// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. #include "precomp.h" // Exit macros #define DirExitOnLastError(x, s, ...) ExitOnLastErrorSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_DIRUTIL, x, s, __VA_ARGS__) #define DirExitOnLastErrorDebugTrace(x, s, ...) ExitOnLastErrorDebugTraceSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_DIRUTIL, x, s, __VA_ARGS__) #define DirExitWithLastError(x, s, ...) ExitWithLastErrorSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_DIRUTIL, x, s, __VA_ARGS__) #define DirExitOnFailure(x, s, ...) ExitOnFailureSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_DIRUTIL, x, s, __VA_ARGS__) #define DirExitOnRootFailure(x, s, ...) ExitOnRootFailureSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_DIRUTIL, x, s, __VA_ARGS__) #define DirExitWithRootFailure(x, e, s, ...) ExitWithRootFailureSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_DIRUTIL, x, e, s, __VA_ARGS__) #define DirExitOnFailureDebugTrace(x, s, ...) ExitOnFailureDebugTraceSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_DIRUTIL, x, s, __VA_ARGS__) #define DirExitOnNull(p, x, e, s, ...) ExitOnNullSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_DIRUTIL, p, x, e, s, __VA_ARGS__) #define DirExitOnNullWithLastError(p, x, s, ...) ExitOnNullWithLastErrorSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_DIRUTIL, p, x, s, __VA_ARGS__) #define DirExitOnNullDebugTrace(p, x, e, s, ...) ExitOnNullDebugTraceSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_DIRUTIL, p, x, e, s, __VA_ARGS__) #define DirExitOnInvalidHandleWithLastError(p, x, s, ...) ExitOnInvalidHandleWithLastErrorSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_DIRUTIL, p, x, s, __VA_ARGS__) #define DirExitOnWin32Error(e, x, s, ...) ExitOnWin32ErrorSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_DIRUTIL, e, x, s, __VA_ARGS__) #define DirExitOnGdipFailure(g, x, s, ...) ExitOnGdipFailureSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_DIRUTIL, g, x, s, __VA_ARGS__) #define DirExitOnPathFailure(x, b, s, ...) ExitOnPathFailureSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_DIRUTIL, x, b, s, __VA_ARGS__) #define DirExitWithPathLastError(x, s, ...) ExitWithPathLastErrorSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_DIRUTIL, x, s, __VA_ARGS__) /******************************************************************* DirExists *******************************************************************/ extern "C" BOOL DAPI DirExists( __in_z LPCWSTR wzPath, __out_opt DWORD *pdwAttributes ) { Assert(wzPath); BOOL fExists = FALSE; DWORD dwAttributes = ::GetFileAttributesW(wzPath); if (0xFFFFFFFF == dwAttributes) // TODO: figure out why "INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES" can't be used here { ExitFunction(); } if (dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (pdwAttributes) { *pdwAttributes = dwAttributes; } fExists = TRUE; } LExit: return fExists; } /******************************************************************* DirCreateTempPath *******************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI DirCreateTempPath( __in_z LPCWSTR wzPrefix, __out_opt LPWSTR* psczTempFile ) { return PathCreateTempFile(NULL, NULL, 0, wzPrefix, 0, psczTempFile, NULL); } /******************************************************************* DirEnsureExists *******************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI DirEnsureExists( __in_z LPCWSTR wzPath, __in_opt LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES psa ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; UINT er; // try to create this directory if (!::CreateDirectoryW(wzPath, psa)) { // if the directory already exists, bail er = ::GetLastError(); if (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS == er) { ExitFunction1(hr = S_OK); } else if (ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND != er && DirExists(wzPath, NULL)) // if the directory happens to exist (don't check if CreateDirectory said it doesn't), declare success. { ExitFunction1(hr = S_OK); } // get the parent path and try to create it LPWSTR pwzLastSlash = NULL; for (LPWSTR pwz = const_cast(wzPath); *pwz; ++pwz) { if (*pwz == L'\\') { pwzLastSlash = pwz; } } // if there is no parent directory fail DirExitOnNullDebugTrace(pwzLastSlash, hr, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND), "cannot find parent path"); *pwzLastSlash = L'\0'; // null terminate the parent path hr = DirEnsureExists(wzPath, psa); // recurse! *pwzLastSlash = L'\\'; // put the slash back DirExitOnFailureDebugTrace(hr, "failed to create path: %ls", wzPath); // try to create the directory now that all parents are created if (!::CreateDirectoryW(wzPath, psa)) { // if the directory already exists for some reason no error er = ::GetLastError(); if (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS == er) { hr = S_FALSE; } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(er); } } else { hr = S_OK; } } LExit: return hr; } /******************************************************************* DirEnsureDelete - removes an entire directory structure *******************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI DirEnsureDelete( __in_z LPCWSTR wzPath, __in BOOL fDeleteFiles, __in BOOL fRecurse ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwDeleteFlags = 0; dwDeleteFlags |= fDeleteFiles ? DIR_DELETE_FILES : 0; dwDeleteFlags |= fRecurse ? DIR_DELETE_RECURSE : 0; hr = DirEnsureDeleteEx(wzPath, dwDeleteFlags); return hr; } /******************************************************************* DirEnsureDeleteEx - removes an entire directory structure *******************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI DirEnsureDeleteEx( __in_z LPCWSTR wzPath, __in DWORD dwFlags ) { Assert(wzPath && *wzPath); HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD er = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwAttrib = 0; HANDLE hFind = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; LPWSTR sczDelete = NULL; WIN32_FIND_DATAW wfd = { }; BOOL fDeleteFiles = (DIR_DELETE_FILES == (dwFlags & DIR_DELETE_FILES)); BOOL fRecurse = (DIR_DELETE_RECURSE == (dwFlags & DIR_DELETE_RECURSE)); BOOL fScheduleDelete = (DIR_DELETE_SCHEDULE == (dwFlags & DIR_DELETE_SCHEDULE)); WCHAR wzSafeFileName[MAX_PATH + 1] = { }; LPWSTR sczTempDirectory = NULL; LPWSTR sczTempPath = NULL; if (-1 == (dwAttrib = ::GetFileAttributesW(wzPath))) { DirExitWithPathLastError(hr, "Failed to get attributes for path: %ls", wzPath); ExitFunction1(hr = E_PATHNOTFOUND); } if (dwAttrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (dwAttrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) { if (!::SetFileAttributesW(wzPath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)) { DirExitWithPathLastError(hr, "Failed to remove read-only attribute from path: %ls", wzPath); ExitFunction1(hr = E_PATHNOTFOUND); } } // If we're deleting files and/or child directories loop through the contents of the directory, but skip junctions. if ((fDeleteFiles || fRecurse) && (0 == (dwAttrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT))) { if (fScheduleDelete) { hr = PathGetTempPath(&sczTempDirectory, NULL); DirExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to get temp directory."); } // Delete everything in this directory. hr = PathConcat(wzPath, L"*.*", &sczDelete); DirExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to concat wild cards to string: %ls", wzPath); hFind = ::FindFirstFileW(sczDelete, &wfd); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFind) { DirExitWithLastError(hr, "failed to get first file in directory: %ls", wzPath); } do { // Skip the dot directories. if (L'.' == wfd.cFileName[0] && (L'\0' == wfd.cFileName[1] || (L'.' == wfd.cFileName[1] && L'\0' == wfd.cFileName[2]))) { continue; } // For extra safety and to silence OACR. hr = ::StringCchCopyNExW(wzSafeFileName, countof(wzSafeFileName), wfd.cFileName, countof(wfd.cFileName), NULL, NULL, STRSAFE_FILL_BEHIND_NULL | STRSAFE_NULL_ON_FAILURE); DirExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to ensure file name was null terminated."); hr = PathConcat(wzPath, wzSafeFileName, &sczDelete); DirExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to concat filename '%ls' to directory: %ls", wzSafeFileName, wzPath); if (fRecurse && wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { hr = PathBackslashTerminate(&sczDelete); DirExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to ensure path is backslash terminated: %ls", sczDelete); hr = DirEnsureDeleteEx(sczDelete, dwFlags); // recursive call if (FAILED(hr)) { // if we failed to delete a subdirectory, keep trying to finish any remaining files if (E_PATHNOTFOUND != hr) { ExitTraceSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_DIRUTIL, hr, "Failed to delete subdirectory; continuing: %ls", sczDelete); } hr = S_OK; } } else if (fDeleteFiles) // this is a file, just delete it { if (wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY || wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN || wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM) { if (!::SetFileAttributesW(sczDelete, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)) { DirExitWithPathLastError(hr, "Failed to remove attributes from file: %ls", sczDelete); continue; } } if (!::DeleteFileW(sczDelete)) { if (fScheduleDelete) { hr = PathGetTempFileName(sczTempDirectory, L"DEL", 0, &sczTempPath); DirExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to get temp file to move to."); // Try to move the file to the temp directory then schedule for delete, // otherwise just schedule for delete. if (::MoveFileExW(sczDelete, sczTempPath, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING)) { ::MoveFileExW(sczTempPath, NULL, MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT); } else { ::MoveFileExW(sczDelete, NULL, MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT); } } else { DirExitWithPathLastError(hr, "Failed to delete file: %ls", sczDelete); } } } } while (::FindNextFileW(hFind, &wfd)); er = ::GetLastError(); if (ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES == er) { hr = S_OK; } else { DirExitWithLastError(hr, "Failed while looping through files in directory: %ls", wzPath); } } if (!::RemoveDirectoryW(wzPath)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()); if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) == hr && fScheduleDelete) { if (::MoveFileExW(wzPath, NULL, MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT)) { hr = S_OK; } } if (E_PATHNOTFOUND == hr || E_FILENOTFOUND == hr) { ExitFunction1(hr = E_PATHNOTFOUND); } else if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY) == hr && !fDeleteFiles && !fRecurse) { ExitFunction(); } DirExitOnRootFailure(hr, "Failed to remove directory: %ls", wzPath); } } else { DirExitWithRootFailure(hr, E_UNEXPECTED, "Directory delete cannot delete file: %ls", wzPath); } Assert(S_OK == hr); LExit: ReleaseFileFindHandle(hFind); ReleaseStr(sczDelete); ReleaseStr(sczTempDirectory); ReleaseStr(sczTempPath); return hr; } /******************************************************************* DirDeleteEmptyDirectoriesToRoot - removes an empty directory and as many of its parents as possible. Returns: count of directories deleted. *******************************************************************/ extern "C" DWORD DAPI DirDeleteEmptyDirectoriesToRoot( __in_z LPCWSTR wzPath, __in DWORD /*dwFlags*/ ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD cDeletedDirs = 0; LPWSTR sczPath = NULL; LPCWSTR wzPastRoot = NULL; SIZE_T cchRoot = 0; // Make sure the path is normalized and prefixed. hr = PathExpand(&sczPath, wzPath, PATH_EXPAND_FULLPATH); DirExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to get full path for: %ls", wzPath); wzPastRoot = PathSkipPastRoot(sczPath, NULL, NULL, NULL); DirExitOnNull(wzPastRoot, hr, E_INVALIDARG, "Full path was not rooted: %ls", sczPath); cchRoot = wzPastRoot - sczPath; while (sczPath && sczPath[cchRoot] && ::RemoveDirectoryW(sczPath)) { ++cDeletedDirs; hr = PathGetParentPath(sczPath, &sczPath, &cchRoot); DirExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to get parent directory for path: %ls", sczPath); } LExit: ReleaseStr(sczPath); return cDeletedDirs; } /******************************************************************* DirGetCurrent - gets the current directory. *******************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI DirGetCurrent( __deref_out_z LPWSTR* psczCurrentDirectory, __out_opt SIZE_T* pcch ) { Assert(psczCurrentDirectory); HRESULT hr = S_OK; SIZE_T cchMax = 0; DWORD cch = 0; DWORD cchBuffer = 0; DWORD dwAttempts = 0; const DWORD dwMaxAttempts = 10; if (*psczCurrentDirectory) { hr = StrMaxLength(*psczCurrentDirectory, &cchMax); DirExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to get max length of input buffer."); cchBuffer = (DWORD)min(DWORD_MAX, cchMax); } else { cchBuffer = MAX_PATH + 1; hr = StrAlloc(psczCurrentDirectory, cchBuffer); DirExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to allocate space for current directory."); } for (; dwAttempts < dwMaxAttempts; ++dwAttempts) { cch = ::GetCurrentDirectoryW(cchBuffer, *psczCurrentDirectory); DirExitOnNullWithLastError(cch, hr, "Failed to get current directory."); if (cch < cchBuffer) { break; } hr = StrAlloc(psczCurrentDirectory, cch); DirExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to reallocate space for current directory."); cchBuffer = cch; } if (dwMaxAttempts == dwAttempts) { DirExitWithRootFailure(hr, E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, "GetCurrentDirectoryW results never converged."); } if (pcch) { *pcch = cch; } LExit: return hr; } /******************************************************************* DirSetCurrent - sets the current directory. *******************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI DirSetCurrent( __in_z LPCWSTR wzDirectory ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (!::SetCurrentDirectoryW(wzDirectory)) { DirExitWithLastError(hr, "Failed to set current directory to: %ls", wzDirectory); } LExit: return hr; }