// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. namespace WixToolset.Data { using System; using System.Resources; public static class MsmqErrors { public static Message IllegalAttributeWithoutComponent(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers, string elementName, string attributeName) { return Message(sourceLineNumbers, Ids.IllegalAttributeWithoutComponent, "The {0}/@{1} attribute cannot be specified unless the element has a component as an ancestor. A {0} that does not have a component ancestor is not installed.", elementName, attributeName); } public static Message IllegalElementWithoutComponent(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers, string elementName) { return Message(sourceLineNumbers, Ids.IllegalElementWithoutComponent, "The {0} element cannot be specified unless the element has a component as an ancestor. A {0} that does not have a component ancestor is not installed.", elementName); } public static Message RequiredAttribute(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers, string elementName, string attributeName1, string attributeName2) { return Message(sourceLineNumbers, Ids.RequiredAttribute, "A {0} element must have either a {1} attribute or a {2} attribute, or both set.", elementName, attributeName1, attributeName2); } public static Message RequiredAttributeNotUnderComponent(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers, string elementName, string attributeName1, string attributeName2) { return Message(sourceLineNumbers, Ids.RequiredAttributeNotUnderComponent, "A {0} element not nested under a component must have either a {1} attribute or a {2} attribute, or both set.", elementName, attributeName1, attributeName2); } public static Message RequiredAttributeUnderComponent(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers, string elementName, string attributeName) { return Message(sourceLineNumbers, Ids.RequiredAttributeUnderComponent, "The {0}/@{1} attribute must be provided when {0} element is nested under a component.", elementName, attributeName); } public static Message UnexpectedAttributeWithOtherValue(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers, string elementName, string attributeName, string otherAttributeName, string otherValue) { return Message(sourceLineNumbers, Ids.UnexpectedAttributeWithOtherValue, "The {0}/@{1} attribute cannot coexist with the {2} attribute's value of '{3}'.", elementName, attributeName, otherAttributeName, otherValue); } public static Message UnexpectedAttributeWithOtherValue(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers, string elementName, string attributeName, string value, string otherAttributeName, string otherValue) { return Message(sourceLineNumbers, Ids.UnexpectedAttributeWithOtherValue, "The {0}/@{1} attribute's value, '{2}', cannot coexist with the {3} attribute's value of '{4}'.", elementName, attributeName, value, otherAttributeName, otherValue); } public static Message UnexpectedAttributeWithoutOtherValue(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers, string elementName, string attributeName, string otherAttributeName, string otherValue) { return Message(sourceLineNumbers, Ids.UnexpectedAttributeWithoutOtherValue, "The {0}/@{1} cannot be provided unless the {2} attribute is provided with a value of '{3}'.", elementName, attributeName, otherAttributeName, otherValue); } private static Message Message(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumber, Ids id, string format, params object[] args) { return new Message(sourceLineNumber, MessageLevel.Error, (int)id, format, args); } private static Message Message(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumber, Ids id, ResourceManager resourceManager, string resourceName, params object[] args) { return new Message(sourceLineNumber, MessageLevel.Error, (int)id, resourceManager, resourceName, args); } public enum Ids { IllegalAttributeWithoutComponent = 6000, IllegalElementWithoutComponent = 6001, UnexpectedAttributeWithOtherValue = 6002, UnexpectedAttributeWithoutOtherValue = 6003, RequiredAttributeUnderComponent = 6004, RequiredAttribute = 6005, RequiredAttributeNotUnderComponent = 6006, } } }