#pragma once
// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define ReleaseVerutilVersion(p) if (p) { VerFreeVersion(p); p = NULL; }

    BOOL fNumeric;
    DWORD dwValue;
    SIZE_T cchLabelOffset;
    int cchLabel;

typedef struct _VERUTIL_VERSION
    LPWSTR sczVersion;
    WCHAR chPrefix;
    DWORD dwMajor;
    DWORD dwMinor;
    DWORD dwPatch;
    DWORD dwRevision;
    DWORD cReleaseLabels;
    SIZE_T cchMetadataOffset;
    BOOL fInvalid;
    BOOL fHasMajor;
    BOOL fHasMinor;
    BOOL fHasPatch;
    BOOL fHasRevision;

 VerCompareParsedVersions - compares the Verutil versions.

HRESULT DAPI VerCompareParsedVersions(
    __in_opt VERUTIL_VERSION* pVersion1,
    __in_opt VERUTIL_VERSION* pVersion2,
    __out int* pnResult

 VerCompareStringVersions - parses the strings with VerParseVersion and then
                            compares the Verutil versions with VerCompareParsedVersions.

HRESULT DAPI VerCompareStringVersions(
    __in_z LPCWSTR wzVersion1,
    __in_z LPCWSTR wzVersion2,
    __in BOOL fStrict,
    __out int* pnResult

 VerCopyVersion - copies the given Verutil version.

HRESULT DAPI VerCopyVersion(
    __in VERUTIL_VERSION* pSource,
    __out VERUTIL_VERSION** ppVersion

 VerFreeVersion - frees any memory associated with a Verutil version.

void DAPI VerFreeVersion(
    __in VERUTIL_VERSION* pVersion

 VerParseVersion - parses the string into a Verutil version.

HRESULT DAPI VerParseVersion(
    __in_z LPCWSTR wzVersion,
    __in SIZE_T cchVersion,
    __in BOOL fStrict,
    __out VERUTIL_VERSION** ppVersion

 VerParseVersion - parses the QWORD into a Verutil version.

HRESULT DAPI VerVersionFromQword(
    __in DWORD64 qwVersion,
    __out VERUTIL_VERSION** ppVersion

#ifdef __cplusplus