#pragma once // Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. #include #include #include class CBalBaseBAFunctions : public IBAFunctions { public: // IUnknown virtual STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface( __in REFIID riid, __out LPVOID *ppvObject ) { if (!ppvObject) { return E_INVALIDARG; } *ppvObject = NULL; if (::IsEqualIID(__uuidof(IBAFunctions), riid)) { *ppvObject = static_cast(this); } else if (::IsEqualIID(__uuidof(IBootstrapperApplication), riid)) { *ppvObject = static_cast(this); } else if (::IsEqualIID(IID_IUnknown, riid)) { *ppvObject = static_cast(this); } else // no interface for requested iid { return E_NOINTERFACE; } AddRef(); return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef() { return ::InterlockedIncrement(&this->m_cReferences); } virtual STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release() { long l = ::InterlockedDecrement(&this->m_cReferences); if (0 < l) { return l; } delete this; return 0; } public: // IBootstrapperApplication virtual STDMETHODIMP_(HRESULT) BAProc( __in BOOTSTRAPPER_APPLICATION_MESSAGE /*message*/, __in const LPVOID /*pvArgs*/, __inout LPVOID /*pvResults*/ ) { return E_NOTIMPL; } virtual STDMETHODIMP_(void) BAProcFallback( __in BOOTSTRAPPER_APPLICATION_MESSAGE /*message*/, __in const LPVOID /*pvArgs*/, __inout LPVOID /*pvResults*/, __inout HRESULT* /*phr*/ ) { } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnCreate( __in IBootstrapperEngine* pEngine, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_COMMAND* /*pCommand*/ ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; pEngine->AddRef(); m_pEngine = pEngine; return hr; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnDestroy( __in BOOL /*fReload*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnStartup() { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnShutdown( __inout BOOTSTRAPPER_SHUTDOWN_ACTION* /*pAction*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnDetectBegin( __in BOOL /*fCached*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_REGISTRATION_TYPE /*registrationType*/, __in DWORD /*cPackages*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnDetectForwardCompatibleBundle( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzBundleId*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_RELATION_TYPE /*relationType*/, __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzBundleTag*/, __in BOOL /*fPerMachine*/, __in LPCWSTR /*wzVersion*/, __in BOOL /*fMissingFromCache*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnDetectUpdateBegin( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzUpdateLocation*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfSkip*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnDetectUpdate( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzUpdateLocation*/, __in DWORD64 /*dw64Size*/, __in_z_opt LPCWSTR /*wzHash*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_UPDATE_HASH_TYPE /*hashAlgorithm*/, __in LPCWSTR /*wzVersion*/, __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzTitle*/, __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzSummary*/, __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzContentType*/, __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzContent*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfStopProcessingUpdates*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnDetectUpdateComplete( __in HRESULT /*hrStatus*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfIgnoreError*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnDetectRelatedBundle( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzBundleId*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_RELATION_TYPE /*relationType*/, __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzBundleTag*/, __in BOOL /*fPerMachine*/, __in LPCWSTR /*wzVersion*/, __in BOOL /*fMissingFromCache*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnDetectPackageBegin( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnDetectCompatibleMsiPackage( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzCompatiblePackageId*/, __in LPCWSTR /*wzCompatiblePackageVersion*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnDetectRelatedMsiPackage( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzUpgradeCode*/, __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzProductCode*/, __in BOOL /*fPerMachine*/, __in LPCWSTR /*wzVersion*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_RELATED_OPERATION /*operation*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnDetectPatchTarget( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzProductCode*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_PACKAGE_STATE /*patchState*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnDetectMsiFeature( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzFeatureId*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_FEATURE_STATE /*state*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnDetectPackageComplete( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __in HRESULT /*hrStatus*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_PACKAGE_STATE /*state*/, __in BOOL /*fCached*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnDetectComplete( __in HRESULT /*hrStatus*/, __in BOOL /*fEligibleForCleanup*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnPlanBegin( __in DWORD /*cPackages*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnPlanRelatedBundle( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzBundleId*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_REQUEST_STATE /*recommendedState*/, __inout BOOTSTRAPPER_REQUEST_STATE* /*pRequestedState*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnPlanRollbackBoundary( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzRollbackBoundaryId*/, __in BOOL /*fRecommendedTransaction*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfTransaction*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnPlanPackageBegin( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_PACKAGE_STATE /*state*/, __in BOOL /*fCached*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_PACKAGE_CONDITION_RESULT /*installCondition*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_PACKAGE_CONDITION_RESULT /*repairCondition*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_REQUEST_STATE /*recommendedState*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_CACHE_TYPE /*recommendedCacheType*/, __inout BOOTSTRAPPER_REQUEST_STATE* /*pRequestState*/, __inout BOOTSTRAPPER_CACHE_TYPE* /*pRequestedCacheType*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnPlanCompatibleMsiPackageBegin( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzCompatiblePackageId*/, __in LPCWSTR /*wzCompatiblePackageVersion*/, __in BOOL /*fRecommendedRemove*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfRequestRemove*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnPlanCompatibleMsiPackageComplete( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzCompatiblePackageId*/, __in HRESULT /*hrStatus*/, __in BOOL /*fRequestedRemove*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnPlanPatchTarget( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzProductCode*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_REQUEST_STATE /*recommendedState*/, __inout BOOTSTRAPPER_REQUEST_STATE* /*pRequestedState*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnPlanMsiFeature( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzFeatureId*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_FEATURE_STATE /*recommendedState*/, __inout BOOTSTRAPPER_FEATURE_STATE* /*pRequestedState*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnPlanMsiPackage( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __in BOOL /*fExecute*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_ACTION_STATE /*action*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_MSI_FILE_VERSIONING /*recommendedFileVersioning*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/, __inout BURN_MSI_PROPERTY* /*pActionMsiProperty*/, __inout INSTALLUILEVEL* /*pUiLevel*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfDisableExternalUiHandler*/, __inout BOOTSTRAPPER_MSI_FILE_VERSIONING* /*pFileVersioning*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnPlanPackageComplete( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __in HRESULT /*hrStatus*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_REQUEST_STATE /*requested*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnPlannedCompatiblePackage( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzCompatiblePackageId*/, __in BOOL /*fRemove*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnPlannedPackage( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_ACTION_STATE /*execute*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_ACTION_STATE /*rollback*/, __in BOOL /*fPlannedCache*/, __in BOOL /*fPlannedUncache*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnPlanComplete( __in HRESULT /*hrStatus*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnApplyBegin( __in DWORD /*dwPhaseCount*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnElevateBegin( __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnElevateComplete( __in HRESULT /*hrStatus*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnProgress( __in DWORD /*dwProgressPercentage*/, __in DWORD /*dwOverallProgressPercentage*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return IDNOACTION; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnError( __in BOOTSTRAPPER_ERROR_TYPE /*errorType*/, __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __in DWORD /*dwCode*/, __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzError*/, __in DWORD /*dwUIHint*/, __in DWORD /*cData*/, __in_ecount_z_opt(cData) LPCWSTR* /*rgwzData*/, __in int /*nRecommendation*/, __inout int* /*pResult*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnRegisterBegin( __in BOOTSTRAPPER_REGISTRATION_TYPE /*recommendedRegistrationType*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/, __inout BOOTSTRAPPER_REGISTRATION_TYPE* /*pRegistrationType*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnRegisterComplete( __in HRESULT /*hrStatus*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnCacheBegin( __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnCachePackageBegin( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __in DWORD /*cCachePayloads*/, __in DWORD64 /*dw64PackageCacheSize*/, __in BOOL /*fVital*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnCacheAcquireBegin( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageOrContainerId*/, __in_z_opt LPCWSTR /*wzPayloadId*/, __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzSource*/, __in_z_opt LPCWSTR /*wzDownloadUrl*/, __in_z_opt LPCWSTR /*wzPayloadContainerId*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_CACHE_OPERATION /*recommendation*/, __inout BOOTSTRAPPER_CACHE_OPERATION* /*pAction*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnCacheAcquireProgress( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageOrContainerId*/, __in_z_opt LPCWSTR /*wzPayloadId*/, __in DWORD64 /*dw64Progress*/, __in DWORD64 /*dw64Total*/, __in DWORD /*dwOverallPercentage*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnCacheAcquireResolving( __in_z_opt LPCWSTR /*wzPackageOrContainerId*/, __in_z_opt LPCWSTR /*wzPayloadId*/, __in_z LPCWSTR* /*rgSearchPaths*/, __in DWORD /*cSearchPaths*/, __in BOOL /*fFoundLocal*/, __in DWORD /*dwRecommendedSearchPath*/, __in_z_opt LPCWSTR /*wzDownloadUrl*/, __in_z_opt LPCWSTR /*wzPayloadContainerId*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_CACHE_RESOLVE_OPERATION /*recommendation*/, __inout DWORD* /*pdwChosenSearchPath*/, __inout BOOTSTRAPPER_CACHE_RESOLVE_OPERATION* /*pAction*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnCacheAcquireComplete( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageOrContainerId*/, __in_z_opt LPCWSTR /*wzPayloadId*/, __in HRESULT /*hrStatus*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_CACHEACQUIRECOMPLETE_ACTION /*recommendation*/, __inout BOOTSTRAPPER_CACHEACQUIRECOMPLETE_ACTION* /*pAction*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnCacheVerifyBegin( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageOrContainerId*/, __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPayloadId*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnCacheVerifyProgress( __in_z_opt LPCWSTR /*wzPackageOrContainerId*/, __in_z_opt LPCWSTR /*wzPayloadId*/, __in DWORD64 /*dw64Progress*/, __in DWORD64 /*dw64Total*/, __in DWORD /*dwOverallPercentage*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_CACHE_VERIFY_STEP /*verifyStep*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnCacheVerifyComplete( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageOrContainerId*/, __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPayloadId*/, __in HRESULT /*hrStatus*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_CACHEVERIFYCOMPLETE_ACTION /*recommendation*/, __inout BOOTSTRAPPER_CACHEVERIFYCOMPLETE_ACTION* /*pAction*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnCachePackageComplete( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __in HRESULT /*hrStatus*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_CACHEPACKAGECOMPLETE_ACTION /*recommendation*/, __inout BOOTSTRAPPER_CACHEPACKAGECOMPLETE_ACTION* /*pAction*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnCacheComplete( __in HRESULT /*hrStatus*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnExecuteBegin( __in DWORD /*cExecutingPackages*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnExecutePackageBegin( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __in BOOL /*fExecute*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_ACTION_STATE /*action*/, __in INSTALLUILEVEL /*uiLevel*/, __in BOOL /*fDisableExternalUiHandler*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnExecutePatchTarget( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzTargetProductCode*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnExecuteProgress( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __in DWORD /*dwProgressPercentage*/, __in DWORD /*dwOverallProgressPercentage*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnExecuteMsiMessage( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __in INSTALLMESSAGE /*messageType*/, __in DWORD /*dwUIHint*/, __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzMessage*/, __in DWORD /*cData*/, __in_ecount_z_opt(cData) LPCWSTR* /*rgwzData*/, __in int /*nRecommendation*/, __inout int* /*pResult*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnExecuteFilesInUse( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __in DWORD /*cFiles*/, __in_ecount_z(cFiles) LPCWSTR* /*rgwzFiles*/, __in int /*nRecommendation*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_FILES_IN_USE_TYPE /*source*/, __inout int* /*pResult*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnExecutePackageComplete( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __in HRESULT /*hrStatus*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_APPLY_RESTART /*restart*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_EXECUTEPACKAGECOMPLETE_ACTION /*recommendation*/, __inout BOOTSTRAPPER_EXECUTEPACKAGECOMPLETE_ACTION* /*pAction*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnExecuteComplete( __in HRESULT /*hrStatus*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnUnregisterBegin( __in BOOTSTRAPPER_REGISTRATION_TYPE /*recommendedRegistrationType*/, __inout BOOTSTRAPPER_REGISTRATION_TYPE* /*pRegistrationType*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnUnregisterComplete( __in HRESULT /*hrStatus*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnApplyComplete( __in HRESULT /*hrStatus*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_APPLY_RESTART /*restart*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_APPLYCOMPLETE_ACTION /*recommendation*/, __inout BOOTSTRAPPER_APPLYCOMPLETE_ACTION* /*pAction*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnLaunchApprovedExeBegin( __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnLaunchApprovedExeComplete( __in HRESULT /*hrStatus*/, __in DWORD /*dwProcessId*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnBeginMsiTransactionBegin( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzTransactionId*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnBeginMsiTransactionComplete( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzTransactionId*/, __in HRESULT /*hrStatus*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnCommitMsiTransactionBegin( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzTransactionId*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnCommitMsiTransactionComplete( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzTransactionId*/, __in HRESULT /*hrStatus*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_APPLY_RESTART /*restart*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_EXECUTEMSITRANSACTIONCOMPLETE_ACTION /*recommendation*/, __inout BOOTSTRAPPER_EXECUTEMSITRANSACTIONCOMPLETE_ACTION* /*pAction*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnRollbackMsiTransactionBegin( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzTransactionId*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnRollbackMsiTransactionComplete( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzTransactionId*/, __in HRESULT /*hrStatus*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_APPLY_RESTART /*restart*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_EXECUTEMSITRANSACTIONCOMPLETE_ACTION /*recommendation*/, __inout BOOTSTRAPPER_EXECUTEMSITRANSACTIONCOMPLETE_ACTION* /*pAction*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnPauseAutomaticUpdatesBegin( ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnPauseAutomaticUpdatesComplete( __in HRESULT /*hrStatus*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnSystemRestorePointBegin( ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnSystemRestorePointComplete( __in HRESULT /*hrStatus*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnPlanForwardCompatibleBundle( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzBundleId*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_RELATION_TYPE /*relationType*/, __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzBundleTag*/, __in BOOL /*fPerMachine*/, __in LPCWSTR /*wzVersion*/, __in BOOL /*fRecommendedIgnoreBundle*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfIgnoreBundle*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnCacheContainerOrPayloadVerifyBegin( __in_z_opt LPCWSTR /*wzPackageOrContainerId*/, __in_z_opt LPCWSTR /*wzPayloadId*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnCacheContainerOrPayloadVerifyProgress( __in_z_opt LPCWSTR /*wzPackageOrContainerId*/, __in_z_opt LPCWSTR /*wzPayloadId*/, __in DWORD64 /*dw64Progress*/, __in DWORD64 /*dw64Total*/, __in DWORD /*dwOverallPercentage*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnCacheContainerOrPayloadVerifyComplete( __in_z_opt LPCWSTR /*wzPackageOrContainerId*/, __in_z_opt LPCWSTR /*wzPayloadId*/, __in HRESULT /*hrStatus*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnCachePayloadExtractBegin( __in_z_opt LPCWSTR /*wzPackageOrContainerId*/, __in_z_opt LPCWSTR /*wzPayloadId*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnCachePayloadExtractProgress( __in_z_opt LPCWSTR /*wzPackageOrContainerId*/, __in_z_opt LPCWSTR /*wzPayloadId*/, __in DWORD64 /*dw64Progress*/, __in DWORD64 /*dw64Total*/, __in DWORD /*dwOverallPercentage*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnCachePayloadExtractComplete( __in_z_opt LPCWSTR /*wzPackageOrContainerId*/, __in_z_opt LPCWSTR /*wzPayloadId*/, __in HRESULT /*hrStatus*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnPlanRestoreRelatedBundle( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzBundleId*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_REQUEST_STATE /*recommendedState*/, __inout BOOTSTRAPPER_REQUEST_STATE* /*pRequestedState*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnPlanRelatedBundleType( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzBundleId*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_RELATED_BUNDLE_PLAN_TYPE /*recommendedType*/, __inout BOOTSTRAPPER_RELATED_BUNDLE_PLAN_TYPE* /*pRequestedType*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnApplyDowngrade( __in HRESULT /*hrRecommended*/, __in HRESULT* /*phrStatus*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnExecuteProcessCancel( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __in DWORD /*dwProcessId*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_EXECUTEPROCESSCANCEL_ACTION /*recommendation*/, __inout BOOTSTRAPPER_EXECUTEPROCESSCANCEL_ACTION* /*pAction*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnDetectRelatedBundlePackage( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzBundleId*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_RELATION_TYPE /*relationType*/, __in BOOL /*fPerMachine*/, __in LPCWSTR /*wzVersion*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfCancel*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnCachePackageNonVitalValidationFailure( __in_z LPCWSTR /*wzPackageId*/, __in HRESULT /*hrStatus*/, __in BOOTSTRAPPER_CACHEPACKAGENONVITALVALIDATIONFAILURE_ACTION /*recommendation*/, __inout BOOTSTRAPPER_CACHEPACKAGENONVITALVALIDATIONFAILURE_ACTION* /*pAction*/ ) { return S_OK; } public: // IBAFunctions virtual STDMETHODIMP OnPlan( ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnThemeLoaded( __in HWND hWnd ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; m_hwndParent = hWnd; return hr; } virtual STDMETHODIMP WndProc( __in HWND /*hWnd*/, __in UINT /*uMsg*/, __in WPARAM /*wParam*/, __in LPARAM /*lParam*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfProcessed*/, __inout LRESULT* /*plResult*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP BAFunctionsProc( __in BA_FUNCTIONS_MESSAGE /*message*/, __in const LPVOID /*pvArgs*/, __inout LPVOID /*pvResults*/, __in_opt LPVOID /*pvContext*/ ) { return E_NOTIMPL; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnThemeControlLoading( __in LPCWSTR /*wzName*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfProcessed*/, __inout WORD* /*pwId*/, __inout DWORD* /*pdwAutomaticBehaviorType*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnThemeControlWmCommand( __in WPARAM /*wParam*/, __in LPCWSTR /*wzName*/, __in WORD /*wId*/, __in HWND /*hWnd*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfProcessed*/, __inout LRESULT* /*plResult*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnThemeControlWmNotify( __in LPNMHDR /*lParam*/, __in LPCWSTR /*wzName*/, __in WORD /*wId*/, __in HWND /*hWnd*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfProcessed*/, __inout LRESULT* /*plResult*/ ) { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP OnThemeControlLoaded( __in LPCWSTR /*wzName*/, __in WORD /*wId*/, __in HWND /*hWnd*/, __inout BOOL* /*pfProcessed*/ ) { return S_OK; } protected: CBalBaseBAFunctions(HMODULE hModule) { m_cReferences = 1; m_hModule = hModule; m_hwndParent = NULL; m_pEngine = NULL; } virtual ~CBalBaseBAFunctions() { ReleaseNullObject(m_pEngine); } private: long m_cReferences; protected: IBootstrapperEngine* m_pEngine; HMODULE m_hModule; HWND m_hwndParent; };