// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
namespace WixToolset.Mba.Core
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
/// Base class for BA classes.
public abstract class HResultEventArgs : EventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public HResultEventArgs()
/// Gets or sets the of the operation. This is passed back to the engine.
public int HResult { get; set; }
/// Base class for cancellable BA classes.
public abstract class CancellableHResultEventArgs : HResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public CancellableHResultEventArgs(bool cancelRecommendation)
this.Cancel = cancelRecommendation;
/// Gets or sets whether to cancel the operation. This is passed back to the engine.
public bool Cancel { get; set; }
/// Base class for classes that must return a .
public abstract class ResultEventArgs : HResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public ResultEventArgs(Result recommendation, Result result)
this.Recommendation = recommendation;
this.Result = result;
/// Gets the recommended of the operation.
public Result Recommendation { get; private set; }
/// Gets or sets the of the operation. This is passed back to the engine.
public Result Result { get; set; }
/// Base class for classes that receive status from the engine.
public abstract class StatusEventArgs : HResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public StatusEventArgs(int hrStatus)
this.Status = hrStatus;
/// Gets the return code of the operation.
public int Status { get; private set; }
/// Base class for classes that receive status from the engine and return an action.
public abstract class ActionEventArgs : StatusEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public ActionEventArgs(int hrStatus, T recommendation, T action)
: base(hrStatus)
this.Recommendation = recommendation;
this.Action = action;
/// Gets the recommended action from the engine.
public T Recommendation { get; private set; }
/// Gets or sets the action to be performed. This is passed back to the engine.
public T Action { get; set; }
/// Base class for cancellable action BA classes.
public abstract class CancellableActionEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public CancellableActionEventArgs(bool cancelRecommendation, T recommendation, T action)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.Recommendation = recommendation;
this.Action = action;
/// Gets the recommended action from the engine.
public T Recommendation { get; private set; }
/// Gets or sets the action to be performed. This is passed back to the engine.
public T Action { get; set; }
/// Base class for cache progress events.
public abstract class CacheProgressBaseEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public CacheProgressBaseEventArgs(string packageOrContainerId, string payloadId, long progress, long total, int overallPercentage, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.PackageOrContainerId = packageOrContainerId;
this.PayloadId = payloadId;
this.Progress = progress;
this.Total = total;
this.OverallPercentage = overallPercentage;
/// Gets the identifier of the container or package.
public string PackageOrContainerId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the identifier of the payload.
public string PayloadId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the number of bytes cached thus far.
public long Progress { get; private set; }
/// Gets the total bytes to cache.
public long Total { get; private set; }
/// Gets the overall percentage of progress of caching.
public int OverallPercentage { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for .
public class StartupEventArgs : HResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public StartupEventArgs()
/// Event arguments for .
public class ShutdownEventArgs : HResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public ShutdownEventArgs(BOOTSTRAPPER_SHUTDOWN_ACTION action)
this.Action = action;
/// The action for OnShutdown.
public BOOTSTRAPPER_SHUTDOWN_ACTION Action { get; set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class DetectBeginEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public DetectBeginEventArgs(bool cached, RegistrationType registrationType, int packageCount, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.Cached = cached;
this.RegistrationType = registrationType;
this.PackageCount = packageCount;
/// Gets whether the bundle is cached.
public bool Cached { get; private set; }
/// Gets the bundle's registration state.
public RegistrationType RegistrationType { get; private set; }
/// Gets the number of packages to detect.
public int PackageCount { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class DetectForwardCompatibleBundleEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public DetectForwardCompatibleBundleEventArgs(string bundleId, RelationType relationType, string bundleTag, bool perMachine, string version, bool missingFromCache, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.BundleId = bundleId;
this.RelationType = relationType;
this.BundleTag = bundleTag;
this.PerMachine = perMachine;
this.Version = version;
this.MissingFromCache = missingFromCache;
/// Gets the identity of the forward compatible bundle detected.
public string BundleId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the relationship type of the forward compatible bundle.
public RelationType RelationType { get; private set; }
/// Gets the tag of the forward compatible bundle.
public string BundleTag { get; private set; }
/// Gets whether the detected forward compatible bundle is per machine.
public bool PerMachine { get; private set; }
/// Gets the version of the forward compatible bundle detected.
public string Version { get; private set; }
/// Whether the forward compatible bundle is missing from the package cache.
public bool MissingFromCache { get; set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class DetectUpdateBeginEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public DetectUpdateBeginEventArgs(string updateLocation, bool cancelRecommendation, bool skipRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.UpdateLocation = updateLocation;
this.Skip = skipRecommendation;
/// Gets the identity of the bundle to detect.
public string UpdateLocation { get; private set; }
/// Whether to skip checking for bundle updates.
public bool Skip { get; set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class DetectUpdateEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public DetectUpdateEventArgs(string updateLocation, long size, string hash, UpdateHashType hashAlgorithm, string version, string title, string summary, string contentType, string content, bool cancelRecommendation, bool stopRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.UpdateLocation = updateLocation;
this.Size = size;
this.Hash = hash;
this.HashAlgorithm = hashAlgorithm;
this.Version = version;
this.Title = title;
this.Summary = summary;
this.ContentType = contentType;
this.Content = content;
this.StopProcessingUpdates = stopRecommendation;
/// Gets the identity of the bundle to detect.
public string UpdateLocation { get; private set; }
/// Gets the size of the updated bundle.
public long Size { get; private set; }
/// File hash of the updated bundle.
public string Hash { get; }
/// The algorithm of the updated bundle's hash.
public UpdateHashType HashAlgorithm { get; }
/// Gets the version of the updated bundle.
public string Version { get; private set; }
/// Gets the title of the the updated bundle.
public string Title { get; private set; }
/// Gets the summary of the updated bundle.
public string Summary { get; private set; }
/// Gets the content type of the content of the updated bundle.
public string ContentType { get; private set; }
/// Gets the content of the updated bundle.
public string Content { get; private set; }
/// Tells the engine to stop giving the rest of the updates found in the feed.
public bool StopProcessingUpdates { get; set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class DetectUpdateCompleteEventArgs : StatusEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public DetectUpdateCompleteEventArgs(int hrStatus, bool ignoreRecommendation)
: base(hrStatus)
this.IgnoreError = ignoreRecommendation;
/// If Status is an error, then set this to true to ignore it and continue detecting.
public bool IgnoreError { get; set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class DetectRelatedBundleEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public DetectRelatedBundleEventArgs(string productCode, RelationType relationType, string bundleTag, bool perMachine, string version, bool missingFromCache, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.ProductCode = productCode;
this.RelationType = relationType;
this.BundleTag = bundleTag;
this.PerMachine = perMachine;
this.Version = version;
this.MissingFromCache = missingFromCache;
/// Gets the identity of the related bundle detected.
public string ProductCode { get; private set; }
/// Gets the relationship type of the related bundle.
public RelationType RelationType { get; private set; }
/// Gets the tag of the related package bundle.
public string BundleTag { get; private set; }
/// Gets whether the detected bundle is per machine.
public bool PerMachine { get; private set; }
/// Gets the version of the related bundle detected.
public string Version { get; private set; }
/// Whether the related bundle is missing from the package cache.
public bool MissingFromCache { get; set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class DetectPackageBeginEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public DetectPackageBeginEventArgs(string packageId, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.PackageId = packageId;
/// Gets the identity of the package to detect.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class DetectCompatibleMsiPackageEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public DetectCompatibleMsiPackageEventArgs(string packageId, string compatiblePackageId, string compatiblePackageVersion, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.PackageId = packageId;
this.CompatiblePackageId = compatiblePackageId;
this.CompatiblePackageVersion = compatiblePackageVersion;
/// Gets the identity of the package that was not detected.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the identity of the compatible package that was detected.
public string CompatiblePackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the version of the compatible package that was detected.
public string CompatiblePackageVersion { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class DetectRelatedMsiPackageEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public DetectRelatedMsiPackageEventArgs(string packageId, string upgradeCode, string productCode, bool perMachine, string version, RelatedOperation operation, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.PackageId = packageId;
this.UpgradeCode = upgradeCode;
this.ProductCode = productCode;
this.PerMachine = perMachine;
this.Version = version;
this.Operation = operation;
/// Gets the identity of the product's package detected.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the upgrade code of the related package detected.
public string UpgradeCode { get; private set; }
/// Gets the identity of the related package detected.
public string ProductCode { get; private set; }
/// Gets whether the detected package is per machine.
public bool PerMachine { get; private set; }
/// Gets the version of the related package detected.
public string Version { get; private set; }
/// Gets the operation that will be taken on the detected package.
public RelatedOperation Operation { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class DetectPatchTargetEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public DetectPatchTargetEventArgs(string packageId, string productCode, PackageState state, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.PackageId = packageId;
this.ProductCode = productCode;
this.State = state;
/// Gets the identity of the patch's package.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the product code of the target.
public string ProductCode { get; private set; }
/// Gets the detected patch state for the target.
public PackageState State { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class DetectMsiFeatureEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public DetectMsiFeatureEventArgs(string packageId, string featureId, FeatureState state, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.PackageId = packageId;
this.FeatureId = featureId;
this.State = state;
/// Gets the identity of the feature's package detected.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the identity of the feature detected.
public string FeatureId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the detected feature state.
public FeatureState State { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for .
public class DetectPackageCompleteEventArgs : StatusEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public DetectPackageCompleteEventArgs(string packageId, int hrStatus, PackageState state, bool cached)
: base(hrStatus)
this.PackageId = packageId;
this.State = state;
this.Cached = cached;
/// Gets the identity of the package detected.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the state of the specified package.
public PackageState State { get; private set; }
/// Gets whether any part of the package is cached.
public bool Cached { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments used when the detection phase has completed.
public class DetectCompleteEventArgs : StatusEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public DetectCompleteEventArgs(int hrStatus, bool eligibleForCleanup)
: base(hrStatus)
this.EligibleForCleanup = eligibleForCleanup;
/// Indicates whether the engine will uninstall the bundle if shutdown without running Apply.
public bool EligibleForCleanup { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class PlanBeginEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public PlanBeginEventArgs(int packageCount, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.PackageCount = packageCount;
/// Gets the number of packages to plan for.
public int PackageCount { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class PlanRelatedBundleEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public PlanRelatedBundleEventArgs(string bundleId, RequestState recommendedState, RequestState state, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.BundleId = bundleId;
this.RecommendedState = recommendedState;
this.State = state;
/// Gets the identity of the bundle to plan for.
public string BundleId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the recommended requested state for the bundle.
public RequestState RecommendedState { get; private set; }
/// Gets or sets the requested state for the bundle.
public RequestState State { get; set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class PlanRelatedBundleTypeEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public PlanRelatedBundleTypeEventArgs(string bundleId, RelatedBundlePlanType recommendedType, RelatedBundlePlanType type, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.BundleId = bundleId;
this.RecommendedType = recommendedType;
this.Type = type;
/// Gets the identity of the bundle to plan for.
public string BundleId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the recommended plan type for the bundle.
public RelatedBundlePlanType RecommendedType { get; private set; }
/// Gets or sets the plan type for the bundle.
public RelatedBundlePlanType Type { get; set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class PlanPackageBeginEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public PlanPackageBeginEventArgs(string packageId, PackageState currentState, bool cached, BOOTSTRAPPER_PACKAGE_CONDITION_RESULT installCondition, BOOTSTRAPPER_PACKAGE_CONDITION_RESULT repairCondition, RequestState recommendedState, BOOTSTRAPPER_CACHE_TYPE recommendedCacheType, RequestState state, BOOTSTRAPPER_CACHE_TYPE cacheType, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.PackageId = packageId;
this.CurrentState = currentState;
this.Cached = cached;
this.InstallCondition = installCondition;
this.RepairCondition = repairCondition;
this.RecommendedState = recommendedState;
this.RecommendedCacheType = recommendedCacheType;
this.State = state;
this.CacheType = cacheType;
/// Gets the identity of the package to plan for.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the current state of the package.
public PackageState CurrentState { get; private set; }
/// Gets whether any part of the package is cached.
public bool Cached { get; private set; }
/// Gets the evaluated result of the package's install condition.
public BOOTSTRAPPER_PACKAGE_CONDITION_RESULT InstallCondition { get; private set; }
/// Gets the evaluated result of the package's repair condition.
public BOOTSTRAPPER_PACKAGE_CONDITION_RESULT RepairCondition { get; private set; }
/// Gets the recommended requested state for the package.
public RequestState RecommendedState { get; private set; }
/// The authored cache type of the package.
public BOOTSTRAPPER_CACHE_TYPE RecommendedCacheType { get; private set; }
/// Gets or sets the requested state for the package.
public RequestState State { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the requested cache type for the package.
public BOOTSTRAPPER_CACHE_TYPE CacheType { get; set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class PlanCompatibleMsiPackageBeginEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public PlanCompatibleMsiPackageBeginEventArgs(string packageId, string compatiblePackageId, string compatiblePackageVersion, bool recommendedRemove, bool requestRemove, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.PackageId = packageId;
this.CompatiblePackageId = compatiblePackageId;
this.CompatiblePackageVersion = compatiblePackageVersion;
this.RecommendedRemove = recommendedRemove;
this.RequestRemove = requestRemove;
/// Gets the identity of the package that was not detected.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the identity of the compatible package detected.
public string CompatiblePackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the version of the compatible package detected.
public string CompatiblePackageVersion { get; private set; }
/// Gets the recommended state to use for the compatible package for planning.
public bool RecommendedRemove { get; private set; }
/// Gets or sets whether to uninstall the compatible package.
public bool RequestRemove { get; set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class PlanCompatibleMsiPackageCompleteEventArgs : StatusEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public PlanCompatibleMsiPackageCompleteEventArgs(string packageId, string compatiblePackageId, int hrStatus, bool requestedRemove)
: base(hrStatus)
this.PackageId = packageId;
this.CompatiblePackageId = compatiblePackageId;
this.RequestedRemove = requestedRemove;
/// Gets the identity of the package planned for.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the identity of the compatible package detected.
public string CompatiblePackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the requested state of the package.
public bool RequestedRemove { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class PlanRollbackBoundaryEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public PlanRollbackBoundaryEventArgs(string rollbackBoundaryId, bool recommendedTransaction, bool transaction, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.RollbackBoundaryId = rollbackBoundaryId;
this.RecommendedTransaction = recommendedTransaction;
this.Transaction = transaction;
/// Gets the identity of the rollback boundary to plan for.
public string RollbackBoundaryId { get; private set; }
/// Whether or not the rollback boundary was authored to use an MSI transaction.
public bool RecommendedTransaction { get; private set; }
/// Whether or not an MSI transaction will be used in the rollback boundary.
/// If is false, setting the value to true has no effect.
/// If is true, setting the value to false will cause the packages inside this rollback boundary to be executed without a wrapping MSI transaction.
public bool Transaction { get; set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class PlanPatchTargetEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public PlanPatchTargetEventArgs(string packageId, string productCode, RequestState recommendedState, RequestState state, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.PackageId = packageId;
this.ProductCode = productCode;
this.RecommendedState = recommendedState;
this.State = state;
/// Gets the identity of the patch's package.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the product code of the target.
public string ProductCode { get; private set; }
/// Gets the recommended state of the patch to use by planning for the target.
public RequestState RecommendedState { get; private set; }
/// Gets or sets the state of the patch to use by planning for the target.
public RequestState State { get; set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class PlanMsiFeatureEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public PlanMsiFeatureEventArgs(string packageId, string featureId, FeatureState recommendedState, FeatureState state, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.PackageId = packageId;
this.FeatureId = featureId;
this.RecommendedState = recommendedState;
this.State = state;
/// Gets the identity of the feature's package to plan.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the identity of the feature to plan.
public string FeatureId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the recommended feature state to use by planning.
public FeatureState RecommendedState { get; private set; }
/// Gets or sets the feature state to use by planning.
public FeatureState State { get; set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class PlanMsiPackageEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public PlanMsiPackageEventArgs(string packageId, bool shouldExecute, ActionState action, BOOTSTRAPPER_MSI_FILE_VERSIONING recommendedFileVersioning, bool cancelRecommendation, BURN_MSI_PROPERTY actionMsiProperty, INSTALLUILEVEL uiLevel, bool disableExternalUiHandler, BOOTSTRAPPER_MSI_FILE_VERSIONING fileVersioning)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.PackageId = packageId;
this.ShouldExecute = shouldExecute;
this.Action = action;
this.RecommendedFileVersioning = recommendedFileVersioning;
this.ActionMsiProperty = actionMsiProperty;
this.UiLevel = uiLevel;
this.DisableExternalUiHandler = disableExternalUiHandler;
this.FileVersioning = fileVersioning;
/// Gets identity of the package planned for.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets whether the package is planned to execute or roll back.
public bool ShouldExecute { get; private set; }
/// Gets the action planned for the package.
public ActionState Action { get; private set; }
/// Gets the recommended file versioning for the package.
public BOOTSTRAPPER_MSI_FILE_VERSIONING RecommendedFileVersioning { get; private set; }
/// Gets or sets the requested MSI property to add.
public BURN_MSI_PROPERTY ActionMsiProperty { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the requested internal UI level.
public INSTALLUILEVEL UiLevel { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets whether Burn is requested to set up an external UI handler.
public bool DisableExternalUiHandler { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the requested file versioning.
public BOOTSTRAPPER_MSI_FILE_VERSIONING FileVersioning { get; set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class PlanPackageCompleteEventArgs : StatusEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public PlanPackageCompleteEventArgs(string packageId, int hrStatus, RequestState requested)
: base(hrStatus)
this.PackageId = packageId;
this.Requested = requested;
/// Gets the identity of the package planned for.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the requested state for the package.
public RequestState Requested { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class PlannedCompatiblePackageEventArgs : HResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public PlannedCompatiblePackageEventArgs(string packageId, string compatiblePackageId, bool remove)
this.PackageId = packageId;
this.CompatiblePackageId = compatiblePackageId;
this.Remove = remove;
/// Gets the identity of the package planned for.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the identity of the compatible package detected.
public string CompatiblePackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the planned state of the package.
public bool Remove { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class PlannedPackageEventArgs : HResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public PlannedPackageEventArgs(string packageId, ActionState execute, ActionState rollback, bool cache, bool uncache)
this.PackageId = packageId;
this.Execute = execute;
this.Rollback = rollback;
this.Cache = cache;
this.Uncache = uncache;
/// Gets the identity of the package planned for.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the planned execution action.
public ActionState Execute { get; private set; }
/// Gets the planned rollback action.
public ActionState Rollback { get; private set; }
/// Gets whether the package will be cached.
public bool Cache { get; private set; }
/// Gets whether the package will be removed from the package cache.
public bool Uncache { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for .
public class PlanCompleteEventArgs : StatusEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public PlanCompleteEventArgs(int hrStatus)
: base(hrStatus)
/// Event arguments for
public class PlanForwardCompatibleBundleEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public PlanForwardCompatibleBundleEventArgs(string bundleId, RelationType relationType, string bundleTag, bool perMachine, string version, bool recommendedIgnoreBundle, bool cancelRecommendation, bool ignoreBundle)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.BundleId = bundleId;
this.RelationType = relationType;
this.BundleTag = bundleTag;
this.PerMachine = perMachine;
this.Version = version;
this.RecommendedIgnoreBundle = recommendedIgnoreBundle;
this.IgnoreBundle = ignoreBundle;
/// Gets the identity of the forward compatible bundle detected.
public string BundleId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the relationship type of the forward compatible bundle.
public RelationType RelationType { get; private set; }
/// Gets the tag of the forward compatible bundle.
public string BundleTag { get; private set; }
/// Gets whether the forward compatible bundle is per machine.
public bool PerMachine { get; private set; }
/// Gets the version of the forward compatible bundle.
public string Version { get; private set; }
/// Gets the recommendation of whether the engine should use the forward compatible bundle.
public bool RecommendedIgnoreBundle { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets whether the engine will use the forward compatible bundle.
public bool IgnoreBundle { get; set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class ApplyBeginEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public ApplyBeginEventArgs(int phaseCount, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.PhaseCount = phaseCount;
/// Gets the number of phases that the engine will go through in apply.
/// There are currently two possible phases: cache and execute.
public int PhaseCount { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class ElevateBeginEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public ElevateBeginEventArgs(bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
/// Event arguments for .
public class ElevateCompleteEventArgs : StatusEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public ElevateCompleteEventArgs(int hrStatus)
: base(hrStatus)
/// Event arguments for
public class ProgressEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public ProgressEventArgs(int progressPercentage, int overallPercentage, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.ProgressPercentage = progressPercentage;
this.OverallPercentage = overallPercentage;
/// Gets the percentage from 0 to 100 completed for a package.
public int ProgressPercentage { get; private set; }
/// Gets the percentage from 0 to 100 completed for the bundle.
public int OverallPercentage { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class ErrorEventArgs : ResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public ErrorEventArgs(ErrorType errorType, string packageId, int errorCode, string errorMessage, int dwUIHint, string[] data, Result recommendation, Result result)
: base(recommendation, result)
this.ErrorType = errorType;
this.PackageId = packageId;
this.ErrorCode = errorCode;
this.ErrorMessage = errorMessage;
this.UIHint = dwUIHint;
this.Data = new ReadOnlyCollection(data ?? new string[] { });
/// Gets the type of error that occurred.
public ErrorType ErrorType { get; private set; }
/// Gets the identity of the package that yielded the error.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the error code.
public int ErrorCode { get; private set; }
/// Gets the error message.
public string ErrorMessage { get; private set; }
/// Gets the recommended display flags for an error dialog.
public int UIHint { get; private set; }
/// Gets the extended data for the error.
public IList Data { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class RegisterBeginEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public RegisterBeginEventArgs(RegistrationType recommendedRegistrationType, bool cancelRecommendation, RegistrationType registrationType)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.RecommendedRegistrationType = recommendedRegistrationType;
this.RegistrationType = registrationType;
/// Gets the recommended registration type.
public RegistrationType RecommendedRegistrationType { get; private set; }
/// Gets or sets the registration type.
public RegistrationType RegistrationType { get; set; }
/// Event arguments for .
public class RegisterCompleteEventArgs : StatusEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public RegisterCompleteEventArgs(int hrStatus)
: base(hrStatus)
/// Event arguments for
public class UnregisterBeginEventArgs : HResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public UnregisterBeginEventArgs(RegistrationType recommendedRegistrationType, RegistrationType registrationType)
this.RecommendedRegistrationType = recommendedRegistrationType;
this.RegistrationType = registrationType;
/// Gets the recommended registration type.
public RegistrationType RecommendedRegistrationType { get; private set; }
/// Gets or sets the registration type.
public RegistrationType RegistrationType { get; set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class UnregisterCompleteEventArgs : StatusEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public UnregisterCompleteEventArgs(int hrStatus)
: base(hrStatus)
/// Event arguments for
public class CacheBeginEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public CacheBeginEventArgs(bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
/// EventArgs for .
public class CacheAcquireBeginEventArgs : CancellableActionEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public CacheAcquireBeginEventArgs(string packageOrContainerId, string payloadId, string source, string downloadUrl, string payloadContainerId, CacheOperation recommendation, CacheOperation action, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation, recommendation, action)
this.PackageOrContainerId = packageOrContainerId;
this.PayloadId = payloadId;
this.Source = source;
this.DownloadUrl = downloadUrl;
this.PayloadContainerId = payloadContainerId;
/// Gets the identifier of the container or package.
public string PackageOrContainerId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the identifier of the payload (if acquiring a payload).
public string PayloadId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the source of the container or payload.
public string Source { get; private set; }
/// Gets the optional URL to download container or payload.
public string DownloadUrl { get; private set; }
/// Gets the optional identity of the container that contains the payload being acquired.
public string PayloadContainerId { get; private set; }
/// EventArgs for .
public class CacheAcquireProgressEventArgs : CacheProgressBaseEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public CacheAcquireProgressEventArgs(string packageOrContainerId, string payloadId, long progress, long total, int overallPercentage, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(packageOrContainerId, payloadId, progress, total, overallPercentage, cancelRecommendation)
/// EventArgs for .
public class CacheAcquireCompleteEventArgs : ActionEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public CacheAcquireCompleteEventArgs(string packageOrContainerId, string payloadId, int hrStatus, BOOTSTRAPPER_CACHEACQUIRECOMPLETE_ACTION recommendation, BOOTSTRAPPER_CACHEACQUIRECOMPLETE_ACTION action)
: base(hrStatus, recommendation, action)
this.PackageOrContainerId = packageOrContainerId;
this.PayloadId = payloadId;
/// Gets the identifier of the container or package.
public string PackageOrContainerId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the identifier of the payload (if acquiring a payload).
public string PayloadId { get; private set; }
/// EventArgs for .
public class CacheVerifyBeginEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public CacheVerifyBeginEventArgs(string packageOrContainerId, string payloadId, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.PackageOrContainerId = packageOrContainerId;
this.PayloadId = payloadId;
/// Gets the identifier of the container or package.
public string PackageOrContainerId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the identifier of the payload.
public string PayloadId { get; private set; }
/// EventArgs for .
public class CacheVerifyProgressEventArgs : CacheProgressBaseEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public CacheVerifyProgressEventArgs(string packageOrContainerId, string payloadId, long progress, long total, int overallPercentage, CacheVerifyStep verifyStep, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(packageOrContainerId, payloadId, progress, total, overallPercentage, cancelRecommendation)
this.Step = verifyStep;
/// Gets the current verification step.
public CacheVerifyStep Step { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class CacheVerifyCompleteEventArgs : ActionEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public CacheVerifyCompleteEventArgs(string packageOrContainerId, string payloadId, int hrStatus, BOOTSTRAPPER_CACHEVERIFYCOMPLETE_ACTION recommendation, BOOTSTRAPPER_CACHEVERIFYCOMPLETE_ACTION action)
: base(hrStatus, recommendation, action)
this.PackageOrContainerId = packageOrContainerId;
this.PayloadId = payloadId;
/// Gets the identifier of the container or package.
public string PackageOrContainerId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the identifier of the payload.
public string PayloadId { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for .
public class CacheCompleteEventArgs : StatusEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public CacheCompleteEventArgs(int hrStatus)
: base(hrStatus)
/// Event arguments for
public class ExecuteBeginEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public ExecuteBeginEventArgs(int packageCount, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.PackageCount = packageCount;
/// Gets the number of packages to act on.
public int PackageCount { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class ExecutePackageBeginEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public ExecutePackageBeginEventArgs(string packageId, bool shouldExecute, ActionState action, INSTALLUILEVEL uiLevel, bool disableExternalUiHandler, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.PackageId = packageId;
this.ShouldExecute = shouldExecute;
this.Action = action;
this.UiLevel = uiLevel;
this.DisableExternalUiHandler = disableExternalUiHandler;
/// Gets the identity of the package to act on.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets whether the package is being executed or rolled back.
public bool ShouldExecute { get; private set; }
/// Gets the action about to be executed.
public ActionState Action { get; private set; }
/// Gets the internal UI level (if this is an MSI or MSP package).
public INSTALLUILEVEL UiLevel { get; private set; }
/// Gets whether Burn will set up an external UI handler (if this is an MSI or MSP package).
public bool DisableExternalUiHandler { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class ExecutePatchTargetEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public ExecutePatchTargetEventArgs(string packageId, string targetProductCode, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.PackageId = packageId;
this.TargetProductCode = targetProductCode;
/// Gets the identity of the package to act on.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the product code being targeted.
public string TargetProductCode { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class ExecuteMsiMessageEventArgs : ResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public ExecuteMsiMessageEventArgs(string packageId, InstallMessage messageType, int dwUIHint, string message, string[] data, Result recommendation, Result result)
: base(recommendation, result)
this.PackageId = packageId;
this.MessageType = messageType;
this.UIHint = dwUIHint;
this.Message = message;
this.Data = new ReadOnlyCollection(data ?? new string[] { });
/// Gets the identity of the package that yielded this message.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the type of this message.
public InstallMessage MessageType { get; private set; }
/// Gets the recommended display flags for this message.
public int UIHint { get; private set; }
/// Gets the message.
public string Message { get; private set; }
/// Gets the extended data for the message.
public IList Data { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class ExecuteFilesInUseEventArgs : ResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public ExecuteFilesInUseEventArgs(string packageId, string[] files, Result recommendation, FilesInUseType source, Result result)
: base(recommendation, result)
this.PackageId = packageId;
this.Files = new ReadOnlyCollection(files ?? new string[] { });
this.Source = source;
/// Gets the identity of the package that yielded the files in use message.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the list of files in use.
public IList Files { get; private set; }
/// Gets the source of the message.
public FilesInUseType Source { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class ExecutePackageCompleteEventArgs : ActionEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public ExecutePackageCompleteEventArgs(string packageId, int hrStatus, ApplyRestart restart, BOOTSTRAPPER_EXECUTEPACKAGECOMPLETE_ACTION recommendation, BOOTSTRAPPER_EXECUTEPACKAGECOMPLETE_ACTION action)
: base(hrStatus, recommendation, action)
this.PackageId = packageId;
this.Restart = restart;
/// Gets the identity of the package that was acted on.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the package restart state after being applied.
public ApplyRestart Restart { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for .
public class ExecuteCompleteEventArgs : StatusEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public ExecuteCompleteEventArgs(int hrStatus)
: base(hrStatus)
/// Event arguments for
public class ApplyCompleteEventArgs : ActionEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public ApplyCompleteEventArgs(int hrStatus, ApplyRestart restart, BOOTSTRAPPER_APPLYCOMPLETE_ACTION recommendation, BOOTSTRAPPER_APPLYCOMPLETE_ACTION action)
: base(hrStatus, recommendation, action)
this.Restart = restart;
/// Gets the apply restart state when complete.
public ApplyRestart Restart { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class ApplyDowngradeEventArgs : HResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public ApplyDowngradeEventArgs(int hrRecommendation, int hrStatus)
this.Recommendation = hrRecommendation;
this.Status = hrStatus;
/// Gets the recommended HRESULT.
public int Recommendation { get; private set; }
/// Gets or sets the HRESULT for Apply.
public int Status { get; set; }
/// EventArgs for .
public class CacheAcquireResolvingEventArgs : CancellableActionEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public CacheAcquireResolvingEventArgs(string packageOrContainerId, string payloadId, string[] searchPaths, bool foundLocal, int recommendedSearchPath, string downloadUrl, string payloadContainerId, CacheResolveOperation recommendation, int chosenSearchPath, CacheResolveOperation action, bool cancel)
: base(cancel, recommendation, action)
this.PackageOrContainerId = packageOrContainerId;
this.PayloadId = payloadId;
this.SearchPaths = searchPaths;
this.FoundLocal = foundLocal;
this.RecommendedSearchPath = recommendedSearchPath;
this.DownloadUrl = downloadUrl;
this.PayloadContainerId = payloadContainerId;
this.ChosenSearchPath = chosenSearchPath;
/// Gets the identity of the package or container that is being acquired.
public string PackageOrContainerId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the identity of the payload that is being acquired.
public string PayloadId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the search paths used for source resolution.
public string[] SearchPaths { get; private set; }
/// Gets whether indicates that a file was found at that search path.
public bool FoundLocal { get; private set; }
/// When is true, the index to for the recommended local file.
public int RecommendedSearchPath { get; private set; }
/// Gets the optional URL to download container or payload.
public string DownloadUrl { get; private set; }
/// Gets the optional identity of the container that contains the payload being acquired.
public string PayloadContainerId { get; private set; }
/// Gets or sets the index to to use when is set to .
public int ChosenSearchPath { get; set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class CachePackageBeginEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public CachePackageBeginEventArgs(string packageId, int cachePayloads, long packageCacheSize, bool vital, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.PackageId = packageId;
this.CachePayloads = cachePayloads;
this.PackageCacheSize = packageCacheSize;
this.Vital = vital;
/// Gets the identity of the package that is being cached.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets number of payloads to be cached.
public long CachePayloads { get; private set; }
/// Gets the size on disk required by the specific package.
public long PackageCacheSize { get; private set; }
/// If caching a package is not vital, then acquisition will be skipped unless the BA opts in through .
public bool Vital { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class CachePackageCompleteEventArgs : ActionEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public CachePackageCompleteEventArgs(string packageId, int hrStatus, BOOTSTRAPPER_CACHEPACKAGECOMPLETE_ACTION recommendation, BOOTSTRAPPER_CACHEPACKAGECOMPLETE_ACTION action)
: base(hrStatus, recommendation, action)
this.PackageId = packageId;
/// Gets the identity of the package that was cached.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class ExecuteProgressEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public ExecuteProgressEventArgs(string packageId, int progressPercentage, int overallPercentage, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.PackageId = packageId;
this.ProgressPercentage = progressPercentage;
this.OverallPercentage = overallPercentage;
/// Gets the identity of the package that was executed.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the percentage from 0 to 100 of the execution progress for a single payload.
public int ProgressPercentage { get; private set; }
/// Gets the percentage from 0 to 100 of the execution progress for all payloads.
public int OverallPercentage { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for .
public class LaunchApprovedExeBeginEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public LaunchApprovedExeBeginEventArgs(bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
/// Event arguments for .
public class LaunchApprovedExeCompleteEventArgs : StatusEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public LaunchApprovedExeCompleteEventArgs(int hrStatus, int processId)
: base(hrStatus)
this.ProcessId = processId;
/// Gets the ProcessId of the process that was launched.
/// This is only valid if the status reports success.
public int ProcessId { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for .
public class BeginMsiTransactionBeginEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public BeginMsiTransactionBeginEventArgs(string transactionId, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.TransactionId = transactionId;
/// Gets the MSI transaction Id.
public string TransactionId { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for .
public class BeginMsiTransactionCompleteEventArgs : StatusEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public BeginMsiTransactionCompleteEventArgs(string transactionId, int hrStatus)
: base(hrStatus)
this.TransactionId = transactionId;
/// Gets the MSI transaction Id.
public string TransactionId { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for .
public class CommitMsiTransactionBeginEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public CommitMsiTransactionBeginEventArgs(string transactionId, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.TransactionId = transactionId;
/// Gets the MSI transaction Id.
public string TransactionId { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for .
public class CommitMsiTransactionCompleteEventArgs : ActionEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public CommitMsiTransactionCompleteEventArgs(string transactionId, int hrStatus, ApplyRestart restart, BOOTSTRAPPER_EXECUTEMSITRANSACTIONCOMPLETE_ACTION recommendation, BOOTSTRAPPER_EXECUTEMSITRANSACTIONCOMPLETE_ACTION action)
: base(hrStatus, recommendation, action)
this.TransactionId = transactionId;
this.Restart = restart;
/// Gets the MSI transaction Id.
public string TransactionId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the package restart state after being applied.
public ApplyRestart Restart { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for .
public class RollbackMsiTransactionBeginEventArgs : HResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public RollbackMsiTransactionBeginEventArgs(string transactionId)
this.TransactionId = transactionId;
/// Gets the MSI transaction Id.
public string TransactionId { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for .
public class RollbackMsiTransactionCompleteEventArgs : ActionEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public RollbackMsiTransactionCompleteEventArgs(string transactionId, int hrStatus, ApplyRestart restart, BOOTSTRAPPER_EXECUTEMSITRANSACTIONCOMPLETE_ACTION recommendation, BOOTSTRAPPER_EXECUTEMSITRANSACTIONCOMPLETE_ACTION action)
: base(hrStatus, recommendation, action)
this.TransactionId = transactionId;
this.Restart = restart;
/// Gets the MSI transaction Id.
public string TransactionId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the package restart state after being applied.
public ApplyRestart Restart { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for .
public class PauseAutomaticUpdatesBeginEventArgs : HResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public PauseAutomaticUpdatesBeginEventArgs()
/// Event arguments for .
public class PauseAutomaticUpdatesCompleteEventArgs : StatusEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public PauseAutomaticUpdatesCompleteEventArgs(int hrStatus)
: base(hrStatus)
/// Event arguments for .
public class SystemRestorePointBeginEventArgs : HResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public SystemRestorePointBeginEventArgs()
/// Event arguments for .
public class SystemRestorePointCompleteEventArgs : StatusEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public SystemRestorePointCompleteEventArgs(int hrStatus)
: base(hrStatus)
/// EventArgs for .
public class CacheContainerOrPayloadVerifyBeginEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public CacheContainerOrPayloadVerifyBeginEventArgs(string packageOrContainerId, string payloadId, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.PackageOrContainerId = packageOrContainerId;
this.PayloadId = payloadId;
/// Gets the identifier of the container or package.
public string PackageOrContainerId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the identifier of the payload.
public string PayloadId { get; private set; }
/// EventArgs for .
public class CacheContainerOrPayloadVerifyProgressEventArgs : CacheProgressBaseEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public CacheContainerOrPayloadVerifyProgressEventArgs(string packageOrContainerId, string payloadId, long progress, long total, int overallPercentage, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(packageOrContainerId, payloadId, progress, total, overallPercentage, cancelRecommendation)
/// Event arguments for
public class CacheContainerOrPayloadVerifyCompleteEventArgs : StatusEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public CacheContainerOrPayloadVerifyCompleteEventArgs(string packageOrContainerId, string payloadId, int hrStatus)
: base(hrStatus)
this.PackageOrContainerId = packageOrContainerId;
this.PayloadId = payloadId;
/// Gets the identifier of the container or package.
public string PackageOrContainerId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the identifier of the payload.
public string PayloadId { get; private set; }
/// EventArgs for .
public class CachePayloadExtractBeginEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public CachePayloadExtractBeginEventArgs(string containerId, string payloadId, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.ContainerId = containerId;
this.PayloadId = payloadId;
/// Gets the identifier of the container.
public string ContainerId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the identifier of the payload.
public string PayloadId { get; private set; }
/// EventArgs for .
public class CachePayloadExtractProgressEventArgs : CacheProgressBaseEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public CachePayloadExtractProgressEventArgs(string containerId, string payloadId, long progress, long total, int overallPercentage, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(containerId, payloadId, progress, total, overallPercentage, cancelRecommendation)
/// Event arguments for
public class CachePayloadExtractCompleteEventArgs : StatusEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public CachePayloadExtractCompleteEventArgs(string containerId, string payloadId, int hrStatus)
: base(hrStatus)
this.ContainerId = containerId;
this.PayloadId = payloadId;
/// Gets the identifier of the container.
public string ContainerId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the identifier of the payload.
public string PayloadId { get; private set; }
/// EventArgs for .
public class SetUpdateBeginEventArgs : HResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public SetUpdateBeginEventArgs()
/// Event arguments for
public class SetUpdateCompleteEventArgs : StatusEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public SetUpdateCompleteEventArgs(int hrStatus, string previousPackageId, string newPackageId)
: base(hrStatus)
this.PreviousPackageId = previousPackageId;
this.NewPackageId = newPackageId;
/// Gets the identifier of the update package that was removed.
public string PreviousPackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the identifier of the update package that was added.
public string NewPackageId { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class PlanRestoreRelatedBundleEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public PlanRestoreRelatedBundleEventArgs(string bundleId, RequestState recommendedState, RequestState state, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.BundleId = bundleId;
this.RecommendedState = recommendedState;
this.State = state;
/// Gets the identity of the bundle to plan for.
public string BundleId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the recommended requested state for the bundle.
public RequestState RecommendedState { get; private set; }
/// Gets or sets the requested state for the bundle.
public RequestState State { get; set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class ExecuteProcessCancelEventArgs : HResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public ExecuteProcessCancelEventArgs(string packageId, int processId, BOOTSTRAPPER_EXECUTEPROCESSCANCEL_ACTION recommendation, BOOTSTRAPPER_EXECUTEPROCESSCANCEL_ACTION action)
this.PackageId = packageId;
this.ProcessId = processId;
this.Recommendation = recommendation;
this.Action = action;
/// Gets the identity of the package.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the process id.
public int ProcessId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the recommended action from the engine.
public BOOTSTRAPPER_EXECUTEPROCESSCANCEL_ACTION Recommendation { get; private set; }
/// Gets or sets the action to be performed. This is passed back to the engine.
/// Event arguments for
public class DetectRelatedBundlePackageEventArgs : CancellableHResultEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
public DetectRelatedBundlePackageEventArgs(string packageId, string productCode, RelationType relationType, bool perMachine, string version, bool cancelRecommendation)
: base(cancelRecommendation)
this.PackageId = packageId;
this.ProductCode = productCode;
this.RelationType = relationType;
this.PerMachine = perMachine;
this.Version = version;
/// Gets the identity of the product's package detected.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }
/// Gets the identity of the related bundle detected.
public string ProductCode { get; private set; }
/// Gets the relationship type of the related bundle.
public RelationType RelationType { get; private set; }
/// Gets whether the detected bundle is per machine.
public bool PerMachine { get; private set; }
/// Gets the version of the related bundle detected.
public string Version { get; private set; }
/// Event arguments for
public class CachePackageNonVitalValidationFailureEventArgs : ActionEventArgs
/// This class is for events raised by the engine.
/// It is not intended to be instantiated by user code.
: base(hrStatus, recommendation, action)
this.PackageId = packageId;
/// Gets the identity of the package that was being validated.
public string PackageId { get; private set; }