// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
namespace WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller
using System;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
// Enumerations are in alphabetical order.
/// Specifies a return status value for custom actions.
public enum ActionResult : int
/// Action completed successfully.
Success = 0,
/// Skip remaining actions, not an error.
SkipRemainingActions = 259,
/// User terminated prematurely.
UserExit = 1602,
/// Unrecoverable error or unhandled exception occurred.
Failure = 1603,
/// Action not executed.
NotExecuted = 1626,
/// Specifies the open mode for a .
public enum DatabaseOpenMode : int
/// Open a database read-only, no persistent changes.
ReadOnly = 0,
/// Open a database read/write in transaction mode.
Transact = 1,
/// Open a database direct read/write without transaction.
Direct = 2,
/// Create a new database, transact mode read/write.
Create = 3,
/// Create a new database, direct mode read/write.
CreateDirect = 4,
/// Log modes available for
/// and .
public enum InstallLogModes : int
/// Disable logging.
None = 0,
/// Log out of memory or fatal exit information.
FatalExit = (1 << ((int) InstallMessage.FatalExit >> 24)),
/// Log error messages.
Error = (1 << ((int) InstallMessage.Error >> 24)),
/// Log warning messages.
Warning = (1 << ((int) InstallMessage.Warning >> 24)),
/// Log user requests.
User = (1 << ((int) InstallMessage.User >> 24)),
/// Log status messages that are not displayed.
Info = (1 << ((int) InstallMessage.Info >> 24)),
/// Log request to determine a valid source location.
ResolveSource = (1 << ((int) InstallMessage.ResolveSource >> 24)),
/// Log insufficient disk space error.
OutOfDiskSpace = (1 << ((int) InstallMessage.OutOfDiskSpace >> 24)),
/// Log the start of installation actions.
ActionStart = (1 << ((int) InstallMessage.ActionStart >> 24)),
/// Log the data record for installation actions.
ActionData = (1 << ((int) InstallMessage.ActionData >> 24)),
/// Log parameters for user-interface initialization.
CommonData = (1 << ((int) InstallMessage.CommonData >> 24)),
/// Log the property values at termination.
PropertyDump = (1 << ((int) InstallMessage.Progress >> 24)), // log only
/// Sends large amounts of information to log file not generally useful to users.
/// May be used for support.
Verbose = (1 << ((int) InstallMessage.Initialize >> 24)), // log only
/// Log extra debugging information.
ExtraDebug = (1 << ((int) InstallMessage.Terminate >> 24)), // log only
/// Log only on error.
LogOnlyOnError = (1 << ((int) InstallMessage.ShowDialog >> 24)), // log only
/// Log progress bar information. This message includes information on units so far and total number
/// of units. See for an explanation of the message format. This message
/// is only sent to an external user interface and is not logged.
Progress = (1 << ((int) InstallMessage.Progress >> 24)), // external handler only
/// If this is not a quiet installation, then the basic UI has been initialized. If this is a full
/// UI installation, the Full UI is not yet initialized. This message is only sent to an external
/// user interface and is not logged.
Initialize = (1 << ((int) InstallMessage.Initialize >> 24)), // external handler only
/// If a full UI is being used, the full UI has ended. If this is not a quiet installation, the basic
/// UI has not yet ended. This message is only sent to an external user interface and is not logged.
Terminate = (1 << ((int) InstallMessage.Terminate >> 24)), // external handler only
/// Sent prior to display of the Full UI dialog. This message is only sent to an external user
/// interface and is not logged.
ShowDialog = (1 << ((int) InstallMessage.ShowDialog >> 24)), // external handler only
/// List of files in use that need to be replaced.
FilesInUse = (1 << ((int) InstallMessage.FilesInUse >> 24)), // external handler only
/// [MSI 4.0] List of apps that the user can request Restart Manager to shut down and restart.
RMFilesInUse = (1 << ((int) InstallMessage.RMFilesInUse >> 24)), // external handler only
/// Type of message to be processed by ,
/// , or .
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1027:MarkEnumsWithFlags")]
public enum InstallMessage : int
/// Premature termination, possibly fatal OOM.
FatalExit = 0x00000000,
/// Formatted error message.
Error = 0x01000000,
/// Formatted warning message.
Warning = 0x02000000,
/// User request message.
User = 0x03000000,
/// Informative message for log.
Info = 0x04000000,
/// List of files in use that need to be replaced.
FilesInUse = 0x05000000,
/// Request to determine a valid source location.
ResolveSource = 0x06000000,
/// Insufficient disk space message.
OutOfDiskSpace = 0x07000000,
/// Start of action: action name & description.
ActionStart = 0x08000000,
/// Formatted data associated with individual action item.
ActionData = 0x09000000,
/// Progress gauge info: units so far, total.
Progress = 0x0A000000,
/// Product info for dialog: language Id, dialog caption.
CommonData = 0x0B000000,
/// Sent prior to UI initialization, no string data.
Initialize = 0x0C000000,
/// Sent after UI termination, no string data.
Terminate = 0x0D000000,
/// Sent prior to display or authored dialog or wizard.
ShowDialog = 0x0E000000,
/// [MSI 4.0] List of apps that the user can request Restart Manager to shut down and restart.
RMFilesInUse = 0x19000000,
/// [MSI 4.5] Sent prior to install of a product.
InstallStart = 0x1A000000,
/// [MSI 4.5] Sent after install of a product.
InstallEnd = 0x1B000000,
/// Specifies the install mode for or .
public enum InstallMode : int
/// Provide the component only if the feature's installation state is .
NoSourceResolution = -3,
/// Only check that the component is registered, without verifying that the key file of the component exists.
NoDetection = -2,
/// Provide the component only if the feature exists.
Existing = -1,
/// Provide the component and perform any installation necessary to provide the component.
Default = 0,
/// Specifies the run mode for .
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1027:MarkEnumsWithFlags")]
public enum InstallRunMode : int
/// The administrative mode is installing, or the product is installing.
Admin = 0,
/// The advertisements are installing or the product is installing or updating.
Advertise = 1,
/// An existing installation is being modified or there is a new installation.
Maintenance = 2,
/// Rollback is enabled.
RollbackEnabled = 3,
/// The log file is active. It was enabled prior to the installation session.
LogEnabled = 4,
/// Execute operations are spooling or they are in the determination phase.
Operations = 5,
/// A reboot is necessary after a successful installation (settable).
RebootAtEnd = 6,
/// A reboot is necessary to continue the installation (settable).
RebootNow = 7,
/// Files from cabinets and Media table files are installing.
Cabinet = 8,
/// The source LongFileNames is suppressed through the PID_MSISOURCE summary property.
SourceShortNames = 9,
/// The target LongFileNames is suppressed through the SHORTFILENAMES property.
TargetShortNames = 10,
// Reserved for future use.
//Reserved11 = 11,
/// The operating system is Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows ME.
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1709:IdentifiersShouldBeCasedCorrectly", MessageId = "x")]
Windows9x = 12,
/// The operating system supports demand installation.
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "Zaw")]
ZawEnabled = 13,
// Reserved for future use.
//Reserved14 = 14,
// Reserved for future use.
//Reserved15 = 15,
/// A custom action called from install script execution.
Scheduled = 16,
/// A custom action called from rollback execution script.
Rollback = 17,
/// A custom action called from commit execution script.
Commit = 18,
/// Installed state of a Component or Feature.
public enum InstallState : int
/// The component is disabled.
NotUsed = -7,
/// The installation configuration data is corrupt.
BadConfig = -6,
/// The installation is suspended or in progress.
Incomplete = -5,
/// Component is set to run from source, but source is unavailable.
SourceAbsent = -4,
/// The buffer overflow is returned.
MoreData = -3,
/// An invalid parameter was passed to the function.
InvalidArgument = -2,
/// An unrecognized product or feature name was passed to the function.
Unknown = -1,
/// The component is broken.
Broken = 0,
/// The feature is advertised.
Advertised = 1,
/// The component is being removed. In action state and not settable.
Removed = 1,
/// The component is not installed, or action state is absent but clients remain.
Absent = 2,
/// The component is installed on the local drive.
Local = 3,
/// The component will run from the source, CD, or network.
Source = 4,
/// The component will be installed in the default location: local or source.
Default = 5,
/// Specifies the type of installation for .
public enum InstallType : int
/// Searches system for products to patch.
Default = 0,
/// Indicates a administrative installation.
NetworkImage = 1,
/// Indicates a particular instance.
SingleInstance = 2,
/// Level of the installation user interface, specified with
/// .
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1008:EnumsShouldHaveZeroValue")]
public enum InstallUIOptions : int
/// Does not change UI level.
NoChange = 0,
/// Uses Default UI level.
Default = 1,
/// Silent installation.
Silent = 2,
/// Simple progress and error handling.
Basic = 3,
/// Authored UI, wizard dialogs suppressed.
Reduced = 4,
/// Authored UI with wizards, progress, and errors.
Full = 5,
/// When combined with the value, the installer does not display
/// the cancel button in the progress dialog.
HideCancel = 0x20,
/// When combined with the value, the installer displays progress
/// dialog boxes but does not display any modal dialog boxes or error dialog boxes.
ProgressOnly = 0x40,
/// When combined with another value, the installer displays a modal dialog
/// box at the end of a successful installation or if there has been an error.
/// No dialog box is displayed if the user cancels.
EndDialog = 0x80,
/// Forces display of the source resolution dialog even if the UI is otherwise silent.
SourceResolutionOnly = 0x100,
/// [MSI 5.0] Forces display of the UAC dialog even if the UI is otherwise silent.
UacOnly = 0x200,
/// Specifies a return status value for message handlers. These values are returned by
/// , , and .
public enum MessageResult : int
/// An error was found in the message handler.
Error = -1,
/// No action was taken.
None = 0,
/// IDOK
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1706:ShortAcronymsShouldBeUppercase")]
OK = 1,
Cancel = 2,
Abort = 3,
Retry = 4,
Ignore = 5,
Yes = 6,
/// IDNO
No = 7,
/// Specifies constants defining which buttons to display for a message. This can be cast to
/// the MessageBoxButtons enum in System.Windows.Forms and System.Windows.
public enum MessageButtons
/// The message contains an OK button.
OK = 0,
/// The message contains OK and Cancel buttons.
OKCancel = 1,
/// The message contains Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons.
AbortRetryIgnore = 2,
/// The message contains Yes, No, and Cancel buttons.
YesNoCancel = 3,
/// The message contains Yes and No buttons.
YesNo = 4,
/// The message contains Retry and Cancel buttons.
RetryCancel = 5,
/// Specifies constants defining which information to display. This can be cast to
/// the MessageBoxIcon enum in System.Windows.Forms and System.Windows.
public enum MessageIcon
/// The message contain no symbols.
None = 0,
/// The message contains a symbol consisting of white X in a circle with a red background.
Error = 16,
/// The message contains a symbol consisting of a white X in a circle with a red background.
Hand = 16,
/// The message contains a symbol consisting of white X in a circle with a red background.
Stop = 16,
/// The message contains a symbol consisting of a question mark in a circle.
Question = 32,
/// The message contains a symbol consisting of an exclamation point in a triangle with a yellow background.
Exclamation = 48,
/// The message contains a symbol consisting of an exclamation point in a triangle with a yellow background.
Warning = 48,
/// The message contains a symbol consisting of a lowercase letter i in a circle.
Information = 64,
/// The message contains a symbol consisting of a lowercase letter i in a circle.
Asterisk = 64,
/// Specifies constants defining the default button on a message. This can be cast to
/// the MessageBoxDefaultButton enum in System.Windows.Forms and System.Windows.
public enum MessageDefaultButton
/// The first button on the message is the default button.
Button1 = 0,
/// The second button on the message is the default button.
Button2 = 256,
/// The third button on the message is the default button.
Button3 = 512,
/// Additional styles for use with message boxes.
internal enum MessageBoxStyles
/// The message box is created with the WS_EX_TOPMOST window style.
TopMost = 0x00040000,
/// The caller is a service notifying the user of an event.
/// The function displays a message box on the current active desktop, even if there is no user logged on to the computer.
ServiceNotification = 0x00200000,
/// Specifies the different patch states for .
public enum PatchStates : int
/// Invalid value.
None = 0,
/// Patches applied to a product.
Applied = 1,
/// Patches that are superseded by other patches.
Superseded = 2,
/// Patches that are obsolesced by other patches.
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "Obsoleted")]
Obsoleted = 4,
/// Patches that are registered to a product but not applied.
Registered = 8,
/// All valid patch states.
All = (Applied | Superseded | Obsoleted | Registered)
/// Specifies the reinstall mode for or .
public enum ReinstallModes : int
/// Reinstall only if file is missing.
FileMissing = 0x00000002,
/// Reinstall if file is missing, or older version.
FileOlderVersion = 0x00000004,
/// Reinstall if file is missing, or equal or older version.
FileEqualVersion = 0x00000008,
/// Reinstall if file is missing, or not exact version.
FileExact = 0x00000010,
/// Checksum executables, reinstall if missing or corrupt.
FileVerify = 0x00000020,
/// Reinstall all files, regardless of version.
FileReplace = 0x00000040,
/// Insure required machine reg entries.
MachineData = 0x00000080,
/// Insure required user reg entries.
UserData = 0x00000100,
/// Validate shortcuts items.
Shortcut = 0x00000200,
/// Use re-cache source install package.
Package = 0x00000400,
/// Attributes for methods.
public enum TransactionAttributes : int
/// No attributes.
None = 0x00000000,
/// Request that the Windows Installer not shutdown the embedded UI until the transaction is complete.
ChainEmbeddedUI = 0x00000001,
/// Request that the Windows Installer transfer the embedded UI from the original installation.
JoinExistingEmbeddedUI = 0x00000002,
/// Transform error conditions available for or
/// .
public enum TransformErrors : int
/// No error conditions.
None = 0x0000,
/// Adding a row that already exists.
AddExistingRow = 0x0001,
/// Deleting a row that doesn't exist.
DelMissingRow = 0x0002,
/// Adding a table that already exists.
AddExistingTable = 0x0004,
/// Deleting a table that doesn't exist.
DelMissingTable = 0x0008,
/// Updating a row that doesn't exist.
UpdateMissingRow = 0x0010,
/// Transform and database code pages do not match and neither code page is neutral.
ChangeCodePage = 0x0020,
/// Create the temporary _TransformView table when applying the transform.
ViewTransform = 0x0100,
/// Transform validation flags available for .
public enum TransformValidations : int
/// Validate no properties.
None = 0x0000,
/// Default language must match base database.
Language = 0x0001,
/// Product must match base database.
Product = 0x0002,
/// Check major version only.
MajorVersion = 0x0008,
/// Check major and minor versions only.
MinorVersion = 0x0010,
/// Check major, minor, and update versions.
UpdateVersion = 0x0020,
/// Installed version < base version.
NewLessBaseVersion = 0x0040,
/// Installed version <= base version.
NewLessEqualBaseVersion = 0x0080,
/// Installed version = base version.
NewEqualBaseVersion = 0x0100,
/// Installed version >= base version.
NewGreaterEqualBaseVersion = 0x0200,
/// Installed version > base version.
NewGreaterBaseVersion = 0x0400,
/// UpgradeCode must match base database.
UpgradeCode = 0x0800,
/// Specifies the installation context for s,
/// es, and
public enum UserContexts : int
/// Not installed.
None = 0,
/// User managed install context.
UserManaged = 1,
/// User non-managed context.
UserUnmanaged = 2,
/// Per-machine context.
Machine = 4,
/// All contexts, or all valid values.
All = (UserManaged | UserUnmanaged | Machine),
/// All user-managed contexts.
AllUserManaged = 8,
/// Defines the type of error encountered by the , ,
/// or methods of the class.
public enum ValidationError : int
InvalidArg = -3,
MoreData = -2,
FunctionError = -1,
/// No error.
None = 0,
/// The new record duplicates primary keys of the existing record in a table.
DuplicateKey = 1,
/// There are no null values allowed, or the column is about to be deleted but is referenced by another row.
Required = 2,
/// The corresponding record in a foreign table was not found.
BadLink = 3,
/// The data is greater than the maximum value allowed.
Overflow = 4,
/// The data is less than the minimum value allowed.
Underflow = 5,
/// The data is not a member of the values permitted in the set.
NotInSet = 6,
/// An invalid version string was supplied.
BadVersion = 7,
/// The case was invalid. The case must be all uppercase or all lowercase.
BadCase = 8,
/// An invalid GUID was supplied.
BadGuid = 9,
/// An invalid wildcard file name was supplied, or the use of wildcards was invalid.
BadWildcard = 10,
/// An invalid identifier was supplied.
BadIdentifier = 11,
/// Invalid language IDs were supplied.
BadLanguage = 12,
/// An invalid file name was supplied.
BadFileName = 13,
/// An invalid path was supplied.
BadPath = 14,
/// An invalid conditional statement was supplied.
BadCondition = 15,
/// An invalid format string was supplied.
BadFormatted = 16,
/// An invalid template string was supplied.
BadTemplate = 17,
/// An invalid string was supplied in the DefaultDir column of the Directory table.
BadDefaultDir = 18,
/// An invalid registry path string was supplied.
BadRegPath = 19,
/// An invalid string was supplied in the CustomSource column of the CustomAction table.
BadCustomSource = 20,
/// An invalid property string was supplied.
BadProperty = 21,
/// The _Validation table is missing a reference to a column.
MissingData = 22,
/// The category column of the _Validation table for the column is invalid.
BadCategory = 23,
/// The table in the Keytable column of the _Validation table was not found or loaded.
BadKeyTable = 24,
/// The value in the MaxValue column of the _Validation table is less than the value in the MinValue column.
BadMaxMinValues = 25,
/// An invalid cabinet name was supplied.
BadCabinet = 26,
/// An invalid shortcut target name was supplied.
BadShortcut = 27,
/// The string is too long for the length specified by the column definition.
StringOverflow = 28,
/// An invalid localization attribute was supplied. (Primary keys cannot be localized.)
BadLocalizeAttrib = 29
/// Specifies the modify mode for .
public enum ViewModifyMode : int
/// Refreshes the information in the supplied record without changing the position
/// in the result set and without affecting subsequent fetch operations.
Seek = -1,
/// Refreshes the data in a Record.
Refresh = 0,
/// Inserts a Record into the view.
Insert = 1,
/// Updates the View with new data from the Record.
Update = 2,
/// Updates or inserts a Record into the View.
Assign = 3,
/// Updates or deletes and inserts a Record into the View.
Replace = 4,
/// Inserts or validates a record.
Merge = 5,
/// Deletes a Record from the View.
Delete = 6,
/// Inserts a Record into the View. The inserted data is not persistent.
InsertTemporary = 7,
/// Validates a record.
Validate = 8,
/// Validates a new record.
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1711:IdentifiersShouldNotHaveIncorrectSuffix")]
ValidateNew = 9,
/// Validates fields of a fetched or new record. Can validate one or more fields of an incomplete record.
ValidateField = 10,
/// Validates a record that will be deleted later.
ValidateDelete = 11,