#pragma once // Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. #define TraceLog(x, s, ...) ExitTraceSource(BURN_SOURCE_DEFAULT, x, s, __VA_ARGS__) #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif // constants enum WM_BURN { WM_BURN_FIRST = WM_APP + 0xFFF, // this enum value must always be first. WM_BURN_DETECT, WM_BURN_PLAN, WM_BURN_ELEVATE, WM_BURN_APPLY, WM_BURN_LAUNCH_APPROVED_EXE, WM_BURN_QUIT, WM_BURN_LAST, // this enum value must always be last. }; // forward declare enum BURN_MODE; typedef struct _BAENGINE_CONTEXT BAENGINE_CONTEXT; typedef struct _BAENGINE_ACTION BAENGINE_ACTION; typedef struct _BURN_CACHE BURN_CACHE; typedef struct _BURN_DEPENDENCIES BURN_DEPENDENCIES; typedef struct _BURN_ENGINE_STATE BURN_ENGINE_STATE; typedef struct _BURN_ENGINE_COMMAND BURN_ENGINE_COMMAND; typedef struct _BURN_LOGGING BURN_LOGGING; typedef struct _BURN_PACKAGES BURN_PACKAGES; // typedefs typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFN_INITIATESYSTEMSHUTDOWNEXW)( __in_opt LPWSTR lpMachineName, __in_opt LPWSTR lpMessage, __in DWORD dwTimeout, __in BOOL bForceAppsClosed, __in BOOL bRebootAfterShutdown, __in DWORD dwReason ); // variable declarations extern PFN_INITIATESYSTEMSHUTDOWNEXW vpfnInitiateSystemShutdownExW; // function declarations void PlatformInitialize(); #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif