<!-- Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. --> <WixLocalization Culture="zh-ch" Language="2052" xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxl"> <String Id="Caption" Value="[WixBundleName] 安装" /> <String Id="Title" Value="[WixBundleName] 安装需要 Microsoft .NET Framework" /> <String Id="ConfirmCancelMessage" Value="是否确实要取消?" /> <String Id="HelpHeader" Value="安装程序帮助" /> <String Id="HelpText" Value="/passive | /quiet - 显示最小的 UI 且无提示,或者不显示 UI 且
 无提示。默认情况下显示 UI 和所有提示。

/norestart - 隐藏任何重启提示。默认情况下 UI 会在重启前提示。
/log log.txt - 记录到特定文件。默认情况下在 %TEMP% 中创建日志文件。" /> <String Id="HelpCloseButton" Value="关闭(&C)" /> <String Id="InstallLicenseTerms" Value="单击“接受并安装”按钮以接受 Microsoft .NET Framework <a href="#">许可证条款</a>。" /> <String Id="InstallAcceptAndInstallButton" Value="接受并安装(&A)" /> <String Id="InstallDeclineButton" Value="拒绝(&D)" /> <String Id="ProgressHeader" Value="安装进度" /> <String Id="ProgressLabel" Value="正在处理:" /> <String Id="ProgressCancelButton" Value="取消(&C)" /> <String Id="SuccessHeader" Value="Microsoft .NET Framework Setup Successful" /> <String Id="SuccessRestartText" Value="You must restart your computer before [WixBundleName] setup can continue." /> <String Id="SuccessRestartButton" Value="&Restart" /> <String Id="SuccessCloseButton" Value="&Close" /> <String Id="FailureHeader" Value="安装失败" /> <String Id="FailureLogLinkText" Value="一个或多个问题导致安装失败。请解决问题,然后重新尝试安装。有关详情,请查看<a href="#">日志文件</a>。" /> <String Id="FailureRestartText" Value="必须重启计算机才能完成软件的回滚。" /> <String Id="FailureRestartButton" Value="重启(&R)" /> <String Id="FailureCloseButton" Value="关闭(&C)" /> <String Id="NET452WIN7RTMErrorMessage" Value="[WixBundleName] cannot run on Windows 7 RTM with .NET 4.5.2 installed. Install Windows 7 SP1 to run in a supported environment." /> <String Id="PREREQBAINFINITELOOPErrorMessage" Value="[WixBundleName] failed to load the .NET Framework runtime even though all of the prerequisites are installed." /> <String Id="ErrorFailNoActionReboot" Value="No action was taken as a system reboot is required." /> </WixLocalization>