# MoonPlus

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MoonPlus is a compiler with features from [Moonscript language](https://github.com/leafo/moonscript) 0.5.0 and adopting new features to make Moonscript more up to date. 

Since original Moonscript has been used to write web framework [lapis](https://github.com/leafo/lapis) and run a few business web sites like [itch.io](https://itch.io) and [streak.club](https://streak.club) with some large code bases. The original language is getting too hard to adopt new features for those may break the stablility for existing applications.

So MoonPlus is a new code base for pushing the language to go forward and being a playground to try introducing new language syntax or programing paradigms to make Moonscript language more expressive and productive.

## Features

* No other dependencies needed except modified **parserlib** library from Achilleas Margaritis with some performance enhancement. **lpeg** library is no longer needed.
* Written in C++17.
* Support full Moonscript language features, generate the same Lua codes with original compiler.
* Reserve line numbers from Moonscript sources in compiled Lua codes to help with debugging.
* See other details in the [changelog](./CHANGELOG.md).

## Installation & Usage

* **Lua Module**

  Build `moonp.so` file with

> make shared LUAI=/usr/local/include/lua LUAL=/usr/local/lib/lua

  Then get the binary file from path `bin/shared/moonp.so`.

  Or you can install [luarocks](https://luarocks.org), a package manager for Lua modules. Then install it as a Lua module with

> luarocks install moonplus

  Then require the module in Lua:

require("moonp")("main") -- require `main.moon`

local moonp = require("moonp")
local codes, err, globals = moonp.to_lua([[
f = ->
  print "hello world"
  implicit_return_root = true,
  reserve_line_number = true,
  lint_global = true

* **Binary Tool**

  Clone this repo, then build and install executable with:

> make install

  Use MoonPlus tool with:

> moonp -h
Usage: moonp [options|files|directories] ...

   -h       Print this message
   -e str   Execute a file or raw codes
   -t path  Specify where to place compiled files
   -o file  Write output to file
   -s       Use spaces in generated codes instead of tabs
   -m       Generate minified codes
   -p       Write output to standard out
   -b       Dump compile time (doesn't write output)
   -l       Write line numbers from source codes
   -v       Print version
   --       Read from standard in, print to standard out
            (Must be first and only argument)

   Execute without options to enter REPL, type symbol '$'
   in a single line to start/stop multi-line mode
  Use cases:  
  Recursively compile every moon file under current path:  `moonp .`  
  Compile and save results to a target path:  `moonp -t /target/path/ .`  
  Compile and reserve debug info:  `moonp -l .`  
  Compile and generate minified codes:  `moonp -m .`  
  Execute raw codes:  `moonp -e 'print 123'`  
  Execute a moon file:  `moonp -e main.moon`

## License