#pragma once // Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. #include #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable:4458) // declaration of 'xxx' hides class member #include #pragma warning(pop) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Standard WiX header files, include as required #include "dutil.h" //#include "memutil.h" #include "dictutil.h" //#include "dirutil.h" #include "fileutil.h" //#include "locutil.h" //#include "logutil.h" #include "pathutil.h" //#include "resrutil.h" //#include "shelutil.h" #include "strutil.h" //#include "thmutil.h" //#include "uriutil.h" //#include "xmlutil.h" #include "regutil.h" #include "BootstrapperApplicationBase.h" #include "BAFunctions.h" #include "IBAFunctions.h" HRESULT WINAPI CreateBAFunctions( __in HMODULE hModule, __in const BA_FUNCTIONS_CREATE_ARGS* pArgs, __inout BA_FUNCTIONS_CREATE_RESULTS* pResults );