#pragma once // Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif // constants enum BURN_LOGGING_STATE { BURN_LOGGING_STATE_CLOSED, BURN_LOGGING_STATE_OPEN, BURN_LOGGING_STATE_DISABLED, }; enum BURN_LOGGING_ATTRIBUTE { BURN_LOGGING_ATTRIBUTE_APPEND = 0x1, BURN_LOGGING_ATTRIBUTE_VERBOSE = 0x2, BURN_LOGGING_ATTRIBUTE_EXTRADEBUG = 0x4, }; // structs typedef struct _BURN_LOGGING { BURN_LOGGING_STATE state; LPWSTR sczPathVariable; DWORD dwAttributes; LPWSTR sczPath; LPWSTR sczPrefix; LPWSTR sczExtension; } BURN_LOGGING; // function declarations HRESULT LoggingOpen( __in BURN_LOGGING* pLog, __in BURN_VARIABLES* pVariables, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_DISPLAY display, __in_z LPCWSTR wzBundleName ); void LoggingOpenFailed(); void LoggingIncrementPackageSequence(); HRESULT LoggingSetPackageVariable( __in BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage, __in_z_opt LPCWSTR wzSuffix, __in BOOL fRollback, __in BURN_LOGGING* pLog, __in BURN_VARIABLES* pVariables, __out_opt LPWSTR* psczLogPath ); LPCSTR LoggingBurnActionToString( __in BOOTSTRAPPER_ACTION action ); LPCSTR LoggingBurnMessageToString( __in UINT message ); LPCSTR LoggingActionStateToString( __in BOOTSTRAPPER_ACTION_STATE actionState ); LPCSTR LoggingCacheTypeToString( BOOTSTRAPPER_CACHE_TYPE cacheType ); LPCSTR LoggingDependencyActionToString( BURN_DEPENDENCY_ACTION action ); LPCSTR LoggingBoolToString( __in BOOL f ); LPCSTR LoggingTrueFalseToString( __in BOOL f ); LPCSTR LoggingPackageStateToString( __in BOOTSTRAPPER_PACKAGE_STATE packageState ); LPCSTR LoggingPackageRegistrationStateToString( __in BOOL fCanAffectRegistration, __in BURN_PACKAGE_REGISTRATION_STATE registrationState ); LPCSTR LoggingMsiFeatureStateToString( __in BOOTSTRAPPER_FEATURE_STATE featureState ); LPCSTR LoggingMsiFeatureActionToString( __in BOOTSTRAPPER_FEATURE_ACTION featureAction ); LPCSTR LoggingMsiInstallContext( __in MSIINSTALLCONTEXT context ); LPCWSTR LoggingBurnMsiPropertyToString( __in BURN_MSI_PROPERTY burnMsiProperty ); LPCSTR LoggingMspTargetActionToString( __in BOOTSTRAPPER_ACTION_STATE action, __in BURN_PATCH_SKIP_STATE skipState ); LPCSTR LoggingPerMachineToString( __in BOOL fPerMachine ); LPCSTR LoggingRestartToString( __in BOOTSTRAPPER_APPLY_RESTART restart ); LPCSTR LoggingResumeModeToString( __in BURN_RESUME_MODE resumeMode ); LPCSTR LoggingRelationTypeToString( __in BOOTSTRAPPER_RELATION_TYPE type ); LPCSTR LoggingRelatedOperationToString( __in BOOTSTRAPPER_RELATED_OPERATION operation ); LPCSTR LoggingRequestStateToString( __in BOOTSTRAPPER_REQUEST_STATE requestState ); LPCSTR LoggingRollbackOrExecute( __in BOOL fRollback ); LPWSTR LoggingStringOrUnknownIfNull( __in LPCWSTR wz ); #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif