_RSA 3 , .Xr ENGINE_set_default 3 , .Xr ENGINE_set_flags 3 , .Xr ENGINE_set_RSA 3 , .Xr ENGINE_unregister_RSA 3 .Sh HISTORY .Fn ENGINE_new and .Fn ENGINE_free first appeared in OpenSSL 0.9.7 and have been available since .Ox 2.9 . .Pp .Fn ENGINE_set_destroy_function and .Fn ENGINE_get_destroy_function first appeared in OpenSSL 0.9.7 and have been available since .Ox 3.2 . .Pp .Fn ENGINE_up_ref first appeared in OpenSSL 0.9.7 and has been available since .Ox 3.4 .