// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. namespace WixToolset.WixBA { using System; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Threading; using WixToolset.BootstrapperApplicationApi; /// /// The errors returned from the engine /// public enum Error { UserCancelled = 1223, } /// /// The model of the root view in WixBA. /// public class RootViewModel : PropertyNotifyBase { private ICommand cancelCommand; private ICommand closeCommand; private bool canceled; private InstallationState installState; private DetectionState detectState; private UpgradeDetectionState upgradeDetectState; /// /// Creates a new model of the root view. /// public RootViewModel() { this.InstallationViewModel = new InstallationViewModel(this); this.ProgressViewModel = new ProgressViewModel(this); this.UpdateViewModel = new UpdateViewModel(this); } public InstallationViewModel InstallationViewModel { get; private set; } public ProgressViewModel ProgressViewModel { get; private set; } public UpdateViewModel UpdateViewModel { get; private set; } public Dispatcher Dispatcher { get; set; } public IntPtr ViewWindowHandle { get; set; } public bool AutoClose { get; set; } public ICommand CloseCommand { get { if (this.closeCommand == null) { this.closeCommand = new RelayCommand(param => WixBA.View.Close()); } return this.closeCommand; } } public ICommand CancelCommand { get { if (this.cancelCommand == null) { this.cancelCommand = new RelayCommand(param => { this.CancelButton_Click(); }, param => !this.Canceled); } return this.cancelCommand; } } public bool CancelAvailable { get { return InstallationState.Applying == this.InstallState; } } public bool Canceled { get { return this.canceled; } set { if (this.canceled != value) { this.canceled = value; base.OnPropertyChanged("Canceled"); } } } /// /// Gets and sets the detect state of the view's model. /// public DetectionState DetectState { get { return this.detectState; } set { if (this.detectState != value) { this.detectState = value; // Notify all the properties derived from the state that the state changed. base.OnPropertyChanged("DetectState"); } } } /// /// Gets and sets the upgrade detect state of the view's model. /// public UpgradeDetectionState UpgradeDetectState { get { return this.upgradeDetectState; } set { if (this.upgradeDetectState != value) { this.upgradeDetectState = value; // Notify all the properties derived from the state that the state changed. base.OnPropertyChanged("UpgradeDetectState"); } } } /// /// Gets and sets the installation state of the view's model. /// public InstallationState InstallState { get { return this.installState; } set { if (this.installState != value) { this.installState = value; // Notify all the properties derived from the state that the state changed. base.OnPropertyChanged("InstallState"); base.OnPropertyChanged("CancelAvailable"); } } } /// /// Gets and sets the state of the view's model before apply begins in order to return to that state if cancel or rollback occurs. /// public InstallationState PreApplyState { get; set; } /// /// Gets and sets the path where the bundle is currently installed or will be installed. /// public string InstallDirectory { get { return WixBA.Model.InstallDirectory; } set { if (WixBA.Model.InstallDirectory != value) { WixBA.Model.InstallDirectory = value; base.OnPropertyChanged("InstallDirectory"); } } } /// /// The Title of this bundle. /// public string Title { get { return WixDistribution.ShortProduct; } } /// /// Prompts the user to make sure they want to cancel. /// This needs to run on the UI thread, use Dispatcher.Invoke to call this from a background thread. /// public void CancelButton_Click() { if (this.Canceled) { return; } if (Display.Full == WixBA.Model.Command.Display) { this.Canceled = (MessageBoxResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show(WixBA.View, "Are you sure you want to cancel?", "WiX Toolset", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Error)); } else { this.Canceled = true; } } } }