#pragma once // Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define ReleaseEseQuery(pqh) if (pqh) { EseFinishQuery(pqh); } #define ReleaseNullEseQuery(pqh) if (pqh) { EseFinishQuery(pqh); pqh = NULL; } struct ESE_COLUMN_SCHEMA { JET_COLUMNID jcColumn; LPCWSTR pszName; JET_COLTYP jcColumnType; BOOL fKey; // If this column is part of the key of the table BOOL fFixed; BOOL fNullable; BOOL fAutoIncrement; }; struct ESE_TABLE_SCHEMA { JET_TABLEID jtTable; LPCWSTR pszName; DWORD dwColumns; ESE_COLUMN_SCHEMA *pcsColumns; }; struct ESE_DATABASE_SCHEMA { DWORD dwTables; ESE_TABLE_SCHEMA *ptsTables; }; typedef enum ESE_QUERY_TYPE { ESE_QUERY_EXACT, ESE_QUERY_FROM_TOP, ESE_QUERY_FROM_BOTTOM } ESE_QUERY_TYPE; typedef void* ESE_QUERY_HANDLE; HRESULT DAPI EseBeginSession( __out JET_INSTANCE *pjiInstance, __out JET_SESID *pjsSession, __in_z LPCWSTR pszInstance, __in_z LPCWSTR pszPath ); HRESULT DAPI EseEndSession( __in JET_INSTANCE jiInstance, __in JET_SESID jsSession ); HRESULT DAPI EseEnsureDatabase( __in JET_SESID jsSession, __in_z LPCWSTR pszFile, __in ESE_DATABASE_SCHEMA *pdsSchema, __out JET_DBID* pjdbDb, __in BOOL fExclusive, __in BOOL fReadonly ); HRESULT DAPI EseCloseDatabase( __in JET_SESID jsSession, __in JET_DBID jdbDb ); HRESULT DAPI EseCreateTable( __in JET_SESID jsSession, __in JET_DBID jdbDb, __in_z LPCWSTR pszTable, __out JET_TABLEID *pjtTable ); HRESULT DAPI EseOpenTable( __in JET_SESID jsSession, __in JET_DBID jdbDb, __in_z LPCWSTR pszTable, __out JET_TABLEID *pjtTable ); HRESULT DAPI EseCloseTable( __in JET_SESID jsSession, __in JET_TABLEID jtTable ); HRESULT DAPI EseEnsureColumn( __in JET_SESID jsSession, __in JET_TABLEID jtTable, __in_z LPCWSTR pszColumnName, __in JET_COLTYP jcColumnType, __in ULONG ulColumnSize, __in BOOL fFixed, __in BOOL fNullable, __out_opt JET_COLUMNID *pjcColumn ); HRESULT DAPI EseGetColumn( __in JET_SESID jsSession, __in JET_TABLEID jtTable, __in_z LPCWSTR pszColumnName, __out JET_COLUMNID *pjcColumn ); HRESULT DAPI EseMoveCursor( __in JET_SESID jsSession, __in JET_TABLEID jtTable, __in LONG lRow ); HRESULT DAPI EseDeleteRow( __in JET_SESID jsSession, __in JET_TABLEID jtTable ); HRESULT DAPI EseBeginTransaction( __in JET_SESID jsSession ); HRESULT DAPI EseRollbackTransaction( __in JET_SESID jsSession, __in BOOL fAll ); HRESULT DAPI EseCommitTransaction( __in JET_SESID jsSession ); HRESULT DAPI EsePrepareUpdate( __in JET_SESID jsSession, __in JET_TABLEID jtTable, __in ULONG ulPrep ); HRESULT DAPI EseFinishUpdate( __in JET_SESID jsSession, __in JET_TABLEID jtTable, __in BOOL fSeekToInsertedRecord ); HRESULT DAPI EseSetColumnBinary( __in JET_SESID jsSession, __in ESE_TABLE_SCHEMA tsTable, __in DWORD dwColumn, __in_bcount(cbBuffer) const BYTE* pbBuffer, __in SIZE_T cbBuffer ); HRESULT DAPI EseSetColumnDword( __in JET_SESID jsSession, __in ESE_TABLE_SCHEMA tsTable, __in DWORD dwColumn, __in DWORD dwValue ); HRESULT DAPI EseSetColumnBool( __in JET_SESID jsSession, __in ESE_TABLE_SCHEMA tsTable, __in DWORD dwColumn, __in BOOL fValue ); HRESULT DAPI EseSetColumnString( __in JET_SESID jsSession, __in ESE_TABLE_SCHEMA tsTable, __in DWORD dwColumn, __in_z LPCWSTR pszValue ); HRESULT DAPI EseSetColumnEmpty( __in JET_SESID jsSession, __in ESE_TABLE_SCHEMA tsTable, __in DWORD dwColumn ); HRESULT DAPI EseGetColumnBinary( __in JET_SESID jsSession, __in ESE_TABLE_SCHEMA tsTable, __in DWORD dwColumn, __deref_inout_bcount(*piBuffer) BYTE** ppbBuffer, __inout SIZE_T* piBuffer ); HRESULT DAPI EseGetColumnDword( __in JET_SESID jsSession, __in ESE_TABLE_SCHEMA tsTable, __in DWORD dwColumn, __out DWORD *pdwValue ); HRESULT DAPI EseGetColumnBool( __in JET_SESID jsSession, __in ESE_TABLE_SCHEMA tsTable, __in DWORD dwColumn, __out BOOL *pfValue ); HRESULT DAPI EseGetColumnString( __in JET_SESID jsSession, __in ESE_TABLE_SCHEMA tsTable, __in DWORD dwColumn, __out LPWSTR *ppszValue ); // Call this once for each key column in the table HRESULT DAPI EseBeginQuery( __in JET_SESID jsSession, __in JET_TABLEID jtTable, __in ESE_QUERY_TYPE qtQueryType, __out ESE_QUERY_HANDLE *peqhHandle ); HRESULT DAPI EseSetQueryColumnBinary( __in ESE_QUERY_HANDLE eqhHandle, __in_bcount(cbBuffer) const BYTE* pbBuffer, __in SIZE_T cbBuffer, __in BOOL fFinal // If this is true, all other key columns in the query will be set to "*" ); HRESULT DAPI EseSetQueryColumnDword( __in ESE_QUERY_HANDLE eqhHandle, __in DWORD dwData, __in BOOL fFinal // If this is true, all other key columns in the query will be set to "*" ); HRESULT DAPI EseSetQueryColumnBool( __in ESE_QUERY_HANDLE eqhHandle, __in BOOL fValue, __in BOOL fFinal // If this is true, all other key columns in the query will be set to "*" ); HRESULT DAPI EseSetQueryColumnString( __in ESE_QUERY_HANDLE eqhHandle, __in_z LPCWSTR pszString, __in BOOL fFinal // If this is true, all other key columns in the query will be set to "*" ); HRESULT DAPI EseFinishQuery( __in ESE_QUERY_HANDLE eqhHandle ); // Once all columns have been set up, call this and read the result HRESULT DAPI EseRunQuery( __in ESE_QUERY_HANDLE eqhHandle ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif