MSI, MSP, CAB Diff Tool
Usage: DDiff target1 target2 [options] Example: DDiff d:\dir1 d:\dir2 Example: DDiff setup1.msi setup2.msi Example: DDiff patch1.msp patch2.msp -patchtarget target.msi Example: DDiff Options: /o [filename] Output results to text file (UTF8) /p [package.msi] Diff patches relative to target MSI
The following types of inputs can be diffed:
- Directories: files and subdirectories are compared.
- Cab files: internal file list and files are compared.
- MSI/MSM database files: summary info, tables, and embedded binary and cab streams are compared.
- MSP files: summary info and embedded file cab are compared. When a patch target MSI is provided, the MSP's tables are also compared.
- Versioned files: Win32 file version is compared.
- Text files: if diff.exe is in the path, it is used to get a line-by-line diff.
- Other files: file size and bytes are compared.