.\" $OpenBSD: tls_conn_version.3,v 1.11 2024/12/10 08:42:12 tb Exp $ .\" .\" Copyright (c) 2015 Bob Beck .\" Copyright (c) 2016, 2018 Joel Sing .\" .\" Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any .\" purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above .\" copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. .\" .\" THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES .\" WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF .\" MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR .\" ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES .\" WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN .\" ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF .\" OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. .\" .Dd $Mdocdate: December 10 2024 $ .Dt TLS_CONN_VERSION 3 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm tls_conn_version , .Nm tls_conn_cipher , .Nm tls_conn_cipher_strength , .Nm tls_conn_alpn_selected , .Nm tls_conn_servername , .Nm tls_conn_session_resumed , .Nm tls_peer_cert_provided , .Nm tls_peer_cert_contains_name , .Nm tls_peer_cert_chain_pem , .Nm tls_peer_cert_issuer , .Nm tls_peer_cert_subject , .Nm tls_peer_cert_common_name , .Nm tls_peer_cert_hash , .Nm tls_peer_cert_notbefore , .Nm tls_peer_cert_notafter .Nd inspect an established TLS connection .Sh SYNOPSIS .In tls.h .Ft const char * .Fn tls_conn_version "struct tls *ctx" .Ft const char * .Fn tls_conn_cipher "struct tls *ctx" .Ft int .Fn tls_conn_cipher_strength "struct tls *ctx" .Ft const char * .Fn tls_conn_alpn_selected "struct tls *ctx" .Ft const char * .Fn tls_conn_servername "struct tls *ctx" .Ft int .Fn tls_conn_session_resumed "struct tls *ctx" .Ft int .Fn tls_peer_cert_provided "struct tls *ctx" .Ft int .Fo tls_peer_cert_contains_name .Fa "struct tls *ctx" .Fa "const char *name" .Fc .Ft const uint8_t * .Fo tls_peer_cert_chain_pem .Fa "struct tls *ctx" .Fa "size_t *size" .Fc .Ft const char * .Fn tls_peer_cert_issuer "struct tls *ctx" .Ft const char * .Fn tls_peer_cert_subject "struct tls *ctx" .Ft const char * .Fn tls_peer_cert_common_name "struct tls *ctx" .Ft const char * .Fn tls_peer_cert_hash "struct tls *ctx" .Ft time_t .Fn tls_peer_cert_notbefore "struct tls *ctx" .Ft time_t .Fn tls_peer_cert_notafter "struct tls *ctx" .Sh DESCRIPTION These functions return information about a TLS connection and will only succeed after the handshake is complete (the connection information applies to both clients and servers, unless noted otherwise): .Pp .Fn tls_conn_version returns a string corresponding to a TLS version negotiated with the peer connected to .Ar ctx . .Pp .Fn tls_conn_cipher returns a string corresponding to the cipher suite negotiated with the peer connected to .Ar ctx . .Pp .Fn tls_conn_cipher_strength returns the strength in bits for the symmetric cipher that is being used with the peer connected to .Ar ctx . .Pp .Fn tls_conn_alpn_selected returns a string that specifies the ALPN protocol selected for use with the peer connected to .Ar ctx . If no protocol was selected then NULL is returned. .Pp .Fn tls_conn_servername returns a string corresponding to the servername that the client connected to .Ar ctx requested by sending a TLS Server Name Indication extension (server only). .Pp .Fn tls_conn_session_resumed indicates whether a TLS session has been resumed during the handshake with the server connected to .Ar ctx (client only). .Pp .Fn tls_peer_cert_provided checks if the peer of .Ar ctx has provided a certificate. .Pp .Fn tls_peer_cert_contains_name checks if the peer of a TLS .Ar ctx has provided a certificate that contains a SAN or CN that matches .Ar name . .Pp .Fn tls_peer_cert_chain_pem returns a pointer to memory containing a PEM-encoded certificate chain for the peer certificate from .Ar ctx . .Pp .Fn tls_peer_cert_subject returns a string corresponding to the subject of the peer certificate from .Ar ctx . .Pp .Fn tls_peer_cert_issuer returns a string corresponding to the issuer of the peer certificate from .Ar ctx . .Fn tls_peer_cert_common_name returns a string corresponding to the common name of the peer certificate from .Ar ctx or the empty string if no common name is present. .Pp .Fn tls_peer_cert_hash returns a string corresponding to a hash of the raw peer certificate from .Ar ctx prefixed by a hash name followed by a colon. The hash currently used is SHA256, though this could change in the future. The hash string for a certificate in file .Ar mycert.crt can be generated using the commands: .Bd -literal -offset indent h=$(openssl x509 -outform der -in mycert.crt | sha256) printf "SHA256:${h}\\n" .Ed .Pp .Fn tls_peer_cert_notbefore returns the time corresponding to the start of the validity period of the peer certificate from .Ar ctx . .Pp .Fn tls_peer_cert_notafter returns the time corresponding to the end of the validity period of the peer certificate from .Ar ctx . .Sh RETURN VALUES The .Fn tls_conn_session_resumed function returns 1 if a TLS session was resumed or 0 if it was not. .Pp The .Fn tls_peer_cert_provided and .Fn tls_peer_cert_contains_name functions return 1 if the check succeeds or 0 if it does not. .Pp .Fn tls_peer_cert_notbefore and .Fn tls_peer_cert_notafter return a time in epoch-seconds on success or -1 on error. .Pp The functions that return a pointer return .Dv NULL on error or an out of memory condition. .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr tls_configure 3 , .Xr tls_handshake 3 , .Xr tls_init 3 , .Xr tls_ocsp_process_response 3 .Sh HISTORY .Fn tls_conn_version , .Fn tls_conn_cipher , .Fn tls_peer_cert_provided , .Fn tls_peer_cert_contains_name , .Fn tls_peer_cert_issuer , .Fn tls_peer_cert_subject , .Fn tls_peer_cert_hash , .Fn tls_peer_cert_notbefore , and .Fn tls_peer_cert_notafter appeared in .Ox 5.9 . .Pp .Fn tls_conn_servername and .Fn tls_conn_alpn_selected appeared in .Ox 6.1 . .Pp .Fn tls_conn_session_resumed appeared in .Ox 6.3 . .Pp .Fn tls_conn_cipher_strength appeared in .Ox 6.7 . .Fn tls_peer_cert_common_name appeared in .Ox 7.7 . .Sh AUTHORS .An Bob Beck Aq Mt beck@openbsd.org .An Joel Sing Aq Mt jsing@openbsd.org