.\" $OpenBSD: X509_OBJECT_get0_X509.3,v 1.16 2025/03/08 17:02:59 tb Exp $ .\" .\" Copyright (c) 2018, 2021 Ingo Schwarze .\" .\" Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any .\" purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above .\" copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. .\" .\" THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES .\" WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF .\" MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR .\" ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES .\" WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN .\" ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF .\" OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. .\" .Dd $Mdocdate: March 8 2025 $ .Dt X509_OBJECT_GET0_X509 3 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm X509_OBJECT_get_type , .Nm X509_OBJECT_new , .Nm X509_OBJECT_free , .Nm X509_OBJECT_get0_X509 , .Nm X509_OBJECT_get0_X509_CRL , .Nm X509_OBJECT_idx_by_subject , .Nm X509_OBJECT_retrieve_by_subject , .Nm X509_OBJECT_retrieve_match .Nd certificate, CRL, private key, and string wrapper for certificate stores .Sh SYNOPSIS .In openssl/x509_vfy.h .Ft X509_LOOKUP_TYPE .Fo X509_OBJECT_get_type .Fa "const X509_OBJECT *obj" .Fc .Ft X509_OBJECT * .Fo X509_OBJECT_new .Fa void .Fc .Ft void .Fo X509_OBJECT_free .Fa "X509_OBJECT *obj" .Fc .Ft X509 * .Fo X509_OBJECT_get0_X509 .Fa "const X509_OBJECT *obj" .Fc .Ft X509_CRL * .Fo X509_OBJECT_get0_X509_CRL .Fa "X509_OBJECT *obj" .Fc .Ft int .Fo X509_OBJECT_idx_by_subject .Fa "STACK_OF(X509_OBJECT) *stack" .Fa "X509_LOOKUP_TYPE type" .Fa "X509_NAME *name" .Fc .Ft X509_OBJECT * .Fo X509_OBJECT_retrieve_by_subject .Fa "STACK_OF(X509_OBJECT) *stack" .Fa "X509_LOOKUP_TYPE type" .Fa "X509_NAME *name" .Fc .Ft X509_OBJECT * .Fo X509_OBJECT_retrieve_match .Fa "STACK_OF(X509_OBJECT) *stack" .Fa "X509_OBJECT *obj" .Fc .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Vt X509_OBJECT structure is a shallow wrapper around one .Vt X509 certificate object or one .Vt X509_CRL certificate revocation list object. The type of object stored at any given time can be inspected with .Fn X509_OBJECT_get_type . .Pp Each .Vt X509_STORE object uses one stack of .Vt X509_OBJECT structures as its main storage area. .Pp .Fn X509_OBJECT_new allocates a new .Vt X509_OBJECT structure. It sets the object type to .Dv X509_LU_NONE and the pointer to the certificate or CRL to .Dv NULL . .Pp If .Fa obj contains an .Vt X509 certificate, .Fn X509_OBJECT_free calls .Xr X509_free 3 on that inner object. If .Fa obj contains an .Vt X509_CRL certificate revocation list, it calls .Xr X509_CRL_free 3 on that inner list. .Fn X509_OBJECT_free then frees the storage used for the .Fa obj itself. .Pp If .Fa type is .Dv X509_LU_X509 , .Fn X509_OBJECT_idx_by_subject and .Fn X509_OBJECT_retrieve_by_subject search the given .Fa stack for a certificate with the subject .Fa name . If .Fa type is .Dv X509_LU_CRL , they search for a certificate revocation list with the issuer .Fa name instead. .Pp If .Fa obj contains a certificate, .Fn X509_OBJECT_retrieve_match searches the given .Fa stack for a certificate with a matching subject name; if it contains a certificate revocation list, it searches for a certificate revocation list with a matching issuer name instead; otherwise, it searches for an .Vt X509_OBJECT with a matching type. .Sh RETURN VALUES .Fn X509_OBJECT_get_type returns .Dv X509_LU_X509 if .Fa obj contains a certificate, .Dv X509_LU_CRL if it contains a certificate revocation list, or .Dv X509_LU_NONE if it contains neither. .Pp .Fn X509_OBJECT_new returns the new object or .Dv NULL if memory allocation fails. .Pp .Fn X509_OBJECT_get0_X509 returns an internal pointer to the certificate contained in .Fa obj or .Dv NULL if .Fa obj is .Dv NULL or contains no certificate. .Pp .Fn X509_OBJECT_get0_X509_CRL returns an internal pointer to the certificate revocation list contained in .Fa obj or .Dv NULL if .Fa obj is .Dv NULL or contains no certificate revocation list. .Pp .Fn X509_OBJECT_idx_by_subject returns the zero-based index of the first matching certificate or revocation list in the .Fa stack or \-1 if .Fa type is neither .Dv X509_LU_X509 nor .Dv X509_LU_CRL or if no match is found. .Pp .Fn X509_OBJECT_retrieve_by_subject returns the first matching certificate or revocation list in the .Fa stack or .Dv NULL if .Fa type is neither .Dv X509_LU_X509 nor .Dv X509_LU_CRL or if no match is found. .Pp .Fn X509_OBJECT_retrieve_match returns the first matching .Vt X509_OBJECT or .Dv NULL if .Fa stack or .Fa obj is .Dv NULL or no match is found. .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr STACK_OF 3 , .Xr X509_CRL_new 3 , .Xr X509_LOOKUP_new 3 , .Xr X509_NAME_new 3 , .Xr X509_new 3 , .Xr X509_STORE_get0_objects 3 , .Xr X509_STORE_get_by_subject 3 , .Xr X509_STORE_load_locations 3 , .Xr X509_STORE_new 3 .Sh HISTORY .Fn X509_OBJECT_idx_by_subject , .Fn X509_OBJECT_retrieve_by_subject , and .Fn X509_OBJECT_retrieve_match first appeared in OpenSSL 0.9.6 and have been available since .Ox 2.9 . .Pp .Fn X509_OBJECT_get_type , .Fn X509_OBJECT_get0_X509 , and .Fn X509_OBJECT_get0_X509_CRL first appeared in OpenSSL 1.1.0 and have been available since .Ox 6.3 . .Pp .Fn X509_OBJECT_new and .Fn X509_OBJECT_free first appeared in OpenSSL 1.1.0 and have been available since .Ox 7.1 .