// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. #include "precomp.h" // constants #define INITIAL_STRINGDICT_SIZE 48 const LPCWSTR vcszIgnoreDependenciesDelim = L";"; // internal function declarations static HRESULT DetectPackageDependents( __in BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage, __in const BURN_REGISTRATION* pRegistration ); static HRESULT SplitIgnoreDependencies( __in_z LPCWSTR wzIgnoreDependencies, __deref_inout_ecount_opt(*pcDependencies) DEPENDENCY** prgDependencies, __inout LPUINT pcDependencies, __out BOOL* pfIgnoreAll ); static HRESULT JoinIgnoreDependencies( __out_z LPWSTR* psczIgnoreDependencies, __in_ecount(cDependencies) const DEPENDENCY* rgDependencies, __in UINT cDependencies ); static HRESULT GetIgnoredDependents( __in const BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage, __in const BURN_PLAN* pPlan, __deref_inout STRINGDICT_HANDLE* psdIgnoredDependents ); static BOOL GetProviderExists( __in HKEY hkRoot, __in_z LPCWSTR wzProviderKey ); static void CalculateDependencyActionStates( __in const BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage, __out BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION* pDependencyExecuteAction, __out BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION* pDependencyRollbackAction ); static HRESULT AddPackageDependencyActions( __in_opt DWORD *pdwInsertSequence, __in const BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage, __in BURN_PLAN* pPlan, __in const BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION dependencyExecuteAction, __in const BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION dependencyRollbackAction ); static LPCWSTR GetPackageProviderId( __in const BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage ); static HRESULT RegisterPackageProvider( __in const BURN_DEPENDENCY_PROVIDER* pProvider, __in LPCWSTR wzPackageId, __in LPCWSTR wzPackageProviderId, __in HKEY hkRoot, __in BOOL fVital ); static void UnregisterPackageProvider( __in const BURN_DEPENDENCY_PROVIDER* pProvider, __in LPCWSTR wzPackageId, __in HKEY hkRoot ); static HRESULT RegisterPackageProviderDependent( __in const BURN_DEPENDENCY_PROVIDER* pProvider, __in BOOL fVital, __in HKEY hkRoot, __in LPCWSTR wzPackageId, __in_z LPCWSTR wzDependentProviderKey ); static void UnregisterPackageDependency( __in BOOL fPerMachine, __in const BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage, __in_z LPCWSTR wzDependentProviderKey ); static void UnregisterPackageProviderDependent( __in const BURN_DEPENDENCY_PROVIDER* pProvider, __in HKEY hkRoot, __in LPCWSTR wzPackageId, __in_z LPCWSTR wzDependentProviderKey ); static void UnregisterOrphanPackageProviders( __in const BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage ); // functions extern "C" void DependencyUninitializeProvider( __in BURN_DEPENDENCY_PROVIDER* pProvider ) { ReleaseStr(pProvider->sczKey); ReleaseStr(pProvider->sczVersion); ReleaseStr(pProvider->sczDisplayName); ReleaseDependencyArray(pProvider->rgDependents, pProvider->cDependents); memset(pProvider, 0, sizeof(BURN_DEPENDENCY_PROVIDER)); } extern "C" HRESULT DependencyParseProvidersFromXml( __in BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage, __in IXMLDOMNode* pixnPackage ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IXMLDOMNodeList* pixnNodes = NULL; DWORD cNodes = 0; IXMLDOMNode* pixnNode = NULL; // Select dependency provider nodes. hr = XmlSelectNodes(pixnPackage, L"Provides", &pixnNodes); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to select dependency provider nodes."); // Get dependency provider node count. hr = pixnNodes->get_length((long*)&cNodes); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to get the dependency provider node count."); if (!cNodes) { ExitFunction1(hr = S_OK); } // Allocate memory for dependency provider pointers. pPackage->rgDependencyProviders = (BURN_DEPENDENCY_PROVIDER*)MemAlloc(sizeof(BURN_DEPENDENCY_PROVIDER) * cNodes, TRUE); ExitOnNull(pPackage->rgDependencyProviders, hr, E_OUTOFMEMORY, "Failed to allocate memory for dependency providers."); pPackage->cDependencyProviders = cNodes; // Parse dependency provider elements. for (DWORD i = 0; i < cNodes; i++) { BURN_DEPENDENCY_PROVIDER* pDependencyProvider = &pPackage->rgDependencyProviders[i]; hr = XmlNextElement(pixnNodes, &pixnNode, NULL); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to get the next dependency provider node."); // @Key hr = XmlGetAttributeEx(pixnNode, L"Key", &pDependencyProvider->sczKey); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to get the Key attribute."); // @Version hr = XmlGetAttributeEx(pixnNode, L"Version", &pDependencyProvider->sczVersion); if (E_NOTFOUND != hr) { ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to get the Version attribute."); } // @DisplayName hr = XmlGetAttributeEx(pixnNode, L"DisplayName", &pDependencyProvider->sczDisplayName); if (E_NOTFOUND != hr) { ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to get the DisplayName attribute."); } // @Imported hr = XmlGetYesNoAttribute(pixnNode, L"Imported", &pDependencyProvider->fImported); if (E_NOTFOUND != hr) { ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to get the Imported attribute."); } else { pDependencyProvider->fImported = FALSE; hr = S_OK; } // Prepare next iteration. ReleaseNullObject(pixnNode); } hr = S_OK; LExit: ReleaseObject(pixnNode); ReleaseObject(pixnNodes); return hr; } extern "C" HRESULT DependencyInitialize( __in BURN_ENGINE_COMMAND* pInternalCommand, __in BURN_DEPENDENCIES* pDependencies, __in BURN_REGISTRATION* pRegistration ) { AssertSz(!pDependencies->cIgnoredDependencies, "Dependencies already initalized."); HRESULT hr = S_OK; // If no parent was specified at all, use the bundle id as the self dependent. if (!pInternalCommand->sczActiveParent) { pDependencies->wzSelfDependent = pRegistration->sczId; } else if (*pInternalCommand->sczActiveParent) // if parent was specified use that as the self dependent. { pDependencies->wzSelfDependent = pInternalCommand->sczActiveParent; } // else parent:none was used which means we should not register a dependency on ourself. pDependencies->wzActiveParent = pInternalCommand->sczActiveParent; // The current bundle provider key should always be ignored for dependency checks. hr = DepDependencyArrayAlloc(&pDependencies->rgIgnoredDependencies, &pDependencies->cIgnoredDependencies, pRegistration->sczProviderKey, NULL); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to add the bundle provider key to the list of dependencies to ignore."); // Add the list of dependencies to ignore. if (pInternalCommand->sczIgnoreDependencies) { hr = SplitIgnoreDependencies(pInternalCommand->sczIgnoreDependencies, &pDependencies->rgIgnoredDependencies, &pDependencies->cIgnoredDependencies, &pDependencies->fIgnoreAllDependents); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to split the list of dependencies to ignore."); } pDependencies->fSelfDependent = NULL != pDependencies->wzSelfDependent; pDependencies->fActiveParent = NULL != pInternalCommand->sczActiveParent && NULL != *pInternalCommand->sczActiveParent; LExit: return hr; } extern "C" void DependencyUninitialize( __in BURN_DEPENDENCIES* pDependencies ) { if (pDependencies->rgIgnoredDependencies) { ReleaseDependencyArray(pDependencies->rgIgnoredDependencies, pDependencies->cIgnoredDependencies); } memset(pDependencies, 0, sizeof(BURN_DEPENDENCIES)); } extern "C" HRESULT DependencyDetectProviderKeyBundleId( __in BURN_REGISTRATION* pRegistration ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = DepGetProviderInformation(pRegistration->hkRoot, pRegistration->sczProviderKey, &pRegistration->sczDetectedProviderKeyBundleId, NULL, NULL); if (E_NOTFOUND == hr) { ReleaseNullStr(pRegistration->sczDetectedProviderKeyBundleId); ExitFunction1(hr = S_OK); } ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to get provider key bundle id."); // If a bundle id was not explicitly set, default the provider key bundle id to this bundle's provider key. if (!pRegistration->sczDetectedProviderKeyBundleId || !*pRegistration->sczDetectedProviderKeyBundleId) { hr = StrAllocString(&pRegistration->sczDetectedProviderKeyBundleId, pRegistration->sczProviderKey, 0); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to initialize provider key bundle id."); } else if (CSTR_EQUAL != ::CompareStringW(LOCALE_NEUTRAL, NORM_IGNORECASE, pRegistration->sczId, -1, pRegistration->sczDetectedProviderKeyBundleId, -1)) { pRegistration->fDetectedForeignProviderKeyBundleId = TRUE; LogId(REPORT_STANDARD, MSG_DETECTED_FOREIGN_BUNDLE_PROVIDER_REGISTRATION, pRegistration->sczProviderKey, pRegistration->sczDetectedProviderKeyBundleId); } LExit: return hr; } extern "C" HRESULT DependencyDetectBundle( __in BURN_DEPENDENCIES* pDependencies, __in BURN_REGISTRATION* pRegistration ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fExists = FALSE; hr = DependencyDetectProviderKeyBundleId(pRegistration); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to detect provider key bundle id."); hr = DepCheckDependents(pRegistration->hkRoot, pRegistration->sczProviderKey, 0, NULL, &pRegistration->rgDependents, &pRegistration->cDependents); ExitOnPathFailure(hr, fExists, "Failed dependents check on bundle."); if (pDependencies->fSelfDependent || pDependencies->fActiveParent) { for (DWORD i = 0; i < pRegistration->cDependents; ++i) { DEPENDENCY* pDependent = pRegistration->rgDependents + i; if (pDependencies->fActiveParent && CSTR_EQUAL == ::CompareStringW(LOCALE_NEUTRAL, NORM_IGNORECASE, pDependencies->wzActiveParent, -1, pDependent->sczKey, -1)) { pRegistration->fParentRegisteredAsDependent = TRUE; } if (pDependencies->fSelfDependent && CSTR_EQUAL == ::CompareStringW(LOCALE_NEUTRAL, NORM_IGNORECASE, pDependencies->wzSelfDependent, -1, pDependent->sczKey, -1)) { pRegistration->fSelfRegisteredAsDependent = TRUE; } } } LExit: return hr; } extern "C" HRESULT DependencyDetectChainPackage( __in BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage, __in BURN_REGISTRATION* pRegistration ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = DetectPackageDependents(pPackage, pRegistration); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to detect dependents for package '%ls'", pPackage->sczId); hr = DependencyDetectCompatibleEntry(pPackage, pRegistration); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to detect compatible package for package '%ls'", pPackage->sczId); LExit: return hr; } extern "C" HRESULT DependencyDetectRelatedBundle( __in BURN_RELATED_BUNDLE* pRelatedBundle, __in BURN_REGISTRATION* pRegistration ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage = &pRelatedBundle->package; if (pRelatedBundle->fPlannable) { hr = DetectPackageDependents(pPackage, pRegistration); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to detect dependents for related bundle '%ls'", pPackage->sczId); } LExit: return hr; } extern "C" HRESULT DependencyPlanInitialize( __in BURN_DEPENDENCIES* pDependencies, __in BURN_PLAN* pPlan ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; // TODO: After adding enumeration to STRINGDICT, a single STRINGDICT_HANDLE can be used everywhere. for (DWORD i = 0; i < pDependencies->cIgnoredDependencies; ++i) { DEPENDENCY* pDependency = pDependencies->rgIgnoredDependencies + i; hr = DepDependencyArrayAlloc(&pPlan->rgPlannedProviders, &pPlan->cPlannedProviders, pDependency->sczKey, pDependency->sczName); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to add the detected provider to the list of dependencies to ignore."); } LExit: return hr; } extern "C" HRESULT DependencyAllocIgnoreDependencies( __in const BURN_PLAN *pPlan, __out_z LPWSTR* psczIgnoreDependencies ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; // Join the list of dependencies to ignore for each related bundle. if (0 < pPlan->cPlannedProviders) { hr = JoinIgnoreDependencies(psczIgnoreDependencies, pPlan->rgPlannedProviders, pPlan->cPlannedProviders); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to join the list of dependencies to ignore."); } LExit: return hr; } extern "C" HRESULT DependencyAddIgnoreDependencies( __in STRINGDICT_HANDLE sdIgnoreDependencies, __in_z LPCWSTR wzAddIgnoreDependencies ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR wzContext = NULL; // Parse through the semicolon-delimited tokens and add to the array. for (LPCWSTR wzToken = ::wcstok_s(const_cast(wzAddIgnoreDependencies), vcszIgnoreDependenciesDelim, &wzContext); wzToken; wzToken = ::wcstok_s(NULL, vcszIgnoreDependenciesDelim, &wzContext)) { hr = DictKeyExists(sdIgnoreDependencies, wzToken); if (E_NOTFOUND != hr) { ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to check the dictionary of unique dependencies."); } else { hr = DictAddKey(sdIgnoreDependencies, wzToken); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to add \"%ls\" to the string dictionary.", wzToken); } } LExit: return hr; } extern "C" HRESULT DependencyPlanPackageBegin( __in BOOL fPerMachine, __in BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage, __in BURN_PLAN* pPlan ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; STRINGDICT_HANDLE sdIgnoredDependents = NULL; BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION dependencyExecuteAction = BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_NONE; BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION dependencyRollbackAction = BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_NONE; BOOL fDependentBlocksUninstall = FALSE; BOOL fAttemptingUninstall = BOOTSTRAPPER_ACTION_STATE_UNINSTALL == pPackage->execute || pPackage->compatiblePackage.fRemove; pPackage->dependencyExecute = BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_NONE; pPackage->dependencyRollback = BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_NONE; // Make sure the package defines at least one provider. if (0 == pPackage->cDependencyProviders) { LogId(REPORT_VERBOSE, MSG_DEPENDENCY_PACKAGE_SKIP_NOPROVIDERS, pPackage->sczId); ExitFunction1(hr = S_OK); } // Make sure the package is in the same scope as the bundle. if (fPerMachine != pPackage->fPerMachine) { LogId(REPORT_STANDARD, MSG_DEPENDENCY_PACKAGE_SKIP_WRONGSCOPE, pPackage->sczId, LoggingPerMachineToString(fPerMachine), LoggingPerMachineToString(pPackage->fPerMachine)); ExitFunction1(hr = S_OK); } // Check if any dependents are registered which would prevent the package from being uninstalled. // Build up a list of dependents to ignore, including the current bundle. hr = GetIgnoredDependents(pPackage, pPlan, &sdIgnoredDependents); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to build the list of ignored dependents."); // Skip the dependency check if "ALL" was authored for IGNOREDEPENDENCIES. hr = DictKeyExists(sdIgnoredDependents, L"ALL"); if (E_NOTFOUND != hr) { ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to check if \"ALL\" was set in IGNOREDEPENDENCIES."); } else { hr = S_OK; for (DWORD i = 0; i < pPackage->cDependencyProviders; ++i) { const BURN_DEPENDENCY_PROVIDER* pProvider = pPackage->rgDependencyProviders + i; for (DWORD j = 0; j < pProvider->cDependents; ++j) { const DEPENDENCY* pDependency = pProvider->rgDependents + j; hr = DictKeyExists(sdIgnoredDependents, pDependency->sczKey); if (E_NOTFOUND == hr) { hr = S_OK; if (!fDependentBlocksUninstall) { fDependentBlocksUninstall = TRUE; LogId(REPORT_STANDARD, MSG_DEPENDENCY_PACKAGE_HASDEPENDENTS, pPackage->sczId); } LogId(REPORT_VERBOSE, MSG_DEPENDENCY_PACKAGE_DEPENDENT, pDependency->sczKey, LoggingStringOrUnknownIfNull(pDependency->sczName)); } ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to check the dictionary of ignored dependents."); } } } if (BOOTSTRAPPER_ACTION_STATE_UNINSTALL == pPackage->execute) { pPackage->fDependencyManagerWasHere = fDependentBlocksUninstall; } // Calculate the dependency actions before the package itself is planned. CalculateDependencyActionStates(pPackage, &dependencyExecuteAction, &dependencyRollbackAction); // If dependents were found, change the action to not uninstall the package. if (fAttemptingUninstall && fDependentBlocksUninstall) { pPackage->execute = BOOTSTRAPPER_ACTION_STATE_NONE; pPackage->rollback = BOOTSTRAPPER_ACTION_STATE_NONE; // Assume the compatible package has the same exact providers. pPackage->compatiblePackage.fRemove = FALSE; } else { // Trust the forward compatible nature of providers - don't uninstall the package during rollback if there were dependents. if (fDependentBlocksUninstall && BOOTSTRAPPER_ACTION_STATE_UNINSTALL == pPackage->rollback) { pPackage->rollback = BOOTSTRAPPER_ACTION_STATE_NONE; } // Only plan providers when the package is current (not obsolete). if (BOOTSTRAPPER_PACKAGE_STATE_OBSOLETE != pPackage->currentState) { for (DWORD i = 0; i < pPackage->cDependencyProviders; ++i) { BURN_DEPENDENCY_PROVIDER* pProvider = &pPackage->rgDependencyProviders[i]; // Only need to handle providers that were authored directly in the bundle. if (pProvider->fImported) { continue; } pProvider->providerExecute = dependencyExecuteAction; pProvider->providerRollback = dependencyRollbackAction; // Don't overwrite providers that we don't own. if (pPackage->compatiblePackage.fDetected) { if (BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_REGISTER == pProvider->providerExecute) { pProvider->providerExecute = BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_NONE; pProvider->providerRollback = BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_NONE; } if (BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_REGISTER == pProvider->providerRollback) { pProvider->providerRollback = BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_NONE; } } if (BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_UNREGISTER == pProvider->providerExecute && !pProvider->fExists) { pProvider->providerExecute = BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_NONE; } if (BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_UNREGISTER == pProvider->providerRollback && pProvider->fExists || BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_REGISTER == pProvider->providerRollback && !pProvider->fExists) { pProvider->providerRollback = BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_NONE; } if (BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_NONE != pProvider->providerExecute) { pPackage->fProviderExecute = TRUE; } if (BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_NONE != pProvider->providerRollback) { pPackage->fProviderRollback = TRUE; } } } // If the package will be removed, add its providers to the growing list in the plan. if (fAttemptingUninstall) { for (DWORD i = 0; i < pPackage->cDependencyProviders; ++i) { const BURN_DEPENDENCY_PROVIDER* pProvider = &pPackage->rgDependencyProviders[i]; hr = DepDependencyArrayAlloc(&pPlan->rgPlannedProviders, &pPlan->cPlannedProviders, pProvider->sczKey, NULL); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to add the package provider key \"%ls\" to the planned list.", pProvider->sczKey); } } } for (DWORD i = 0; i < pPackage->cDependencyProviders; ++i) { BURN_DEPENDENCY_PROVIDER* pProvider = &pPackage->rgDependencyProviders[i]; pProvider->dependentExecute = dependencyExecuteAction; pProvider->dependentRollback = dependencyRollbackAction; if (BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_REGISTER == pProvider->dependentRollback && BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_UNREGISTER == pProvider->providerExecute && BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_REGISTER != pProvider->providerRollback) { pProvider->dependentRollback = BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_NONE; } if (BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_UNREGISTER == pProvider->dependentExecute && !pProvider->fBundleRegisteredAsDependent) { pProvider->dependentExecute = BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_NONE; } if (BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_UNREGISTER == pProvider->dependentRollback && pProvider->fBundleRegisteredAsDependent || BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_REGISTER == pProvider->dependentRollback && !pProvider->fBundleRegisteredAsDependent) { pProvider->dependentRollback = BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_NONE; } // The highest aggregate action state found will be returned. if (pPackage->dependencyExecute < pProvider->dependentExecute) { pPackage->dependencyExecute = pProvider->dependentExecute; } if (pPackage->dependencyRollback < pProvider->dependentRollback) { pPackage->dependencyRollback = pProvider->dependentRollback; } } LExit: ReleaseDict(sdIgnoredDependents); return hr; } extern "C" HRESULT DependencyPlanPackage( __in_opt DWORD *pdwInsertSequence, __in const BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage, __in BURN_PLAN* pPlan ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BURN_EXECUTE_ACTION* pAction = NULL; // If the dependency execution action is to unregister, add the dependency actions to the plan // *before* the provider key is potentially removed. if (BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_UNREGISTER == pPackage->dependencyExecute) { hr = AddPackageDependencyActions(pdwInsertSequence, pPackage, pPlan, pPackage->dependencyExecute, pPackage->dependencyRollback); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to plan the dependency actions for package: %ls", pPackage->sczId); } // Add the provider rollback plan. if (pPackage->fProviderRollback) { hr = PlanAppendRollbackAction(pPlan, &pAction); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to append provider rollback action."); pAction->type = BURN_EXECUTE_ACTION_TYPE_PACKAGE_PROVIDER; pAction->packageProvider.pPackage = const_cast(pPackage); // Put a checkpoint before the execute action so that rollback happens // if execute fails. hr = PlanExecuteCheckpoint(pPlan); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to plan provider checkpoint action."); } // Add the provider execute plan. This comes after rollback so if something goes wrong // rollback will try to clean up after us. if (pPackage->fProviderExecute) { if (NULL != pdwInsertSequence) { hr = PlanInsertExecuteAction(*pdwInsertSequence, pPlan, &pAction); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to insert provider execute action."); // Always move the sequence after this dependency action so the provider registration // stays in front of the inserted actions. ++(*pdwInsertSequence); } else { hr = PlanAppendExecuteAction(pPlan, &pAction); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to append provider execute action."); } pAction->type = BURN_EXECUTE_ACTION_TYPE_PACKAGE_PROVIDER; pAction->packageProvider.pPackage = const_cast(pPackage); } LExit: return hr; } extern "C" HRESULT DependencyPlanPackageComplete( __in BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage, __in BURN_PLAN* pPlan ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; // Registration of dependencies happens here, after the package is planned to be // installed and all that good stuff. if (BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_REGISTER == pPackage->dependencyExecute) { hr = AddPackageDependencyActions(NULL, pPackage, pPlan, pPackage->dependencyExecute, pPackage->dependencyRollback); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to plan the dependency actions for package: %ls", pPackage->sczId); } LExit: return hr; } extern "C" HRESULT DependencyExecutePackageProviderAction( __in const BURN_EXECUTE_ACTION* pAction, __in BOOL fRollback ) { AssertSz(BURN_EXECUTE_ACTION_TYPE_PACKAGE_PROVIDER == pAction->type, "Execute action type not supported by this function."); HRESULT hr = S_OK; const BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage = pAction->packageProvider.pPackage; HKEY hkRoot = pPackage->fPerMachine ? HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE : HKEY_CURRENT_USER; LPCWSTR wzId = GetPackageProviderId(pPackage); for (DWORD i = 0; i < pPackage->cDependencyProviders; ++i) { const BURN_DEPENDENCY_PROVIDER* pProvider = pPackage->rgDependencyProviders + i; BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION action = fRollback ? pProvider->providerRollback : pProvider->providerExecute; HRESULT hrProvider = S_OK; // Register or unregister the package provider. switch (action) { case BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_REGISTER: hrProvider = RegisterPackageProvider(pProvider, pPackage->sczId, wzId, hkRoot, pPackage->fVital); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && FAILED(hrProvider)) { hr = hrProvider; } break; case BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_UNREGISTER: UnregisterPackageProvider(pProvider, pPackage->sczId, hkRoot); break; } } if (!pPackage->fVital) { hr = S_OK; } return hr; } extern "C" HRESULT DependencyExecutePackageDependencyAction( __in BOOL fPerMachine, __in const BURN_EXECUTE_ACTION* pAction, __in BOOL fRollback ) { AssertSz(BURN_EXECUTE_ACTION_TYPE_PACKAGE_DEPENDENCY == pAction->type, "Execute action type not supported by this function."); HRESULT hr = S_OK; const BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage = pAction->packageDependency.pPackage; HKEY hkRoot = pPackage->fPerMachine ? HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE : HKEY_CURRENT_USER; // Do not register a dependency on a package in a different install context. if (fPerMachine != pPackage->fPerMachine) { LogId(REPORT_STANDARD, MSG_DEPENDENCY_PACKAGE_SKIP_WRONGSCOPE, pPackage->sczId, LoggingPerMachineToString(fPerMachine), LoggingPerMachineToString(pPackage->fPerMachine)); ExitFunction1(hr = S_OK); } for (DWORD i = 0; i < pPackage->cDependencyProviders; ++i) { const BURN_DEPENDENCY_PROVIDER* pProvider = pPackage->rgDependencyProviders + i; BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION action = fRollback ? pProvider->dependentRollback : pProvider->dependentExecute; HRESULT hrProvider = S_OK; // Register or unregister the bundle as a dependent of the package dependency provider. switch (action) { case BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_REGISTER: hrProvider = RegisterPackageProviderDependent(pProvider, pPackage->fVital, hkRoot, pPackage->sczId, pAction->packageDependency.sczBundleProviderKey); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && FAILED(hrProvider)) { hr = hrProvider; } break; case BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_UNREGISTER: UnregisterPackageProviderDependent(pProvider, hkRoot, pPackage->sczId, pAction->packageDependency.sczBundleProviderKey); break; } } LExit: if (!pPackage->fVital) { hr = S_OK; } return hr; } extern "C" HRESULT DependencyRegisterBundle( __in const BURN_REGISTRATION* pRegistration ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LogId(REPORT_VERBOSE, MSG_DEPENDENCY_BUNDLE_REGISTER, pRegistration->sczProviderKey, pRegistration->pVersion->sczVersion); // Register the bundle provider key. hr = DepRegisterDependency(pRegistration->hkRoot, pRegistration->sczProviderKey, pRegistration->pVersion->sczVersion, pRegistration->sczDisplayName, pRegistration->sczId, 0); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to register the bundle dependency provider."); LExit: return hr; } extern "C" HRESULT DependencyProcessDependentRegistration( __in const BURN_REGISTRATION* pRegistration, __in const BURN_DEPENDENT_REGISTRATION_ACTION* pAction ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fDeleted = FALSE; switch (pAction->type) { case BURN_DEPENDENT_REGISTRATION_ACTION_TYPE_REGISTER: hr = DepRegisterDependent(pRegistration->hkRoot, pRegistration->sczProviderKey, pAction->sczDependentProviderKey, NULL, NULL, 0); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to register dependent: %ls", pAction->sczDependentProviderKey); break; case BURN_DEPENDENT_REGISTRATION_ACTION_TYPE_UNREGISTER: hr = DepUnregisterDependent(pRegistration->hkRoot, pRegistration->sczProviderKey, pAction->sczDependentProviderKey); ExitOnPathFailure(hr, fDeleted, "Failed to unregister dependent: %ls", pAction->sczDependentProviderKey); break; default: ExitWithRootFailure(hr, E_INVALIDARG, "Unrecognized registration action type: %d", pAction->type); } LExit: return hr; } extern "C" void DependencyUnregisterBundle( __in const BURN_REGISTRATION* pRegistration, __in const BURN_PACKAGES* pPackages ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPCWSTR wzDependentProviderKey = pRegistration->sczId; // If we own the bundle dependency then remove it. if (!pRegistration->fDetectedForeignProviderKeyBundleId) { // Remove the bundle provider key. hr = DepUnregisterDependency(pRegistration->hkRoot, pRegistration->sczProviderKey); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) || E_FILENOTFOUND == hr) { LogId(REPORT_VERBOSE, MSG_DEPENDENCY_BUNDLE_UNREGISTERED, pRegistration->sczProviderKey); } else { LogId(REPORT_VERBOSE, MSG_DEPENDENCY_BUNDLE_UNREGISTERED_FAILED, pRegistration->sczProviderKey, hr); } } // Best effort to make sure this bundle is not registered as a dependent for anything. for (DWORD i = 0; i < pPackages->cPackages; ++i) { const BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage = pPackages->rgPackages + i; UnregisterPackageDependency(pPackage->fPerMachine, pPackage, wzDependentProviderKey); } for (DWORD i = 0; i < pRegistration->relatedBundles.cRelatedBundles; ++i) { const BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage = &pRegistration->relatedBundles.rgRelatedBundles[i].package; UnregisterPackageDependency(pPackage->fPerMachine, pPackage, wzDependentProviderKey); } // Best effort to make sure package providers are removed if unused. for (DWORD i = 0; i < pPackages->cPackages; ++i) { const BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage = pPackages->rgPackages + i; UnregisterOrphanPackageProviders(pPackage); } } extern "C" HRESULT DependencyDetectCompatibleEntry( __in BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage, __in BURN_REGISTRATION* pRegistration ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR sczId = NULL; LPWSTR sczName = NULL; LPWSTR sczVersion = NULL; LPCWSTR wzPackageProviderId = GetPackageProviderId(pPackage); HKEY hkHive = pRegistration->fPerMachine ? HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE : HKEY_CURRENT_USER; for (DWORD i = 0; i < pPackage->cDependencyProviders; ++i) { BURN_DEPENDENCY_PROVIDER* pProvider = &pPackage->rgDependencyProviders[i]; hr = DepGetProviderInformation(hkHive, pProvider->sczKey, &sczId, &sczName, &sczVersion); if (E_NOTFOUND == hr) { hr = S_OK; continue; } ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to get provider information for compatible package: %ls", pProvider->sczKey); // Make sure the compatible package is not the package itself. if (!wzPackageProviderId) { if (!sczId) { continue; } } else if (sczId && CSTR_EQUAL == ::CompareStringW(LOCALE_NEUTRAL, NORM_IGNORECASE, wzPackageProviderId, -1, sczId, -1)) { continue; } pPackage->compatiblePackage.fDetected = TRUE; hr = StrAllocString(&pPackage->compatiblePackage.compatibleEntry.sczProviderKey, pProvider->sczKey, 0); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to copy provider key for compatible entry."); pPackage->compatiblePackage.compatibleEntry.sczId = sczId; sczId = NULL; pPackage->compatiblePackage.compatibleEntry.sczName = sczName; sczName = NULL; pPackage->compatiblePackage.compatibleEntry.sczVersion = sczVersion; sczVersion = NULL; break; } LExit: return hr; } // internal functions static HRESULT DetectPackageDependents( __in BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage, __in const BURN_REGISTRATION* pRegistration ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HKEY hkHive = pPackage->fPerMachine ? HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE : HKEY_CURRENT_USER; BOOL fCanIgnorePresence = pPackage->fCanAffectRegistration && 0 < pPackage->cDependencyProviders && (BURN_PACKAGE_REGISTRATION_STATE_PRESENT == pPackage->cacheRegistrationState || BURN_PACKAGE_REGISTRATION_STATE_PRESENT == pPackage->installRegistrationState); BOOL fBundleRegisteredAsDependent = FALSE; // There's currently no point in getting the dependents if the scope doesn't match, // because they will just get ignored. if (pRegistration->fPerMachine != pPackage->fPerMachine) { ExitFunction(); } for (DWORD i = 0; i < pPackage->cDependencyProviders; ++i) { BURN_DEPENDENCY_PROVIDER* pProvider = &pPackage->rgDependencyProviders[i]; BOOL fExists = FALSE; hr = DepCheckDependents(hkHive, pProvider->sczKey, 0, NULL, &pProvider->rgDependents, &pProvider->cDependents); ExitOnPathFailure(hr, fExists, "Failed dependents check on package provider: %ls", pProvider->sczKey); if (0 < pProvider->cDependents || GetProviderExists(hkHive, pProvider->sczKey)) { pProvider->fExists = TRUE; } for (DWORD iDependent = 0; iDependent < pProvider->cDependents; ++iDependent) { DEPENDENCY* pDependent = pProvider->rgDependents + iDependent; if (CSTR_EQUAL == ::CompareStringW(LOCALE_NEUTRAL, NORM_IGNORECASE, pRegistration->sczId, -1, pDependent->sczKey, -1)) { pProvider->fBundleRegisteredAsDependent = TRUE; fBundleRegisteredAsDependent = TRUE; break; } } } if (fCanIgnorePresence && !fBundleRegisteredAsDependent) { if (BURN_PACKAGE_REGISTRATION_STATE_PRESENT == pPackage->cacheRegistrationState) { pPackage->cacheRegistrationState = BURN_PACKAGE_REGISTRATION_STATE_IGNORED; } if (BURN_PACKAGE_REGISTRATION_STATE_PRESENT == pPackage->installRegistrationState) { pPackage->installRegistrationState = BURN_PACKAGE_REGISTRATION_STATE_IGNORED; } if (BURN_PACKAGE_TYPE_MSP == pPackage->type) { for (DWORD i = 0; i < pPackage->Msp.cTargetProductCodes; ++i) { BURN_MSPTARGETPRODUCT* pTargetProduct = pPackage->Msp.rgTargetProducts + i; if (BURN_PACKAGE_REGISTRATION_STATE_PRESENT == pTargetProduct->registrationState) { pTargetProduct->registrationState = BURN_PACKAGE_REGISTRATION_STATE_IGNORED; } } } } LExit: return hr; } /******************************************************************** SplitIgnoreDependencies - Splits a semicolon-delimited string into a list of unique dependencies to ignore. *********************************************************************/ static HRESULT SplitIgnoreDependencies( __in_z LPCWSTR wzIgnoreDependencies, __deref_inout_ecount_opt(*pcDependencies) DEPENDENCY** prgDependencies, __inout LPUINT pcDependencies, __out BOOL* pfIgnoreAll ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR wzContext = NULL; STRINGDICT_HANDLE sdIgnoreDependencies = NULL; *pfIgnoreAll = FALSE; // Create a dictionary to hold unique dependencies. hr = DictCreateStringList(&sdIgnoreDependencies, INITIAL_STRINGDICT_SIZE, DICT_FLAG_CASEINSENSITIVE); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to create the string dictionary."); // Parse through the semicolon-delimited tokens and add to the array. for (LPCWSTR wzToken = ::wcstok_s(const_cast(wzIgnoreDependencies), vcszIgnoreDependenciesDelim, &wzContext); wzToken; wzToken = ::wcstok_s(NULL, vcszIgnoreDependenciesDelim, &wzContext)) { hr = DictKeyExists(sdIgnoreDependencies, wzToken); if (E_NOTFOUND != hr) { ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to check the dictionary of unique dependencies."); } else { hr = DepDependencyArrayAlloc(prgDependencies, pcDependencies, wzToken, NULL); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to add \"%ls\" to the list of dependencies to ignore.", wzToken); hr = DictAddKey(sdIgnoreDependencies, wzToken); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to add \"%ls\" to the string dictionary.", wzToken); if (!*pfIgnoreAll && CSTR_EQUAL == ::CompareStringW(LOCALE_NEUTRAL, NORM_IGNORECASE, L"ALL", -1, wzToken, -1)) { *pfIgnoreAll = TRUE; } } } LExit: ReleaseDict(sdIgnoreDependencies); return hr; } /******************************************************************** JoinIgnoreDependencies - Joins a list of dependencies to ignore into a semicolon-delimited string of unique values. *********************************************************************/ static HRESULT JoinIgnoreDependencies( __out_z LPWSTR* psczIgnoreDependencies, __in_ecount(cDependencies) const DEPENDENCY* rgDependencies, __in UINT cDependencies ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; STRINGDICT_HANDLE sdIgnoreDependencies = NULL; // Make sure we pass back an empty string if there are no dependencies. if (0 == cDependencies) { ExitFunction1(hr = S_OK); } // Create a dictionary to hold unique dependencies. hr = DictCreateStringList(&sdIgnoreDependencies, INITIAL_STRINGDICT_SIZE, DICT_FLAG_CASEINSENSITIVE); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to create the string dictionary."); for (UINT i = 0; i < cDependencies; ++i) { const DEPENDENCY* pDependency = &rgDependencies[i]; hr = DictKeyExists(sdIgnoreDependencies, pDependency->sczKey); if (E_NOTFOUND != hr) { ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to check the dictionary of unique dependencies."); } else { if (0 < i) { hr = StrAllocConcat(psczIgnoreDependencies, vcszIgnoreDependenciesDelim, 1); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to append the string delimiter."); } hr = StrAllocConcat(psczIgnoreDependencies, pDependency->sczKey, 0); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to append the key \"%ls\".", pDependency->sczKey); hr = DictAddKey(sdIgnoreDependencies, pDependency->sczKey); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to add \"%ls\" to the string dictionary.", pDependency->sczKey); } } LExit: ReleaseDict(sdIgnoreDependencies); return hr; } /******************************************************************** GetIgnoredDependents - Combines the current bundle's provider key, packages' provider keys that are being uninstalled, and any ignored dependencies authored for packages into a string list to pass to deputil. *********************************************************************/ static HRESULT GetIgnoredDependents( __in const BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage, __in const BURN_PLAN* pPlan, __deref_inout STRINGDICT_HANDLE* psdIgnoredDependents ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR sczIgnoreDependencies = NULL; // Create the dictionary and add the bundle provider key initially. hr = DictCreateStringList(psdIgnoredDependents, INITIAL_STRINGDICT_SIZE, DICT_FLAG_CASEINSENSITIVE); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to create the string dictionary."); hr = DictAddKey(*psdIgnoredDependents, pPlan->wzBundleProviderKey); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to add the bundle provider key \"%ls\" to the list of ignored dependencies.", pPlan->wzBundleProviderKey); // Add previously planned package providers to the dictionary. for (DWORD i = 0; i < pPlan->cPlannedProviders; ++i) { const DEPENDENCY* pDependency = &pPlan->rgPlannedProviders[i]; hr = DictAddKey(*psdIgnoredDependents, pDependency->sczKey); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to add the package provider key \"%ls\" to the list of ignored dependencies.", pDependency->sczKey); } // Get the IGNOREDEPENDENCIES property if defined. hr = PackageGetProperty(pPackage, DEPENDENCY_IGNOREDEPENDENCIES, &sczIgnoreDependencies); if (E_NOTFOUND != hr) { ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to get the package property: %ls", DEPENDENCY_IGNOREDEPENDENCIES); // TODO: this is the raw value of the property, all property values are currently formatted in a different part of planning. hr = DependencyAddIgnoreDependencies(*psdIgnoredDependents, sczIgnoreDependencies); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to add the authored ignored dependencies to the cumulative list of ignored dependencies."); } else { hr = S_OK; } LExit: ReleaseStr(sczIgnoreDependencies); return hr; } /******************************************************************** GetProviderExists - Gets whether the provider key is registered. *********************************************************************/ static BOOL GetProviderExists( __in HKEY hkRoot, __in_z LPCWSTR wzProviderKey ) { HRESULT hr = DepGetProviderInformation(hkRoot, wzProviderKey, NULL, NULL, NULL); return SUCCEEDED(hr); } /******************************************************************** CalculateDependencyActionStates - Calculates the dependency execute and rollback actions for a package. *********************************************************************/ static void CalculateDependencyActionStates( __in const BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage, __out BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION* pDependencyExecuteAction, __out BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION* pDependencyRollbackAction ) { switch (pPackage->execute) { case BOOTSTRAPPER_ACTION_STATE_NONE: switch (pPackage->requested) { case BOOTSTRAPPER_REQUEST_STATE_ABSENT: // Unregister if the package is not requested but already not installed. *pDependencyExecuteAction = BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_UNREGISTER; break; case BOOTSTRAPPER_REQUEST_STATE_NONE: // Register if a newer, compatible package is already installed. switch (pPackage->currentState) { case BOOTSTRAPPER_PACKAGE_STATE_OBSOLETE: __fallthrough; case BOOTSTRAPPER_PACKAGE_STATE_SUPERSEDED: *pDependencyExecuteAction = BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_REGISTER; break; } break; case BOOTSTRAPPER_REQUEST_STATE_PRESENT: __fallthrough; case BOOTSTRAPPER_REQUEST_STATE_REPAIR: // Register if the package is requested but already installed. *pDependencyExecuteAction = BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_REGISTER; break; } break; case BOOTSTRAPPER_ACTION_STATE_UNINSTALL: *pDependencyExecuteAction = BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_UNREGISTER; break; case BOOTSTRAPPER_ACTION_STATE_INSTALL: __fallthrough; case BOOTSTRAPPER_ACTION_STATE_MODIFY: __fallthrough; case BOOTSTRAPPER_ACTION_STATE_REPAIR: __fallthrough; case BOOTSTRAPPER_ACTION_STATE_MINOR_UPGRADE: *pDependencyExecuteAction = BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_REGISTER; break; } switch (*pDependencyExecuteAction) { case BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_REGISTER: *pDependencyRollbackAction = BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_UNREGISTER; break; case BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_UNREGISTER: *pDependencyRollbackAction = BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_REGISTER; break; } } /******************************************************************** AddPackageDependencyActions - Adds the dependency execute and rollback actions to the plan. *********************************************************************/ static HRESULT AddPackageDependencyActions( __in_opt DWORD *pdwInsertSequence, __in const BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage, __in BURN_PLAN* pPlan, __in const BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION dependencyExecuteAction, __in const BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION dependencyRollbackAction ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BURN_EXECUTE_ACTION* pAction = NULL; // Add the rollback plan. if (BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_NONE != dependencyRollbackAction) { hr = PlanAppendRollbackAction(pPlan, &pAction); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to append rollback action."); pAction->type = BURN_EXECUTE_ACTION_TYPE_PACKAGE_DEPENDENCY; pAction->packageDependency.pPackage = const_cast(pPackage); hr = StrAllocString(&pAction->packageDependency.sczBundleProviderKey, pPlan->wzBundleProviderKey, 0); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to copy the bundle dependency provider."); // Put a checkpoint before the execute action so that rollback happens // if execute fails. hr = PlanExecuteCheckpoint(pPlan); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to plan dependency checkpoint action."); } // Add the execute plan. This comes after rollback so if something goes wrong // rollback will try to clean up after us correctly. if (BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION_NONE != dependencyExecuteAction) { if (NULL != pdwInsertSequence) { hr = PlanInsertExecuteAction(*pdwInsertSequence, pPlan, &pAction); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to insert execute action."); // Always move the sequence after this dependency action so the dependency registration // stays in front of the inserted actions. ++(*pdwInsertSequence); } else { hr = PlanAppendExecuteAction(pPlan, &pAction); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to append execute action."); } pAction->type = BURN_EXECUTE_ACTION_TYPE_PACKAGE_DEPENDENCY; pAction->packageDependency.pPackage = const_cast(pPackage); hr = StrAllocString(&pAction->packageDependency.sczBundleProviderKey, pPlan->wzBundleProviderKey, 0); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to copy the bundle dependency provider."); } LExit: return hr; } static LPCWSTR GetPackageProviderId( __in const BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage ) { LPCWSTR wzId = NULL; switch (pPackage->type) { case BURN_PACKAGE_TYPE_MSI: wzId = pPackage->Msi.sczProductCode; break; case BURN_PACKAGE_TYPE_MSP: wzId = pPackage->Msp.sczPatchCode; break; } return wzId; } static HRESULT RegisterPackageProvider( __in const BURN_DEPENDENCY_PROVIDER* pProvider, __in LPCWSTR wzPackageId, __in LPCWSTR wzPackageProviderId, __in HKEY hkRoot, __in BOOL fVital ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LogId(REPORT_VERBOSE, MSG_DEPENDENCY_PACKAGE_REGISTER, pProvider->sczKey, pProvider->sczVersion, wzPackageId); hr = DepRegisterDependency(hkRoot, pProvider->sczKey, pProvider->sczVersion, pProvider->sczDisplayName, wzPackageProviderId, 0); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to register the package dependency provider: %ls", pProvider->sczKey); LExit: if (!fVital) { hr = S_OK; } return hr; } /******************************************************************** UnregisterPackageProvider - Removes the dependency provider. Note: Does not check for existing dependents before removing the key. *********************************************************************/ static void UnregisterPackageProvider( __in const BURN_DEPENDENCY_PROVIDER* pProvider, __in LPCWSTR wzPackageId, __in HKEY hkRoot ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = DepUnregisterDependency(hkRoot, pProvider->sczKey); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) || E_FILENOTFOUND == hr) { LogId(REPORT_VERBOSE, MSG_DEPENDENCY_PACKAGE_UNREGISTERED, pProvider->sczKey, wzPackageId); } else { LogId(REPORT_VERBOSE, MSG_DEPENDENCY_PACKAGE_UNREGISTERED_FAILED, pProvider->sczKey, wzPackageId, hr); } } /******************************************************************** RegisterPackageProviderDependent - Registers the provider key as a dependent of a package provider. *********************************************************************/ static HRESULT RegisterPackageProviderDependent( __in const BURN_DEPENDENCY_PROVIDER* pProvider, __in BOOL fVital, __in HKEY hkRoot, __in LPCWSTR wzPackageId, __in_z LPCWSTR wzDependentProviderKey ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fExists = FALSE; LogId(REPORT_VERBOSE, MSG_DEPENDENCY_PACKAGE_REGISTER_DEPENDENCY, wzDependentProviderKey, pProvider->sczKey, wzPackageId); hr = DepRegisterDependent(hkRoot, pProvider->sczKey, wzDependentProviderKey, NULL, NULL, 0); ExitOnPathFailure(hr, fExists, "Failed to register the dependency on package dependency provider: %ls", pProvider->sczKey); if (!fExists) { LogId(REPORT_VERBOSE, MSG_DEPENDENCY_PACKAGE_SKIP_MISSING, pProvider->sczKey, wzPackageId); } LExit: if (!fVital) { hr = S_OK; } return hr; } /******************************************************************** UnregisterPackageDependency - Unregisters the provider key as a dependent of a package. *********************************************************************/ static void UnregisterPackageDependency( __in BOOL fPerMachine, __in const BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage, __in_z LPCWSTR wzDependentProviderKey ) { HKEY hkRoot = fPerMachine ? HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE : HKEY_CURRENT_USER; // Should be no registration to remove since we don't write keys across contexts. if (fPerMachine != pPackage->fPerMachine) { LogId(REPORT_STANDARD, MSG_DEPENDENCY_PACKAGE_SKIP_WRONGSCOPE, pPackage->sczId, LoggingPerMachineToString(fPerMachine), LoggingPerMachineToString(pPackage->fPerMachine)); return; } // Loop through each package provider and remove the bundle dependency key. if (pPackage->rgDependencyProviders) { for (DWORD i = 0; i < pPackage->cDependencyProviders; ++i) { const BURN_DEPENDENCY_PROVIDER* pProvider = &pPackage->rgDependencyProviders[i]; UnregisterPackageProviderDependent(pProvider, hkRoot, pPackage->sczId, wzDependentProviderKey); } } } static void UnregisterPackageProviderDependent( __in const BURN_DEPENDENCY_PROVIDER* pProvider, __in HKEY hkRoot, __in LPCWSTR wzPackageId, __in_z LPCWSTR wzDependentProviderKey ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = DepUnregisterDependent(hkRoot, pProvider->sczKey, wzDependentProviderKey); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) || E_FILENOTFOUND == hr) { LogId(REPORT_VERBOSE, MSG_DEPENDENCY_PACKAGE_UNREGISTERED_DEPENDENCY, wzDependentProviderKey, pProvider->sczKey, wzPackageId); } else { LogId(REPORT_VERBOSE, MSG_DEPENDENCY_PACKAGE_UNREGISTERED_DEPENDENCY_FAILED, wzDependentProviderKey, pProvider->sczKey, wzPackageId, hr); } } static void UnregisterOrphanPackageProviders( __in const BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DEPENDENCY* rgDependents = NULL; UINT cDependents = 0; HKEY hkRoot = pPackage->fPerMachine ? HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE : HKEY_CURRENT_USER; for (DWORD i = 0; i < pPackage->cDependencyProviders; ++i) { const BURN_DEPENDENCY_PROVIDER* pProvider = &pPackage->rgDependencyProviders[i]; // Skip providers not owned by the bundle. if (pProvider->fImported) { continue; } hr = DepCheckDependents(hkRoot, pProvider->sczKey, 0, NULL, &rgDependents, &cDependents); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && !cDependents) { UnregisterPackageProvider(pProvider, pPackage->sczId, hkRoot); } ReleaseDependencyArray(rgDependents, cDependents); rgDependents = NULL; cDependents = 0; } }