#pragma once // Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif // function declarations HRESULT MsuEngineParsePackageFromXml( __in IXMLDOMNode* pixnMsiPackage, __in BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage ); void MsuEnginePackageUninitialize( __in BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage ); HRESULT MsuEngineDetectPackage( __in BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage, __in BURN_REGISTRATION* pRegistration, __in BURN_VARIABLES* pVariables ); HRESULT MsuEnginePlanCalculatePackage( __in BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage ); HRESULT MsuEnginePlanAddPackage( __in BURN_PACKAGE* pPackage, __in BURN_PLAN* pPlan, __in BURN_LOGGING* pLog, __in BURN_VARIABLES* pVariables ); HRESULT MsuEngineExecutePackage( __in BURN_EXECUTE_ACTION* pExecuteAction, __in BURN_CACHE* pCache, __in BURN_VARIABLES* pVariables, __in BOOL fRollback, __in BOOL fStopWusaService, __in PFN_GENERICMESSAGEHANDLER pfnGenericMessageHandler, __in LPVOID pvContext, __out BOOTSTRAPPER_APPLY_RESTART* pRestart ); void MsuEngineUpdateInstallRegistrationState( __in BURN_EXECUTE_ACTION* pAction, __in HRESULT hrExecute ); #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif