// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
namespace WixTestTools
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using WixInternal.TestSupport;
using Xunit;
public class TestTool : ExternalExecutable
/// Constructor for a TestTool
public TestTool()
: this(null)
/// Constructor for a TestTool
/// The full path to the tool. Eg. c:\bin\candle.exe
public TestTool(string toolFile)
: base(toolFile)
this.PrintOutputToConsole = true;
/// The alternate expected exit code of the tool
public int? AlternateExitCode { get; set; }
/// The arguments to pass to the tool
public virtual string Arguments { get; set; }
/// Stores the errors that occurred when a run was checked against its expected results
public List Errors { get; set; }
/// A list of Regex's that are expected to match stderr
public List ExpectedErrorRegexs { get; set; } = new List();
/// The expected error strings to stderr
public List ExpectedErrorStrings { get; set; } = new List();
/// The expected exit code of the tool
public int? ExpectedExitCode { get; set; }
/// A list of Regex's that are expected to match stdout
public List ExpectedOutputRegexs { get; set; } = new List();
/// The expected output strings to stdout
public List ExpectedOutputStrings { get; set; } = new List();
/// Print output from the tool execution to the console
public bool PrintOutputToConsole { get; set; }
/// The working directory of the tool
public string WorkingDirectory { get; set; }
/// Print the errors from the last run
public void PrintErrors()
if (null != this.Errors)
foreach (string error in this.Errors)
/// Run the tool
/// The results of the run
public ExternalExecutableResult Run()
return this.Run(true);
/// Run the tool
/// Throw an exception if the expected results don't match the actual results
/// Thrown when the expected results don't match the actual results
/// The results of the run
public virtual ExternalExecutableResult Run(bool assertOnError)
var result = this.Run(this.Arguments, workingDirectory: this.WorkingDirectory ?? String.Empty);
if (this.PrintOutputToConsole)
this.Errors = this.CheckResult(result);
if (assertOnError && 0 < this.Errors.Count)
if (this.PrintOutputToConsole)
return result;
/// Checks that the result from a run matches the expected results
/// A result from a run
/// A list of errors
public virtual List CheckResult(ExternalExecutableResult result)
List errors = new List();
// Verify that the expected return code matched the actual return code
if (null != this.ExpectedExitCode && this.ExpectedExitCode != result.ExitCode &&
(null == this.AlternateExitCode || this.AlternateExitCode != result.ExitCode))
errors.Add(String.Format("Expected exit code {0} did not match actual exit code {1}", this.ExpectedExitCode, result.ExitCode));
var standardErrorString = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, result.StandardError);
// Verify that the expected error string are in stderr
if (null != this.ExpectedErrorStrings)
foreach (string expectedString in this.ExpectedErrorStrings)
if (!standardErrorString.Contains(expectedString))
errors.Add(String.Format("The text '{0}' was not found in stderr", expectedString));
var standardOutputString = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, result.StandardOutput);
// Verify that the expected output string are in stdout
if (null != this.ExpectedOutputStrings)
foreach (string expectedString in this.ExpectedOutputStrings)
if (!standardOutputString.Contains(expectedString))
errors.Add(String.Format("The text '{0}' was not found in stdout", expectedString));
// Verify that the expected regular expressions match stderr
if (null != this.ExpectedOutputRegexs)
foreach (Regex expectedRegex in this.ExpectedOutputRegexs)
if (!expectedRegex.IsMatch(standardOutputString))
errors.Add(String.Format("Regex {0} did not match stdout", expectedRegex.ToString()));
// Verify that the expected regular expressions match stdout
if (null != this.ExpectedErrorRegexs)
foreach (Regex expectedRegex in this.ExpectedErrorRegexs)
if (!expectedRegex.IsMatch(standardErrorString))
errors.Add(String.Format("Regex {0} did not match stderr", expectedRegex.ToString()));
return errors;
/// Clears all of the expected results and resets them to the default values
public virtual void SetDefaultExpectedResults()
this.ExpectedErrorRegexs = new List();
this.ExpectedErrorStrings = new List();
this.ExpectedExitCode = null;
this.ExpectedOutputRegexs = new List();
this.ExpectedOutputStrings = new List();
/// Returns a string with data contained in the result.
/// A string
private static string FormatResult(ExternalExecutableResult result)
var returnValue = new StringBuilder();
returnValue.AppendLine("Tool run result:");
returnValue.AppendLine($"\"{result.FileName}\" {result.Arguments}");
returnValue.AppendLine("Standard Output:");
foreach (var line in result.StandardOutput ?? new string[0])
returnValue.AppendLine("Standard Error:");
foreach (var line in result.StandardError ?? new string[0])
returnValue.AppendLine("Exit Code:");
return returnValue.ToString();