#pragma once
// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.

#define BAAPI HRESULT __stdcall

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {

// constants


// structs

typedef struct _BURN_USER_EXPERIENCE
    BURN_PAYLOADS payloads;

    BURN_PAYLOAD* pPrimaryExePayload;
    BURN_PAYLOAD* pSecondaryExePayload;

    //HMODULE hUXModule;
    //LPVOID pvBAProcContext;
    HANDLE hBAProcess;
    BAENGINE_CONTEXT* pEngineContext;

    LPWSTR sczTempDirectory;

    CRITICAL_SECTION csEngineActive;    // Changing the engine active state in the user experience must be
                                        // syncronized through this critical section.
                                        // Note: The engine must never do a UX callback while in this critical section.

    BOOL fEngineActive;                 // Indicates that the engine is currently active with one of the execution
                                        // steps (detect, plan, apply), and cannot accept requests from the UX.
                                        // This flag should be cleared by the engine prior to UX callbacks that
                                        // allow altering of the engine state.

    HRESULT hrApplyError;               // Tracks if an error occurs during apply that requires the cache or
                                        // execute threads to bail.

    HWND hwndApply;                     // The window handle provided at the beginning of Apply(). Only valid
                                        // during apply.

    HWND hwndDetect;                    // The window handle provided at the beginning of Detect(). Only valid
                                        // during Detect.

    DWORD dwExitCode;                   // Exit code returned by the user experience for the engine overall.

// functions

 BootstrapperApplicationParseFromXml - parses the bootstrapper application
    data embedded in the bundle.

HRESULT BootstrapperApplicationParseFromXml(
    __in BURN_USER_EXPERIENCE* pUserExperience,
    __in IXMLDOMNode* pixnBundle

 BootstrapperApplicationUninitialize - uninitializes the bootstrapper
    application data.

void BootstrapperApplicationUninitialize(
    __in BURN_USER_EXPERIENCE* pUserExperience

 BootstrapperApplicationStart - starts the bootstrapper application
    process and creates the bootstrapper application in it.

HRESULT BootstrapperApplicationStart(
    __in BURN_ENGINE_STATE* pEngineState,
    __in BOOL fSecondary

 BootstrapperApplicationStop - destroys the bootstrapper application
    in the bootstrapper application process, disconnects and waits
    for the process to exit.

HRESULT BootstrapperApplicationStop(
    __in BURN_USER_EXPERIENCE* pUserExperience,
    __inout BOOL* pfReload

int BootstrapperApplicationCheckExecuteResult(
    __in BURN_USER_EXPERIENCE* pUserExperience,
    __in BOOL fRollback,
    __in DWORD dwAllowedResults,
    __in int nResult

HRESULT BootstrapperApplicationInterpretExecuteResult(
    __in BURN_USER_EXPERIENCE* pUserExperience,
    __in BOOL fRollback,
    __in DWORD dwAllowedResults,
    __in int nResult

HRESULT BootstrapperApplicationEnsureWorkingFolder(
    __in BOOL fElevated,
    __in BURN_CACHE* pCache,
    __deref_out_z LPWSTR* psczUserExperienceWorkingFolder

HRESULT BootstrapperApplicationRemove(
    __in BURN_USER_EXPERIENCE* pUserExperience

int BootstrapperApplicationSendError(
    __in BURN_USER_EXPERIENCE* pUserExperience,
    __in_z_opt LPCWSTR wzPackageId,
    __in HRESULT hrCode,
    __in_z_opt LPCWSTR wzError,
    __in DWORD uiFlags,
    __in int nRecommendation

void BootstrapperApplicationActivateEngine(
    __in BURN_USER_EXPERIENCE* pUserExperience

void BootstrapperApplicationDeactivateEngine(
    __in BURN_USER_EXPERIENCE* pUserExperience

 BootstrapperApplicationEnsureEngineInactive - Verifies the engine is inactive.
   The caller MUST enter the csActive critical section before calling.

HRESULT BootstrapperApplicationEnsureEngineInactive(
    __in BURN_USER_EXPERIENCE* pUserExperience

void BootstrapperApplicationExecuteReset(
    __in BURN_USER_EXPERIENCE* pUserExperience

void BootstrapperApplicationExecutePhaseComplete(
    __in BURN_USER_EXPERIENCE* pUserExperience,
    __in HRESULT hrResult

#if defined(__cplusplus)