.\" $OpenBSD: tls_init.3,v 1.13 2018/07/09 19:47:20 tb Exp $ .\" .\" Copyright (c) 2014 Ted Unangst <tedu@openbsd.org> .\" Copyright (c) 2016 Joel Sing <jsing@openbsd.org> .\" Copyright (c) 2017 Ingo Schwarze <schwarze@openbsd.org> .\" .\" Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any .\" purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above .\" copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. .\" .\" THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES .\" WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF .\" MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR .\" ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES .\" WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN .\" ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF .\" OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. .\" .Dd $Mdocdate: July 9 2018 $ .Dt TLS_INIT 3 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm tls_init , .Nm tls_config_new , .Nm tls_config_free , .Nm tls_config_error .Nd initialize TLS client and server API .Sh SYNOPSIS .In tls.h .Ft int .Fn tls_init void .Ft struct tls_config * .Fn tls_config_new void .Ft void .Fn tls_config_free "struct tls_config *config" .Ft const char * .Fn tls_config_error "struct tls_config *config" .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Nm tls family of functions establishes a secure communications channel using the TLS socket protocol. Both clients and servers are supported. .Pp The .Fn tls_init function initializes global data structures. It is no longer necessary to call this function directly, since it is invoked internally when needed. It may be called more than once, and may be called concurrently. .Pp Before a connection is created, a configuration must be created. The .Fn tls_config_new function allocates, initializes, and returns a new default configuration object that can be used for future connections. Several functions exist to change the options of the configuration; see .Xr tls_config_set_protocols 3 , .Xr tls_load_file 3 , .Xr tls_config_ocsp_require_stapling 3 , and .Xr tls_config_verify 3 . .Pp The .Fn tls_config_error function may be used to retrieve a string containing more information about the most recent error relating to a configuration. .Pp A TLS connection object is created by .Xr tls_client 3 or .Xr tls_server 3 and configured with .Xr tls_configure 3 . .Pp A client connection is initiated after configuration by calling .Xr tls_connect 3 . A server can accept a new client connection by calling .Xr tls_accept_socket 3 on an already established socket connection. .Pp Two functions are provided for input and output, .Xr tls_read 3 and .Xr tls_write 3 . Both automatically perform the .Xr tls_handshake 3 when needed. .Pp The properties of established TLS connections can be inspected with the functions described in .Xr tls_conn_version 3 and .Xr tls_ocsp_process_response 3 . .Pp After use, a TLS connection should be closed with .Xr tls_close 3 and then freed by calling .Xr tls_free 3 . .Pp When no more contexts are to be configured, the configuration object should be freed by calling .Fn tls_config_free . It is safe to call .Fn tls_config_free as soon as the final call to .Fn tls_configure has been made. If .Fa config is .Dv NULL , no action occurs. .Sh RETURN VALUES .Fn tls_init returns 0 on success or -1 on error. .Pp .Fn tls_config_new returns .Dv NULL on error or an out of memory condition. .Pp .Fn tls_config_error returns .Dv NULL if no error occurred with .Fa config at all, or if memory allocation failed while trying to assemble the string describing the most recent error related to .Fa config . .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr tls_accept_socket 3 , .Xr tls_client 3 , .Xr tls_config_ocsp_require_stapling 3 , .Xr tls_config_set_protocols 3 , .Xr tls_config_verify 3 , .Xr tls_conn_version 3 , .Xr tls_connect 3 , .Xr tls_load_file 3 , .Xr tls_ocsp_process_response 3 , .Xr tls_read 3 .Sh HISTORY The .Nm tls API first appeared in .Ox 5.6 as a response to the unnecessary challenges other APIs present in order to use them safely. .Pp All functions were renamed from .Fn ressl_* to .Fn tls_* for .Ox 5.7 . .Pp .Fn tls_config_error appeared in .Ox 6.0 . .Sh AUTHORS .An Joel Sing Aq Mt jsing@openbsd.org .An Ted Unangst Aq Mt tedu@openbsd.org .Pp Many others contributed to various parts of the library; see the individual manual pages for more information. .Sh CAVEATS The function .Fn tls_config_error returns an internal pointer. It must not be freed by the application, or a double free error will occur. The pointer will become invalid when the next error occurs with .Fa config . Consequently, if the application may need the message at a later time, it has to copy the string before calling the next .Sy libtls function involving .Fa config , or a segmentation fault or read access to unintended data is the likely result.