// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. #include "precomp.h" using namespace System; using namespace System::Collections::Generic; using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices; using namespace Xunit; using namespace WixInternal::TestSupport; LPCWSTR wzBaseRegKey = L"Software\\RegUtilTest\\"; LPWSTR rgwzMultiValue[2] = { L"First", L"Second" }; LPWSTR rgwzEmptyMultiValue[2] = { L"", L"" }; HKEY hkBase; namespace DutilTests { public ref class RegUtil : IDisposable { private: void CreateBaseKey() { HRESULT hr = RegCreate(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, wzBaseRegKey, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkBase); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to create base key."); } public: RegUtil() { HRESULT hr = RegInitialize(); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "RegInitialize failed."); } ~RegUtil() { RegFunctionOverride(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (hkBase) { RegDelete(hkBase, NULL, REG_KEY_DEFAULT, TRUE); } ReleaseRegKey(hkBase); RegUninitialize(); } [Fact] void RegUtilStringValueTest() { this->StringValueTest(); } [Fact] void RegUtilStringValueFallbackTest() { RegFunctionForceFallback(); this->StringValueTest(); } void StringValueTest() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR sczValue = NULL; LPCWSTR wzValue = L"Value"; try { this->CreateBaseKey(); hr = RegWriteString(hkBase, L"String", wzValue); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to write string value."); hr = RegReadString(hkBase, L"String", &sczValue); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to read string value."); NativeAssert::StringEqual(wzValue, sczValue); ReleaseNullStr(sczValue); hr = StrAllocString(&sczValue, L"e", 0); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to reallocate string value."); hr = RegReadString(hkBase, L"String", &sczValue); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to read string value."); NativeAssert::StringEqual(wzValue, sczValue); } finally { ReleaseStr(sczValue); } } [Fact] void RegUtilPartialStringValueTest() { this->PartialStringValueTest(); } [Fact] void RegUtilPartialStringValueFallbackTest() { RegFunctionForceFallback(); this->PartialStringValueTest(); } void PartialStringValueTest() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR sczValue = NULL; LPCWSTR wzValue = L"Value"; BOOL fNeedsExpansion = FALSE; try { this->CreateBaseKey(); // Use API directly to write non-null terminated string. hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::RegSetValueExW(hkBase, L"PartialString", 0, REG_SZ, reinterpret_cast(wzValue), 4 * sizeof(WCHAR))); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to write partial string value."); hr = RegReadString(hkBase, L"PartialString", &sczValue); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to read partial string value."); NativeAssert::StringEqual(L"Valu", sczValue); hr = RegReadUnexpandedString(hkBase, L"PartialString", &fNeedsExpansion, &sczValue); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to read partial unexpanded string value."); NativeAssert::StringEqual(L"Valu", sczValue); Assert::False(fNeedsExpansion); } finally { ReleaseStr(sczValue); } } [Fact] void RegUtilEmptyStringValueTest() { this->EmptyStringValueTest(); } [Fact] void RegUtilEmptyStringValueFallbackTest() { RegFunctionForceFallback(); this->EmptyStringValueTest(); } void EmptyStringValueTest() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR sczValue = NULL; try { this->CreateBaseKey(); // Use API directly to write non-null terminated string. hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::RegSetValueExW(hkBase, L"EmptyString", 0, REG_SZ, reinterpret_cast(L""), 0)); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to write partial string value."); hr = RegReadString(hkBase, L"EmptyString", &sczValue); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to read partial string value."); NativeAssert::StringEqual(L"", sczValue); } finally { ReleaseStr(sczValue); } } [Fact] void RegUtilExpandStringValueTest() { this->ExpandStringValueTest(); } [Fact] void RegUtilExpandStringValueFallbackTest() { RegFunctionForceFallback(); this->ExpandStringValueTest(); } void ExpandStringValueTest() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR sczValue = NULL; LPCWSTR wzValue = L"Value_%USERNAME%"; String^ expandedValue = Environment::ExpandEnvironmentVariables(gcnew String(wzValue)); try { this->CreateBaseKey(); hr = RegWriteExpandString(hkBase, L"ExpandString", wzValue); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to write expand string value."); hr = RegReadString(hkBase, L"ExpandString", &sczValue); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to read expand string value."); WixAssert::StringEqual(expandedValue, gcnew String(sczValue), false); } finally { ReleaseStr(sczValue); } } [Fact] void RegUtilExpandLongStringValueTest() { this->ExpandLongStringValueTest(); } [Fact] void RegUtilExpandLongStringValueFallbackTest() { RegFunctionForceFallback(); this->ExpandLongStringValueTest(); } void ExpandLongStringValueTest() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR sczValue = NULL; LPCWSTR wzValue = L"%TEMP%;%PATH%;C:\\abcdefghijklomnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789\\abcdefghijklomnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789\\abcdefghijklomnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789\\abcdefghijklomnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789\\abcdefghijklomnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; String^ expandedValue = Environment::ExpandEnvironmentVariables(gcnew String(wzValue)); try { this->CreateBaseKey(); hr = RegWriteExpandString(hkBase, L"ExpandString", wzValue); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to write expand string value."); hr = RegReadString(hkBase, L"ExpandString", &sczValue); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to read expand string value."); WixAssert::StringEqual(expandedValue, gcnew String(sczValue), false); ReleaseNullStr(sczValue); hr = RegReadString(hkBase, L"ExpandString", &sczValue); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to read expand string value."); WixAssert::StringEqual(expandedValue, gcnew String(sczValue), false); } finally { ReleaseStr(sczValue); } } [Fact] void RegUtilNotExpandStringValueTest() { this->NotExpandStringValueTest(); } [Fact] void RegUtilNotExpandStringValueFallbackTest() { RegFunctionForceFallback(); this->NotExpandStringValueTest(); } void NotExpandStringValueTest() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR sczValue = NULL; BOOL fNeedsExpansion = FALSE; LPCWSTR wzValue = L"Value_%USERNAME%"; try { this->CreateBaseKey(); hr = RegWriteExpandString(hkBase, L"NotExpandString", wzValue); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to write expand string value."); hr = RegReadUnexpandedString(hkBase, L"NotExpandString", &fNeedsExpansion, &sczValue); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to read expand string value."); NativeAssert::StringEqual(wzValue, sczValue); Assert::True(fNeedsExpansion); } finally { ReleaseStr(sczValue); } } [Fact] void RegUtilMultiStringValueTest() { this->MultiStringValueTest(); } [Fact] void RegUtilMultiStringValueFallbackTest() { RegFunctionForceFallback(); this->MultiStringValueTest(); } void MultiStringValueTest() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR* rgsczStrings = NULL; DWORD cStrings = 0; try { this->CreateBaseKey(); hr = RegWriteStringArray(hkBase, L"MultiString", rgwzMultiValue, 2); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to write multi string value."); hr = RegReadStringArray(hkBase, L"MultiString", &rgsczStrings, &cStrings); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to read multi string value."); Assert::Equal(2, cStrings); NativeAssert::StringEqual(L"First", rgsczStrings[0]); NativeAssert::StringEqual(L"Second", rgsczStrings[1]); } finally { ReleaseStrArray(rgsczStrings, cStrings); } } [Fact] void RegUtilPartialMultiStringValueTest() { this->PartialMultiStringValueTest(); } [Fact] void RegUtilPartialMultiStringValueFallbackTest() { RegFunctionForceFallback(); this->PartialMultiStringValueTest(); } void PartialMultiStringValueTest() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR* rgsczStrings = NULL; DWORD cStrings = 0; try { this->CreateBaseKey(); // Use API directly to write non-double-null terminated string. hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::RegSetValueExW(hkBase, L"PartialMultiString", 0, REG_MULTI_SZ, reinterpret_cast(L"First\0Second"), 13 * sizeof(WCHAR))); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to write partial multi string value."); hr = RegReadStringArray(hkBase, L"PartialMultiString", &rgsczStrings, &cStrings); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to read partial multi string value."); Assert::Equal(2, cStrings); NativeAssert::StringEqual(L"First", rgsczStrings[0]); NativeAssert::StringEqual(L"Second", rgsczStrings[1]); } finally { ReleaseStrArray(rgsczStrings, cStrings); } } [Fact] void RegUtilEmptyMultiStringValueTest() { this->EmptyMultiStringValueTest(); } [Fact] void RegUtilEmptyMultiStringValueFallbackTest() { RegFunctionForceFallback(); this->EmptyMultiStringValueTest(); } void EmptyMultiStringValueTest() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR* rgsczStrings = NULL; DWORD cStrings = 0; try { this->CreateBaseKey(); hr = RegWriteStringArray(hkBase, L"EmptyMultiString", rgwzMultiValue, 0); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to write empty multi string value."); hr = RegReadStringArray(hkBase, L"EmptyMultiString", &rgsczStrings, &cStrings); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to read empty multi string value."); Assert::Equal(0, cStrings); } finally { ReleaseStrArray(rgsczStrings, cStrings); } } [Fact] void RegUtilOneEmptyMultiStringValueTest() { this->OneEmptyMultiStringValueTest(); } [Fact] void RegUtilOneEmptyMultiStringValueFallbackTest() { RegFunctionForceFallback(); this->OneEmptyMultiStringValueTest(); } void OneEmptyMultiStringValueTest() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR* rgsczStrings = NULL; DWORD cStrings = 0; try { this->CreateBaseKey(); hr = RegWriteStringArray(hkBase, L"OneEmptyMultiString", rgwzEmptyMultiValue, 1); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to write one empty multi string value."); hr = RegReadStringArray(hkBase, L"OneEmptyMultiString", &rgsczStrings, &cStrings); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to read one empty multi string value."); Assert::Equal(0, cStrings); } finally { ReleaseStrArray(rgsczStrings, cStrings); } } [Fact] void RegUtilTwoEmptyMultiStringValueTest() { this->TwoEmptyMultiStringValueTest(); } [Fact] void RegUtilTwoEmptyMultiStringValueFallbackTest() { RegFunctionForceFallback(); this->TwoEmptyMultiStringValueTest(); } void TwoEmptyMultiStringValueTest() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR* rgsczStrings = NULL; DWORD cStrings = 0; try { this->CreateBaseKey(); hr = RegWriteStringArray(hkBase, L"OneEmptyMultiString", rgwzEmptyMultiValue, 2); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to write one empty multi string value."); hr = RegReadStringArray(hkBase, L"OneEmptyMultiString", &rgsczStrings, &cStrings); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to read one empty multi string value."); Assert::Equal(2, cStrings); NativeAssert::StringEqual(L"", rgsczStrings[0]); NativeAssert::StringEqual(L"", rgsczStrings[1]); } finally { ReleaseStrArray(rgsczStrings, cStrings); } } [Fact] void RegUtilOnePartialEmptyMultiStringValueTest() { this->OnePartialEmptyMultiStringValueTest(); } [Fact] void RegUtilOnePartialEmptyMultiStringValueFallbackTest() { RegFunctionForceFallback(); this->OnePartialEmptyMultiStringValueTest(); } void OnePartialEmptyMultiStringValueTest() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR* rgsczStrings = NULL; DWORD cStrings = 0; try { this->CreateBaseKey(); // Use API directly to write non-double-null terminated string. hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::RegSetValueExW(hkBase, L"OnePartialEmptyMultiString", 0, REG_MULTI_SZ, reinterpret_cast(L""), 1 * sizeof(WCHAR))); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to write partial empty multi string value."); hr = RegReadStringArray(hkBase, L"OnePartialEmptyMultiString", &rgsczStrings, &cStrings); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to read partial empty multi string value."); Assert::Equal(0, cStrings); } finally { ReleaseStrArray(rgsczStrings, cStrings); } } [Fact] void RegUtilBinaryValueTest() { this->BinaryValueTest(); } [Fact] void RegUtilBinaryValueFallbackTest() { RegFunctionForceFallback(); this->BinaryValueTest(); } void BinaryValueTest() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BYTE pbSource[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; BYTE* pbBuffer = NULL; SIZE_T cbBuffer = 0; try { this->CreateBaseKey(); hr = RegWriteBinary(hkBase, L"Binary", pbSource, 4); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to write binary value."); hr = RegReadBinary(hkBase, L"Binary", &pbBuffer, &cbBuffer); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to read binary value."); Assert::Equal(4, cbBuffer); Assert::Equal(1, pbBuffer[0]); Assert::Equal(2, pbBuffer[1]); Assert::Equal(3, pbBuffer[2]); Assert::Equal(4, pbBuffer[3]); } finally { ReleaseMem(pbBuffer); } } [Fact] void RegUtilEmptyBinaryValueTest() { this->EmptyBinaryValueTest(); } [Fact] void RegUtilEmptyBinaryValueFallbackTest() { RegFunctionForceFallback(); this->EmptyBinaryValueTest(); } void EmptyBinaryValueTest() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BYTE* pbBuffer = NULL; SIZE_T cbBuffer = 0; try { this->CreateBaseKey(); hr = RegWriteBinary(hkBase, L"Binary", NULL, 0); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to write binary value."); hr = RegReadBinary(hkBase, L"Binary", &pbBuffer, &cbBuffer); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to read binary value."); Assert::Equal(0, cbBuffer); } finally { ReleaseMem(pbBuffer); } } [Fact] void RegUtilQwordVersionValueTest() { this->QwordVersionValueTest(); } [Fact] void RegUtilQwordVersionValueFallbackTest() { RegFunctionForceFallback(); this->QwordVersionValueTest(); } void QwordVersionValueTest() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD64 qwVersion = FILEMAKEVERSION(1, 2, 3, 4); DWORD64 qwValue = 0; this->CreateBaseKey(); hr = RegWriteQword(hkBase, L"QwordVersion", qwVersion); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to write qword version value."); hr = RegReadVersion(hkBase, L"QwordVersion", &qwValue); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to read qword version value."); Assert::Equal(qwVersion, qwValue); } [Fact] void RegUtilStringVersionValueTest() { this->StringVersionValueTest(); } [Fact] void RegUtilStringVersionValueFallbackTest() { RegFunctionForceFallback(); this->StringVersionValueTest(); } void StringVersionValueTest() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPCWSTR wzVersion = L"65535.65535.65535.65535"; DWORD64 qwValue = 0; this->CreateBaseKey(); hr = RegWriteString(hkBase, L"StringVersion", wzVersion); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to write string version value."); hr = RegReadVersion(hkBase, L"StringVersion", &qwValue); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to read string version value."); Assert::Equal(MAXDWORD64, qwValue); } [Fact] void RegUtilQwordWixVersionValueTest() { this->QwordWixVersionValueTest(); } [Fact] void RegUtilQwordWixVersionValueFallbackTest() { RegFunctionForceFallback(); this->QwordWixVersionValueTest(); } void QwordWixVersionValueTest() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD64 qwVersion = FILEMAKEVERSION(1, 2, 3, 4); VERUTIL_VERSION* pVersion = NULL; try { this->CreateBaseKey(); hr = RegWriteQword(hkBase, L"QwordWixVersion", qwVersion); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to write qword wix version value."); hr = RegReadWixVersion(hkBase, L"QwordWixVersion", &pVersion); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to read qword wix version value."); NativeAssert::StringEqual(L"", pVersion->sczVersion); } finally { ReleaseVerutilVersion(pVersion); } } [Fact] void RegUtilStringWixVersionValueTest() { this->StringWixVersionValueTest(); } [Fact] void RegUtilStringWixVersionValueFallbackTest() { RegFunctionForceFallback(); this->StringWixVersionValueTest(); } void StringWixVersionValueTest() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPCWSTR wzVersion = L"65535.65535.65535.65535-abc+def"; VERUTIL_VERSION* pVersion = NULL; try { this->CreateBaseKey(); hr = RegWriteString(hkBase, L"StringWixVersion", wzVersion); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to write string wix version value."); hr = RegReadWixVersion(hkBase, L"StringWixVersion", &pVersion); NativeAssert::Succeeded(hr, "Failed to read string wix version value."); NativeAssert::StringEqual(wzVersion, pVersion->sczVersion); } finally { ReleaseVerutilVersion(pVersion); } } }; }