// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. #include "precomp.h" // Exit macros #define FileExitOnLastError(x, s, ...) ExitOnLastErrorSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_FILEUTIL, x, s, __VA_ARGS__) #define FileExitOnLastErrorDebugTrace(x, s, ...) ExitOnLastErrorDebugTraceSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_FILEUTIL, x, s, __VA_ARGS__) #define FileExitWithLastError(x, s, ...) ExitWithLastErrorSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_FILEUTIL, x, s, __VA_ARGS__) #define FileExitOnFailure(x, s, ...) ExitOnFailureSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_FILEUTIL, x, s, __VA_ARGS__) #define FileExitOnRootFailure(x, s, ...) ExitOnRootFailureSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_FILEUTIL, x, s, __VA_ARGS__) #define FileExitOnFailureDebugTrace(x, s, ...) ExitOnFailureDebugTraceSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_FILEUTIL, x, s, __VA_ARGS__) #define FileExitOnNull(p, x, e, s, ...) ExitOnNullSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_FILEUTIL, p, x, e, s, __VA_ARGS__) #define FileExitOnNullWithLastError(p, x, s, ...) ExitOnNullWithLastErrorSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_FILEUTIL, p, x, s, __VA_ARGS__) #define FileExitOnNullDebugTrace(p, x, e, s, ...) ExitOnNullDebugTraceSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_FILEUTIL, p, x, e, s, __VA_ARGS__) #define FileExitOnInvalidHandleWithLastError(p, x, s, ...) ExitOnInvalidHandleWithLastErrorSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_FILEUTIL, p, x, s, __VA_ARGS__) #define FileExitOnWin32Error(e, x, s, ...) ExitOnWin32ErrorSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_FILEUTIL, e, x, s, __VA_ARGS__) #define FileExitOnGdipFailure(g, x, s, ...) ExitOnGdipFailureSource(DUTIL_SOURCE_FILEUTIL, g, x, s, __VA_ARGS__) // constants const BYTE UTF8BOM[] = {0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF}; const BYTE UTF16BOM[] = {0xFF, 0xFE}; /******************************************************************* FileStripExtension - Strip extension from filename ********************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileStripExtension( __in_z LPCWSTR wzFileName, __out LPWSTR *ppwzFileNameNoExtension ) { Assert(wzFileName && *wzFileName); HRESULT hr = S_OK; size_t cchFileName = 0; LPWSTR pwzFileNameNoExtension = NULL; size_t cchFileNameNoExtension = 0; errno_t err = 0; hr = ::StringCchLengthW(wzFileName, STRSAFE_MAX_LENGTH, &cchFileName); FileExitOnRootFailure(hr, "failed to get length of file name: %ls", wzFileName); cchFileNameNoExtension = cchFileName + 1; hr = StrAlloc(&pwzFileNameNoExtension, cchFileNameNoExtension); FileExitOnFailure(hr, "failed to allocate space for File Name without extension"); // _wsplitpath_s can handle drive/path/filename/extension err = _wsplitpath_s(wzFileName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, pwzFileNameNoExtension, cchFileNameNoExtension, NULL, NULL); if (err) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; FileExitOnRootFailure(hr, "failed to parse filename: '%ls', error: %d", wzFileName, err); } *ppwzFileNameNoExtension = pwzFileNameNoExtension; pwzFileNameNoExtension = NULL; LExit: ReleaseStr(pwzFileNameNoExtension); return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileChangeExtension - Changes the extension of a filename ********************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileChangeExtension( __in_z LPCWSTR wzFileName, __in_z LPCWSTR wzNewExtension, __out LPWSTR *ppwzFileNameNewExtension ) { Assert(wzFileName && *wzFileName); HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR sczFileName = NULL; hr = FileStripExtension(wzFileName, &sczFileName); FileExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to strip extension from file name: %ls", wzFileName); hr = StrAllocConcat(&sczFileName, wzNewExtension, 0); FileExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to add new extension."); *ppwzFileNameNewExtension = sczFileName; sczFileName = NULL; LExit: ReleaseStr(sczFileName); return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileAddSuffixToBaseName - Adds a suffix the base portion of a file name; e.g., file.ext to fileSuffix.ext. ********************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileAddSuffixToBaseName( __in_z LPCWSTR wzFileName, __in_z LPCWSTR wzSuffix, __out_z LPWSTR* psczNewFileName ) { Assert(wzFileName && *wzFileName); HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR sczNewFileName = NULL; size_t cchFileName = 0; hr = ::StringCchLengthW(wzFileName, STRSAFE_MAX_CCH, &cchFileName); FileExitOnRootFailure(hr, "Failed to get length of file name: %ls", wzFileName); LPCWSTR wzExtension = wzFileName + cchFileName; while (wzFileName < wzExtension && L'.' != *wzExtension) { --wzExtension; } if (wzFileName < wzExtension) { // found an extension so add the suffix before it hr = StrAllocFormatted(&sczNewFileName, L"%.*ls%ls%ls", static_cast(wzExtension - wzFileName), wzFileName, wzSuffix, wzExtension); } else { // no extension, so add the suffix at the end of the whole name hr = StrAllocString(&sczNewFileName, wzFileName, 0); FileExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to allocate new file name."); hr = StrAllocConcat(&sczNewFileName, wzSuffix, 0); } FileExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to allocate new file name with suffix."); *psczNewFileName = sczNewFileName; sczNewFileName = NULL; LExit: ReleaseStr(sczNewFileName); return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileVersion ********************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileVersion( __in_z LPCWSTR wzFilename, __out DWORD *pdwVerMajor, __out DWORD* pdwVerMinor ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwHandle = 0; UINT cbVerBuffer = 0; LPVOID pVerBuffer = NULL; VS_FIXEDFILEINFO* pvsFileInfo = NULL; UINT cbFileInfo = 0; if (0 == (cbVerBuffer = ::GetFileVersionInfoSizeW(wzFilename, &dwHandle))) { FileExitOnLastErrorDebugTrace(hr, "failed to get version info for file: %ls", wzFilename); } pVerBuffer = ::GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, cbVerBuffer); FileExitOnNullDebugTrace(pVerBuffer, hr, E_OUTOFMEMORY, "failed to allocate version info for file: %ls", wzFilename); if (!::GetFileVersionInfoW(wzFilename, dwHandle, cbVerBuffer, pVerBuffer)) { FileExitOnLastErrorDebugTrace(hr, "failed to get version info for file: %ls", wzFilename); } if (!::VerQueryValueW(pVerBuffer, L"\\", (void**)&pvsFileInfo, &cbFileInfo)) { FileExitOnLastErrorDebugTrace(hr, "failed to get version value for file: %ls", wzFilename); } *pdwVerMajor = pvsFileInfo->dwFileVersionMS; *pdwVerMinor = pvsFileInfo->dwFileVersionLS; LExit: if (pVerBuffer) { ::GlobalFree(pVerBuffer); } return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileVersionFromString *******************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileVersionFromString( __in_z LPCWSTR wzVersion, __out DWORD* pdwVerMajor, __out DWORD* pdwVerMinor ) { Assert(pdwVerMajor && pdwVerMinor); HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPCWSTR pwz = wzVersion; DWORD dw; *pdwVerMajor = 0; *pdwVerMinor = 0; if ((L'v' == *pwz) || (L'V' == *pwz)) { ++pwz; } dw = wcstoul(pwz, (WCHAR**)&pwz, 10); if (pwz && (L'.' == *pwz && dw < 0x10000) || !*pwz) { *pdwVerMajor = dw << 16; if (!*pwz) { ExitFunction1(hr = S_OK); } ++pwz; } else { ExitFunction1(hr = S_FALSE); } dw = wcstoul(pwz, (WCHAR**)&pwz, 10); if (pwz && (L'.' == *pwz && dw < 0x10000) || !*pwz) { *pdwVerMajor |= dw; if (!*pwz) { ExitFunction1(hr = S_OK); } ++pwz; } else { ExitFunction1(hr = S_FALSE); } dw = wcstoul(pwz, (WCHAR**)&pwz, 10); if (pwz && (L'.' == *pwz && dw < 0x10000) || !*pwz) { *pdwVerMinor = dw << 16; if (!*pwz) { ExitFunction1(hr = S_OK); } ++pwz; } else { ExitFunction1(hr = S_FALSE); } dw = wcstoul(pwz, (WCHAR**)&pwz, 10); if (pwz && L'\0' == *pwz && dw < 0x10000) { *pdwVerMinor |= dw; } else { ExitFunction1(hr = S_FALSE); } LExit: return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileVersionFromStringEx *******************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileVersionFromStringEx( __in_z LPCWSTR wzVersion, __in SIZE_T cchVersion, __out DWORD64* pqwVersion ) { Assert(wzVersion); Assert(pqwVersion); HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPCWSTR wzEnd = NULL; LPCWSTR wzPartBegin = wzVersion; LPCWSTR wzPartEnd = wzVersion; DWORD iPart = 0; USHORT us = 0; DWORD64 qwVersion = 0; // get string length if not provided if (0 >= cchVersion) { hr = ::StringCchLengthW(wzVersion, STRSAFE_MAX_CCH, reinterpret_cast(&cchVersion)); FileExitOnRootFailure(hr, "Failed to get length of file version string: %ls", wzVersion); if (0 >= cchVersion) { ExitFunction1(hr = E_INVALIDARG); } } if ((L'v' == *wzVersion) || (L'V' == *wzVersion)) { ++wzVersion; --cchVersion; wzPartBegin = wzVersion; wzPartEnd = wzVersion; } // save end pointer wzEnd = wzVersion + cchVersion; // loop through parts for (;;) { if (4 <= iPart) { // error, too many parts ExitFunction1(hr = E_INVALIDARG); } // find end of part while (wzPartEnd < wzEnd && L'.' != *wzPartEnd) { ++wzPartEnd; } if (wzPartBegin == wzPartEnd) { // error, empty part ExitFunction1(hr = E_INVALIDARG); } DWORD cchPart; hr = ::PtrdiffTToDWord(wzPartEnd - wzPartBegin, &cchPart); FileExitOnFailure(hr, "Version number part was too long."); // parse version part hr = StrStringToUInt16(wzPartBegin, cchPart, &us); FileExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to parse version number part."); // add part to qword version qwVersion |= (DWORD64)us << ((3 - iPart) * 16); if (wzPartEnd >= wzEnd) { // end of string break; } wzPartBegin = ++wzPartEnd; // skip over separator ++iPart; } *pqwVersion = qwVersion; LExit: return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileVersionFromStringEx - Formats the DWORD64 as a string version. *******************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileVersionToStringEx( __in DWORD64 qwVersion, __out LPWSTR* psczVersion ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WORD wMajor = 0; WORD wMinor = 0; WORD wBuild = 0; WORD wRevision = 0; // Mask and shift each WORD for each field. wMajor = (WORD)(qwVersion >> 48 & 0xffff); wMinor = (WORD)(qwVersion >> 32 & 0xffff); wBuild = (WORD)(qwVersion >> 16 & 0xffff); wRevision = (WORD)(qwVersion & 0xffff); // Format and return the version string. hr = StrAllocFormatted(psczVersion, L"%u.%u.%u.%u", wMajor, wMinor, wBuild, wRevision); FileExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to allocate and format the version number."); LExit: return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileSetPointer - sets the file pointer. ********************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileSetPointer( __in HANDLE hFile, __in DWORD64 dw64Move, __out_opt DWORD64* pdw64NewPosition, __in DWORD dwMoveMethod ) { Assert(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile); HRESULT hr = S_OK; LARGE_INTEGER liMove; LARGE_INTEGER liNewPosition; liMove.QuadPart = dw64Move; if (!::SetFilePointerEx(hFile, liMove, &liNewPosition, dwMoveMethod)) { FileExitWithLastError(hr, "Failed to set file pointer."); } if (pdw64NewPosition) { *pdw64NewPosition = liNewPosition.QuadPart; } LExit: return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileSize ********************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileSize( __in_z LPCWSTR pwzFileName, __out LONGLONG* pllSize ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD er = ERROR_SUCCESS; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; FileExitOnNull(pwzFileName, hr, E_INVALIDARG, "Attempted to check filename, but no filename was provided"); hFile = ::CreateFileW(pwzFileName, FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile) { er = ::GetLastError(); if (ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND == er || ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == er) { ExitFunction1(hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(er)); } FileExitWithLastError(hr, "Failed to open file %ls while checking file size", pwzFileName); } hr = FileSizeByHandle(hFile, pllSize); FileExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to check size of file %ls by handle", pwzFileName); LExit: ReleaseFileHandle(hFile); return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileSizeByHandle ********************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileSizeByHandle( __in HANDLE hFile, __out LONGLONG* pllSize ) { Assert(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile && pllSize); HRESULT hr = S_OK; LARGE_INTEGER li; *pllSize = 0; if (!::GetFileSizeEx(hFile, &li)) { FileExitWithLastError(hr, "Failed to get size of file."); } *pllSize = li.QuadPart; LExit: return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileExistsEx ********************************************************************/ extern "C" BOOL DAPI FileExistsEx( __in_z LPCWSTR wzPath, __out_opt DWORD *pdwAttributes ) { Assert(wzPath && *wzPath); BOOL fExists = FALSE; WIN32_FIND_DATAW fd = { }; HANDLE hff; if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != (hff = ::FindFirstFileW(wzPath, &fd))) { ::FindClose(hff); if (!(fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { if (pdwAttributes) { *pdwAttributes = fd.dwFileAttributes; } fExists = TRUE; } } return fExists; } /******************************************************************* FileRead - read a file into memory ********************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileRead( __deref_out_bcount_full(*pcbDest) LPBYTE* ppbDest, __out SIZE_T* pcbDest, __in_z LPCWSTR wzSrcPath ) { HRESULT hr = FileReadPartial(ppbDest, pcbDest, wzSrcPath, FALSE, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, FALSE); return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileRead - read a file into memory with specified share mode ********************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileReadEx( __deref_out_bcount_full(*pcbDest) LPBYTE* ppbDest, __out SIZE_T* pcbDest, __in_z LPCWSTR wzSrcPath, __in DWORD dwShareMode ) { HRESULT hr = FileReadPartialEx(ppbDest, pcbDest, wzSrcPath, FALSE, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, FALSE, dwShareMode); return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileReadUntil - read a file into memory with a maximum size ********************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileReadUntil( __deref_out_bcount_full(*pcbDest) LPBYTE* ppbDest, __out_range(<=, cbMaxRead) SIZE_T* pcbDest, __in_z LPCWSTR wzSrcPath, __in DWORD cbMaxRead ) { HRESULT hr = FileReadPartial(ppbDest, pcbDest, wzSrcPath, FALSE, 0, cbMaxRead, FALSE); return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileReadPartial - read a portion of a file into memory ********************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileReadPartial( __deref_out_bcount_full(*pcbDest) LPBYTE* ppbDest, __out_range(<=, cbMaxRead) SIZE_T* pcbDest, __in_z LPCWSTR wzSrcPath, __in BOOL fSeek, __in DWORD cbStartPosition, __in DWORD cbMaxRead, __in BOOL fPartialOK ) { return FileReadPartialEx(ppbDest, pcbDest, wzSrcPath, fSeek, cbStartPosition, cbMaxRead, fPartialOK, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_DELETE); } /******************************************************************* FileReadPartial - read a portion of a file into memory (with specified share mode) ********************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileReadPartialEx( __deref_inout_bcount_full(*pcbDest) LPBYTE* ppbDest, __out_range(<=, cbMaxRead) SIZE_T* pcbDest, __in_z LPCWSTR wzSrcPath, __in BOOL fSeek, __in DWORD cbStartPosition, __in DWORD cbMaxRead, __in BOOL fPartialOK, __in DWORD dwShareMode ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; UINT er = ERROR_SUCCESS; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; LARGE_INTEGER liFileSize = { }; DWORD cbData = 0; BYTE* pbData = NULL; FileExitOnNull(pcbDest, hr, E_INVALIDARG, "Invalid argument pcbDest"); FileExitOnNull(ppbDest, hr, E_INVALIDARG, "Invalid argument ppbDest"); FileExitOnNull(wzSrcPath, hr, E_INVALIDARG, "Invalid argument wzSrcPath"); FileExitOnNull(*wzSrcPath, hr, E_INVALIDARG, "*wzSrcPath is null"); hFile = ::CreateFileW(wzSrcPath, GENERIC_READ, dwShareMode, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile) { er = ::GetLastError(); if (ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND == er || ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == er) { ExitFunction1(hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(er)); } FileExitWithLastError(hr, "Failed to open file: %ls", wzSrcPath); } if (!::GetFileSizeEx(hFile, &liFileSize)) { FileExitWithLastError(hr, "Failed to get size of file: %ls", wzSrcPath); } if (fSeek) { if (cbStartPosition > liFileSize.QuadPart) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; FileExitOnFailure(hr, "Start position %d bigger than file '%ls' size %llu", cbStartPosition, wzSrcPath, liFileSize.QuadPart); } DWORD dwErr = ::SetFilePointer(hFile, cbStartPosition, NULL, FILE_CURRENT); if (INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER == dwErr) { FileExitOnLastError(hr, "Failed to seek position %d", cbStartPosition); } } else { cbStartPosition = 0; } if (fPartialOK) { cbData = cbMaxRead; } else { cbData = liFileSize.LowPart - cbStartPosition; // should only need the low part because we cap at DWORD if (cbMaxRead < liFileSize.QuadPart - cbStartPosition) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); FileExitOnRootFailure(hr, "Failed to load file: %ls, too large.", wzSrcPath); } } if (*ppbDest) { if (0 == cbData) { ReleaseNullMem(*ppbDest); *pcbDest = 0; ExitFunction1(hr = S_OK); } LPVOID pv = MemReAlloc(*ppbDest, cbData, TRUE); FileExitOnNull(pv, hr, E_OUTOFMEMORY, "Failed to re-allocate memory to read in file: %ls", wzSrcPath); pbData = static_cast(pv); } else { if (0 == cbData) { *pcbDest = 0; ExitFunction1(hr = S_OK); } pbData = static_cast(MemAlloc(cbData, TRUE)); FileExitOnNull(pbData, hr, E_OUTOFMEMORY, "Failed to allocate memory to read in file: %ls", wzSrcPath); } DWORD cbTotalRead = 0; DWORD cbRead = 0; do { DWORD cbRemaining = 0; hr = ::ULongSub(cbData, cbTotalRead, &cbRemaining); FileExitOnFailure(hr, "Underflow calculating remaining buffer size."); if (!::ReadFile(hFile, pbData + cbTotalRead, cbRemaining, &cbRead, NULL)) { FileExitWithLastError(hr, "Failed to read from file: %ls", wzSrcPath); } cbTotalRead += cbRead; } while (cbRead); if (cbTotalRead != cbData) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; FileExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to completely read file: %ls", wzSrcPath); } *ppbDest = pbData; pbData = NULL; *pcbDest = cbData; LExit: ReleaseMem(pbData); ReleaseFile(hFile); return hr; } extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileReadHandle( __in HANDLE hFile, __in_bcount(cbDest) LPBYTE pbDest, __in SIZE_T cbDest ) { HRESULT hr = 0; DWORD cbDataRead = 0; SIZE_T cbRemaining = cbDest; SIZE_T cbTotal = 0; while (0 < cbRemaining) { if (!::ReadFile(hFile, pbDest + cbTotal, (DWORD)min(DWORD_MAX, cbRemaining), &cbDataRead, NULL)) { DWORD er = ::GetLastError(); if (ERROR_MORE_DATA == er) { hr = S_OK; } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(er); } FileExitOnRootFailure(hr, "Failed to read data from file handle."); } cbRemaining -= cbDataRead; cbTotal += cbDataRead; } LExit: return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileWrite - write a file from memory ********************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileWrite( __in_z LPCWSTR pwzFileName, __in DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, __in_bcount_opt(cbData) LPCBYTE pbData, __in SIZE_T cbData, __out_opt HANDLE* pHandle ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // Open the file hFile = ::CreateFileW(pwzFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, dwFlagsAndAttributes, NULL); FileExitOnInvalidHandleWithLastError(hFile, hr, "Failed to open file: %ls", pwzFileName); hr = FileWriteHandle(hFile, pbData, cbData); FileExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to write to file: %ls", pwzFileName); if (pHandle) { *pHandle = hFile; hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } LExit: ReleaseFile(hFile); return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileWriteHandle - write to a file handle from memory ********************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileWriteHandle( __in HANDLE hFile, __in_bcount_opt(cbData) LPCBYTE pbData, __in SIZE_T cbData ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD cbDataWritten = 0; SIZE_T cbTotal = 0; SIZE_T cbRemaining = cbData; // Write out all of the data. while (0 < cbRemaining) { if (!::WriteFile(hFile, pbData + cbTotal, (DWORD)min(DWORD_MAX, cbRemaining), &cbDataWritten, NULL)) { FileExitOnLastError(hr, "Failed to write data to file handle."); } cbRemaining -= cbDataWritten; cbTotal += cbDataWritten; } LExit: return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileCopyUsingHandles *******************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileCopyUsingHandles( __in HANDLE hSource, __in HANDLE hTarget, __in DWORD64 cbCopy, __out_opt DWORD64* pcbCopied ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD64 cbTotalCopied = 0; BYTE rgbData[4 * 1024]; DWORD cbRead = 0; do { cbRead = static_cast((0 == cbCopy) ? countof(rgbData) : min(countof(rgbData), cbCopy - cbTotalCopied)); if (!::ReadFile(hSource, rgbData, cbRead, &cbRead, NULL)) { FileExitWithLastError(hr, "Failed to read from source."); } if (cbRead) { hr = FileWriteHandle(hTarget, rgbData, cbRead); FileExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to write to target."); } cbTotalCopied += cbRead; } while (cbTotalCopied < cbCopy && 0 != cbRead); if (pcbCopied) { *pcbCopied = cbTotalCopied; } LExit: return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileCopyUsingHandlesWithProgress *******************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileCopyUsingHandlesWithProgress( __in HANDLE hSource, __in HANDLE hTarget, __in DWORD64 cbCopy, __in_opt LPPROGRESS_ROUTINE lpProgressRoutine, __in_opt LPVOID lpData ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD64 cbTotalCopied = 0; BYTE rgbData[64 * 1024]; DWORD cbRead = 0; LARGE_INTEGER liSourceSize = { }; LARGE_INTEGER liTotalCopied = { }; LARGE_INTEGER liZero = { }; DWORD dwResult = 0; hr = FileSizeByHandle(hSource, &liSourceSize.QuadPart); FileExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to get size of source."); if (0 < cbCopy && cbCopy < (DWORD64)liSourceSize.QuadPart) { liSourceSize.QuadPart = cbCopy; } if (lpProgressRoutine) { dwResult = lpProgressRoutine(liSourceSize, liTotalCopied, liZero, liZero, 0, CALLBACK_STREAM_SWITCH, hSource, hTarget, lpData); switch (dwResult) { case PROGRESS_CONTINUE: break; case PROGRESS_CANCEL: ExitFunction1(hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_REQUEST_ABORTED)); case PROGRESS_STOP: ExitFunction1(hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_REQUEST_ABORTED)); case PROGRESS_QUIET: lpProgressRoutine = NULL; break; } } // Set size of the target file. ::SetFilePointerEx(hTarget, liSourceSize, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); if (!::SetEndOfFile(hTarget)) { FileExitWithLastError(hr, "Failed to set end of target file."); } if (!::SetFilePointerEx(hTarget, liZero, NULL, FILE_BEGIN)) { FileExitWithLastError(hr, "Failed to reset target file pointer."); } // Copy with progress. while (0 == cbCopy || cbTotalCopied < cbCopy) { cbRead = static_cast((0 == cbCopy) ? countof(rgbData) : min(countof(rgbData), cbCopy - cbTotalCopied)); if (!::ReadFile(hSource, rgbData, cbRead, &cbRead, NULL)) { FileExitWithLastError(hr, "Failed to read from source."); } if (cbRead) { hr = FileWriteHandle(hTarget, rgbData, cbRead); FileExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to write to target."); cbTotalCopied += cbRead; if (lpProgressRoutine) { liTotalCopied.QuadPart = cbTotalCopied; dwResult = lpProgressRoutine(liSourceSize, liTotalCopied, liZero, liZero, 0, CALLBACK_CHUNK_FINISHED, hSource, hTarget, lpData); switch (dwResult) { case PROGRESS_CONTINUE: break; case PROGRESS_CANCEL: ExitFunction1(hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_REQUEST_ABORTED)); case PROGRESS_STOP: ExitFunction1(hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_REQUEST_ABORTED)); case PROGRESS_QUIET: lpProgressRoutine = NULL; break; } } } else { break; } } LExit: return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileEnsureCopy *******************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileEnsureCopy( __in_z LPCWSTR wzSource, __in_z LPCWSTR wzTarget, __in BOOL fOverwrite ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD er; // try to copy the file first if (::CopyFileW(wzSource, wzTarget, !fOverwrite)) { ExitFunction(); // we're done } er = ::GetLastError(); // check the error and do the right thing below if (!fOverwrite && (ERROR_FILE_EXISTS == er || ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS == er)) { // if not overwriting this is an expected error ExitFunction1(hr = S_FALSE); } else if (ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND == er) // if the path doesn't exist { // try to create the directory then do the copy LPWSTR pwzLastSlash = NULL; for (LPWSTR pwz = const_cast(wzTarget); *pwz; ++pwz) { if (*pwz == L'\\') { pwzLastSlash = pwz; } } if (pwzLastSlash) { *pwzLastSlash = L'\0'; // null terminate hr = DirEnsureExists(wzTarget, NULL); *pwzLastSlash = L'\\'; // now put the slash back FileExitOnFailureDebugTrace(hr, "failed to create directory while copying file: '%ls' to: '%ls'", wzSource, wzTarget); // try to copy again if (!::CopyFileW(wzSource, wzTarget, fOverwrite)) { FileExitOnLastErrorDebugTrace(hr, "failed to copy file: '%ls' to: '%ls'", wzSource, wzTarget); } } else // no path was specified so just return the error { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(er); } } else // unexpected error { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(er); } LExit: return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileEnsureCopyWithRetry *******************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileEnsureCopyWithRetry( __in LPCWSTR wzSource, __in LPCWSTR wzTarget, __in BOOL fOverwrite, __in DWORD cRetry, __in DWORD dwWaitMilliseconds ) { AssertSz(cRetry != DWORD_MAX, "Cannot pass DWORD_MAX for retry."); HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; DWORD i = 0; for (i = 0; FAILED(hr) && i <= cRetry; ++i) { if (0 < i) { ::Sleep(dwWaitMilliseconds); } hr = FileEnsureCopy(wzSource, wzTarget, fOverwrite); if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) == hr || HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) == hr || HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_EXISTS) == hr || HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) == hr) { break; // no reason to retry these errors. } } FileExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to copy file: '%ls' to: '%ls' after %u retries.", wzSource, wzTarget, i); LExit: return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileEnsureMove *******************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileEnsureMove( __in_z LPCWSTR wzSource, __in_z LPCWSTR wzTarget, __in BOOL fOverwrite, __in BOOL fAllowCopy ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD er; DWORD dwFlags = 0; if (fOverwrite) { dwFlags |= MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING; } if (fAllowCopy) { dwFlags |= MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED; } // try to move the file first if (::MoveFileExW(wzSource, wzTarget, dwFlags)) { ExitFunction(); // we're done } er = ::GetLastError(); // check the error and do the right thing below if (!fOverwrite && (ERROR_FILE_EXISTS == er || ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS == er)) { // if not overwriting this is an expected error ExitFunction1(hr = S_FALSE); } else if (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == er) { // We are seeing some cases where ::MoveFileEx() says a file was not found // but the source file is actually present. In that case, return path not // found so we try to create the target path since that is most likely // what is missing. Otherwise, the source file is missing and we're obviously // not going to be recovering from that. if (FileExistsEx(wzSource, NULL)) { er = ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND; } } // If the path doesn't exist, try to create the directory tree then do the move. if (ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND == er) { LPWSTR pwzLastSlash = NULL; for (LPWSTR pwz = const_cast(wzTarget); *pwz; ++pwz) { if (*pwz == L'\\') { pwzLastSlash = pwz; } } if (pwzLastSlash) { *pwzLastSlash = L'\0'; // null terminate hr = DirEnsureExists(wzTarget, NULL); *pwzLastSlash = L'\\'; // now put the slash back FileExitOnFailureDebugTrace(hr, "failed to create directory while moving file: '%ls' to: '%ls'", wzSource, wzTarget); // try to move again if (!::MoveFileExW(wzSource, wzTarget, dwFlags)) { FileExitOnLastErrorDebugTrace(hr, "failed to move file: '%ls' to: '%ls'", wzSource, wzTarget); } } else // no path was specified so just return the error { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(er); } } else // unexpected error { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(er); } LExit: return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileEnsureMoveWithRetry *******************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileEnsureMoveWithRetry( __in LPCWSTR wzSource, __in LPCWSTR wzTarget, __in BOOL fOverwrite, __in BOOL fAllowCopy, __in DWORD cRetry, __in DWORD dwWaitMilliseconds ) { AssertSz(cRetry != DWORD_MAX, "Cannot pass DWORD_MAX for retry."); HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; DWORD i = 0; for (i = 0; FAILED(hr) && i < cRetry + 1; ++i) { if (0 < i) { ::Sleep(dwWaitMilliseconds); } hr = FileEnsureMove(wzSource, wzTarget, fOverwrite, fAllowCopy); } FileExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to move file: '%ls' to: '%ls' after %u retries.", wzSource, wzTarget, i); LExit: return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileCreateTemp - creates an empty temp file NOTE: uses ANSI functions internally so it is Win9x safe ********************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileCreateTemp( __in_z LPCWSTR wzPrefix, __in_z LPCWSTR wzExtension, __deref_opt_out_z LPWSTR* ppwzTempFile, __out_opt HANDLE* phTempFile ) { Assert(wzPrefix && *wzPrefix); HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPSTR pszTempPath = NULL; DWORD cchTempPath = MAX_PATH; HANDLE hTempFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; LPSTR pszTempFile = NULL; int i = 0; hr = StrAnsiAlloc(&pszTempPath, cchTempPath); FileExitOnFailure(hr, "failed to allocate memory for the temp path"); ::GetTempPathA(cchTempPath, pszTempPath); for (i = 0; i < 1000 && INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hTempFile; ++i) { hr = StrAnsiAllocFormatted(&pszTempFile, "%s%ls%05d.%ls", pszTempPath, wzPrefix, i, wzExtension); FileExitOnFailure(hr, "failed to allocate memory for log file"); hTempFile = ::CreateFileA(pszTempFile, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_NEW, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hTempFile) { // if the file already exists, just try again hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()); if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_EXISTS) == hr) { hr = S_OK; continue; } FileExitOnFailureDebugTrace(hr, "failed to create file: %hs", pszTempFile); } } if (ppwzTempFile) { hr = StrAllocStringAnsi(ppwzTempFile, pszTempFile, 0, CP_UTF8); } if (phTempFile) { *phTempFile = hTempFile; hTempFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } LExit: ReleaseFile(hTempFile); ReleaseStr(pszTempFile); ReleaseStr(pszTempPath); return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileCreateTempW - creates an empty temp file *******************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileCreateTempW( __in_z LPCWSTR wzPrefix, __in_z LPCWSTR wzExtension, __deref_opt_out_z LPWSTR* ppwzTempFile, __out_opt HANDLE* phTempFile ) { Assert(wzPrefix && *wzPrefix); HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; LPWSTR pwzTempPath = NULL; LPWSTR pwzTempFile = NULL; HANDLE hTempFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; int i = 0; hr = PathGetTempPath(&pwzTempPath, NULL); FileExitOnFailure(hr, "failed to get temp path"); for (i = 0; i < 1000 && INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hTempFile; ++i) { hr = StrAllocFormatted(&pwzTempFile, L"%s%s%05d.%s", pwzTempPath, wzPrefix, i, wzExtension); FileExitOnFailure(hr, "failed to allocate memory for temp filename"); hTempFile = ::CreateFileW(pwzTempFile, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_NEW, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hTempFile) { // if the file already exists, just try again hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()); if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_EXISTS) == hr) { hr = S_OK; continue; } FileExitOnFailureDebugTrace(hr, "failed to create file: %ls", pwzTempFile); } } if (phTempFile) { *phTempFile = hTempFile; hTempFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if (ppwzTempFile) { *ppwzTempFile = pwzTempFile; pwzTempFile = NULL; } LExit: ReleaseFile(hTempFile); ReleaseStr(pwzTempFile); ReleaseStr(pwzTempPath); return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileIsSame ********************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileIsSame( __in_z LPCWSTR wzFile1, __in_z LPCWSTR wzFile2, __out LPBOOL lpfSameFile ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HANDLE hFile1 = NULL; HANDLE hFile2 = NULL; BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION fileInfo1 = { }; BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION fileInfo2 = { }; hFile1 = ::CreateFileW(wzFile1, FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); FileExitOnInvalidHandleWithLastError(hFile1, hr, "Failed to open file 1. File = '%ls'", wzFile1); hFile2 = ::CreateFileW(wzFile2, FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); FileExitOnInvalidHandleWithLastError(hFile2, hr, "Failed to open file 2. File = '%ls'", wzFile2); if (!::GetFileInformationByHandle(hFile1, &fileInfo1)) { FileExitWithLastError(hr, "Failed to get information for file 1. File = '%ls'", wzFile1); } if (!::GetFileInformationByHandle(hFile2, &fileInfo2)) { FileExitWithLastError(hr, "Failed to get information for file 2. File = '%ls'", wzFile2); } *lpfSameFile = fileInfo1.dwVolumeSerialNumber == fileInfo2.dwVolumeSerialNumber && fileInfo1.nFileIndexHigh == fileInfo2.nFileIndexHigh && fileInfo1.nFileIndexLow == fileInfo2.nFileIndexLow ? TRUE : FALSE; LExit: ReleaseFile(hFile1); ReleaseFile(hFile2); return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileEnsureDelete - deletes a file, first removing read-only, hidden, or system attributes if necessary. ********************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileEnsureDelete( __in_z LPCWSTR wzFile ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwAttrib = INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES; if (FileExistsEx(wzFile, &dwAttrib)) { if (dwAttrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY || dwAttrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN || dwAttrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM) { if (!::SetFileAttributesW(wzFile, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)) { FileExitOnLastError(hr, "Failed to remove attributes from file: %ls", wzFile); } } if (!::DeleteFileW(wzFile)) { FileExitOnLastError(hr, "Failed to delete file: %ls", wzFile); } } LExit: return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileGetTime - Gets the file time of a specified file ********************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileGetTime( __in_z LPCWSTR wzFile, __out_opt LPFILETIME lpCreationTime, __out_opt LPFILETIME lpLastAccessTime, __out_opt LPFILETIME lpLastWriteTime ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HANDLE hFile = NULL; hFile = ::CreateFileW(wzFile, FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); FileExitOnInvalidHandleWithLastError(hFile, hr, "Failed to open file. File = '%ls'", wzFile); if (!::GetFileTime(hFile, lpCreationTime, lpLastAccessTime, lpLastWriteTime)) { FileExitWithLastError(hr, "Failed to get file time for file. File = '%ls'", wzFile); } LExit: ReleaseFile(hFile); return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileSetTime - Sets the file time of a specified file ********************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileSetTime( __in_z LPCWSTR wzFile, __in_opt const FILETIME *lpCreationTime, __in_opt const FILETIME *lpLastAccessTime, __in_opt const FILETIME *lpLastWriteTime ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HANDLE hFile = NULL; hFile = ::CreateFileW(wzFile, FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES, FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); FileExitOnInvalidHandleWithLastError(hFile, hr, "Failed to open file. File = '%ls'", wzFile); if (!::SetFileTime(hFile, lpCreationTime, lpLastAccessTime, lpLastWriteTime)) { FileExitWithLastError(hr, "Failed to set file time for file. File = '%ls'", wzFile); } LExit: ReleaseFile(hFile); return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileReSetTime - ReSets a file's last acess and modified time to the creation time of the file ********************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileResetTime( __in_z LPCWSTR wzFile ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HANDLE hFile = NULL; FILETIME ftCreateTime; hFile = ::CreateFileW(wzFile, FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); FileExitOnInvalidHandleWithLastError(hFile, hr, "Failed to open file. File = '%ls'", wzFile); if (!::GetFileTime(hFile, &ftCreateTime, NULL, NULL)) { FileExitWithLastError(hr, "Failed to get file time for file. File = '%ls'", wzFile); } if (!::SetFileTime(hFile, NULL, NULL, &ftCreateTime)) { FileExitWithLastError(hr, "Failed to reset file time for file. File = '%ls'", wzFile); } LExit: ReleaseFile(hFile); return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileExecutableArchitecture *******************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileExecutableArchitecture( __in_z LPCWSTR wzFile, __out FILE_ARCHITECTURE *pArchitecture ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD cbRead = 0; IMAGE_DOS_HEADER DosImageHeader = { }; IMAGE_NT_HEADERS NtImageHeader = { }; hFile = ::CreateFileW(wzFile, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FileExitWithLastError(hr, "Failed to open file: %ls", wzFile); } if (!::ReadFile(hFile, &DosImageHeader, sizeof(DosImageHeader), &cbRead, NULL)) { FileExitWithLastError(hr, "Failed to read DOS header from file: %ls", wzFile); } if (DosImageHeader.e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_FORMAT); FileExitOnRootFailure(hr, "Read invalid DOS header from file: %ls", wzFile); } if (INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER == ::SetFilePointer(hFile, DosImageHeader.e_lfanew, NULL, FILE_BEGIN)) { FileExitWithLastError(hr, "Failed to seek the NT header in file: %ls", wzFile); } if (!::ReadFile(hFile, &NtImageHeader, sizeof(NtImageHeader), &cbRead, NULL)) { FileExitWithLastError(hr, "Failed to read NT header from file: %ls", wzFile); } if (NtImageHeader.Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_FORMAT); FileExitOnRootFailure(hr, "Read invalid NT header from file: %ls", wzFile); } if (IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_NATIVE == NtImageHeader.OptionalHeader.Subsystem || IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_GUI == NtImageHeader.OptionalHeader.Subsystem || IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CUI == NtImageHeader.OptionalHeader.Subsystem) { switch (NtImageHeader.FileHeader.Machine) { case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386: *pArchitecture = FILE_ARCHITECTURE_X86; break; case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64: *pArchitecture = FILE_ARCHITECTURE_IA64; break; case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64: *pArchitecture = FILE_ARCHITECTURE_X64; break; default: hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_FORMAT); break; } } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_FORMAT); } FileExitOnFailure(hr, "Unexpected subsystem: %d machine type: %d specified in NT header from file: %ls", NtImageHeader.OptionalHeader.Subsystem, NtImageHeader.FileHeader.Machine, wzFile); LExit: if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ::CloseHandle(hFile); } return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileToString *******************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileToString( __in_z LPCWSTR wzFile, __out LPWSTR *psczString, __out_opt FILE_ENCODING *pfeEncoding ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BYTE *pbFullFileBuffer = NULL; SIZE_T cbFullFileBuffer = 0; BOOL fNullCharFound = FALSE; LPWSTR sczFileText = NULL; // Check if the file is ANSI hr = FileRead(&pbFullFileBuffer, &cbFullFileBuffer, wzFile); FileExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to read file: %ls", wzFile); if (0 == cbFullFileBuffer) { *psczString = NULL; ExitFunction1(hr = S_OK); } // UTF-8 BOM if (cbFullFileBuffer > sizeof(UTF8BOM) && 0 == memcmp(pbFullFileBuffer, UTF8BOM, sizeof(UTF8BOM))) { if (pfeEncoding) { *pfeEncoding = FILE_ENCODING_UTF8_WITH_BOM; } hr = StrAllocStringAnsi(&sczFileText, reinterpret_cast(pbFullFileBuffer + 3), cbFullFileBuffer - 3, CP_UTF8); FileExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to convert file %ls from UTF-8 as its BOM indicated", wzFile); *psczString = sczFileText; sczFileText = NULL; } // UTF-16 BOM, little endian (windows regular UTF-16) else if (cbFullFileBuffer > sizeof(UTF16BOM) && 0 == memcmp(pbFullFileBuffer, UTF16BOM, sizeof(UTF16BOM))) { if (pfeEncoding) { *pfeEncoding = FILE_ENCODING_UTF16_WITH_BOM; } hr = StrAllocString(psczString, reinterpret_cast(pbFullFileBuffer + 2), (cbFullFileBuffer - 2) / sizeof(WCHAR)); FileExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to allocate copy of string"); } // No BOM, let's try to detect else { for (DWORD i = 0; i < cbFullFileBuffer; ++i) { if (pbFullFileBuffer[i] == '\0') { fNullCharFound = TRUE; break; } } if (!fNullCharFound) { if (pfeEncoding) { *pfeEncoding = FILE_ENCODING_UTF8; } hr = StrAllocStringAnsi(&sczFileText, reinterpret_cast(pbFullFileBuffer), cbFullFileBuffer, CP_UTF8); if (FAILED(hr)) { if (E_OUTOFMEMORY == hr) { FileExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to convert file %ls from UTF-8", wzFile); } } else { *psczString = sczFileText; sczFileText = NULL; } } else if (NULL == *psczString) { if (pfeEncoding) { *pfeEncoding = FILE_ENCODING_UTF16; } hr = StrAllocString(psczString, reinterpret_cast(pbFullFileBuffer), cbFullFileBuffer / sizeof(WCHAR)); FileExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to allocate copy of string"); } } LExit: ReleaseStr(sczFileText); ReleaseMem(pbFullFileBuffer); return hr; } /******************************************************************* FileFromString *******************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT DAPI FileFromString( __in_z LPCWSTR wzFile, __in DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, __in_z LPCWSTR sczString, __in FILE_ENCODING feEncoding ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPSTR sczUtf8String = NULL; BYTE *pbFullFileBuffer = NULL; const BYTE *pcbFullFileBuffer = NULL; SIZE_T cbFullFileBuffer = 0; SIZE_T cbStrLen = 0; switch (feEncoding) { case FILE_ENCODING_UTF8: hr = StrAnsiAllocString(&sczUtf8String, sczString, 0, CP_UTF8); FileExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to convert string to UTF-8 to write UTF-8 file"); hr = ::StringCchLengthA(sczUtf8String, STRSAFE_MAX_CCH, reinterpret_cast(&cbFullFileBuffer)); FileExitOnRootFailure(hr, "Failed to get length of UTF-8 string"); pcbFullFileBuffer = reinterpret_cast(sczUtf8String); break; case FILE_ENCODING_UTF8_WITH_BOM: hr = StrAnsiAllocString(&sczUtf8String, sczString, 0, CP_UTF8); FileExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to convert string to UTF-8 to write UTF-8 file"); hr = ::StringCchLengthA(sczUtf8String, STRSAFE_MAX_CCH, reinterpret_cast(&cbStrLen)); FileExitOnRootFailure(hr, "Failed to get length of UTF-8 string"); cbFullFileBuffer = sizeof(UTF8BOM) + cbStrLen; pbFullFileBuffer = reinterpret_cast(MemAlloc(cbFullFileBuffer, TRUE)); FileExitOnNull(pbFullFileBuffer, hr, E_OUTOFMEMORY, "Failed to allocate memory for output file buffer"); memcpy_s(pbFullFileBuffer, sizeof(UTF8BOM), UTF8BOM, sizeof(UTF8BOM)); memcpy_s(pbFullFileBuffer + sizeof(UTF8BOM), cbStrLen, sczUtf8String, cbStrLen); pcbFullFileBuffer = pbFullFileBuffer; break; case FILE_ENCODING_UTF16: hr = ::StringCchLengthW(sczString, STRSAFE_MAX_CCH, reinterpret_cast(&cbStrLen)); FileExitOnRootFailure(hr, "Failed to get length of string"); cbFullFileBuffer = cbStrLen * sizeof(WCHAR); pcbFullFileBuffer = reinterpret_cast(sczString); break; case FILE_ENCODING_UTF16_WITH_BOM: hr = ::StringCchLengthW(sczString, STRSAFE_MAX_CCH, reinterpret_cast(&cbStrLen)); FileExitOnRootFailure(hr, "Failed to get length of string"); cbStrLen *= sizeof(WCHAR); cbFullFileBuffer = sizeof(UTF16BOM) + cbStrLen; pbFullFileBuffer = reinterpret_cast(MemAlloc(cbFullFileBuffer, TRUE)); FileExitOnNull(pbFullFileBuffer, hr, E_OUTOFMEMORY, "Failed to allocate memory for output file buffer"); memcpy_s(pbFullFileBuffer, sizeof(UTF16BOM), UTF16BOM, sizeof(UTF16BOM)); memcpy_s(pbFullFileBuffer + sizeof(UTF16BOM), cbStrLen, sczString, cbStrLen); pcbFullFileBuffer = pbFullFileBuffer; break; } hr = FileWrite(wzFile, dwFlagsAndAttributes, pcbFullFileBuffer, cbFullFileBuffer, NULL); FileExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to write file from string to: %ls", wzFile); LExit: ReleaseStr(sczUtf8String); ReleaseMem(pbFullFileBuffer); return hr; }