#pragma once // Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. DECLARE_INTERFACE_IID_(IBAFunctions, IBootstrapperApplication, "0FB445ED-17BD-49C7-BE19-479776F8AE96") { // OnThemeLoaded - Called after the BA finished loading all the controls for the theme. // STDMETHOD(OnThemeLoaded)( __in HWND hWnd ) = 0; // WndProc - Called if the BA hasn't handled the message. // STDMETHOD(WndProc)( __in HWND hWnd, __in UINT uMsg, __in WPARAM wParam, __in LPARAM lParam, __inout BOOL* pfProcessed, __inout LRESULT* plResult ) = 0; // BAFunctionsProc - The PFN_BA_FUNCTIONS_PROC can call this method to give the BAFunctions raw access to the callback from WixStdBA. // This might be used to help the BAFunctions support more than one version of the engine/WixStdBA. STDMETHOD(BAFunctionsProc)( __in BA_FUNCTIONS_MESSAGE message, __in const LPVOID pvArgs, __inout LPVOID pvResults, __in_opt LPVOID pvContext ) = 0; // OnThemeControlLoading - Called while creating a control for the theme. // STDMETHOD(OnThemeControlLoading)( __in LPCWSTR wzName, __inout BOOL* pfProcessed, __inout WORD* pwId, __inout DWORD* pdwAutomaticBehaviorType ) = 0; // OnThemeControlWmCommand - Called when WM_COMMAND is received for a control. // STDMETHOD(OnThemeControlWmCommand)( __in WPARAM wParam, __in LPCWSTR wzName, __in WORD wId, __in HWND hWnd, __inout BOOL* pfProcessed, __inout LRESULT* plResult ) = 0; // OnThemeControlWmNotify - Called when WM_NOTIFY is received for a control. // STDMETHOD(OnThemeControlWmNotify)( __in LPNMHDR lParam, __in LPCWSTR wzName, __in WORD wId, __in HWND hWnd, __inout BOOL* pfProcessed, __inout LRESULT* plResult ) = 0; // OnThemeControlLoaded - Called after a control was created for the theme. // STDMETHOD(OnThemeControlLoaded)( __in LPCWSTR wzName, __in WORD wId, __in HWND hWnd, __inout BOOL* pfProcessed ) = 0; };