// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. namespace WixTestTools { using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using WixToolset.Data.WindowsInstaller; using WixToolset.Data.WindowsInstaller.Rows; using Xunit; public partial class PackageInstaller { public string PackagePdb { get; } private bool IsX64 { get; } private WindowsInstallerData WiData { get; } public string GetInstalledFilePath(string filename) { var fileRow = this.WiData.Tables["File"].Rows.Single(r => r.FieldAsString(2).Contains(filename)); var componentRow = this.WiData.Tables["Component"].Rows.Single(r => r.FieldAsString(0) == fileRow.FieldAsString(1)); var directoryId = componentRow.FieldAsString(2); var path = filename; while (directoryId != null) { string directoryName; if (directoryId == "ProgramFiles6432Folder") { var baseDirectory = this.IsX64 ? Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles : Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFilesX86; directoryName = Environment.GetFolderPath(baseDirectory); directoryId = null; } else if (directoryId == "LocalAppDataFolder") { directoryName = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData); directoryId = null; } else { var directoryRow = this.WiData.Tables["Directory"].Rows.Single(r => r.FieldAsString(0) == directoryId); var value = directoryRow.FieldAsString(2); var longNameIndex = value.IndexOf('|') + 1; directoryName = longNameIndex > 0 ? value.Substring(longNameIndex) : value; directoryId = directoryRow.FieldAsString(1); } path = Path.Combine(directoryName, path); } return path; } public string GetProperty(string name) { var row = this.WiData.Tables["Property"].Rows.Cast().Single(r => r.Property == name); return row.Value; } public string GetControlText(string dialog, string control) { var row = this.WiData.Tables["Control"].Rows.Cast().Single(r => r.Dialog == dialog && r.Control == control); return row.Text; } public bool IsInstalled() { var productCode = this.GetProperty("ProductCode"); return MsiUtilities.IsProductInstalled(productCode); } public bool IsInstalledWithVersion() { var productCode = this.GetProperty("ProductCode"); Version prodVersion = new Version(this.GetProperty("ProductVersion")); return MsiUtilities.IsProductInstalledWithVersion(productCode, prodVersion); } public void VerifyInstalled(bool installed) { Assert.Equal(installed, this.IsInstalled()); } public void VerifyInstalledWithVersion(bool installed) { Assert.Equal(installed, this.IsInstalledWithVersion()); } public void DeleteTestRegistryValue(string name) { using (var root = this.TestContext.GetTestRegistryRoot(this.IsX64)) { Assert.NotNull(root); root.DeleteValue(name); } } public void VerifyTestRegistryRootDeleted() { using var testRegistryRoot = this.TestContext.GetTestRegistryRoot(this.IsX64); Assert.Null(testRegistryRoot); } public void VerifyTestRegistryValue(string name, string expectedValue) { using (var root = this.TestContext.GetTestRegistryRoot(this.IsX64)) { Assert.NotNull(root); var actualValue = root.GetValue(name) as string; Assert.Equal(expectedValue, actualValue); } } } }