@setlocal @pushd %~dp0 @set _C=Debug @set _L=%~dp0..\..\..\build\logs :parse_args @if /i "%1"=="release" set _C=Release @if /i "%1"=="inc" set _INC=1 @if /i "%1"=="clean" set _CLEAN=1 @if not "%1"=="" shift & goto parse_args @set _B=%~dp0..\..\..\build\Bal.wixext\%_C% :: Clean @if "%_INC%"=="" call :clean @if NOT "%_CLEAN%"=="" goto :end @echo Building ext\Bal %_C% using %_N% :: Restore :: Build :: Pack :: Note: This test project must be restored and built directly to get all its support files laid out correctly. :: Everything else is built by the traversal project. msbuild -Restore -p:Configuration=%_C% -tl -nologo -m -warnaserror test\WixToolsetTest.BootstrapperApplications\WixToolsetTest.BootstrapperApplications.csproj -bl:%_L%\ext_bal_build.binlog || exit /b msbuild bal_t.proj -p:Configuration=%_C% -tl -nologo -warnaserror -bl:%_L%\bal_build.binlog || exit /b :: Test dotnet test ^ %_B%\x86\WixStdFnUnitTest.dll ^ %_B%\net6.0\WixToolsetTest.BootstrapperApplications.dll ^ --nologo -l "trx;LogFileName=%_L%\TestResults\bal.wixext.trx" || exit /b @goto :end :clean @rd /s/q "..\..\..\build\Bal.wixext" 2> nul @del "..\..\..\build\artifacts\WixToolset.Bal.wixext.*.nupkg" 2> nul @del "..\..\..\build\artifacts\WixToolset.BootstrapperApplications.wixext.*.nupkg" 2> nul @del "..\..\..\build\artifacts\WixToolset.WixStandardBootstrapperApplicationFunctionApi.*.nupkg" 2> nul @del "%_L%\ext_bal_build.binlog" 2> nul @del "%_L%\bal_fnsapi_build.binlog" 2> nul @del "%_L%\bal_examples_build.binlog" 2> nul @del "%_L%\TestResults\bal.wixext.trx" 2> nul @rd /s/q "%USERPROFILE%\.nuget\packages\wixtoolset.bal.wixext" 2> nul @rd /s/q "%USERPROFILE%\.nuget\packages\wixtoolset.bootstrapperapplications.wixext" 2> nul @rd /s/q "%USERPROFILE%\.nuget\packages\wixtoolset.wixstandardbootstrapperapplicationfunctionapi" 2> nul @exit /b :end @popd @endlocal