// Package tls provides a Go interface to the libtls library. package tls /* #cgo LDFLAGS: -ltls -lssl -lcrypto #include #include typedef void *tls; */ import "C" import ( "errors" "fmt" "time" "unsafe" ) var ( errWantPollIn = errors.New("want poll in") errWantPollOut = errors.New("want poll out") ) // ProtocolVersion represents a TLS protocol version. type ProtocolVersion uint32 // String returns the string representation of a protocol version. func (pv ProtocolVersion) String() string { name, ok := protocolNames[pv] if !ok { return fmt.Sprintf("unknown protocol version %x", uint32(pv)) } return name } const ( ProtocolTLSv10 ProtocolVersion = C.TLS_PROTOCOL_TLSv1_0 ProtocolTLSv11 ProtocolVersion = C.TLS_PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1 ProtocolTLSv12 ProtocolVersion = C.TLS_PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2 ProtocolsAll ProtocolVersion = C.TLS_PROTOCOLS_ALL ) var protocolNames = map[ProtocolVersion]string{ ProtocolTLSv10: "TLSv1", ProtocolTLSv11: "TLSv1.1", ProtocolTLSv12: "TLSv1.2", ProtocolsAll: "all", } // ProtocolVersionFromString returns the protocol version with the given name. func ProtocolVersionFromString(version string) (ProtocolVersion, error) { for proto, name := range protocolNames { if version == name { return proto, nil } } return 0, fmt.Errorf("unknown protocol version %q", version) } // TLSConfig provides configuration options for a TLS context. type TLSConfig struct { tlsCfg *C.struct_tls_config } // TLS encapsulates the TLS context. type TLS struct { cfg *TLSConfig ctx *C.struct_tls } // Init initialises the TLS library. func Init() error { if C.tls_init() != 0 { return errors.New("initialisation failed") } return nil } // NewConfig returns a new TLS configuration. func NewConfig() (*TLSConfig, error) { cfg := C.tls_config_new() if cfg == nil { return nil, errors.New("failed to allocate config") } return &TLSConfig{ tlsCfg: cfg, }, nil } // Error returns the error message from the TLS configuration. func (c *TLSConfig) Error() error { if msg := C.tls_config_error(c.tlsCfg); msg != nil { return errors.New(C.GoString(msg)) } return errors.New("unknown error") } // SetCAFile sets the CA file to be used for connections. func (c *TLSConfig) SetCAFile(filename string) error { caFile := C.CString(filename) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(caFile)) if C.tls_config_set_ca_file(c.tlsCfg, caFile) != 0 { return c.Error() } return nil } // SetCiphers sets the cipher suites enabled for the connection. func (c *TLSConfig) SetCiphers(ciphers string) error { cipherStr := C.CString(ciphers) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cipherStr)) if C.tls_config_set_ciphers(c.tlsCfg, cipherStr) != 0 { return c.Error() } return nil } // SetProtocols sets the protocol versions enabled for the connection. func (c *TLSConfig) SetProtocols(proto ProtocolVersion) error { if C.tls_config_set_protocols(c.tlsCfg, C.uint32_t(proto)) != 0 { return c.Error() } return nil } // InsecureNoVerifyCert disables certificate verification for the connection. func (c *TLSConfig) InsecureNoVerifyCert() { C.tls_config_insecure_noverifycert(c.tlsCfg) } // InsecureNoVerifyName disables server name verification for the connection. func (c *TLSConfig) InsecureNoVerifyName() { C.tls_config_insecure_noverifyname(c.tlsCfg) } // SetSecure enables verification for the connection. func (c *TLSConfig) SetVerify() { C.tls_config_verify(c.tlsCfg) } // Free frees resources associated with the TLS configuration. func (c *TLSConfig) Free() { if c.tlsCfg == nil { return } C.tls_config_free(c.tlsCfg) c.tlsCfg = nil } // NewClient returns a new TLS client context, using the optional configuration. // If no configuration is specified the default configuration will be used. func NewClient(config *TLSConfig) (*TLS, error) { var sslCfg *C.struct_tls_config if config != nil { sslCfg = config.tlsCfg } ctx := C.tls_client() if ctx == nil { return nil, errors.New("tls client failed") } if C.tls_configure(ctx, sslCfg) != 0 { return nil, errors.New("tls configure failed") } return &TLS{ cfg: config, ctx: ctx, }, nil } // Error returns the error message from the TLS context. func (t *TLS) Error() error { if msg := C.tls_error(t.ctx); msg != nil { return errors.New(C.GoString(msg)) } return errors.New("unknown error") } // PeerCertProvided returns whether the peer provided a certificate. func (t *TLS) PeerCertProvided() bool { return C.tls_peer_cert_provided(t.ctx) == 1 } // PeerCertContainsName checks whether the peer certificate contains // the specified name. func (t *TLS) PeerCertContainsName(name string) bool { n := C.CString(name) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(n)) return C.tls_peer_cert_contains_name(t.ctx, n) == 1 } // PeerCertIssuer returns the issuer of the peer certificate. func (t *TLS) PeerCertIssuer() (string, error) { issuer := C.tls_peer_cert_issuer(t.ctx) if issuer == nil { return "", errors.New("no issuer returned") } return C.GoString(issuer), nil } // PeerCertSubject returns the subject of the peer certificate. func (t *TLS) PeerCertSubject() (string, error) { subject := C.tls_peer_cert_subject(t.ctx) if subject == nil { return "", errors.New("no subject returned") } return C.GoString(subject), nil } // PeerCertHash returns a hash of the peer certificate. func (t *TLS) PeerCertHash() (string, error) { hash := C.tls_peer_cert_hash(t.ctx) if hash == nil { return "", errors.New("no hash returned") } return C.GoString(hash), nil } // PeerCertNotBefore returns the notBefore time from the peer // certificate. func (t *TLS) PeerCertNotBefore() (time.Time, error) { notBefore := C.tls_peer_cert_notbefore(t.ctx) if notBefore == -1 { return time.Time{}, errors.New("no notBefore time returned") } return time.Unix(int64(notBefore), 0), nil } // PeerCertNotAfter returns the notAfter time from the peer // certificate. func (t *TLS) PeerCertNotAfter() (time.Time, error) { notAfter := C.tls_peer_cert_notafter(t.ctx) if notAfter == -1 { return time.Time{}, errors.New("no notAfter time") } return time.Unix(int64(notAfter), 0), nil } // ConnVersion returns the protocol version of the connection. func (t *TLS) ConnVersion() (ProtocolVersion, error) { ver := C.tls_conn_version(t.ctx) if ver == nil { return 0, errors.New("no connection version") } return ProtocolVersionFromString(C.GoString(ver)) } // ConnCipher returns the cipher suite used for the connection. func (t *TLS) ConnCipher() (string, error) { cipher := C.tls_conn_cipher(t.ctx) if cipher == nil { return "", errors.New("no connection cipher") } return C.GoString(cipher), nil } // Connect attempts to establish an TLS connection to the specified host on // the given port. The host may optionally contain a colon separated port // value if the port string is specified as an empty string. func (t *TLS) Connect(host, port string) error { h := C.CString(host) var p *C.char if port != "" { p = C.CString(port) } defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(h)) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(p)) if C.tls_connect(t.ctx, h, p) != 0 { return t.Error() } return nil } // Handshake attempts to complete the TLS handshake. func (t *TLS) Handshake() error { ret := C.tls_handshake(t.ctx) switch { case ret == C.TLS_WANT_POLLIN: return errWantPollIn case ret == C.TLS_WANT_POLLOUT: return errWantPollOut case ret != 0: return t.Error() } return nil } // Read reads data the TLS connection into the given buffer. func (t *TLS) Read(buf []byte) (int, error) { ret := C.tls_read(t.ctx, unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]), C.size_t(len(buf))) switch { case ret == C.TLS_WANT_POLLIN: return -1, errWantPollIn case ret == C.TLS_WANT_POLLOUT: return -1, errWantPollOut case ret < 0: return -1, t.Error() } return int(ret), nil } // Write writes the given data to the TLS connection. func (t *TLS) Write(buf []byte) (int, error) { p := C.CString(string(buf)) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(p)) ret := C.tls_write(t.ctx, unsafe.Pointer(p), C.size_t(len(buf))) switch { case ret == C.TLS_WANT_POLLIN: return -1, errWantPollIn case ret == C.TLS_WANT_POLLOUT: return -1, errWantPollOut case ret < 0: return -1, t.Error() } return int(ret), nil } // Close closes the TLS connection. func (t *TLS) Close() error { ret := C.tls_close(t.ctx) switch { case ret == C.TLS_WANT_POLLIN: return errWantPollIn case ret == C.TLS_WANT_POLLOUT: return errWantPollOut case ret != 0: return t.Error() } return nil } // Free frees resources associated with the TLS context. func (t *TLS) Free() { if t.ctx == nil { return } C.tls_free(t.ctx) t.ctx = nil }