#pragma once // Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. // constants enum UTIL_SEARCH_TYPE { UTIL_SEARCH_TYPE_NONE, UTIL_SEARCH_TYPE_WINDOWS_FEATURE_SEARCH, }; enum UTIL_WINDOWS_FEATURE_SEARCH_TYPE { UTIL_WINDOWS_FEATURE_SEARCH_TYPE_NONE, UTIL_WINDOWS_FEATURE_SEARCH_TYPE_SHA2_CODE_SIGNING, }; // structs typedef struct _UTIL_SEARCH { LPWSTR sczId; UTIL_SEARCH_TYPE Type; union { struct { UTIL_WINDOWS_FEATURE_SEARCH_TYPE type; } WindowsFeatureSearch; }; } UTIL_SEARCH; typedef struct _UTIL_SEARCHES { UTIL_SEARCH* rgSearches; DWORD cSearches; } UTIL_SEARCHES; // function declarations STDMETHODIMP UtilSearchParseFromXml( __in UTIL_SEARCHES* pSearches, __in IXMLDOMNode* pixnBundleExtension ); void UtilSearchUninitialize( __in UTIL_SEARCHES* pSearches ); STDMETHODIMP UtilSearchExecute( __in UTIL_SEARCHES* pSearches, __in LPCWSTR wzSearchId, __in LPCWSTR wzVariable, __in IBundleExtensionEngine* pEngine ); STDMETHODIMP UtilSearchFindById( __in UTIL_SEARCHES* pSearches, __in LPCWSTR wzId, __out UTIL_SEARCH** ppSearch );