<!-- Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. -->

<Wix xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs">
    <?include ..\..\caDecor.wxi ?>

        <Property Id="VS2022_ROOT_FOLDER" Secure="yes" />

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    <!-- Indicates whether the Visual C# project system is installed as a part of  -->
    <!-- Visual Studio 2019 standard or higher. If this property is set, that      -->
    <!-- means Visual Studio 2019 standard or higher is installed and the Visual   -->
    <!-- C# language tools were installed as a part of VS 2019 setup.              -->
        <Property Id="VS2022_IDE_VCSHARP_PROJECTSYSTEM_INSTALLED" Secure="yes" />

    <!-- Indicates whether the Visual Basic project system is installed as a part of -->
    <!-- Visual Studio 2019 standard or higher. If this property is set, that        -->
    <!-- means Visual Studio 2019 standard or higher is installed and the Visual     -->
    <!-- Basic language tools were installed as a part of VS 2019 setup.             -->
        <Property Id="VS2022_IDE_VB_PROJECTSYSTEM_INSTALLED" Secure="yes" />

    <!-- Indicates whether the Visual Web Developer project system is installed as a part of -->
    <!-- Visual Studio 2019 standard or higher. If this property is set, that                -->
    <!-- means Visual Studio 2019 standard or higher is installed and the Visual             -->
    <!-- Web Developer language tools were installed as a part of VS 2019 setup.             -->
        <Property Id="VS2022_IDE_VWD_PROJECTSYSTEM_INSTALLED" Secure="yes" />

    <!-- Indicates whether the Visual C++ project system is installed as a part of -->
    <!-- Visual Studio 2019 standard or higher. If this property is set, that      -->
    <!-- means Visual Studio 2019 standard or higher is installed and the Visual   -->
    <!-- C++ language tools were installed as a part of VS 2019 setup.             -->
        <Property Id="VS2022_IDE_VC_PROJECTSYSTEM_INSTALLED" Secure="yes" />

    <!-- Indicates whether the Visual Studio 2019 Team Test project system is installed -->
        <Property Id="VS2022_IDE_VSTS_TESTSYSTEM_INSTALLED" Secure="yes" />

    <!-- Indicates whether the Visual Studio Modeling project system is installed -->
        <Property Id="VS2022_IDE_MODELING_PROJECTSYSTEM_INSTALLED" Secure="yes" />

    <!-- Indicates whether the Visual Studio F# project system is installed -->
        <Property Id="VS2022_IDE_FSHARP_PROJECTSYSTEM_INSTALLED" Secure="yes" />